'No Longer A Part Of The World System.'
John 15:19.
a) The world would love you as one of its own
b) If you belonged to it,
c) But you are no longer part of the World.
d) I chose you to come out of the World,
e) So it hates you.
(This QT affirms to me that I am No Longer A Part Of The World System)
PRAY: To stop living in a World System way.
'Times When Discretion Is Needed.'
Matthew 16:20.
a) Then Jesus commanded His Disciples
b) That they should tell no one
c) That He was Jesus the Christ.
(Through this Second one I know that there are Times When Discretion Is Needed)
PRAY: To be Discreet when Discretion is needed.
Here, again, is an amazing verse from Matthew's Gospel! One would have thought that Jesus would want everyone to know that He was the Christ. However Jesus commanded His Disciples to tell no one! As noted above, when we share the Gospel, we need to be sensitive to the people around us and their needs!