Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Prayer Of Faith And For Confidence!

'Prayer Of Faith And For Confidence.'

Psalm 35:3. 

a)  Lift up your spears and javelins,

b)  Both large and small,

c)  Against those who chase and pursue me.

d)  Tell my soul: 

e)  "I will save you, I am your Salvation and Victory."

(This QT is a Prayer Of Faith And For Victory) 

PRAY: For confidence and victory today. 



a)  2 Samuel 13:17. The door behind Tamar. (An act of cruel rejection.)

b)  2 Samuel 20:3. David thoughtlessly locked up women. 

c)  Jeremiah 20:2; 33:1. Jeremiah was locked up in prison. 

d)  Matthew 23:13. Hypocritical teachers lock the door to the Kingdom of God so that their hearers have difficulty entering it.

e)  Luke 11:7. The door is locked shut at night.

f)  John 20:19 & 26. Jesus miraculously came through the locked door. 

(This Second one teaches me that a locked door does not hinder the Lord)



We sometimes hear very unbalanced teaching regarding Bible Characters. I think one of the main reasons of the lifetime records of the Bible is to show us that no human person is perfect! To look to the Christ of the Scriptures is very faith-inspiring and helpful. Let us learn the lessons that we need to learn from these Characters and press on with our walk with the Lord. 

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...