Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Simeon's Last Act Of Blessing!

'Simeon's Last Act Of Blessing.'
Luke 2:27-30.
a)  Luke 2:27. Simeon was led by the Holy Spirit.
b)  Luke 2:27. Simeon served in the Temple. 
c)  Luke 2:27. Joseph and Mary brought Jesus into the Temple to perform the rites for Him.
d)  Luke 2:28. Simeon took the Baby Jesus into his arms and Praised and Thanked God. 
e)  Luke 2:29. This was Simeon's last priestly act, he was ready to go to the Lord after it. 
f)  Luke 2:29. Simeon knew that this was the Lord's Promise. 
g)  Luke 2:30. With his own eyes Simeon had seen God's Salvation. (Jesus)
(This QT teaches me about Simeon's Last Act Of Blessing)
PRAYER: To be led by the Holy Spirit. 
'True Shepherds Guard The Flock.'
Acts 2:28. 
a)  True shepherds guard themselves first. 
b)  True shepherds guard the whole flock over which God has appointed them.
c)  True Shepherds, for the Lord's Church:
1-Tend it.
2-Feed it. 
3-Guide it. 
d)  God obtained this Church with the death of His Own Son. 
(This Second one reminds me that True Shepherds Guard The Flock)
PRAYER: For True Shepherds to do what God wants them to do.
We should not forget to Thank God. Sometimes, because of our over-excitement, or our sin of taking God for granted, we forget to Praise and Thank God, we take Him for granted, even when He has been so good to us. After some time we wonder why we have become so spiritually dry. Very often this spiritual dryness comes from taking God for granted. 

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...