Saturday, March 19, 2016

Why Are They Poor?

'Why Are They Poor?'
Jeremiah 5:4. 
a)  These were God's People.
b)  They should not have been living in poverty. 
c)  There were reasons that their lives were hard. 
d)  The reasons:-
1-They were foolish. 
2-They did not know the Way of the Lord. (They had not bothered to learn)
3-They did not know the Judgment of their God.
4-They did not know the ordinance of their God. 
5-They did not know the Just and Righteous Law of God. 
(This QT answers my question: Why Are They Poor?)
'They Need A Doctor.'
Matthew 9:12. 
a)  These are the Words of Jesus Christ our Lord. 
b)  He first of all listened before He spoke. We need to learn to do this too, listen before we speak.
c)  These people have no need of a physician:-
1-The strong.
2-The well.
3-The healthy.
d)  Those people who are weak and sick need a physician.
(This Second one clearly show me that They Need A Doctor)
The city that I live in at the moment is a very lovely coastal city in Scotland. There are many interesting and beautiful places in and around the city. There are also some districts and parishes within the city boundaries that are filled with extremely poor and bound people, nearly all of them are local. Most of these people have no real education and many of them do not have enough proper food to eat. There are charities that help to feed them. Most of them lead a very non-Christian lifestyle, they do not know and they do not want to know, the Lord. It is good to help feed and clothe the people in Jesus Name. It is also necessary for them to hear the Good News of the Gospel.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...