Sunday, March 13, 2016

They Swear Falsely!

'They Swear Falsely.'
Jeremiah 5:2. 
a)  Though they say.
b)  As the Lord lives.
c)  Even they are under oath. 
d)  They swear falsely.
e)  They lie.
(This QT gives me Holy caution: They Swear Falsely)
'A Pleasant Place No More.'
Jeremiah 12:10.
a)  Many:-
b)  Have ravaged the Lord's Vineyard. 
c)  They have trampled down the Lord's Vines.
d)  They have turned the Vineyard's Beauty. 
e)  Into a desolate wilderness. 
(Through this Second one I am sad, so often the Church is A Pleasant Place No More)
There are some people who use the Name of the Lord, and also call on the Name of the Lord, but they lie. There is no way that a True Believer can live by telling lies. That means that they are not "true" at all if they tell lies. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Truth, and as True Believers we need to tell the Truth. 

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...