Friday, May 6, 2011

In Our Weakness!

‘In Our Weakness.’
2 Corinthians 12:9-10.
a) God’s Grace is sufficient for us.
b) God’s Power is made perfect.
c) The Power of Christ may rest upon us.
d) We have contentment in all difficult situations.
e) We are strong.
(Through this QT: In My Weakness, I want to learn more about contentment)
‘Not So Simple Simon.’
Acts 8:9-18.
a) Acts 8:9-11. Simon was a sorcerer in the City of Samaria. He was a famous and important person in the city who used powers of darkness.
b) Acts 8:12-13. Simon was attracted to the miraculous ministry of Philip who was ministering in the Power of the Holy Spirit and many Samarians were being converted.
c) Acts 8:13. Simon was baptised and became a spectator in the Church.
d) Acts 8:14-17. The Church in Jerusalem sent down Peter and John to teach the Samarian Church about their need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and they were ministering to them.
e) Acts 8:18. Simon got it really wrong, he wanted the “power” and was willing to pay Peter and John for it. Simon was not really a Believer – he was a spectator.
(Through this Second one I encounter Not So Simple Simon and I pray for the purity of the Church today)
Simon really got it wrong! Simon got it really wrong! He saw the Ministry of Peter and John and he wanted the “power”. God’s Power is Pure and He only trusts His Power in pure vessels. If the vessel is not pure, however famous they may be, then the “power” that they manifest is not from God. Lust for authority, lust for sex and lust for money are all grossly impure things.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...