The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, June 30, 2017
A Good Start In Life!
'A Good Start In Life.'
Luke 1:80.
a) John grew up.
b) He became strong in spirit.
c) He became strong in the Holy Spirit.
d) He lived in the wilderness.
e) Until he began his public ministry in Israel.
(In this QT I find A Good Start In Life)
'Beautiful Worship.'
Revelation 5:13.
a) Every creature:
1-In Heaven.
2-On Earth.
3-Under the Earth.
4-In the sea.
b) Sang:
2-And Honor.
3-And Glory.
4-And Power.
5-Belong to the One sitting on the Throne.
6-And to the Lamb forever and ever.
(This Second one reveals to me Beautiful Worship)
This is the correct type of strength to have first. Other forms of strength may be important in some ways, but this is the most important ... he became Strong in Spirit. This is not something that 'just happened', 'he became' the Bible says! It means that there was a specific growth, a process, he became Strong in Spirit. This same process is available to all True Believers to day. It should begin in early Christian childhood ... Discipleship in the family home. There definitely should be Discipleship in the Churches, but all too often there isn't!
Thursday, June 29, 2017
Multiplication Of Churches!
'Multiplication Of Churches.'
Acts 9:31.
a) They were having peace in the Churches.
b) They were being built up (edified).
c) They were walking in the Fear of the Lord.
d) They were living in the Encouragement of the Holy Spirit. (Gifts and Fruit)
e) They were increasing in numbers.
(This QT teaches me more about Multiplication Of Churches)
'Have Peace.'
John 14:27.
a) Jesus said:
b) "Peace I leave with you.
c) "My Peace I give to you.
d) "I do not give to you as the World gives.
e) "Your heart must not be troubled or fearful."
(This Second one encourages me to Have Peace)
When the condition of the Church was good, Biblical and the members were living the right kind of lives, we read that the Church increased. Sometimes we attempt all kinds of "Church Growth" programmes, but if the Church membership are not careful and concerned about their lifestyle, aligning it with God's Word, then the Church simply will not grow.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Be Cautious When Going Into Battle!
'Be Cautious When Going Into Battle.'
Genesis 14:8-10.
a) Genesis 14:8. The kings gathered together for battle.
b) Genesis 14:9. The opponent kings also gathered for battle.
c) Genesis 14:10. The original aggressors fled, some fell into bitumen pits, others fled to the hill country.
(This QT reminds me to Be Cautious When Going Into Battle - any kind of battle!)
PRAY: For caution as well as Faith.
'No Need To Live In Darkness.'
1 John 1:6-9.
a) 1 John 1:6. We are lying if we say that we have Fellowship with God but go on living in spiritual darkness. We are not practising the Truth.
b) 1 John 1:7. If we are living in the Light, as God is in the Light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the Blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.
c) 1 John 1:8. If we claim to have no sin, we are only fooling ourselves and not living in the Truth.
d) 1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins to Him, He is Faithful and Just to forgives us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.
(This Second one teaches me that there is No Need To Live In Darkness)
PRAY: Rejecting all darkness from our minds and lives.
Whatever kind of battle it is, be cautious when going into battle! Some people really 'thrive' on battle, they feel like, and show, that they have to fight for everything. I think that our life example is the Lord Jesus Christ. It does us well to think about and read about Him before we go into battle.
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Zachariah's Perfect Prophecy!
'Zachariah's Perfect Prophecy.'
Luke 1:68-79.
a) Luke 1:68. Gives Praise to the Lord for His Redemption Gift.
b) Luke 1:69. Praises the Lord for Salvation Gift.
c) Luke 1:70. Remembers Biblical Prophecy.
d) Luke 1:71. Salvation from enemies.
e) Luke 1:72. Remembering God's Mercy and Holy Covenant.
f) Luke 1:73. Remembering God's oath to Abraham.
g) Luke 1:74. Praying for Victory and for fearless Service to the Lord.
h) Luke 1:75. Praying to live in Holiness and Righteousness.
i) Luke 1:76-79. Regarding John:-
1-A prophet of the Most High.
2-Making ready the Way of the Lord.
3-Give the people the knowledge of Salvation through the Forgiveness of their sins.
4-Reminding the people of the Tender Mercy of God by which the Rising Sun will come from Heaven.
5-The Rising Sun will:
A-Shine on those people living in darkness.
B-Shine on those people living in the shadow of death.
C-Guide our feet in the Path of Peace.
(This QT reminds me about Zachariah's Perfect Prophecy)
'The Church.'
a) Matthew 16:18. Is built on the Rock, Jesus Christ.
b) Matthew 18:17. Is a place of discipline of Believers.
c) Acts 8:3. Sometimes faces persecution.
d) Acts 9:31. At times of Peace can be:-
2-Living in the Fear of the Lord.
3-Encouraged by the Holy Spirit.
e) Acts 11:26. Is a place to make Disciples.
f) Acts 12:5. Should be a place of Prayer.
g) Acts 13:1; 14:23. Should have a gifted Leadership.
h) Acts 14:27. Should be encouraged by hearing about Mission.
i) Acts 15:3 & 22. Sends out Missionaries.
j) Acts 15:4. Welcomes Missionaries.
k) Acts 20:28. Needs Shepherds.
l) Romans 16:1. Appoints its own deacons.
m) 1 Corinthians 1:2. Is:-
1-Is people that are Sanctified in Christ Jesus.
2-Called to be God's Holy People.
3-Has a World wide concept and vision.
m) 1 Corinthians 10:32. Should not be made to stumble.
n) 1 Corinthians 12:28. Has Ministers that God places in it.
o) 1 Corinthians 14:26. Should be spiritually built up.
p) 2 Corinthians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:15. Belongs to God. (We should look after it well in every way)
q) Ephesians 1:22; 5:24; Colossians 1:18. Christ is the Head.
r) Ephesians 3:10. Should reveal the Manifest Wisdom of God.
s) Ephesians 5:27. Christ desires a Radiant Church.
t) Ephesians 5:29. Christ feeds and cares for His Church.
u) Philippians 4:15. Is sometimes mean - that is sin!
v) Colossians 1:24. Is the Body of Christ.
w) Colossians 4:15. Does not necessarily need its own building.
x) James 5:14. Its Elders should pray for the sick members.
(This Second one restores my Prayers for the Church)
The Church welcomes Missionaries! True Missionaries can bring news to the Church about the realities of God's Kingdom in other places where the Gospel is being preached. Many Churches lose their "mission vision" because they have no real relationships with, or even contact with, Missionaries. A Church with no Mission Vision is already a dying Church!
Monday, June 26, 2017
Phobos Fear!
'Phobos Fear.'
a) Matthew 14:26. Of Ghosts. (But it was not a ghost - it was Jesus)
b) Matthew 28:4, Luke 1:12. Of the Angel of the Lord.
c) Mark 4:41. Fear of the One Who stilled the wind and waves of the sea.
d) Luke 5:26; 7:16. When the dead was raised.
e) Luke 8:37. Of Jesus' powerful Deliverance Ministry.
f) Acts 2:43. Came upon everyone because of the miracles that were being done by the Apostles.
g) Acts 5:11. Came upon the Church.
h) Acts 9:31. Churches that were living in the Fear of the Lord.
i) 1 Corinthians 2:3. Apostle Paul's personal fear.
j) 2 Corinthians 7:1. We perfect Holiness in the Fear of the Lord.
k) 2 Corinthians 7:5. During Ministry Outreach.
l) 1 Timothy 5:20. Because of Church Discipline.
m) Hebrews 2:15. Of Death.
n) 1 John 4:18. There is no fear in Love.
(This QT gives me more understanding about Phobos Fear)
PRAY: For the Ministry of the Church to naturally create the Fear Of The Lord amongst both those inside and those outside.
'The Chaste Ones.'
a) 2 Corinthians 11:2. A Chaste Bride of Christ.
b) Titus 2:5. A privately chaste wife.
c) 1 Peter 3:2. The Chaste conduct of Church wives that can be observed by other wives.
(Through this Second one I Pray that Church wives will be The Chaste Ones)
PRAY: For personal and powerful Holiness - The Chaste Ones - to be part of the Discipleship Message of the Church.
The Ministry of Apostles, just like any other of the early Church ministries, has not been excluded from the Church by its Lord! Apostolic Ministry is still very evident in some Nations of the World today. We need this Ministry very much, those who will go to untaught or Church-less places today and Practice and Preach the Gospel and plant Churches where necessary.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
They Turned Back!
'They Turned Back.'
a) Genesis 14:7. Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him.
b) Numbers 25:11. Phinehas turned back God's Wrath, away from the Children of Israel.
c) Numbers 33:7. The warrior kings in the wilderness.
d) Joshua 8:20-21. Joshua and his army turned back to take Ai.
e) Joshua 11:10. Joshua, to kill the important king Hazor.
f) Judges 3:19. Ehud, the deliverer.
g) Judges 20:41 & 48.The men of Israel.
h) 1 Samuel 15:11. King Saul.
i) 1 Samuel 15:31. Samuel, following King Saul.
j) 1 Kings 12:24. The people of Judah and Benjamin.
k) 1 Kings 19:21. Elisha, to follow Elijah.
l) 2 Kings 15:20. The king of Syria, after being paid by the children of Israel to go away/
m) Nehemiah 2:15. Nehemiah, into the city, after secretly inspecting its walls.
n) Job 34:27. The rebellious mighty men.
o) Psalm 78:57. Israel, from the Lord and acted unfaithfully.
p) Acts 7:39. The Jewish forefathers, to Egypt.
(This QT challenges me to go on, to go forward, They Turned Back)
'A Defeated And Idolatrous Leader.'
Judges 18:26-27.
a) Micah was a weak and idolatrous leader, easily influenced by other people.
b) When defeated by the children of Dan, Micah just went back to his house.
c) All his idols and his idolatrous priest the children of Dan took with them.
(This Second one reveals to me A Defeated And Idolatrous Leader)
Joshua and his army turned back to take the City of Ai. There may be times that the Lord calls us, in some way, to turn back. There are many reasons why He may do this, but primarily, it is to do and remain in His Will. It may be a "spiritual" turning back, a restoration of our personal relationship with Him. It may be a "relational" turning back, that we are planning to marry outside of the Will of God, or that we involve with wrong friends. It may be "directional", returning to a Plan of God from which we have strayed. Whatever the reason, if God says: "Turn Back", we should obey Him.
Saturday, June 24, 2017
When Zachariah's Mouth Was Opened!
'When Zachariah's Mouth Was Opened.'
Luke 1:65-66.
a) Fear came upon everybody who lived in the vicinity.
b) People talked about it all over the Judah hill country.
c) Everyone who heard about it kept it in their hearts.
d) Everyone who heard about it wondered what kind of child Elizabeth was going to give birth to.
e) The Hand of the Lord was with John.
(This QT reminds me of what happened When Zachariah's mouth was opened)
PRAY: For boldness to tell others about what the Lord has done.
'The Hand Of The Lord Was With Him.'
a) Luke 1:66. John.
b) 1 Samuel 16:18. David.
c) 1 Kings 18:46. Elijah.
d) Psalm 80:17. Jesus Christ.
e) Acts 11:21. The Early New Testament Apostles.
(This Second one reveals those people of whom it was said that The Hand Of The Lord Was With Him (Them)
PRAY: For the Hand of the Lord to be with you.
Many times when we read of characters in the Scriptures the True Stories that we read go right back to their birth times. This must be an encouragement to every new parent in these days. Please pray for your child as you bring them up well. Whoever the child is, please remember that the Lord has a plan for them.
Friday, June 23, 2017
Things That Budded!
'Things That Budded.'
a) Genesis 40:10; Song of Solomon 6:11; 7:12. The vine.
b) Ezekiel 7:10. Pride.
c) Hebrews 9:4. Aaron's rod.
(This QT, Things that budded, helps me to understand about Pride: Things That Budded)
PRAY: That we repent of pride if we need to.
'Jesus Christ's Preaching.'
a) Psalm 40:9-10. The whole counsel of God.
b) Psalm 45:2. Was graceful.
c) Isaiah 11:4. Slays the wicked.
d) Isaiah 61:1-2. It:
1-Is Good News for the poor people.
2-Gives comfort to the people with broken hearts.
3-Brings release to the captives.
4-Gives freedom to people in bondage.
5-Announces His Grace.
6-Is angry towards the enemies of God's People.
(That is why we leave our enemies to Him and do not take revenge)
PRAY: For Preachers today to follow Jesus Christ's content and way of Preaching.
Jesus Christ's preaching is a model for every Preacher and Teacher of God's Word. His Teaching was the whole counsel of God, His Teaching was always Graceful, the Sermon on the Mount prepared His Disciples for Ministry and it still prepares us today! His Teaching was powerful to comfort the broken heated and yet to bring release and freedom to those people who were in bondage.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
a) Genesis 14:6. It was by the wilderness. The Horites lived there. It was a place abounding in foliage and caverns.
b) Numbers 12:16. God's people stayed there.
c) Numbers 13:3. Moses sent out the spies to the Promised Land from there. Here was a great place to hide, plan and prepare before taking "The Promised Land".
(This QT teaches me a little more about Paran)
PRAY: For readiness to inherit the Promises of God.
'We See Jesus.'
Hebrews 2:9.
This is a challenge to us now. How do we see Jesus now? What is the reality?
a) We see Jesus,
b) Who, for a little while,
c) Was made lower than the Angels,
d) Crowned with Glory and Honour,
e) Because of the suffering of death,
f) So that, by the Grace of God
g) He might taste death for everyone.
(Through this Second one I rejoice that 'We See Jesus' in the Biblical way)
PRAY: Give thanks to God that by the Grace of God, Jesus has tasted death for us in order that we can live.
Some of us may literally be living in a wilderness area, where the rain is infrequent in coming and the land is so dry. Yet we have been able to settle and enjoy life there. Others of us may be living in a spiritual wilderness, where everything, including Church, seems so dry. Yet others may be living in an emotional wilderness after suffering from the actions of other people, the emotional wilderness can lead to the relational wilderness. It is correct to say that God will lead us out of the wilderness, keep trusting Him.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
The Name Is Important!
'The Name Is Important.'
Luke 1:59-64.
a) Luke 1:59. The normal, cultural way to name the son at the Circumcision ceremony.
b) Luke 1:60. The mother's intervention: "Call him John".
c) Luke 1:61. The people around the mother doubted her.
d) Luke 1:62. The people around then turned to the temporarily dumb father and asked him what the name of the son should be.
e) Luke 1:63. Father wrote on a writing tablet: "His name is John".
f) Luke 1:64. Immediately:
1-The dumb father's mouth was opened.
2-The dumb father's tongue was set free.
3-The dumb father began to speak - praising God!
(This QT teaches me that The Name Is Important)
PRAY: For prospective expecting parents in your family or community to choose well the name of their baby or babies.
'Those Who Will Inherit The Kingdom.'
Matthew 25:31-34.
a) Matthew 25:31. Jesus will come with His Holy Angels.
b) Matthew 25:31. Jesus will sit upon the Throne Of His Glory.
c) Matthew 25:32. All Nations will be gathered before Him.
d) Matthew 25:32. Jesus will separate the people from one another, like a shepherd who separates sheep from goats.
e) Matthew 25:33. He will put the sheep on His right and the goats on His left.
f) Matthew 25:34. He will say to the sheep on His right side: "Come you who are Blessed by My Father; "Come you who are Blessed by My Father; take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the World.
(This Second one reveals to me Those Who Will Inherit The Kingdom)
PRAY: That we will be confidently aware that we are among Those Who Will Inherit The Kingdom.
The dumb father's mouth was opened when he took the action of Faith to write his son's name on the writing tablet. It was at that moment that his mouth was opened and he was no longer dumb. Sometimes we are feeling "bound" by our situation. It is often (not always) that when we take a step of Faith, just like the father in this QT did, that the sense of being "bound" is released.
Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Victories For Chedorlaomer!
'Victories For Chedorlaomer.'
Genesis 14:5.
a) Victory over Rephaim: (Meaning: Lofty men or giants)
b) Victory over Zuzim: (Meaning: Restless or Roaming)
c) Victory over Emim: (Meaning: Tall ones)
(This QT teaches me about Victories For Chedorlaomer)
PRAY: For daily Victory where we need it as we face various issues in our lives.
'An Entirely Different Kingdom.'
John 18:36.
a) Jesus said that His Kingdom was not of this World System.
b) If Jesus Kingdom was of the World System, then His servants would fight.
c) Fight that Jesus would not be delivered to the Jews.
d) Jesus said: "My Kingdom is not from here".
(This Second one reminds me that the Kingdom of Jesus is An Entirely Different Kingdom)
PRAY: For the establishment of God's Kingdom in our families and Churches.
To Pray about our life situations is necessary whatever those situations may be. It could be personal, family, Church or work, whichever it is, it surely needs Prayer cover. Sometimes we simply need to Pray faithfully alone, at other times we may need to include other people, inviting them to join us in Prayer. The initiative for that "joining me in Prayer" needs to come from our initiative and not someone else's.
Monday, June 19, 2017
Created With Authority!
'Created With Authority.'
Genesis 1:26.
a) Mankind was originally created in the Image and Likeness of God.
b) Mankind was originally created to rule,
c) Over:
4-Wild animals.
5-Creeping creatures.
(This QT reminds me that mankind was originally Created With Authority)
PRAY: For the Restoration of fallen humanity through the Power of the Gospel.
'Our Humble King.'
Matthew 21:5; Zechariah 9:9.
a) Tell the City of Zion.
b) Look!
c) Your King is coming to you!
d) He is:
e) He rides on a donkey and on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
(This Second one reveals Our Humble King - Jesus Christ)
PRAY: For the districts where we live to turn to our Humble King.
God created all animals, birds and fish for mankind. We were originally created by Him with authority over all of His Creation. The simple reason why we do not have that same authority today is very simple - sin. This entire World is corrupted, and sometimes turned "upside down" because of sin. The simple Answer to this problem is found in the Salvation that is the Gift of God through His Son Jesus Christ. In Heaven, God's original order will be restored.
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Good People Around Elizabeth!
'Good People Around Elizabeth.'
Luke 1:58.
a) Elizabeth's neighbours and family
b) Heard how the Lord had shown loving-kindness to her.
c) They were happy for her.
(This QT reveals to me that there were Good People Around Elizabeth)
PRAY: For the lives of the good people around us, that the Lord would Bless them.
'Zion's King.'
Zechariah 9:9.
a) Be full of Joy
b) Oh people of Zion.
c) Call out in a loud voice,
d) Oh people of Jerusalem!
e) See, your King is coming to you.
f) He:-
1-Is Fair.
2-Is Good.
3-Has the Power to Save.
g) He is not proud
h) And He sits on a donkey,
i) The colt of a foal of a female donkey.
(Here, in this Second one, is a beautiful word picture of Zion's King)
PRAY: That we will be ready for the next Coming of our King - Jesus.
Our neighbours and our close family members are, in normal living circumstances, the first ones to know what is going on in our lives. This is a normal situation, whether we like it or not. Some of us might not have close friendships with our neighbours, and our family members may all be far away or deceased, but still the Lord wants, in whatever situation we may be, to be our closest Friend - our Holy Neighbour.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Enough Was Enough - They Rebelled!
'Enough Was Enough - They Rebelled.'
Genesis 14:4.
a) For twelve years various Nations with their kings.
b) Served Chedorlaomer.
c) In the thirteenth year
d) They rebelled.
(This QT reveals to me that Enough Was Enough - They Rebelled)
PRAYER - For the many suffering and homeless families because of the London fire. They are saying, understandably, that enough is enough, now they rebel and demonstrate.
'Something To Look Forward To.'
Isaiah 32 :1.
a) Behold.
b) A king will reign in Righteousness.
c) Princes will rule with Justice.
(Through this Second one I see Something To Look Forward To)
PRAYER - For righteous Government for whichever Nation we may dwell in.
Enough was enough - they rebelled, when people continually suffer injustice by their rulers or government (whether local or national), eventually something will happen. When we look into God's Word we can see that, even in those Bible days, He did not like unjust government, or government that did not care for His creation - primarily human beings.
Friday, June 16, 2017
In The Beginning!
'In The Beginning.'
Genesis 1:1.
a) In the Beginning.
b) God.
c) Created.
d) The Heavens and the Earth.
(This QT reminds me that In The Beginning...was God)
PRAYER: Give thanks that God has always been and He will always be!
'God - The Original King-Maker.'
Psalm 2:6.
a) I have set My King
b) On My Holy Hill,
c) Zion.
(Through this Second one I find God - The Original King-Maker)
PRAYER: Give thanks to God for sending our King, Jesus, to and for us.
In the Beginning was God, today God is, in the future God will be...... This is an undeniable fact. We sometimes change in different ways. We have our "ups and downs", but God does not change. His Magnificent Personality remains the same! We cannot always understand His Ways, we are not supposed to! What we are called to do is to Trust Him and His Will in every circumstance of Life.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
The Time Came!
'The Time Came.'
a) Luke 1:57; Genesis 25:24; 35:16. For Elizabeth to have her baby.
b) Luke 2:6. For Mary to have her baby.
c) Luke 2:21. For Jesus to be circumcised.
d) Luke 2:22. For Joseph and Mary to perform the Ceremony of Purification.
e) Luke 20:10; Matthew 21:34; Mark 12:2. To gather the grapes.
f) 2 Corinthians 6:2. For God to show you favor.
g) Galatians 4:4. For God to send His Own Son.
h) Revelation 14:15. For the final Harvest.
i) Joshua 8:33. For God's People to receive the Blessing.
j) 1 Samuel 1:21; Ezra 9:5. To Sacrifice to the Lord.
k) 2 Samuel 5:6. For David and his men to attack Jerusalem.
l) 2 Kings 2:1. For the Lord to take Elijah up to Heaven.
(This QT teaches me that God is in control: The Time Came)
PRAYER: To be sensitive to God's Times and Seasons.
a) Numbers 24:17. Into the future. (By the Revelation from God)
b) 2 Samuel 6:16. Out of the window at the wrong time.
c) Daniel 7:11. At a Vision from God.
d) Mark 11:11. Jesus was looking around at everything in the Temple.
e) John 6:24. For Jesus.
f) Acts 1:11. Up at the sky.
g) James 1:24. Into the Perfect Law that sets people free.
(Through this Second one I want to be Looking much into God's Word)
PRAYER: For our Looking with Faith rather than at circumstance.
The time came for God to send His Own Son. He sent His Son at the perfect time, to do a perfect Work, achieving Salvation for us. In our daily walk with God we cannot always understand, or discern, His Timing. This is why we need to Trust Him. Really, living and walking in Faith is a daily thing, not just performing the duties of a past decision.
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Avoid Siddim!
'Avoid Siddim.'
a) Genesis 14:3. It is the Dead Sea Valley.
b) Genesis 14:8. It is a place of battle.
c) Genesis 14:10. It is full of tar pits.
(This QT reminds me that there are some places that we simply need to avoid: Avoid Siddim)
PRAY: For Godly Wisdom, so that we may Avoid Siddim (Places that we need to avoid)
'Something To Look Forward To.'
Matthew 25:34.
a) The King will say to the people on His Right.
b) "Come, you that are Blessed by My Father!
c) "Come and possess the Kingdom
d) "Which has been prepared for you.
e) "Since the Creation of the World."
(This Second one reveals Something To Look Forward To)
PRAY: That we will be ready to possess the Kingdom which has been prepared for us)
Praying for Godly Wisdom about many of the issues that we face in life is really a very wise thing to do. As we receive God's Answers to these kind of Prayers we learn how to Trust Him more and we learn more how to be led by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Some True Believers get into more problems than necessary in their lives because they just trust their own "wisdom" instead of Praying for Godly Wisdom.
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Can Anyone?
'Can Anyone?'
Isaiah 40:12.
a) Measure the ocean by handfuls?
b) Measure the sky with his hands?
c) Hold the soil of the Earth in a cup?
d) Weigh the mountains and hills on scales?
(This QT reminds me of the Greatness of God: Can Anyone?)
PRAYER: To Worship God and Praise Him because of His Greatness!
'The Function Of Priests.'
Malachi 2:7.
a) To Teach the True Knowledge of God.
b) To be the Messenger of the Lord.
c) To give instruction to the people.
(This Second one simply defines The Function Of Priests)
PRAYER: For our Spiritual Leaders to love God and His Word.
Sometimes, in the concerns that we have about the details of life, we forget the Greatness of God. When we do this, two things in our spiritual life are negatively affected. Firstly, our personal Worship is affected; Secondly our personal Faith is affected. The reality is that the "seas" of Christian Faith and Life are not always calm and smooth; God is Faithful to take us over and through these seas, but we need, by Faith to put our hand in the Lord's outstretched Hand so that He can lead us through.
Monday, June 12, 2017
Precious Fellowship!
'Precious Fellowship.'
Luke 1:56.
a) Mary stayed with Elizabeth.
b) For about three months.
c) Then she returned home.
(This QT reveals to me Precious Fellowship)
PRAYER: For true and precious Fellowship to be in the Church in these days.
'A Specific Blessing.'
Numbers 6:22-27.
a) Numbers 6:22. This was the Word of the Lord to Moses.
b) Numbers 6:23. Moses was to speak to Aaron and his sons. This was the specific way in which they were to Bless the Children of Israel. This was THE way:
c) Numbers 6:24. The Lord Bless you and Keep you.
d) Numbers 6:25. The Lord make His Face shine upon you.
e) Numbers 6:25. The Lord be Gracious to you.
f) Numbers 6:26. The Lord lift up His Countenance upon you.
g) Numbers 6:26. The Lord give you Peace.
h) Numbers 6:27. So Aaron and his sons were to Bless the Children of Israel with the Lord's Name.
i) Numbers 6:27. The Lord said that He would Bless them.
(This Second one teaches me A Specific Blessing)
PRAYER: For this Blessing to be upon and in the Church today.
This is a very lovely incident that is recorded in the Scriptures for us to be Blessed and Encouraged by. Indeed, this was Precious Fellowship enjoyed by two pregnant ladies, Elizabeth and Mary. (Both of them Chosen by God) In many 'non-Western' cultures, in Bible Days, and even today, to carry a child in pregnancy was, and is, a very special Blessing, the pregnant mother is treated in a 'special' way. This is something for us to learn from. All True Believer family members should Bless, honour and care for the pregnant mother in their midst.
Sunday, June 11, 2017
An Evil Alliance!
'An Evil Alliance.'
Genesis 14:2.
a) Bera - Son of evil.
b) Birsha - Son of wickedness.
c) Shinab - Father of changing.
d) Shemeber - Soaring on high.
(Through this QT I find An Evil Alliance)
PRAYER: For purity in our relationships and in our family's relationships, so that we can live lives for the Glory of God.
'Out Of Context Is A Pretext.'
Psalm 2:8.
a) This is what the Heavenly Father originally Promised to His Son Jesus Christ.
b) We should not take this Scripture out of context so as to manipulate with our prayers.
c) Ask of Me ... Heavenly Father.
d) I will assuredly give You (my Son, Jesus Christ) the Nations as Your inheritance,
e) And the ends of the Earth as Your Possession.
(This Second one reminds me that Out Of Context Is A Pretext)
PRAYER: That when we use the Word of God in our prayers we will keep in the Biblical context and meaning, then we will not 'abuse' the Word of God.
We should avoid being involved in any alliance that is Biblically defined as an "evil alliance". When we get involved in evil alliances our lives can really begin to go in the wrong direction. Parents need to keep their alliances correct before they can influence their children in this matter. When parents involve with sinful or 'time-wasting' relationships, those relationships that pull them (unnecessarily) away from their families, then they already set bad examples to their children and devastate them.
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The Christian Life!
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