The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
'Encouraged To Love!
'Encouraged To Love.'
Luke 6:32.
a) These are the Words of the Lord Jesus.
b) If we love those people who love us.
c) What benefit is that to us?
d) Even sinners.
e) Love those people who love them.
(Through this QT I am Encouraged To Love)
'The Appointed Seventy Two.'
Luke 10:1-9.
a) Luke 10:1. These seventy two ministers were appointed by the Lord Jesus.
b) Luke 10:1. Jesus sent them ahead of Himself:-
1-Two by two.
2-Into every town where He was about to go.
3-Into every place where He was about to go.
c) Luke 10:2. He told them that the harvest was plentiful but the labourers were few.
d) Luke 10:2. They were to pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest that He would sent out labourers into His harvest field.
e) Luke 10:3. They were to go out as lambs in the midst of wolves.
f) Luke 10:4. They were to carry no provisions and greet no strangers on the road.
g) Luke 10:5. When they entered a house, they were to Bless the house with Peace.
h) Luke 10:6. The house owner may react in different ways but these ministers were to keep their Peace.
i) Luke 10:7. Eat in the same house and fellowship with them.
j) Luke 10:7. Do not move around to stay in different houses.
k) Luke 10:8. When the city receives the ministers they should eat everything put before them.
l) Luke 10:9. Heal the sick and tell them that the Kingdom of God has come near to them.
(This Second one teaches me about The Appointed Seventy Two)
Jesus sent the appointed ministers ahead of Himself to do the things that He wanted them today. They were preparing the way for the Kingdom of God to be manifested. They knew the kind of life that they were going to be leading for a while because He told them. Are we ready to do the things that Jesus wants us to do?
The Christian Life!
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