The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
A Joyful Reunion!
'A Joyful Reunion.'
Isaiah 60:4.
a) Lift up your eyes.
b) Look about you.
c) All assemble and come to you.
d) Your sons come from afar.
e) Your daughters shall be carried on their nurses' arms.
(This QT reveals to me A Joyful Reunion)
'It Is Wise To Seek The Lord.'
2 Chronicles 16:12.
a) In the thirty ninth year of his reign.
b) Asa became diseased in his feet.
c) His disease became severe.
d) Even in his severe disease.
e) He did not seek the Lord.
f) He only sought help from the physicians.
(This Second one teaches us that It Is Wise To Seek The Lord)
Your daughters shall be carried in their nurses' arms. This is how much God values the daughters as well as the sons. God made them - male and female. We need to see the opposite sex as God's Creation too. We need to do our best to make a good life and future for the children.
Does God Create Wars?
'Does God Create Wars?'
Revelation 6:3-4.
a) The Lamb opened the second seal.
b) John heard the second living creature say: "Come".
c) Another horse came out.
d) A fiery red one.
e) Its rider was given:-
1-Power to take Peace from the Earth.
2-Power to make people kill each other.
3-A large sword.
(This QT causes me to question: Does God Create Wars?)
'A Healing Message.'
2 Kings 20:4-6.
a) 2 Kings 20:4. The Word of the Lord came to Isaiah.
b) 2 Kings 20:5. Isaiah was to go back to King Hezekiah with the Word from the Lord.
c) 2 Kings 20:5-6. The Word of the Lord:-
1-I have heard your Prayer.
2-I have seen your tears.
3-I will heal you.
4-In three days time you will go up to the temple of the Lord.
5-I will add fifteen years to your life.
6-I will deliver you and this city from the hand of the King of Assyria.
7-I will defend this City for My Servant David's sake.
(This Second one is A Healing Message)
God gives many things. Truly one can say in agreement with His Word that all things come from Him. We can trust God because His Promises stand and are reliable. Sometimes people break their promises for various reasons. God never breaks His Promises.
Monday, March 30, 2015
God's Mercy For Jonah!
'God's Mercy For Jonah.'
Jonah 4:6.
a) Even in Jonah's rebellion.
b) The Lord provided a leafy plant.
c) The Lord made it grow up over Jonah.
d) To give shade for his head.
e) To ease his discomfort.
f) Jonah was very happy about the plant.
(This QT shows me God's Mercy For Jonah: may I learn more about being a Merciful person)
'Hezekiah In Pain Prayed.'
2 Kings 20:3.
a) Hezekiah asked the Lord to remember how he had walked before Him Faithfully.
b) Hezekiah asked the Lord to remember his wholehearted devotion.
c) Hezekiah asked the Lord to remember the good he had done in the Lord's eyes.
d) Hezekiah wept bitterly.
(This Second one showed to me that Hezekiah In Pain Prayed)
Even in his bad emotional state Jonah was loved by the Lord. God made that tree to grow miraculously to ease Jonah's discomfort. Sometimes we forget the Grace of God and think that God will only Bless the people who deserve it. How wrong we are!
Attractive Light!
'Attractive Light.'
Isaiah 60:2-3.
a) Darkness covers the Earth.
b) Darkness also covers the people.
c) The Lord arises upon His People.
d) The Lord's Glory appears over His People.
e) Nations shall come to the Light over God's People.
f) Kings will come to the brightness of the dawn of God's People.
(This QT gives me the desire to be Attractive Light)
'They Prayed To The Lord.'
a) 2 Kings 20:2; 2 Chronicles 32:24; Isaiah 37:15. Hezekiah, when he was sick.
b) Jeremiah 32:16. Jeremiah - for understanding.
c) Daniel 9:4. Daniel Prayed to the Lord.
d) Jonah 2:1. Jonah - inside the fish.
e) Jonah 4:2. Jonah - and made a confession.
(This Second one urges me: They Prayed To The Lord)
Nations shall come to the Light over God's People. When we do what Jesus tells us to do, we can influence Nations. Doing what Jesus tells us to do is not just actions, it is about our attitudes too. When we do something that Jesus wants us to do, we should do it with a blameless and loving heart.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
A Conqueror Bent On Conquest!
'A Conqueror Bent On Conquest.'
Revelation 6:1-2.
a) John watched the Lamb open the first of the seven seals.
b) John then heard one of the four living creatures say "Come."
c) John looked.
d) There before him was a white horse.
e) The rider of this horse held a bow.
f) He rode out as a Conqueror Bent On Conquest.
(This QT reveals to me A Conqueror Bent On Conquest)
'Be Well Clothed And Well Adorned.'
Job 40:10.
a) Adorn yourself with Glory.
b) Adorn yourself with Splendour.
c) Psalm 45:3. Clothe yourself with Honour.
d) Psalm 93:1. Clothe yourself with Majesty.
The rider of the horse held a bow. It means that he was ready both to attack and to be attacked by defending himself. It is important that we are well prepared to live out a victorious life in the Lord. He is able to equip us to do this.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
The Lord's Ministry Plan!
'The Lord's Ministry Plan.'
Isaiah 61:1-3.
a) Isaiah 61:1; 11:2. The Spirit of the Lord God was upon Him to Minister.
b) Isaiah 61:1. The Lord had Anointed Him (Jesus).
c) Isaiah 61:1; Matthew 11:5. To proclaim Good News to the poor people.
d) Isaiah 61:1. He has been sent to bind up the broken hearted people.
e) Isaiah 61:1; 49:9. He has been sent to bring freedom for the captives.
f) Isaiah 61:1. He has been sent to release the prisoners from darkness.
g) Isaiah 61:2. He has come to proclaim the Year of the Lord's Favour.
h) Isaiah 61:2. He has come to proclaim the Day of vengeance of our God.
i) Isaiah 61:2; Matthew 5:4. He has come to comfort all the people who mourn.
j) Isaiah 61:3. He has come to provide for those people who are grieving in Zion:-
1-To give them a crown of beauty instead of ashes.
2-To give them the oil of Joy instead of mourning.
3-To give them a garment of Praise instead of the spirit of despair.
k) Isaiah 61:3. They will be called oaks of Righteousness.
l) Isaiah 61:3. They will be a planting of the Lord for the display of His Splendour.
(This QT reveals to me the Lord's Ministry Plan)
'Weary Or Weak.'
Isaiah 40:29-30.
a) Psalm 68:35; Jeremiah 31:25. The Lord gives strength to the weary or weak person.
b) The Lord increases the Power of the weak.
c) Even youths grow tired and weary.
d) Young men stumble and fall.
(This Second one is especially for the Weary Or Weak. Do you ever feel like that ... I do!)
Jesus Christ has come with a specific Ministry of Comfort. By the Holy Spirit He desires that we also have this much needed Ministry. The Ministry of Comfort belongs to a pure hearted person. The Ministry of Comfort belongs to a good listener. The Ministry of Comfort also belongs to the person who spends time with God.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Arise And Shine!
'Arise And Shine.'
Isaiah 60:1.
a) Arise.
b) Shine.
c) For your Light has come.
d) The Glory of the Lord.
e) Is risen upon you.
(This QT reminds me to Arise And Shine)
'When The Lord Made The Heavens And The Earth.'
Genesis 2:4.
a) This is the history and account.
b) Of the Heavens and the Earth.
c) When they were created.
d) In the day.
e) That the Lord God Made the Earth.
f) And the Lord God made the Heavens.
(This Second one reminds me of When The Lord Made The Heavens And The Earth)
When the Glory of the Lord is risen upon someone, that person, or those people, will be freshly motivated in the things of God and surely the will love God more and more. When the Glory of the Lord is manifested we will arise and shine.
Praise And Worship!
'Praise And Worship.'
Revelation 5:13-14.
a) John heard:-
1-Every creature in Heaven.
2-Every creature on Earth.
3-Every creature under the Earth.
4-Every creature in the Sea.
5-And any other creatures.
b) Saying To Him Who sits upon the Throne.
c) And to the Lamb.
d) Forever be:-
e) The four living creatures said: "Amen".
f) The Elders fell down and worshipped.
(This QT to me is lovely: Praise And Worship)
'Everyone Will Know.'
John 13:35.
a) By this everyone will know.
b) That you are My Disciples.
c) If you Love one another.
(Through this Second one I know that Everyone Will Know)
There are certain times that I am truly amazed and fascinated by God's Creation. One of the ways this happens is if I watch a nature documentary on the television. I have seen some amazing live animals as I have travelled in various Nations too. God's Creation is amazing...truly amazing.
Monday, March 23, 2015
How We Were Before Knowing Christ!
'How We Were Before Knowing Christ.'
Ephesians 2:12.
a) We were separated from Christ.
b) We were excluded from being amongst God's People.
c) We were foreigners to the Covenant Promises of God.
d) We were without Hope.
e) We were without God in the World.
(This QT reminds me of How I Was Before Knowing Christ.
'God Has Given Us This Command.'
1 John 4:21.
a) God has given us this Command.
b) Anyone who loves God.
c) Must also love.
d) Their brother and sister.
(Through this Second one I know that God Has Given Me This Command)
Before knowing Christ we were without God in this World. When we are in such a condition most of us do not realise the seriousness of it. If we are without God, then we are without Hope. If we are without God, then we are without assurance. Without God our human relationships can get very messed up.
God's Compassionate Covenant!
'God's Compassionate Covenant.'
Isaiah 59:21.
a) The Lord says.
b) That this is the Covenant.
c) That He will make with His People.
d) The Holy Spirit Who is upon them.
e) Will not depart from them.
f) The Lord's Words.
g) Which He has put into their mouths.
h) Will always be on their lips.
i) Also on the lips of their children.
j) And the children's descendants.
k) This will be True for all time to come.
(This QT reveals to me God's Compassionate Covenant)
'A Lovely Fact.'
1 John 4:12.
a) No one has ever seen God.
b) If we love one another.
c) God lives in us.
d) His Love is made complete in us.
(This Second one is A Lovely Fact that I enjoy)
When we truly utter the Lord's Words they are Words that He has put into our mouths. In whatever way we are called to utter the Lord's Words we should be prayerfully ready to do so. To truly utter the Lord's Words is one of the greatest privileges that humankind may have.
The Angels' Heavenly Song!
'The Angels' Heavenly Song.'
Revelation 5:11-12.
a) John saw a huge crowd of Angels.
b) They were circling God's Throne.
c) They were together with the living creatures and the Elders.
d) They were saying and singing with a loud voice.
e) Worthy is the Lamb.
f) Who was slain.
g) To receive:-
(This QT reminds me of The Angels' Heavenly Song)
'Simple And Correct.'
1 John 4:11.
a) Apostle John called these Church people "Dear Friends".
b) John 3:16. If God so loved us.
c) We ought to love one another. John 15:12; 1 John 3:11.
(This Second one is Simple And Correct)
This is very wonderful. The Angels were circling God's Throne. Heaven is a completely different concept from anything or anywhere on Earth. I am sure that on the Earth everyone would be in front of God's Throne. That would be the correct place. In Heaven everything is dimensionally different. The Angels were circling God's Throne!
We Should Do This Also!
'We Should Do This Also.'
Romans 12:15.
a) Rejoice.
b) With those people who Rejoice.
c) Mourn.
d) With those people who mourn.
(Through this QT I know that I Should Do This Also)
'Poor And Rich Believers.'
James 1:9-10.
a) Believers who are poor.
b) Should take pride in the fact.
c) That God has made them spiritually rich.
d) Those Believers who are rich.
e) Should take pride in the fact.
f) That God has shown them that they are spiritually poor.
g) The rich will pass away like a wild flower in the grass.
(This Second one shows me about Poor And Rich Believers)
This is a challenge for all True Believers in these days. We need to Rejoice with people who Rejoice and weep with those people who weep and mourn. This is a Biblically proper response. Sometimes, trying to be 'helpful' to the mourning people by making all kinds of suggestions to them, or criticisms of them. This, actually, is not helpful at all.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Redeemer Will Come!
'The Redeemer Will Come.'
Isaiah 59:20.
a) The Redeemer.
b) Will come to Zion.
c) To those people in Jacob.
d) Who repent of their sins.
e) This is what the Lord declares.
(This QT assures me that The Redeemer Will Come)
'True Life In The Body Of Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:26.
a) If one part of the body suffers.
b) Every part suffers with it.
c) If one part of the body is honoured.
d) Every part rejoices with it.
(This Second one reveals True Life In The Body Of Christ)
When the Lord declares something He really means it. There are many promises in the Word of God that are simply declarations of the Lord and He means every word of them. If we have humble hearts before the Lord, we will surely know what He is saying to us.
The New Song In Heaven!
'The New Song In Heaven.'
Revelation 5:9-10.
a) This New Song is for the twenty four Elders in Heaven:-
b) You are worthy to take the scroll.
c) You are worthy to open its seals.
d) Because You were slain.
e) With your blood.
f) You purchased for God.
g) Persons from every:-
h) You have made them a Kingdom and Priests.
i) To serve our God.
j) They will reign on the Earth.
(This QT teaches me The New Song In Heaven)
'We Should Do This.'
Romans 12:12.
a) We should be joyful in Hope.
b) Hebrews 10:36. We should be patient and endure in affliction.
c) Luke 18:1. We should be faithful in Prayer.
(Through this Second one I know that I Should Do This)
Singing is going to be very much a part of our future life in Heaven. When we are given opportunity to sing Praise and Worship Songs to God, we should really make the most of that opportunity. We are going to be singing Praise and Worship eternally in Heaven.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
The Psalms Deal With Fear!
'The Psalms Deal With Fear.'
a) Psalm 3:6; 56:3-4. We need not be afraid of many thousands of people who set themselves against us.
b) Psalm 15:4; 22:23; 25:12. We should fear the Lord.
c) Psalm 27:1. When the Lord is our Light and our Salvation, whom shall we fear.
d) Psalm 49:5. Why should we fear in times of trouble?
e) Psalm 49:16. Be not afraid when a man becomes rich.
f) Psalm 76:8. The Earth feared at God's Judgment and was still.
g) Psalm 76:12. The Lord is to be feared by the Kings of the Earth.
h) Psalm 91:5. We need not fear the terror of the night.
i) Psalm 112:7. We are not afraid of bad news, our heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.
j) Psalm 118:6. The Lord is on my side, I will not fear what man can do to me.
(This QT gives me clear understanding that The Psalms Deal With Fear)
'Persecuted Believers Will Be Rewarded.'
Matthew 5:12.
a) Rejoice and be glad.
b) Great is your reward in Heaven.
c) In the same way.
d) They persecuted the prophets.
e) Who were before you.
(This Second one reminds me that Persecuted Believers Will Be Rewarded)
Why should we fear in times of trouble? If we are really True Believers it means that we are also Disciples of Jesus Christ. There are so many exhortations in the Scripture that tell us not to fear. Fear does not have to be a part of our daily experience. The Lord is on our side.
He Will Come!
'He Will Come.'
Isaiah 59:19.
a) From the West.
b) People will fear the Name of the Lord.
c) From the rising of the sun.
d) People will revere His Glory.
e) The Lord will come like a pent up flood.
f) That the Breath of the Lord drives along.
(This QT assures me of the Lord that: He Will Come)
'Because The Lord Has Done Great Things.'
Joel 2:21.
a) Do not be afraid land of Judah.
b) Be Glad and Rejoice.
c) Surely.
d) The Lord has done great things.
(Through this Second one I will Rejoice Because The Lord Has Done Great Things)
The Lord will come like a pent up flood. This is a very clear description of what it is like when the Lord comes. A pent up flood has awesome power and can completely flatten everything in its path. It can ruin homes and businesses and make people homeless - it has awesome power.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Heavenly Worship!
'Heavenly Worship.'
Revelation 5:8.
a) Heavenly Worship is led by the Heavenly Beings before God's Throne.
b) Heavenly Worship is led by the Elders before God's Throne.
c) The Elders fell down before the Lamb.
d) The Elders each had a harp.
e) The Elders each had a golden bowl full of incense.
f) These bowls are the Prayers of God's People.
(This QT reveals to me a little bit of Heavenly Worship)
'A Beautiful Promise Of God.'
Isaiah 65:18.
a) Be glad.
b) Rejoice for ever.
c) The Lord will Create Jerusalem.
d) To be a Delight.
e) And for Rejoicing.
f) The people of Jerusalem.
g) Will be a Joy.
h) Will be for Joy.
(This Second one reveals A Beautiful Promise Of God)
The Prayers of God's People are not just a religious exercise carried out on the Earth! The Prayers of God's People, if prayed with a pure heart and motive, go up to God in Heaven. The Confidence that God actually hears our Prayers is Biblical.
Peace Between Nations!
'Peace Between Nations.'
Isaiah 2:4.
a) The Lord will Judge between the Nations.
b) The Lord will settle disputes for many peoples.
c) The people will beat their swords into ploughshares.
d) The people will beat their spears into pruning hooks.
e) Nation will not take up sword against Nation.
f) Nations will not train for war anymore.
(This QT encourages me to Pray for Peace Between Nations)
'The Response Tells It All.'
Proverbs 28:12.
a) When the Righteous people triumph.
b) There is great elation.
c) When the wicked people rise to power.
d) The other people go into hiding.
(Through this Second one I know that The Response Tells It All)
Nation will not take up sword against Nation. This is the Word of God and this is the Promise of God. Most of those reading this have experienced war, or the result of war, in their country. I have always lived under the shadow or memory of war in different parts of the World. Even after wars end, they can cause devastation for years. Prayer and the Word of God can bring Healing.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
a) Isaiah 59:18. The Lord will repay His enemies.
b) Isaiah 65:6; Jeremiah 16:18. The Lord will repay people for sins of idolatry that are not repented of.
c) Jeremiah 25:14. The Lord will repay people according to their deeds and the work of their hands.
d) Jeremiah 32:18. The Lord will repay the guilt of the fathers to their children.
e) Hosea 12:14. The Lord will repay Ephraim for his contempt.
f) Hosea 14:2. We should repay the Lord, with Praise on our lips for His Forgiveness and Acceptance.
g) Matthew 18:25. The master ordered for the debt to be paid in a radical way.
h) Romans 12:17. Repay no one evil for evil.
i) 2 Thessalonians 1:6. God will repay those with affliction who afflict us.
(This QT teaches me the powerful meaning of the Bible Word - Repay)
'The Affects Of The Emotional Heart.'
Proverbs 15:13.
a) A happy heart.
b) Makes a cheerful face.
c) A breaking heart.
d) Makes a sad face.
e) Heartache.
f) Crushes the spirit.
(This Second one teaches me The Affects Of The Emotional Heart)
The Lord's Forgiveness and Acceptance are really life changing things for us to experience. If we are still in our guilt and rejection we will always be miserable. God wants to change and heal our hearts, and then we can begin to experience new Joy.
The Lamb Took The Scroll!
'The Lamb Took The Scroll.'
Revelation 5:7.
a) The Lamb (The Lord Jesus).
b) Went and took the scroll.
c) From the Right Hand.
d) Of Him Who sat on the Throne.
(This QT teaches me more about the relationship of complete trust between the Heavenly Father and the Lord Jesus: The Lamb Took The Scroll)
'Our Response To The Lord's Doing.'
Psalm 118:24.
a) The Lord has done it.
b) This very day.
c) Let us Rejoice today.
d) Let us be Glad in Him.
(This Second one teaches me what should be My Response To The Lord's Doing)
God really does want us to be able to have relationships of complete trust with those people who are closest to us. The ability to have complete trust is something that should flow out from our relationship with God.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Time To Rejoice!
'Time To Rejoice.'
Psalm 68:3.
a) Let the Righteous People Rejoice.
b) Let them Rejoice before God.
c) May they be:-
3-Exceedingly Rejoicing.
(This QT reminds me that it is Time To Rejoice)
'A Positive Result.'
Psalm 69:32.
a) The poor and humble people shall see.
b) The poor and humble people shall be glad.
c) For those people who seek God.
d) Their hearts will live.
(This Second one shows me A Positive Result)
It is of a very positive advantage to be a Joyful person. Joyful people so often are a source of encouragement to other people. The Bible tells us that the Joy of the Lord is our strength. The Joy that He gives us is surely supreme Joy. We need to consider the question for ourselves. Are we Joyful People?
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
The Lord's Own Spiritual Armour!
'The Lord's Own Spiritual Armour.'
Isaiah 59:17.
a) He put on Righteousness and His Breastplate.
b) He put the Helmet of Salvation on His Head.
c) He put on the garments of Vengeance.
d) He was clad with Zeal as a cloak.
(This QT reveals to me The Lord's Own Spiritual Armour)
'Especially For The Righteous.'
Psalm 68:3.
a) Gladness.
b) Rejoicing before God.
c) They will be:-
3-Exceedingly Rejoicing.
(This Second one is Especially For The Righteous)
The Lord Himself put on His Spiritual Armour. If He Needed and needs to wear that Armour, how much more do we? There is a life to live for every True Believer within this World System. Of course, it is God's Plan that we can live out our lives victoriously for the Glory of God.
The Spirit Of God!
'The Spirit Of God.'
a) Revelation 5:6. Is sent by God into all the Earth.
b) Genesis 1:2. Has a part in Creation.
c) Genesis 41:38. Indwells some people.
d) Exodus 31:3; 35:31. May fill people.
e) Numbers 24:2; 1 Samuel 10:10; 11:6. May come upon some people.
f) Psalm 106:33. Should not be rebelled against.
g) Ezekiel 11:24. May give a Vision.
h) Matthew 3:16. Descended like a dove on Jesus.
i) Romans 8:14. Children of God are led by Him.
j) 1 Corinthians 2:11. Knows the Thoughts of God.
(This QT makes me desire for more of The Spirit Of God)
'The Judgments Of The Lord.'
Psalm 97:8.
a) Cause people to hear and rejoice.
b) Bring Gladness to villages, towns and cities.
c) Only the Lord's Judgments can do this.
(This Second one teaches me more about The Judgments Of The Lord)
The Spirit of God should not be rebelled against. Why do we even think of rebelling against Him? The Holy Spirit is the One Who deeply ministers to us the things of God. The Holy Spirit is the One Who empowers us to live the life of a True Believer. Let us esteem the Person of and Value the Work of The Spirit of God.
Monday, March 16, 2015
God Saw Them Safely Across!
'God Saw Them Safely Across.'
Joshua 3:15-16.
a) The River Jordan was in full flood stage - it was the harvest season.
b) As soon as the feet of the priests who bore the ark reached the Jordan.
c) Their feet touched the water's edge.
d) The waters stopped flowing from both directions.
e) God saw His People safely across.
(This QT amazes me: God Saw Them Safely Across)
'The Fruit Of God's Judgments.'
Psalm 48:11.
a) Because of God's Judgements.
b) His People Rejoice.
c) His People are glad.
(This Second one reveals to me some of The Fruit Of God's Judgments)
Their feet touched the water's edge. Nothing happened until their feet touched the water's edge. It was after that the people of God could go over. This encourages us to have an active Faith. They did not just stand there and Pray, their feet touched the water's edge.
There Was No Man!
'There Was No Man.'
Isaiah 59:16.
a) Isaiah 41:28. The Lord saw that there was no one.
b) Ezekiel 22:30. The Lord was appalled that there was no one to intervene.
c) Isaiah 63:5. The Lord's own Arm achieved Salvation for Him.
d) The Lord's own Righteousness sustained Him.
(This QT reveals that There Was No Man)
'Lord, Do Not Let Them.'
Psalm 35:19.
a) Gloat over me.
b) Who are my enemies without cause.
c) Who hate me without reason.
d) Maliciously wink their eye.
(Through this Second one I Pray: Lord, Do Not Let Them)
The Lord's Own Righteousness sustained Him. The Lord is so Powerful and so Merciful. We are weak, even when we think that we are at our strongest. We need other sources of sustenance. There is no one who can deny this fact. This is another reason why we can trust the Lord fully.
He Can Open The Scroll!
'He Can Open The Scroll.'
Revelation 5:1-5.
a) Revelation 5:1. John saw in the Right Hand of the One Who sat on the Throne a scroll:-
1-With writing on both sides.
3-With seven seals.
b) Revelation 5:2. John saw a mighty and powerful Angel proclaiming with a loud voice.
c) Revelation 5:2. The Angel's Message was:-
1-Who is worthy?
2-To break the seals.
3-To open the scroll.
d) Revelation 5:3. No one:-
1-In Heaven.
2-On Earth.
3-Under the Earth.
e) Revelation 5:3. Could open the scroll or even look inside it.
f) Revelation 5:4. John wept and wept because no one was found worthy to open the scroll, or look inside.
g) Revelation 5:5. Then one of the Elders said to John that he was not to weep.
h) Revelation 5:5. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed.
i) Revelation 5:5. The Lion is able to open the scroll and its seven seals.
(This QT teaches me that He Can Open The Scroll)
'Blessed Is The One.'
Psalm 32:1-2.
a) Blessed is the one whose transgressions are forgiven.
b) Blessed is the one whose sins are covered.
c) Blessed is the one with whom the Lord does not charge iniquity.
d) Blessed is the one in whose spirit there is no deceit.
(This Second one reveals to me Blessed Is The One)
Even in Heaven there is some kind of Holy Restriction. No one in Heaven could be found who could open the scroll or look inside it. We know that all the inhabitants of Heaven are perfect, without any sin or blemish, but even in Heaven, God's Perfect Discipline and Order are present.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Our Charitable Giving!
'Our Charitable Giving.'
Matthew 6:2.
a) Is a "when" thing and not a "have to" thing. It should be led by the Holy Spirit.
b) It should not be public, so as to be given applause by other people.
c) People who look for applause will surely get their 'reward'.
d) This 'reward' will not be a good one.
(This QT guides My Charitable Giving)
'Let It Happen Lord.'
Psalm 96:11.
a) Let the Heavens be glad.
b) Psalm 97:1. Let the Earth Rejoice.
c) Let the sea roar.
d) And all that fills the sea. Psalm 69:34.
(This Second one makes me Proclaim: Let It Happen Lord)
People who look for applause and reward are usually insecure and needing affirmation. The greater problem is that there may well be deep needs in their lives that come from a rejection experience. We should not reject these people but we should reach out to them with the Love and Truth of God.
Truth Has Stumbled In The Public Square!
'Truth Has Stumbled In The Public Square.'
Isaiah 59:13-14.
a) Transgression against the Lord.
b) Deception against the Lord.
c) Denying the Lord.
d) Turning away from following our God.
e) Speaking oppression and revolt.
f) Conceiving and uttering lying words from the heart.
g) Justice is turned back.
h) Righteousness stands far away.
i) Truth has stumbled in the public square.
j) Uprightness and Honesty cannot enter the public square.
(This QT reveals to me what happens when Truth Has Stumbled In The Public Square)
'A Joyful Proclamation.'
1 Chronicles 16:31.
a) Let the Heavens be glad.
b) Let the Earth Rejoice.
c) Let them say among the Nations.
d) The Lord reigns.
e) The Lord is King.
(Through this Second one I want to make A Joyful Proclamation)
Transgression against the Lord happens nationally when the National Leadership and Government do not follow the Lord and His Ways. This is one of the reasons that Intercession is so important for our family, our village, our city and our Nation. May there be no transgression against the Lord.
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The Christian Life!
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