The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Acknowledgment And Declaration!
'Acknowledgment And Declaration.'
1 John 4:15.
a) This is for anyone.
b) Who acknowledges or makes declaration.
c) That Jesus is the Son of God.
d) Here is the Promise: God Lives In Them And They Live In God.
(This QT teaches me an important Acknowledgment And Declaration)
'For All Holy Brothers And Sisters.'
Hebrews 3:1.
a) The Holy Brothers and Sisters.
b) Share in the Heavenly Calling.
c) They are to fix their thoughts on Jesus.
d) Jesus is their Apostle and High Priest.
e) They make their declaration of Faith about Him.
(I include myself here: This Second one is For All Holy Brothers And Sisters)
Here is a very powerful profession, acknowledgement and declaration: It is that Jesus is the Son of God. It is powerful firstly, because it brings a completely different aspect about religion to people of other religions. In our intercessions we need to Pray that they will understand that God has a son Who is God. It is powerful secondly, because it gives us confidence in God as we live out our daily lives.
A Clear Calling From The Lord!
'A Clear Calling From The Lord.'
Isaiah 49:8-10.
a) Isaiah 49:8. This was the Word of the Lord.
b) Isaiah 49:8. At the Time of His Favour He will give Answers to the Prayers of His People.
c) Isaiah 49:8. He will Help His People in the Day of Salvation.
d) Isaiah 48:8. He will Keep His People and make them a Covenant for all the Peoples of the Earth.
e) Isaiah 48:8. He will Restore the land and reassign its desolate inheritances.
f) Isaiah 48:9. He will enable His People to say to the captives to come out.
g) Isaiah 48:9. He will enable His People to say to the people in darkness to be free.
h) Isaiah 48:9. The people will feed beside the roads.
i) Isaiah 48:9. The people will find pasture on every barren hill.
j) Isaiah 48:10. The people will neither hunger or thirst.
k) Isaiah 48:10.The people will not be affected by the desert sun or the heat.
l) Isaiah 48:10. The Lord Who has compassion on His People will guide them.
m) Isaiah 48:10. The Lord will lead them by springs of water.
(This QT opens up A Clear Calling From The Lord to me)
'Hard Working, Persevering And Discerning People.'
Revelation 2:2.
a) The Writer was sending the Lord's Messages to the Churches.
b) This was written to the Church at Ephesus.
c) The Lord knew all about their:-
1-Hard Work.
4.Patient Endurance.
d) They could not tolerate evil people in the Church.
e) They tested those people who claimed to be apostles but were not. They were false. They were false: "pseudo apostles".
(This Second one makes me desire to be a part of the Body of Christ which are Hard Working, Persevering And Discerning People)
The people will feed beside the roads. When God's People are moving on in His Will they will not be left hungry and thirsty. Sometimes fear holds people in a place when God is calling them to move on. The most important things are knowing His Will and not being afraid of doing it.
Monday, September 29, 2014
What Does It Mean To Be Childlike?
'What Does It Mean To Be Childlike?'
1 Thessalonians 2:7.
a) Even though Apostle Paul was the leading Apostle.
b) He and his team were like nursing mothers to the Thessaloniki Church.
c) Their style of Apostolic Love was:-
(This QT gives us answers to my question: What Does It Mean To Be Childlike?)
'It's A Masquerade.'
2 Corinthians 11:13.
a) These people appear to be 'Servants of the Lord', but it's a masquerade.
b) They are:-
1-False Apostles.
2-Deceitful and crooked workers.
3-Lying Preachers.
c) They were masquerading as 'apostles of Christ'.
(Through this Second one I know that It's A Masquerade)
Caring is a very important part of the local Church Ministers, work. Jesus came for sheep without a shepherd. The Church needs to be cared for by a shepherd or by shepherds. Shepherds do not dominate, they care. When the Church is properly cared for in this way, it will flourish.
The Saviour Of The World!
'The Saviour Of The World.'
1 John 4:14.
a) Apostle John saw with his own eyes.
b) Then he gave testimony.
c) God the Father.
d) Sent His Son.
e) To be the Saviour of the World
(This QT reveals to me The Saviour Of The World)
'Christ's Given Ministers.'
Ephesians 4:11.
a) Christ Himself gave these Ministers.
b) Apostles.
c) Prophets.
d) Evangelists.
e) Pastors.
f) Teachers.
(This Second one clearly introduces Christ's Given Ministers)
The Saviour of all peoples in this World is Jesus Christ. This is not just a glib religious saying, it is a reality. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. This means that The Saviour of the World today is Jesus Christ.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Chosen Ones!
'Chosen Ones.'
Isaiah 49:7.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) He is the Redeemer.
c) He is the Holy One of Israel.
d) The Lord's Message is for:-
1-The one who was despised.
2-The one who is abhorred by the Nation.
3-The slave of Rulers.
e) Kings will see you and stand up.
f) Princes will see you and bow down.
g) All this is because of the Lord.
h) He is Faithful.
i) The Holy One of Israel has Chosen you.
(Through this QT I thank God for His Chosen Ones)
'Gifts From God In The Church.'
1 Corinthians 12:28.
a) These people, if genuine, are appointed by God.
b) God has appointed them and placed them in the Church.
c) They are:-
5-Gifts of Healings.
7-Guidance and Counselling.
9-Different kinds of language gifts.
(This Second one teaches me about Gifts From God In The Church)
Kings will see God's Chosen Ones and stand up. This reveals the significance of God's Chosen Ones in the World system today. We all know and have heard and read of all the darkness and corruption in the World today. Well, here is something very positive, God's Chosen Ones, through their Prayers and their True Believer lifestyles have a positive and purifying effect.
We Can Fear And Serve The Lord!
'We Can Fear And Serve The Lord.'
Psalm 130:4.
a) With the Lord there is Forgiveness.
b) So that we can with reverence and fear.
c) Serve Him.
(This QT reveals a great privilege to me: I Can Fear And Serve The Lord)
'A Well Kept Body.'
Acts 16:4.
a) Here is a part of the Life of the Early Church.
b) Paul and Timothy travelled amongst the new Churches.
c) Their Message was the same to every Church.
d) Their Message was about decisions and decrees.
e) These had been reached. (Carefully made)
f) By the Apostles and Elders in Jerusalem.
g) They were for the new Churches to obey.
(Through this Second one I find A Well Kept Body)
The Body of Christ, of which every local Church is a part, should be a well kept Body. The word 'Body' is very clearly used in the New Testament to speak of the Church, which is the Body of Christ. It is really important, for the sake of the Lord's Glory, that the Church should be kept well. Not only the physical keeping but the spiritual keeping also.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
This Is How We Know!
'This Is How We Know.'
1 John 4:13.
a) This is how we know.
b) That we live in God.
c) That God lives in us.
d) Because He has given us His Spirit.
(This QT gives me great assurance: This Is How I Know)
'The Ministry Of Considering.'
Acts 15:6.
a) Here was an Early Church Leadership Meeting.
b) The Apostles and Elders met.
c) To consider.
d) A question and matter.
(This Second one teaches me about The Ministry Of Considering)
It surely is the Will of God that every True Believer has assurance and confidence about their life in God. The reason for this is not our human personality type, the reason is the indwelling Holy Spirit. God lives in us by and through the Holy Spirit. The Message of Christ and of the early Church was often about our need of the Holy Spirit.
Salvation Shall Reach To The Ends Of The Earth!
'Salvation Shall Reach To The Ends Of The Earth.'
Isaiah 49:5-6.
a) This is the Word of the Lord.
b) God the Father formed His Son in Mary's Womb.
c) The first purpose of God's Son, Jesus Christ was to bring God's People back to Himself.
d) The Father Honoured and gave Strength to the Son.
e) Jesus Christ was the Servant of the Father.
f) He was to Restore and bring back God's People.
g) He is now a Light to the Gentiles.
h) So that the Message of the Salvation of the Lord.
i) Can reach to the ends of the Earth.
(This QT gives me confidence that Salvation Shall Reach To The Ends Of The Earth)
'Simon Wanted Illegitimate Power.'
Acts 8:18.
a) Simon the magician.
b) Saw that through the Laying On of Hands of the Apostles.
c) The Holy Spirit was given.
d) So Simon offered them money.
e) He wanted the same Power.
(This Second one shows me that Simon Wanted Illegitimate Power)
One of the purposes of the Coming of Christ into this World was, and still is, to Restore and bring back God's People. The first fulfilment of this is surely for His Old Testament People, the Jews. Secondly, He has come to restore all humankind! To all people who open their hearts and lives to Christ, He will give Restoration.
Friday, September 26, 2014
We Need To Realise!
'We Need To Realise.'
Romans 2:4.
a) Do we show contempt for the riches of God's:-
b) We need to realise.
c) That God's Kindness.
d) Is intended to lead us to Repentance.
(Because of this QT I know that I Need To Realise)
'It Is Not Enough To Say Hooray.'
Acts 8:14.
a) The Apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had accepted the Word of God.
b) The Apostles in Jerusalem.
c) Sent Peter and John.
d) To serve these new Believers in Samaria.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is Not Enough To Say Hooray)
We should never take the Grace of God or our Christian Faith for granted. Church is not a place of works alone or of mere busyness. We need to realise many things about God. One of them mentioned here is that His Kindness leads us to Repentance. Church needs always to be a place where we can sense and know the Presence of God in whichever way He wants to be Present.
The Reality Of Loving One Another!
'The Reality Of Loving One Another.'
1 John 4:11-12.
a) Father John was not only the father of the Churches, he was also their friend.
b) Since God so Loved us.
c) We ought to Love one another.
d) No one has ever seen God.
e) If we Love one another God lives in us.
f) God's Love is made complete in us.
g) God's Love is perfected in us.
(This QT teaches me The Reality Of Loving One Another)
'Vital For Church Ministers.'
Acts 5:29.
a) These were Apostles, that means the 'highest' form of Church Leadership.
b) Apostles guide and guard the Area Church and the National Church.
c) This was a 'must' for them.
d) They must obey God.
e) Rather than obeying people.
(This Second one reveals to me something that is Vital For Church Ministers)
If we Love one another God lives in us. This is a wonderful Promise from the Scriptures that we rarely hear about. It is a big 'if' and an important one too! God comes in His Fullness to an atmosphere that is full of mutual Love between True Believers. This Love is not just a feeling, it is a commitment. Let us Love one another!
Thursday, September 25, 2014
My Reward Is With My God!
'My Reward Is With My God.'
Isaiah 49:4.
a) I say to myself that I have laboured in vain.
b) I have spent my strength for nothing at all.
c) I have spent my strength on futility.
d) Yet my vindication is in the Lord's Hands.
e) My Reward is with my God.
(This QT calls me to Trust God: My Reward Is With My God)
'The Early Ministry Of The Apostles.'
Acts 4:33.
a) With great Power the Apostles continued to Testify.
b) They Testified to the Resurrection of the Lord Jesus.
c) God's Grace was so powerfully at work in them all.
(This Second one gives me a glimpse into The Early Ministry Of The Apostles)
My Reward is with my God. This is a clear statement that surely applies to every True Believer. Isaiah is not writing about the heathen people here, he is writing about God's People. There are some of us, even though we are True Believers, that have to live a very uncomfortable life in some way or another. We need to encourage such people, or ourselves if it is appropriate, our Reward is with our God.
Considerate And Concerned!
'Considerate And Concerned.'
Hebrews 10:24.
a) Let us consider.
b) Let us be concerned for one another.
c) Let us spur one another on.
d) Let us help one another.
e) To show Love.
f) To do good deeds.
(This QT calls me to be Considerate And Concerned)
'The Marks Of A True Apostle.'
2 Corinthians 12:12.
a) Perseverance.
b) Demonstrating:-
c) Being among the True Believers, rather than just their guest.
d) Patience.
(Through this Second one I find The Marks Of A True Apostle)
When a True Believer is considerate and concerned they will certainly show Love. Love is greater than our opinions, Love is kind. 1 Corinthians 13 tells us about Love as the motive for Ministry. When someone speaks out in anger that they are 'concerned' about something, that is not the behaviour of a True Believer.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
This Is Love!
'This Is Love.'
1 John 4:10.
a) This is Love.
b) Not that we Loved God.
c) Rather, He Loved us.
d) He sent His Son.
e) To be the Atoning Sacrifice for our sins.
(This QT simply teaches me that This Is Love)
'The Believers Met Together.'
Acts 5:12.
a) Among the people.
b) The Apostles performed many:-
4-Amazing things.
c) All the people had a common Faith in Jesus.
d) They met together in Solomon's Porch.
(This Second one reveals to me a New Testament Church: The Believers Met Together)
Jesus Christ is the Atoning Sacrifice for our sins. This is a very wonderful fact. We feel Blessed or Loved when someone pays the price for us of a meal, or a present. Because Jesus Christ is the Atoning Sacrifice we are now free. Free from the punishment for sin because He took it all. Free from condemnation because there is no condemnation for those people who are in Jesus Christ.
God's Chosen Servants!
'God's Chosen Servants!
Isaiah 49:3.
a) The Title and Calling are God's are at God's Initiative.
b) God names His Servants. It is not their choice but His.
c) God wants to display His Splendour in His Chosen Servants.
d) God wants to display His Glory in His Chosen Servants.
(This QT reminds me about God's Chosen Servants)
'The Fear Of The Lord Came.'
Acts 2:43.
a) Everyone was filled with awe.
b) The Fear of the Lord came.
c) Many of these took place:-
3-Amazing things.
d) These things took place through the Ministry of the Apostles.
(This Second one gives me a thirst for more of God: The Fear Of The Lord Came)
Right from the earliest of Bible Days until now God has had His Chosen Servants. We live in times where so many of His Chosen Servants are all over the face of the Earth. Sometimes His Chosen Servants are internationally famous people amongst the Churches. At other times few people know them but God knows them and they are His Chosen Servants.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
The Best Way To Live!
'The Best Way To Live.'
Ephesians 4:15.
a) Speaking the Truth in Love.
b) Following the Truth in Love.
c) Growing in the Lord.
d) Growing into the mature Body of Christ.
e) Knowing Christ as our Head.
(This QT teaches me The Best Way To Live)
Which Way Do We Go?
a) 1 Peter 2:2. The Way of Truth.
b) 2 Peter 2:21; Proverbs 8:20; 12:28. The Way of Righteousness.
c) Genesis 18:19; Judges 2:22; Proverbs 10:29. The Way of the Lord.
d) Psalm 15:2; 84:11; 101:6. The blameless Way of Life.
e) Psalm 119:30. The Way of Faithfulness.
f) Psalm 119:33. The Way of the Lord's Decrees.
g) Proverbs 4:11. The Way of Wisdom.
h) Isaiah 35:8. The Way of Holiness.
i) Isaiah 59:8; Romans 3:17. The Way of Peace.
j) Matthew 22:16. The Way of God.
k) 1 Corinthians 4:17. The Way of Life in Christ Jesus.
l) 1 Corinthians 14:1. The Way of Love.
(This Second one causes me to ponder: Which Way Do I Go?)
Which way do we go? This question covers many aspects of our lives. It covers choices, it covers decisions, it covers times of temptation, it covers our future also. It is a good question to ask God in Prayer. Having confidence that we know the best way to go and that we are making the correct decision needs Faith, it means that we have time with God in Prayer and in His Word.
This Is How God Showed His Love!
'This Is How God Showed His Love.'
1 John 4:9.
a) This is how God showed His Love among us.
b) He sent His One and Only Son into the World.
c) So that we could have life through Him.
(Simple but Glorious QT: This Is How God Showed His Love)
'A Good Foundation For The Church.'
Acts 2:42.
a) Meaningful Bible study, they devoted themselves to the Apostles' Teaching.
b) They shared Fellowship.
c) They broke bread together. Three probable meanings of this are:-
1-Holy Communion.
2-Sharing a Church meal together.
3-Both 1 and 2 together.
d) They Prayed together.
(This Second one teaches me of: A Good Foundation For The Church)
A good foundation is important for the Church. This is especially so in Church planting endeavours. It would be very difficult for an already established Church to rebuild the spiritual foundations of the Church. Some of Acts 2:42 can be introduced but the whole thing would be most difficult because the established Church already has foundations. For a new Church I believe that a good foundation is vitally important.
Monday, September 22, 2014
The Call Of The Lord's People!
'The Call Of The Lord's People.'
Isaiah 49:1-2.
a) This is something that the whole World needs to hear about.
b) The Lord's Plan is made from the time that we are in the womb.
c) The Lord makes our mouth like a sharp sword.
d) The Lord hides us in the shadow of His Hand.
e) The Lord makes us like a polished arrow.
f) The Lord conceals us in His quiver.
(This QT teaches me more about The Call Of The Lord's People)
'Immediately Before The Lord Was Taken Up.'
Acts 1:2.
a) Mark 16:19. The Lord was taken up to Heaven in God's Perfect time.
b) By the Holy Spirit.
c) Jesus gave Commands.
d) Acts 10:42; Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-18. Jesus gave Instructions.
e) This was through the Holy Spirit.
f) This was especially for the Apostles which He had chosen.
(This Second one motivates me: Immediately Before The Lord Was Taken Up)
The Lord makes us like a polished arrow. It is good to ponder on a polished arrow. Firstly, it is clean. Secondly, it is ready for use. Thirdly, it is concealed until it is to be used. We should ensure that, as those people who love and serve the Lord, we should be clean. We should, at all times be ready to do the Will of God. We need to be faithful, hiding humbly until the time comes when the Lord's Purpose for us is revealed.
Do It Patiently!
'Do It Patiently.'
2 Timothy 4:2.
a) This is Apostle Paul's exhortation to Pastor Timothy.
b) Preach the Word of God.
c) Be ready and prepared in season and out of season.
d) In the Church:-
e) Do this with:-
1-Great Patience.
2-Careful Instruction.
(This QT reminds me to Do It Patiently)
'The Choice Is The Lord's.'
Luke 6:13.
a) It was a morning time.
b) Mark 3:13. Jesus called His Disciples.
c) He chose from them twelve persons.
d) He designated them to be Apostles.
(Through this Second one I am sure that The Choice Is The Lord's)
One of the many ministries of Church Pastors is something that I think no Pastor likes to do, it is to rebuke. The need for rebuke in the Church should be a rare occurrence, it should always be done in a loving and clear way so that after the rebuke all can be peaceful and the Church life can continue well.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
God Is Love!
'God Is Love.'
1 John 4:8.
a) Whoever - anyone.
b) Who does not love.
c) Does not know God.
d) Because God is Love.
(This QT clearly reminds me that God Is Love)
'When The Apostles Came Back.'
Mark 6:30.
a) They were sent out by Jesus.
b) They came back to Him.
c) They gathered around Jesus.
d) They reported to Him.
e) They told Him.
f) About all they had done.
g) About all they had taught.
(This Second one encourages me: When The Apostles Came Back)
There are times when we all need to be reminded that God is Love. There are many defining words for God in the Bible. This must be one of the main ones because it is at the centre of the Gospel. When we know that we are in Christ, then we should really be motivated by the fact that God Is Love.
Simple And True!
'Simple And True.'
Isaiah 48:22.
a) There is no peace.
b) Says the Lord.
c) For the wicked.
(This QT reveals to me something Simple And True)
'Paul's Threefold Ministry.'
Romans 1:1.
a) A Servant of Jesus Christ.
b) An Apostle.
c) Set apart for the Gospel of God.
(This Second one clearly defines for me Paul's Threefold Ministry)
The Word of God clearly teaches us about the differing Ministries of the Servants of the Lord. Apostle Paul easily defined his Ministries. I believe the same principle remains for every one of us in the Body of Christ - God's Family - The Church. I believe that God gives various Ministries within each local Church. For most members of the Church there is more than one Ministry.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
When We Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ!
'When We Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.'
2 Corinthians 8:9.
a) We know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Even though He was rich.
c) For our sake He became poor.
d) So we.
e) Through His poverty.
f) Might become rich.
(This QT reveals what happens When We Know The Grace Of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
'The Life Of The Prophets And Apostles.'
Luke 11:49.
a) These Prophets and Apostles are sent in the Wisdom of God. (Clearly in God's Plan)
b) These Prophets and Apostles ministered to the people.
c) Some of them were killed.
d) Some of them were persecuted.
(This Second one makes me consider The Life Of The Prophets And Apostles)
No one is truly attracted by the word "poverty". In this World, poverty means that life is a continual struggle. There are many people who have learned to survive in poverty and some of their life stories are amazing and encouraging, these people are a minority though. The Comfort that those people who live in poverty can take is that Jesus became poor for them.
Love Comes From God!
'Love Comes From God.'
1 John 4:7.
a) As Father of the Churches John calls them "Beloved".
b) John includes himself, let us Love one another.
c) Love comes from, and is of, God.
d) Everyone who Loves has been Born of God.
e) Everyone who Loves knows God.
(This QT reminds me that Love Comes From God)
'They Received Mercy.'
a) Romans 11:30. Those people who were once disobedient to God.
b) 1 Corinthians 7:25. Apostle Paul, so that he could be Faithful.
c) 1 Peter 2:10. To become the People of God.
(In this Second one I see that They Received Mercy, I thank God that I have too!)
Everyone who Loves knows God. Love is the Creation of God. God so Loved, and still Loves the World He Created. He Loves the People of the World also. This fact about Love should motivate the way in which we relate to those people who are not yet in God's Family, the Church. The Church that knows God Loves. Loves God Himself, Love each other and Love those people who do not yet know God.
Friday, September 19, 2014
They Did Not Thirst!
'They Did Not Thirst.'
Isaiah 48:21.
a) God's People did not thirst when He led them through the deserts.
b) God made water flow for His People from the rock.
c) God split the rock.
d) Water gushed out.
e) The people's thirst was satisfied.
(This QT reminds me that They Did Not Thirst)
'We Are Not Our Own.'
1 Corinthians 6:19.
a) We should know that our bodies are Temples of the Holy Spirit.
b) The Holy Spirit is in us - this applies to every True Believer.
c) We have received the Holy Spirit as a Gift from God.
d) We are:-
1-Not our own.
2-God's property.
3-Living temples in which the Holy Spirit dwells.
(This Second one helps me to keep on the correct path: We Are Not Our Own)
The people's thirst was satisfied. This is something that is very necessary for mankind - a satisfied thirst. When the people of God were going through a long "desert experience" God looked after them. They literally could live because of God's intervention. Thank God that whatever wholesome thirst we may have, He desires to satisfy it.
Above All!
'Above All.'
1 Peter 4:8.
a) This is above all.
b) It means this is the most important thing that Peter is writing about.
c) Show sincere and deep love to each other.
d) Love covers a multitude of sins.
(This QT reminds me what is Above All)
'This Made Apostle Paul So Glad."
1 Corinthians 16:17.
a) Paul was happy.
b) Because from Corinth arrived:-
c) They made up to Paul his missing the Corinthian Church.
(Through this Second one I know that This Made Apostle Paul So Glad)
I, like most of who love and serve the Lord, need to be reminded with various degrees of regularity, about what is Above All. Many True Believers in these days are so busy that they neglect loving other True Believers. This is important because Jesus said that other people will know that we are True Believers by our Love for each other.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Simple Discernment!
'Simple Discernment.'
1 John 4:5-6.
a) The wrong spirits are from the world system.
b) They speak from the viewpoint of the world system.
c) The world system pays attention to them.
d) We are from God - God's Children.
e) Whoever knows God listens to us.
f) Whoever does not know God does not listen to us.
g) This is how we can recognise the difference between the Spirit of Truth and the spirits of error and falsehood.
(This QT teaches me Simple Discernment)
'Consecrated And Devoted.'
1 Corinthians 16:15.
a) The household of Stephanas were known in the Churches.
b) They were the first converts in Achaia (a major part of Greece).
c) They consecrated and devoted themselves.
d) To the service of the Lord's People.
(Through this Second one I thank God for all the Consecrated And Devoted Servants of the Lord)
When there is a meeting of God's People - True Believers gathering together - it means that these people, to varying extents, know God. This is why the gathering of God's People together, whether in Worship, Prayer, Bible Study, Song and Dance Practise or Church Business, is a very special time. Because we are God's People - True Believers, as Father John says, we can listen to each other.
A Wonderful Redeemer!
'A Wonderful Redeemer.'
Isaiah 48:20.
a) The Lord releases His People from the Babylonians.
b) They can go with shouts of Joy.
c) They can go with the voice of Singing.
d) Send this Message to the ends of the Earth.
e) Tell the people that the Lord has Redeemed His Servant Jacob.
(This QT reveals to me A Wonderful Redeemer)
'Apostle Paul's Correct Priorities.'
1 Corinthians 1:16.
a) Paul baptised the household of Stephanas.
b) Baptism and the Baptised are important - not the baptiser.
c) Apostle Paul could not remember Baptising anyone else from Corinth during his time there.
d) This Second one Teaches me one of Apostle Paul's Correct Priorities)
Tell the people that the Lord has Redeemed ... It really encourages True Believers when they hear Good News from other places. The Lord gave me many wonderful experiences during the 30 years that we lived in Asia. I will not mention any of those individually here. Whenever I brought Good News of what God is doing in some places to other places it encouraged the True Believers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Gentleness, Mercy And Truth!
'Gentleness, Mercy And Truth.'
Isaiah 42:3.
a) The Lord Jesus will not break a bruised reed. He is Gentle.
b) The Lord Jesus will not quench a dimly burning and smouldering wick. He is Merciful.
c) The Lord Jesus will bring forth Justice in Faithfulness and Truth. He is Truthful.
(This QT teaches me about the Lord's Gentleness, Mercy And Truth)
'The Power Of A Mother's Teaching.'
Proverbs 31:1.
a) A Mother's Teaching can flow through her children to many people.
b) This Teaching was inspired by God.
c) This Teaching was given in great Wisdom. The oracles of God.
(This Second one Teaches me about The Power Of A Mother's Teaching)
The Lord Jesus Christ is Truthful. He is The Truth. Everything He did and does is True. Whatever He does is True. When He speaks to us from His Word, it is the Truth. Sometimes Believers take the Words of Jesus too glibly. We concentrate on other people and not on the what the Lord is saying to us. The Lord Jesus Christ is Truthful.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...