The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Aquila And Priscilla's Church!
'Aquila And Priscilla's Church.'
Romans 16:3-5.
a) Romans 16:3. These are Greetings sent from Apostle Paul.
b) Romans 16:3. Greet Aquila and Priscilla, they were Apostle Paul's fellow workers in Christ.
c) Romans 16:4. Aquila and Priscilla risked their lives for Paul.
d) Romans 16:4. All the Churches of the Gentiles are thankful for Aquila and Pricilla.
e) Romans 16:5. Greet the Church that meets in Aquila and Priscilla's house.
f) Romans 16:5. Greet Epaenetus, he was the first convert to Christ in Asia.
(Through this QT I would have really liked to visit Aquila And Priscilla's Church)
'Tired Out But Not Giving Up.'
Isaiah 57:10.
a) You have been wearied by going about here and there.
b) But you never said that it was hopeless, or that there was no Hope.
c) You found renewal of your strength.
d) So you did not faint.
(Through this Second one I find hope for wearied people: Tired Out But Not Giving Up)
All the Churches of the Gentiles were thankful for Aquila and Priscilla. They were thankful because of their sacrificial lives in that they were willing to give themselves to help Apostle Paul. They also humbly hosted the Church that met in their own house. May God raise up people here in Scotland with the same heart as Aquila and Priscilla, they will bring in the Blessing of God to where they live.
The Christian Life!
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