The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, June 29, 2014
The Three Witnesses!
'The Three Witnesses.'
1 John 5:6-7.
a) Jesus Christ was revealed as God's Son.
b) By His Baptism in water.
c) By His shedding His Blood on the Cross.
d) Not by water only, but by Water and Blood.
e) The Holy Spirit, Who is Truth.
f) Confirms it with His Testimony.
g) So we have three witnesses:-
1-The Father.
2-The Word.
3-The Holy Spirit.
(This QT reveals to me The Three Witnesses)
'A Blessing From The Priest.'
Judges 18:6.
a) The Priest told Micah and those with him to go in Peace.
b) The Lord was watching over their journey.
c) The way in which they were going was pleasing to the Lord.
(This Second one is A Blessing From The Priest)
The Holy Spirit is Truth. The Bible also tells us that Jesus Christ is the Truth. God is the God of Truth. We need very much, as True Believers, to not only live the Truth, but also to speak the Truth. The Truth will make us free. If we are in the Truth then we have nothing to fear. Let us be a people of the Truth.
Time To Call Out For Joy!
'Time To Call Out For Joy!'
Isaiah 44:23.
a) Call out for Joy you heavens.
b) Sing, for the Lord has done it.
c) Shout for Joy you deep places of the Earth.
d) Break out into singing, you mountains and every tree.
e) For the Lord has redeemed Jacob.
f) The Lord has set Jacob free.
g) The Lord has Glorified Himself in Israel.
(Through this QT I proclaim this is Time To Call Out For Joy)
'Moses Kept The Cultural Norm.'
Exodus 4:18.
a) Moses went to Jethro his father-in-law.
b) Moses asked permission to go back and visit his own family.
c) Moses needed to go to Egypt.
d) Moses wanted to see if his family were still alive.
e) Jethro told Moses to go in Peace.
(This Second one teaches me that Moses Kept The Cultural Norm)
The Lord has Redeemed Jacob! To Redeem is to pay the price, to buy something back or to buy it out. The Bible tells every True Believer that we are redeemed by the Blood of Jesus Christ - He is our Redeemer. Along with Redemption the Lord gives Freedom. There is no need for any shadow of guilt to remain.
Mary's House!
'Mary's House.'
Acts 12:12.
a) Peter thought about the situation and then went to Mary's house.
b) This Mary was the mother of John Mark. (She had a caring mother's heart)
c) Many True Believers were gathered there.
d) They were Praying.
(This QT gives me a desire to see more examples of Mary's House in the Churches)
'On The Pathway To Reconciliation.'
Genesis 44:17.
a) In his privileged position Joseph was attempting to make a family reconciliation.
b) Joseph knew exactly what steps to take in this process.
c) He already knew that the cup was in Benjamin's sack.
d) He told the other brothers to go back to their father in Peace.
(We see in the Second one a family On The Pathway To Reconciliation)
There was something very lovely about Mary's house. We catch a glimpse of this loveliness here. Mary was a caring mother and her house became a place of care and healthy spirituality. Her house was also a place of Fellowship where True Believers were happy to gather. It was also a place of Prayer, where those same Believers could Pray together.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Jesus Christ Came!
'Jesus Christ Came.'
a) 1 John 5:6. By water and blood.
b) 2 John 1:7. False teachers reject the Truth that Jesus Christ came in a human body.
c) Matthew 1:1. From a family.
(Through this QT I thank God that Jesus Christ Came)
'There Is Always A Price To Pay.'
Numbers 5:7-8.
a) Sins need to confessed. (Always to the Lord, sometimes also to other people)
b) There needs to be generous restitution for sin if necessary.
c) Atonement needs to be made for the wrong doer.
(By this Second one I know that God's Grace is not cheap - it is free. There Is A Price To Pay Always)
There is always a price to pay. Sometimes I like to watch a soccer match on the television. If a player fouls against another player and the referee does nothing, the fouled against person is usually frustrated and maybe angry. We need to remember that all sin deserves punishment and Jesus paid the price for our sins. We need Him so much.
God Does Not Forget!
'God Does Not Forget.'
Isaiah 44:21-22.
a) God wanted His People to remember these things.
b) They should not forget that God was their Maker.
c) God was going to sweep their sins away as if they were a cloud.
d) God would sweep their sins away like the morning cloud.
e) God would blow them away as if they were the morning mist.
f) God asks His People to return to Him.
g) Then He would set them free.
(This QT assures me that God Does Not Forget)
'God Does Not Like False Gods.'
Ezekiel 6:6.
a) God was speaking to His People.
b) Every one of their towns and cities was to be destroyed.
c) Their altars would be destroyed.
d) Their statues shall be smashed to pieces.
e) Their incense altars will be broken down.
f) Everything they made was to be wiped out.
(This Second one reminds me that God Does Not Like False Gods)
I enjoy reading in the Bible how God deals with the sins of His People when they return to Him. Sometimes we use the words "forgive and forget" being how God deals with our sins, this is heresy. God does not forgive and forget. God forgives and forgives. That is the way of Grace.
They Prayed In Response!
'They Prayed In Response.'
Acts 4:23-31.
a) Acts 4:23. After their release from imprisonment Peter and John went back to their fellow Believers.
b) Acts 4:23. They told the Believers what the Jewish Leaders had said.
c) Acts 4:24-30. Their response to this news was Prayer:-
1-Prayer to the Lord God their Maker.
2-Prayer that Trusted the Word of God given by the Holy Spirit.
3-Prayer about the World System's National Leaders who were preparing to fight against the Church.
4-Prayer about the recent happenings, persecution and Crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
5-Prayer about the boldness to Preach the Word of God amidst harsh verbal opposition.
6-Prayer to do the Works of God through the Name of Jesus Christ.
d) Acts 4:31. When they had finished Praying:-
1-The place where they gathered was physically shaken.
2-They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
3-It became easy for them to speak the Word of God.
(This QT shows me that They Prayed In Response)
'Spiritual Leaders Also Need God's Grace.'
Leviticus 4:3.
a) If the religious leader sins, he brings guilt also on the people he leads.
b) He needed to make the big sacrifice to the Lord of a perfect bull.
c) It was a sin offering because of the sin which he had committed.
(This Second one reminds me that Spiritual Leaders Also Need God's Grace)
We should note that the first place that Peter and John went to after their release from prison was to their fellow True Believers, the Family of God. In a healthy Church there should be strong cords of godly love that are evident. Firstly, love towards God; secondly love for the Church - which is the family of God; and thirdly, love towards the people who do not yet know God.
A Wonderful Victory!
'A Wonderful Victory.'
1 John 5:4-5.
a) Every Child of God has power over the sins of the World System.
b) The way that we have power over these sins is our Faith.
c) The one who conquers these sin.
d) Is the one who Believes that Jesus is the Son of God.
(This QT teaches me A Wonderful Victory)
'Be Clean - The Principle Lived Out.'
Leviticus 5:2-3.
a) If a person touches anything that is unclean.
b) Unclean includes:-
1-Dead body of a wild animal.
2-Dead body of cattle.
3-Dead body of anything that moves on the Earth that is unclean.
c) Even if they do it without realising it.
d) That person is both unclean and guilty.
e) Or if they touch an unclean human being for whatever reason.
f) Without knowing that they have done it.
g) When they learn about it.
h) They will be guilty.
(Through this Second one I find an important principle: Be Clean - The Principle Lived Out)
Be clean, this is an important principle that we need adhere to. In the Old Testament there are many laws written about cleanliness for God's People. There is a strong link there between cleanliness and godliness. This principle was clearly brought forth into the New Testament by Jesus Christ. As we read through the Epistles of Apostle Paul we continue to read it. If a Church attender is not clean, or their home is not simply clean, I have Biblical reasons to doubt their godliness.
Friday, June 27, 2014
We Should Stop And Reflect!
'We Should Stop And Reflect.'
Isaiah 44:19.
a) It is just a block of wood, there is no Knowledge or Understanding.
b) This wood was used for cooking food.
c) How can it possibly be used for idolatrous worship.
d) We need to stop and reflect.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Stop And Reflect)
'Ignorance Is Surely Not Bliss.'
Leviticus 5:17.
a) If we sin and or violate any of the things.
b) Which are forbidden to be done.
c) By the Commandments of the Lord.
d) Even though we may be unaware and do not know that we have sinned.
e) We are still guilty.
f) We should be punished for our sin.
g) (This is a part of the Price that Jesus paid for us at the Cross)
(This Second one reminds me that Ignorance Is Surely Not Bliss)
There are always times in all of our lives when we should stop and reflect. Through both the Old and New Testaments we find God's people - especially Leaders - took time to stop and reflect. There are some realities in life that we do not discover until we stop and reflect.
The New Testament Church First Prayer Meeting!
'The New Testament Church First Prayer Meeting.'
Acts 1:13-14.
a) The Apostles arrived and went upstairs to the room where they were staying.
b) It is recorded who was present at that time:-
9-James Alphaeus.
10-Simon Zealot.
11-Judas James.
c) They all met together with one accord.
d) They were constantly united in Prayer.
e) Mary the mother of Jesus was there.
f) Several other women were there.
g) The Brothers of Jesus were there.
(This QT teaches me about The New Testament Church First Prayer Meeting)
'Things That Cause Us To Fall.'
Hosea 5:5.
a) Our arrogance testifies against us and causes us to fall.
b) Our sin causes us to stumble and fall.
c) Our unresolved guilt causes us to stumble and fall.
(Through this Second one I find Things That Cause Me To Fall)
James was one of the original Disciples called by the Lord Jesus whom He would make into an Apostle. The meaning of the word is supplant. It is taken from the Old Testament Jacob. Supplant has two meanings, one is negative, the other is positive. In the positive meaning we need more "James" people to "stand in the gap" as Ezekiel writes.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
If We Love God!
'If We Love God.'
1 John 5:3.
a) John 14:15. We will want to obey His Word.
b) His Word is not hard to obey.
c) Matthew 11:30. To obey His Word is not burdensome.
(This QT shows what my responses should be If I Love God)
'Our Measure For Forgiveness.'
Matthew 6:12.
a) We can pray like this.
b) Lord, forgive us our sins.
c) Mark 11:25. As we forgive those who sin against us.
(This Second one teaches me My Measure For Forgiveness)
Our measure for forgiveness as taught by Jesus Christ is clear and precise. We are left in no doubt how we should respond to this subject. It is something that is bathed in Prayer and included, as we have seen in the Prayer that Jesus taught His Disciples. There are times when we need to give forgiveness about serious issues in life, I think that only when it is bathed in Prayer can True Forgiveness be given in such circumstances.
When The Lord Covers Their Eyes!
'When The Lord Covers Their Eyes.'
Isaiah 44:18.
a) When the Lord has covered their eyes.
b) They do not know.
c) They do not and cannot understand.
d) They cannot see.
e) Their hearts become covered also.
(This QT teaches me what happens When The Lord Covers Their Eyes)
'Trouble Sometimes Comes Because Of Guilt.'
Genesis 42:21.
a) The words of the yet unrevealed Joseph brought conviction and guilt because of what his brothers formerly did to him.
b) All the brothers of Joseph were suffering because of this.
c) They saw how troubled he was when he pleaded with them for Mercy.
d) They refused to listen to him.
e) They believed that was the reason for their current suffering.
(This Second one proves to me that Trouble Sometimes Comes Because Of Guilt)
When our hearts become covered then they also become insensitive. Mostly, when this happens it is something we do to ourselves. We cover our heart because of anger, fear, shame, jealousy, hatred and discrimination. There maybe also occasions when the Lord covers our eyes and this may cause our hearts to be covered too.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Look For God's Face!
'Look For God's Face!'
2 Chronicles 7:14.
a) God says:
b) If My People.
c) Who are called by My Name.
d) Put away their pride.
e) Pray.
f) Look for God's Face.
g) Turn from their sinful ways.
h) Then God will:-
1-Hear from Heaven.
2-Forgive their sin.
3-Heal their land.
(This QT encourages me to Look For God's Face)
'The Ministry Of Turning Them Back.'
James 5:19-20.
a) If a Christian Brother is led away from the Truth.
b) Let someone turn them back again.
c) This person who has the Ministry of turning them back.
d) Saves a sinner's soul from death.
e) Many sins will be forgiven.
(This Second one reveals to me The Ministry Of Turning Them Back)
If we are going to experience God forgiving our sins we need to turn from our sinful ways. Prayer for forgiveness of sins is not simply some kind of ceremony, it is something that needs to be heart-felt and genuine. Repentance means a complete change of direction, a turning around. Not only regret for our sins, but also hatred of them.
Meaningful Evidence!
'Meaningful Evidence.'
1 John 5:2.
a) This is the way we know we love God's Children.
b) It is when we love God.
c) It is when we obey God's Word.
(This QT shows me Meaningful Evidence)
'Good Counsel For Church Leaders.'
Titus 2:15.
a) Teach the Word of God.
b) Teach and Give Words of help.
c) Show the people if they are wrong.
d) The Church Leader has the right and power to do these things.
e) Do not let anyone put you down.
(This Second one gives Good Counsel For Church Leaders)
Church Leaders should never be 'above' receiving good counsel. Many in Church tragedies could have been, and could be, avoided if the Church Leaders had received good counsel. The Church Leader needs to have their own healthy and personal relationship with God. Without this relationship many things can also go wrong.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
What Not To Do With A Tree!
'What Not To Do With A Tree.'
Isaiah 44:14-17.
a) Isaiah 44:14. This person cuts down cedars; and he selects cypress and oak.
b) Isaiah 44:14. He plants the ash in the forest to be nourished by the rain.
c) Isaiah 44:15. After this he uses some wood to warm himself and bake his bread.
d) Isaiah 44:15. With the another part of the wood he makes an idol to worship.
e) Isaiah 44:16. The last part of the wood he uses to barbeque meat and keep warm, then he will be well fed and content.
f) Isaiah 44:17. He worships and prays to his idol. He calls to his god for deliverance.
(This QT shows me What Not To Do With A Tree)
'Words From A Spiritual Father.'
1 Corinthians 4:14.
a) Apostle Paul did not want to put shame on the Corinthian Church.
b) Apostle Paul wanted to warn the Church.
c) Apostle Paul wanted to counsel the Church.
d) Apostle Paul loved the Church as his much loved children.
(This Second one gives an example of Words From A Spiritual Father)
The person that Isaiah writes about was a real compromiser. We look at first glance and it seems as if he is doing just ordinary things, as we read deeper into the text we can see that he was incredibly selfish, all parts of his life seem to be affected by this: his comfort, his good food, his contentment and his idolatrous worship. Amazingly, there are those people today who are very similar to this compromiser.
The God Of Peace!
'The God Of Peace.'
Hebrews 13:20-21.
a) Raised our Lord Jesus from the dead.
b) The Lord Jesus is the Great and Good Shepherd of the sheep.
c) Through Jesus' shed Blood, which is the Blood of the Eternal Covenant.
d) Can equip us with every good thing we need to do His Will.
e) Will carry out in us what is pleasing before Him through Jesus Christ.
f) To Jesus Christ be Glory forever.
(Through this QT I thank God for The God Of Peace)
'Go And Tell.'
Matthew 18:15.
a) If our True Believer Brother sins against us.
b) We are to go and tell him what he did.
c) Out of the earshot of other people, in private.
d) If that Brother listens to us.
e) We have won our brother back again.
(This Second one reminds me to always reconcile if possible: Go And Tell)
As True Believers we no longer live for ourselves but we have a new purpose in life - we live for the Glory and Pleasure of the God of Peace. With this new purpose in our hearts we find that God works in our hearts and lives for His Glory. God's Will is and our desire should be that we please Him.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Double Love!
'Double Love.'
1 John 5:1.
a) The person who Believes that Jesus is the Christ.
b) Is a Child of God.
c) The person who loves the Father.
d) Loves His Children also.
(This QT shows me Double Love and encourages me to love like this)
'A Wise Man Speaking Strong Words.'
Proverbs 25:12.
a) A wise man speaking strong words to a listening ear.
b) Is like an ornament of fine gold for the ear.
c) Is like a beautiful object of fine gold.
(As a result of this Second one I desire to be A Wise Man Speaking Strong Words)
Love for God and Love for His Children is an essential part of regular Christian living. We Love God, the Bible tells us, because He first Loved us. This means Love for God is a part of our worshipful response to Him. The Holy Spirit within True Believers is a Spirit of Love, the Spirit of Love enables us to fulfil the part of Love for God's Children.
Consideration Before Criticism!
'Consideration Before Criticism.'
Isaiah 44:13.
a) A carpenter carefully marks out his wood.
b) He draws on and marks out his wood.
c) He makes it smooth with a plane.
d) He carefully makes it into the beautified figure of a man.
e) It then becomes a household idol.
(Through this QT I am motivated to give Consideration Before Criticism)
'Regarding People In Church Who Do Not Listen To God's Word.'
2 Thessalonians 3:15.
a) Do not think of them as enemies.
b) Do not think of them as being hateful.
c) Talk to them as fellow Christians.
(This Second one helps my response Regarding People In Church Who Do Not Listen To God's Word)
In most Nations on this planet people have household idols. Some of these idols are crude, some simple and yet others beautifully made even though they make look ugly or a little fearsome. When we come to reading the Words of both Jesus Christ and Paul we can see the attitude that we need to have about these things in peoples' homes, especially if these homes have mixed families of True Believers and non-believers. We must have consideration before criticism.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Grace And Loving Favour!
'Grace And Loving Favour.'
Philippians 4:23.
a) The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
b) The Loving Favour of the Lord Jesus Christ.
c) Be with our spirit.
d) Be with us all.
(This QT makes me thank God for the Lord Jesus Christ, His Son: Grace And Loving Favour)
'The Apostle's Suffering.'
2 Timothy 2:10.
a) Apostle Paul suffered and endured all things for the sake of the Elect.
b) That these Elect may obtain the Salvation that is in Christ Jesus.
c) Then they will have God's shining Greatness that lasts forever.
(Through this Second one I learn from The Apostle's Suffering)
It should a normal part of the expression of every True Believer's heart that they are impressed frequently to thank God for His Son, The Lord Jesus Christ. It is because of what the Lord Jesus has done for us through His Life, His Crucifixion, His Resurrection, His Ascension and His present Intercession, that we are Saved. Thank God for Jesus Christ!
Do I Love God?
'Do I Love God?'
1 John 4:20-21.
a) If I say that I love God.
b) But I hate my brother.
c) I am a liar.
d) If a person does not love their brother whom they have seen.
e) How can that person love God Whom they have not seen?
f) We have this Commandment from God.
g) If we love God.
h) We are to love our brother also.
(This QT causes me self-examination: Do I Love God?)
'Assurance Of Life Everlasting.'
John 14:19.
a) Jesus was going away.
b) He said that in a little while the World would see Him no more.
c) He told His Disciples (they were True Believers) that they would see Him again.
d) Because Christ lives eternally.
e) They would also have Eternal Life.
(This Second one gives me Assurance Of Life Everlasting)
One of the greatest miracles of Life in God's Kingdom is that we can love God Whom we have not seen. If we just pause and ponder over this fact we will surely be in awe of God. This is His Miracle in our lives, it is all a part of receiving Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father.
Saturday, June 21, 2014
No Strength!
'No Strength.'
a) Isaiah 44:12. The metalworker has no strength at the end of his shift.
b) Daniel 10:8 & 16. Special dreams may leave us with no strength.
c) Leviticus 26:37. Some people have no strength to stand up in front of people who hate them.
d) 1 Samuel 28:20. After not eating and drinking for 24 hours we may have no strength.
e) 2 Kings 19:3; Isaiah 37:3. The woman who is going to give birth to a baby may have no strength to do it if she is living in an environment of:-
2-Sharp words.
f) Job 26:2. Those people who are weak need help, as do those who have no strength.
g) Psalm 38:3. There may be no strength in our bones because of our sin.
h) Psalm 38:7. Physical pain may cause our bodies to have no strength.
i) Isaiah 3:8. God's People may have no strength if they:-
1-Speak against the Lord.
2-Act against the Lord.
3-Turn against the Lord's Shining Greatness.
(This QT teaches me that there is always a cause when people have No Strength)
'The Power God Has For Us.'
2 Corinthians 13:4.
a) Christ's weak human body died on the Cross.
b) It is by God's Power that Christ lives today.
c) We are weak physically.
d) Just as Christ was weak physically at the time of His Crucifixion.
e) We will be alive with Christ by the Power that God has for us.
(This Second one reveals to me my need of the Power God Has For Me)
A peaceful environment is very important for a woman who is going to give birth to a child. Today I live in an individualistic environment. It was not so during Bible days. When a baby was born in those days the baby was born "into the family", it was under the family's concern and care. There are many communities on the Earth that still follow the traditional style, it is normally a very wholesome practice.
The Lord Of Peace!
'The Lord Of Peace.'
2 Thessalonians 3:16.
a) Himself may give us His Peace at all times.
b) Himself may give us His Peace in every way.
c) Be with all of us.
d) 1 Thessalonians 5:23. Sanctifies us completely.
e) Numbers 6:26. Himself gives us Peace when He looks with favour upon us.
(This QT makes me so grateful for and to The Lord Of Peace)
'A Worthy Consideration.'
Romans 8:18.
a) This was considered by the Apostle Paul.
b) 2 Corinthians 4:17. Paul considered that the suffering of his present time.
c) Could not be compared with the shining greatness and Glory.
d) Colossians 3:4. That the Lord was going to reveal and give to True Believers.
e) 1 Peter 4:13. Apostle Peter had the same consideration.
(This Second one teaches me A Worthy Consideration)
When the Lord looks with favour upon us one of the manifestations of that favour is Peace. It is so assuring to have the Peace of God ruling and reigning in our hearts. When this happens we can prayerfully and carefully make the correct decisions in life. It is a privilege to have and to know the Lord looking with favour upon us.
Friday, June 20, 2014
God Loved Us First!
'God Loved Us First.'
1 John 4:19.
a) We love God.
b) We love other people.
c) Because God first loved us.
(This QT makes my heart rejoice and desirous to love: God loved me first)
'Take Hope And Be Brave.'
John 16:33.
a) The Words that Jesus gives to us are intended to give us Peace in Him.
b) In this World system we may have much trouble and suffering.
c) We are to take hope and be brave.
d) Jesus has defeated the World system.
(This Second one encourages me to Take Hope And Be Brave)
Take hope and be brave. These are not just words of secular encouragement, they are the Word of God. It is something that is sometimes important for us to do. It is true that many people, and True Believers are not excluded, have need of hope and bravery. Faith is not a fleshly word, nor is it a passive word. Faith is the Gift of God and it is Spiritual.
They Are Only Human!
'They Are Only Human.'
a) Isaiah 44:11. The craftsmen who make idols.
b) Mark 7:8. Only human teachings are learnt by those people who neglect the Word of God.
c) Acts 14:15. Even the most "Anointed" and "Powerful" Servants of the Lord are only human.
d) Romans 9:20. We are only human and have no right to question God.
e) Colossians 2:22. There are only human commands and teachings that we should not heed.
f) Psalm 9:20. The Nations of the World are only human.
g) Psalm 78:39; Isaiah 2:22. God remembers in His Mercy that we are only human.
(Through this QT I realise that I Am Only Human)
'Do Not Be Shaken By Troubles.'
1 Thessalonians 3:3.
a) Our troubles should not trouble other people.
b) Our troubles should not make us give up.
c) We should expect troubles sometimes as a part of life.
(This Second one speaks to me: Do Not Be Shaken By Troubles)
The Nations of the World are only human. In these present days there are no "special" nations, even though there are some that think they are. The need for God is a world-wide need. The Bible tells us that God so loved the people of this World that He gave His Son Jesus Christ for us all. We are all only human. We all need God.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
God Will Do It!
1 Thessalonians 5:23-24.
a) May the God of Peace set us apart for Himself. (Every part of us)
b) May the God of Peace Sanctify us.
c) May these be kept complete:-
1-Our spirit.
2-Our soul.
3-Our body.
d) May we be without blame when our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.
e) The One Who called us is Faithful.
f) He will do what He Promised.
(This QT shows me that God Will Do It)
'A Spiritual Householder.'
Matthew 13:52.
a) These are the Words of the Lord Jesus.
b) Every Teacher of the Law who has become a Follower of the Kingdom of Heaven.
c) This Teacher is like a man who owns his own house.
d) He brings forth new and old treasures out of his house.
(This Second one reveals to me the meaning of A Spiritual Householder)
Our soul is frequently taught as being our mind, will and emotions. There are some complications here because of translations into some modern languages but basically holding on to these three parts of 'soul' will not lead us far wrong. David spoke of the Lord that He restored David's soul. In my thinking today, many of us need such restoration from the Lord.
No Fear In Love!
'No Fear In Love.'
1 John 4:18.
a) There is no fear in Love.
b) Perfect Love puts fear out of our hearts.
c) People have fear when they are afraid of being punished.
d) The person who is afraid does not have perfect Love.
(This QT reminds me that there is No Fear In Love)
'The Value Of The Fear Of The Lord.'
Isaiah 33:6.
a) When the Fear of the Lord means much to us.
b) When we treasure the Fear of the Lord.
c) The Fruit of the Fear of the Lord is:-
(This Second one teaches me The Value of the Fear of the Lord)
We all need reminding from time to time that there is no fear in Love. If we have Perfect Love in our hearts we will be free from fear. Fear is usually the beginning of some spiritual and emotional spiral inside us that ends up pulling us down and away. Perfect Love comes initially from God and puts all fear out of our hearts.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
No Worth!
a) Isaiah 44:10. False gods are of no worth.
b) Jeremiah 15:19. Must be taken away from what is of value then we can serve the Lord.
c) Hosea 8:8. Many Nations are like pots that are of no worth.
d) Zechariah 11:17. A shepherd of no worth will leave the flock unattended.
e) Deuteronomy 13:13. Men of no worth teach others to worship idols.
f) 1 Samuel 12:21. We should not turn aside after things of no worth, they cannot save us.
(This QT encourages me to reject things and people that are of No Worth)
'The Homes Of Wise And Foolish Men.'
Proverbs 21:20.
a) The house of the wise man contains:-
3-Best food.
4-Precious treasure.
b) The house of the foolish man wastes everything they have.
c) It is all swallowed up in the foolish man's house.
(This Second one teaches me about The Homes Of Wise And Foolish Men)
We should not turn aside after things of no worth, they cannot save us. Many Church people are tempted to turn aside after things of no worth. I am not going to list a list of boring items, most readers will know exactly what I mean. Our personal Faith in God seven days a week is really important - if we have that Faith then it is easier to live in Grace and not turn aside.
A Powerful Blessing!
'A Powerful Blessing.'
2 Corinthians 13:14.
a) The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
b) The Love of God.
c) The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
d) Be with us all.
(This QT is A Powerful Blessing)
'We All Need To Know.'
Proverbs 6:23.
a) Psalm 119:105. The Word and Command of God is a lamp.
b) Teaching is a light.
c) Reproofs of Discipline are a way of life.
(This Second one includes me: We All Need To Know)
It is a great privilege that we have as True Believers to give and to receive a powerful Blessing. There are so many negative words being spoken these days in all sorts of different environments. Even Churches are included in this. As True Believers we should take an initiative in being as positive as possible, especially in Church.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
His Life Lived In Us!
'His Life Lived In Us.'
1 John 4:17.
a) Love is made perfect in us when we are not ashamed.
b) When we stand before the Lord on the Day He Judges.
c) For we know that our life in this World.
d) Is His Life lived in us.
(Through this QT I fully understand that it is His Life Lived In Me)
'A Lamp And A Light.'
Psalm 119:105.
a) God's Word is a Lamp to our feet.
b) God's Word is a Light to our path.
c) Proverbs 6:23. God's Commandments are a Lamp.
d) Proverbs 6:23. God's Teachings are a Light.
(This Second one reveals to me A Lamp And A Light)
His Life lived in us! This is a wonderful Truth that every True Believer may humbly Believe as they live in the ways instructed by the Lord. This is where "intimacy with God" comes from - it comes from His Life being lived out in us. We cannot achieve this by striving or behaving in "hyper-spiritual" ways.
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The Christian Life!
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