Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sometimes Disciples Have The Wrong Concept!

‘Sometimes Disciples Have The Wrong Concept.’
Mark 10:13-16.
a)    Mark 10:13. The people brought children to Jesus, hoping that He might touch them. The Disciples rebuked these people.
b)    Mark 10:14. When Jesus saw this:-
1-     He was indignant.
2-    He said that they were to let the Children come to Him.
3-   He said they were not to hinder the children.
4-   He said that the Kingdom of God belongs to Children.
c)     Mark 10:15. Jesus said that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God with the simplicity of a child shall not enter it.
d)    Mark 10:16. Jesus then:-
1-     Took up the Children in His Arms.
2-    Blessed them.
3-   Put His Hands upon them.
(This QT Teaches me that Sometimes Disciples Have The Wrong Concept)
‘Say It With A Loud Voice.’
Revelation 5:12.
a)    Worthy is the Lamb.
b)    He was slain.
c)     To receive:-
1-     Power.
2-    Wealth.
3-   Wisdom.
4-   Might.
5-   Honour.
6-   Glory.
7-   Blessing.
(Through this Second one I know I should Say It With A Loud Voice)
All Wealth belongs to the Lord as much as all Glory belongs to Him. This is something we need to understand deeply in our hearts. If we have the correct concept we can live in Freedom and not be bound by financial matters. When we have the correct concept we can live free from stress and worry and simply Honour the Lord with our lives.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...