Monday, February 25, 2013

The Lord Sees The Church He Loves!

‘The Lord Sees The Church He Loves.’
Song Of Solomon 6:7-9.
a)            Song of Solomon 6:7. As protected.
b)           Song of Solomon 6:7. As having fruitful thoughts and meditations.
c)             Song of Solomon 6:8-9. As:-
1-           Gentle.
2-           Pure.
3-           Unique.
d)           Song of Solomon 6:9. As:-
1-           Favoured.
2-           Perfect in His Eyes.
3-           Blessed.
4-           Worthy of affirmation.
(Through this QT I long for the Lord’s Heart for His Church: The Lord Sees The Church He Loves)
‘The Poor In Spirit.’
Matthew 5:3.
a)            Isaiah 57:15: 66:2. The poor in spirit. They realise their need for God.
b)           Are Blessed.
c)             The Kingdom of Heaven is theirs.
(This Second one reminds me of the Love of God for The Poor In Spirit)
The Lord Loves His Church. I never have doubt about this fact. The Lord has given a
promised future to His Church. The problems arise when the Church forgets how  much they are Loved by the Lord, and instead of living to please Him the Church gets involved in all sorts of human responses that do not Glorify God at all. We should never forget that the Lord Loves His Church.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...