Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Restored And New Type Of Relationship!

‘A Restored And New Type Of Relationship.’
Philemon 1:15-17.
a)     Philemon 1:15. It seemed to Apostle Paul the Onesimus had departed from Philemon for a while with a purpose.
b)    Philemon 1:15. Philemon could receive Onesimus back forever.
c)     Philemon 1:16. Onesimus was a changed man:- 
1-   No longer a mere slave but a Beloved Brother.
2-   A Brother to both Philemon and Paul.
3-   A Brother in human works.
4-   A Brother in the Lord.
d)    Philemon 1:17. Apostle Paul asked Philemon if he counted Paul as a partner, would he please receive Onesimus back as if he was Paul himself.
(Through this QT I can find A Restored And New Type Of Relationship)
‘Simple Counsel.’
Proverbs 3:5.
a)     Trust in the Lord.
b)    With all of our heart.
c)     Do not lean.
d)    On our own understanding.
(Through this Second one I receive Simple Counsel that is very necessary)
A brother in human works! This is a very necessary function in the Body of Christ today. Sometimes we just think of a ‘’Brother’’ as a fellow True Believer but in actual fact we have very little to do with that person. I wonder if that is what the Lord Jesus intended brotherhood to be? Here we read of a brother in human works, he was a practical help because he had a changed life, firstly changed by knowing the Lord, secondly changed because he had learned servant-hood for Apostle Paul.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...