Saturday, February 16, 2013

Jesus, The Law And The Prophets!

‘Jesus, The Law And The Prophets.’
Matthew 5:17-19.
a)       Matthew 5:17. Jesus did not come to destroy the Law and the Prophets.
b)       Matthew 5:17. Jesus came to fulfil the Law and the Prophets.
c)       Matthew 5:18. Assuredly, until Heaven and Earth pass away one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the Law until all is fulfilled.
d)       Matthew 5:19. Whoever breaks one of the least of the Commandments.
e)       Matthew 5:19. Whoever teaches other people to break the Commandments.
f)        Matthew 5:19. Shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven.
g)       Matthew 5:19. Whoever does and teaches the Commandments shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.
(This QT teaches me about Jesus, The Law And The Prophets)
‘The Reason That The Wrath Of God Is Revealed.’
Romans 1:18-23.
a)       Romans 1:18. It is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness.
b)       Romans 1:18. It is revealed from Heaven against all unrighteousness of people.
c)       Romans 1:18. These people supress the Truth in unrighteousness.
d)       Romans 1:19. What is known about God has been made plain to these people because God has shown it to them.
e)       Romans 1:20. They have no excuse because ever since the Creation of the World God’s invisible attributes are clearly seen, especially His Power and Deity.
f)        Romans 1:21. These people knew God but:-
1-      They did not Glorify Him as God.
2-      They were not thankful.
3-      They became futile in their thoughts.
4-      Their foolish hearts were darkened.
g)       Romans 1:22. Professing to be wise they became fools.
h)       Romans 1:23. They changed the Glory of the incorruptible God into:-
1-      An image made like corruptible man.
2-      Birds.
3-      Four footed animals.
4-      Creeping things.
(This Second one shows me The Reason That The Wrath Of God Is Revealed)
The reason that the Wrath of God is revealed is clearly shown in the Scriptures. We are very fond about talking of the Love of God, and correctly so, but the Scriptures also tell us about the Wrath of God. Surely when we read about the Wrath of God we want to live in ways that are pleasing to Him.

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...