The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Watch And Be Ready!
‘Watch And Be Ready.’
Matthew 24:36-42.
a) Matthew 24:36. Only the Heavenly Father knows the day and the hour of the coming of the Son of Man – Jesus Christ.
b) Matthew 24:37. As in the days of Noah so shall the days be at the coming of the Son of Man.
c) Matthew 24:38. Right up to the time when Noah entered his boat in those days before the flood, people were enjoying:-
d) Matthew 24:39. People did not realise what was going to happen until the flood came and swept them all away. That is the way it will be when the Son of Man comes.
e) Matthew 24:40. Two people shall be working in a field, one is taken and the other is left behind.
f) Matthew 24:41. Two women will be grinding flour at the mill, one is taken and the other is left behind.
g) Matthew 24:42. We must keep watch because we do not know in what day or hour the Lord Jesus Christ – the Son of Man - will come.
(Through this QT I am urged to Watch And Be Ready)
‘The Time Is Near.’
a) Revelation 1:3. The Time is near for the fulfillment of the Book of Revelation to begin.
b) Revelation 1:3. We will be Blessed if:-
1-We read the Words of the Prophetic Book of Revelation – especially to the Church.
2-If we listen to the Message of the Prophetic Book of Revelation.
3-If we obey what the Message of the Prophetic Book of Revelation says.
c) Revelation 22:6 & 10. We know from God what will happen soon.
d) Revelation 22:12. When the Lord comes again He will bringing His Reward with Him to repay all people for their deeds.
e) Revelation 22:20. Our response to the potential Coming of should be that we exclaim: Amen! Come Lord Jesus.
f) Romans 13:11. This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our Salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.
g) James 5:8. We must be patient and take courage for the Coming of the Lord is near.
h) 1 Peter 4:7. The end of the World is coming soon. Therefore, be earnest and disciplined in your Prayers.
(This Second one is a wake up call: The Time Is Near)
People did not realise what was going to happen until the flood came in Noah’s Day and swept them all away. When we think of the tsunami tragedy in Japan it really should be a wake up call to all True Believers, especially in the areas of spiritual alertness and evangelism. Through such disasters we are reminded that the Lord Jesus is coming again soon.
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