‘Good Reason, Good News And Good Way.’
Philippians 1:16-18.
a) Philippians 1:16. We should have good reasons and motives in our hearts when we preach the Gospel.
b) Philippians 1:17. We have purpose in our hearts to speak up for the Good News.
c) Philippians 1:18. It is better to follow a good way when we talk about Christ.
(Through this QT I find Good Reason, Good News And Good Way)
‘The Blessing Lives On.’
Luke 24:51-53.
a) Luke 24:51. While Jesus was Blessing His Disciples, He left them and was taken up to Heaven.
b) Luke 24:52. The Disciples Worshipped Him.
c) Luke 24:52. The Disciples returned to Jerusalem filled with great Joy.
d) Luke 24:53. They spent all their time in the Temple courts Praising God.
(Through this Second one I thank God that The Blessing Lives On, even until today)
The Good News! The Gospel Message that we have to share with a lost World is Good News. We should always share the Gospel in such a way that it is presented as Good News. The only people that Jesus was angry with were religious hypocrites. We should make our presentations of the Gospel not as entertainment but as Good News.