The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Of Great And Special Value To God!
‘Of Great And Special Value To God.’
1 Peter 2:3-5.
a) 1 Peter 2:3. We have had a taste of the Grace of the Lord.
b) 1 Peter 2:4. We come to the Lord:-
1-As a living stone.
2-Not honoured by men.
3-But of great and special value to God.
c) 1 Peter 2:5. We:-
1-Are also of great and special value to God.
2-We are being made into a house of the Holy Spirit.
3-We are being made into a Holy order of priests.
4-We are offering up spiritual sacrifices which are pleasing to God through Jesus Christ.
(This QT has me pondering upon the phrase: Of Great And Special Value To God)
‘The Son Of Man Is Coming.’
Matthew 24:29-30.
a) After the trouble and tribulation of those days:-
1-The sun will be made dark.
2-The moon will not give her light.
3-The stars will come down from Heaven.
4-The powers of Heaven will be moved.
b) The sign of the Son of Man will be seen in Heaven.
c) All the Nations of the Earth will have sorrow.
d) The Nations of the Earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory.
(Through this Second one I have no doubt that the Son of Man is coming)
The Lord Jesus is of great and special value to God and because of all that He has done for us True Believers, we are also of great and special value to God. God is so good, faithful and loving. God’s plans for us are the best plans. How ever difficult our lives may have been, we can still trust God for His Plans for our lives.
The Christian Life!
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