The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Sincere Timothy!
‘Sincere Timothy.’
Philippians 2:19-23.
a) Philippians 2:19 & 23. He was a Faithful messenger for Apostle Paul.
b) Philippians 2:20. He was unique in his relationship with Apostle Paul and sincerely caring about the state of the Church at Philippi.
c) Philippians 2:21-22. He was so unselfish and a good spiritual son for Apostle Paul.
(This QT reveals to me Sincere Timothy)
‘Prayer From The Fish’s Belly.’
Jonah 2:1-10.
a) Jonah 2:1. God had prepared a big fish to save Jonah from drowning because of his disobedience. In the belly of the fish Jonah prayed.
b) Jonah 2:2. Jonah’s Prayer from the fish’s belly:-
1- He cried out to the Lord in his great trouble.
2- God answered him.
3- God heard his voice.
c) Jonah 2:3. Jonah’s experience from God:-
1- God had cast him into the deep.
2- God had cast him into the heart of the seas.
3- The floods surrounded him.
4- All God’s billows and waves passed over him.
d) Jonah 2:4. Jonah Prayed with Hope.
e) Jonah 2:5. Jonah’s difficult experience was both emotional and physical.
f) Jonah 2:6. The Lord heard Jonah’s Prayer of Faith and rescued him from the pit.
g) Jonah 2:7. When Jonah’s soul fainted within him:-
1- He remembered the Lord.
2- His Prayer went up to the Lord.
3- His Prayer went into the Lord’s Holy Temple.
h) Jonah 2:8. Jonah rejected the worship of idols.
i) Jonah 2:9. Jonah’s determined proclamation:-
1-I will sacrifice to the Lord with the voice of Thanksgiving.
2-I will pay what I have vowed.
4- Salvation is of the Lord.
j) Jonah 2:10. So the Lord spoke to the fish and it vomited Jonah on to dry land.
(Through this Second one I am amazed by the Prayer From The Fish’s Belly)
Jonah’s soul fainted within him. This experience was because he was in the belly of the fish. Jonah’s response to this situation is a great lesson to all of us. He remembered the Lord and he Prayed to the Lord. Many times in my life my soul has fainted within me. Usually, like Job, because of the difficult situation I was in. Through these situations and times I have learned to remember the Lord and also I have learned to make decisions well so that I do not become a victim to my situation.
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