The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Eyes Of The Lord!
‘The Eyes Of The Lord.’
Proverbs 22:12.
a) The Eyes of Jehovah.
b) Preserve the person that has Knowledge.
c) Jehovah the Lord overthrows and ruins.
d) The words and plans of the treacherous person.
(This QT helps me to understand that The Eyes Of The Lord have Power)
‘A Dramatic Conversion.’
Acts 9:1-20.
a) Acts 9:1. Saul, a Jewish leader, was breathing threats and slaughter against the Disciples of the Lord.
b) Acts 9:1-2. Saul sought the permission of the High Priest to go to the synagogues in Damascus and arrest people who were True Believers both men and women. (The people of the Way)
c) Acts 9:3. As Saul journeyed, near Damascus, a bright light shone round about him from Heaven.
d) Acts 9:4. Saul fell to the ground and heard a voice saying: “Saul, why do you persecute Me?”
e) Acts 9:5. Jesus revealed Himself to Saul.
f) Acts 9:6. Jesus told Saul what to do.
g) Acts 9:7. The men who journeyed with Saul were amazed and speechless. They heard a voice but saw nothing.
h) Acts 9:8. Saul was now blind and they led him into Damascus.
i) Acts 9:9. Saul was three days without sight and during this time he fasted.
j) Acts 9:10-16. God prepared Ananias to minister to Saul.
k) Acts 9:17-18. Ananias ministered to Saul.
l) Acts 9:19. Saul was strengthened as he fellowshipped with the Disciples in Damascus.
m) Acts 9:20. Saul began to serve the Lord.
(This Second one shows me A Dramatic Conversion, that of Saul who became Apostle Paul)
Fasting is a normal part of Christian living. Jesus said to His Disciples: “When you fast…” meaning that He expected that there would be times when they needed to fast. I think that He has the same expectation of us. There will be times when we need to, or are called to fast.
The Christian Life!
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