Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Very Practical Counsel!

‘Very Practical Counsel.’
Proverbs 19:2.
a) Desire without knowledge is not good.
b) To be without knowledge is not good.
c) Enthusiasm without knowledge is not good.
d) The person who makes haste with their feet misses their way.
e) The person that hasteth with their feet sinneth.
f) Haste makes mistakes.
(This QT gives to me Very Practical Counsel)
‘The Active Ministry Of Jesus Christ.’
Isaiah 49:6.
a) He was a Servant.
b) He is the One Who Raises up and Restores God’s People.
c) He is a Light for the Gentile Nations.
d) He takes the Salvation of the Lord to the ends of the Earth.
(This Second one shows me The Active Ministry Of Jesus Christ and gives me the desire to be an extension of that Ministry)
The person who is too hasty with their feet sins. Today there are far too many pressures on people to be hasty. This is really not good because people who are hasty make many mistakes and also hurt other people. If our life, work or study is well planned we do not have to be hasty.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...