The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Friday, July 15, 2011
a) Proverbs 19:5. A false witness will not go unpunished and the person who tells lies will not escape.
b) Psalm 26:4. True Believers should not spend much time with liars.
c) Psalm 43:1. We need to be rescued from unjust liars.
d) Psalm 55:23. They will die young.
e) Psalm 63:11. Their mouths must be silenced.
f) Psalm 101:7. Should keep away from our houses and presence.
g) Psalm 120:2. We need to be rescued from them.
h) Psalm 140:11. Do not let them prosper.
i) Hosea 7:1. Some Nations are filled with them.
j) Zephaniah 3:4. Some “Prophets” are arrogant liars.
k) Malachi 3:5. The Lord is against them.
l) John 8:44. Satan is the Father of them.
(This QT teaches me what God says about Liars)
‘Jesus Christ – Our High Priest.’
Hebrews 4:15.
a) We do have a High Priest.
b) He is able to sympathise with our weaknesses.
c) In every respect He has been tempted as we are, yet He is without sin.
(Through this Second one I thank God for Jesus Christ – My High Priest)
True Believers should not spend much time with liars. Liars bring a curse into their environment and many times liars break the law of the land in which they live. Law is the Gift of God. God is the Creator of Law. Man sometimes distorts Law, that is a wrong thing to do but liars have no respect for God or for the Law.
The Christian Life!
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