The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Monday, July 4, 2011
a) Proverbs 15:13. Comes from a glad heart.
b) Job 9:27. Comes from doing away with our complaints.
c) Proverbs 17:22. Is a good medicine.
d) Proverbs 25:20; 27:14. Is something we need to handle with discretion.
e) Isaiah 24:8. Can be expressed through music.
(This QT makes me want to enjoy Cheerfulness and to handle it carefully)
‘A Special Word From Jesus To Disciples.’
Luke 12:22-26.
a) Luke 12:22. They were not to be anxious about their lives, what:-
1- They ate.
2- Is their health condition.
3- They wore.
b) Luke 12:23. Their life was more than food and their body was more than clothing.
c) Luke 12:24. They were to consider the ravens:-
1- They did not have responsibility to make money.
2- They did not have store rooms or barns.
3- God fed them.
4- We are of much more value than ravens.
d) Luke 12:25. By being anxious they could not add one more hour to their lives.
e) Luke 12:26. The Disciples should not worry about anything.
(This Second one shows me A Special Word From Jesus To Disciples)
Cheerfulness comes from a glad heart. Cheerfulness cannot be an act. Some people, in order to please other people, or to attempt to be popular pretend to be cheerful when they are not. We should not do that. It is putting on a mask, or being a hypocrite. We need to guard our hearts - that is the advice given to us in the Book of Proverbs. Visible cheerfulness comes from a glad heart.
The Christian Life!
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