The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Paul’s Fears For The Corinthian Church!
‘Paul’s Fears For The Corinthian Church.’
2 Corinthians 12:20-21.
a) He was afraid that he would arrive in Corinth and not find the Church in good condition.
b) He was afraid that he would arrive in Corinth and that the Corinthian Believers would not be pleased with him.
c) He was afraid of arriving in Corinth and finding in the Church:-
1- Quarrelling.
2- Jealousy.
3- Anger.
4- Rivalry.
5- Slander.
6- Gossip.
7- Arrogance.
8- Disorder.
d) He was afraid of arriving in Corinth and being humiliated in the presence of the Church.
e) He was afraid of arriving in Corinth and finding in the Church unrepentant “Christians” who had not resolved in their lives or repented of their:-
1- Impurity.
2- Fornication.
3- Shameful things.
(This QT is still so very relevant concerning the Church today: Paul’s Fears For The Corinthian Church)
‘Being Amazed At Jesus.’
2 Thessalonians 1:10.
a) There will be a Day when the Lord Jesus comes to receive Glory because of His Holy People.
b) All the people who have Believed in Jesus will be amazed on that day.
c) If we Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ then we will be included on that day.
(Through this Second one I am enamoured by the thought of Being Amazed At Jesus)
The Lord Jesus is certainly going to come back again and this Chapter in Second Thessalonians encourages us to be ready for His Return. We need to read and understand the Teachings of the Word of God about the return of Jesus Christ and then we will be ready for that event.
The Christian Life!
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