The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Herod’s Scheme Thwarted!
‘Herod’s Scheme Thwarted.’
Matthew 2:1-12.
a) Matthew 2:1. During Herod’s kingship Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah.
b) Matthew 2:1. A band of scholarly and wise men arrived in Jerusalem from the East.
c) Matthew 2:2. These wise men asked where they could find and worship the New Born King of the Jews. They had seen His Sign in the stars and followed the specific star to Jerusalem. They came on a pilgrimage to Worship Him. They knew enough to know that God was at work.
d) Matthew 2:3. King Herod became very agitated when he heard about these wise men and the entire city became restless.
e) Matthew 2:4-6. Herod gathered his own wise men to discover where the Messiah was to be born and he got it established as Bethlehem.
f) Matthew 2:7. Using cunning, Herod interviewed the wise men from the East to get more information for him.
g) Matthew 2:8. Herod told these men to go to Bethlehem, find the baby Messiah, then go back and report to him again.
h) Matthew 2:9-10. The wise men from the East went off and arrived at the right place in Bethlehem at the right time!
i) Matthew 2:11. They entered the house met Mary and Jesus and then worshipped Him along with bringing their gifts.
j) Matthew 2:12. God gave these wise men a dream not to return to Herod so they went back to their country by another route.
(Through this QT: Herod Thwarted, I see God’s Intervention that His Plan would be fulfilled)
‘Things That Come To Pass.’
a) Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:29; Luke 21:31. The Signs of the times.
b) Mark 11:23. The things that we truly have Faith for.
c) Luke 18:35. Times of healing.
(Through this Second one I Thank God for and anticipate the Things That Come To Pass)
God sometimes intervenes in the affairs of humanity to fulfil His Plans. This especially happens when we are moving in the wrong direction or making a wrong decision. We should not resist God’s intervention and think that we are right. Rather we need to be responsive to God’s intervention and follow His leading in our lives.
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