The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Be Sensible And Wise!
‘Be Sensible And Wise.’
Proverbs 16:22-23.
a) Good sense is a fountain of life to the person who has it.
b) Fools cannot receive instruction.
c) From a wise mind comes wise speech.
d) The heart of a wise person adds persuasiveness to their lips.
(This QT encourages me to Be Sensible And Wise)
‘A Revelation Of God’s Heart.’
Exodus 19:5.
a) Obey God’s Voice. (The Leading of His Word and His Spirit)
b) Keep His Covenant.
c) Then we shall be His Treasured Possession above all peoples.
d) Remember the whole Earth belongs to the Lord.
(This Second one gives me A Revelation Of God’s Heart)
We need to be sensible and wise. The Church sometimes moves into extremes – especially in their understanding – or misunderstanding – of the Holy Spirit. We should treasure the Presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church and in our lives but we should also be sensible and wise in avoiding unbiblical extremes.
God Heard Their Groan!
‘God Heard Their Groan.’
Genesis 2:23-25.
a) Genesis 2:23. The people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and bondage. God heard their cry.
b) Genesis 2:24. God remembered His Covenant with Abraham.
c) Genesis 2:25. God saw the People of Israel and remembered them. He was ready to help them.
(This QT reminds me that God Hears My Groan too)
‘Who Is Like Unto You Oh Lord.’
Exodus 15:11
a) Majestic in Holiness.
b) Awesome in Glorious deeds.
c) Doing wonders.
(This Second one makes me proclaim: Who Is Like Unto You Oh Lord)
God is always ready to help His people. We do not understand everything He does or why He does it. We are not called to understand those things. Our calling is to Trust God and to Follow His Leading in our lives. We should remember that God is always ready to help His people.
Friday, April 29, 2011
The Best Way To Live As Believers!
‘The Best Way To Live As Believers.’
2 Corinthians 13:11-12.
a) Rejoice.
b) Aim for restoration.
c) Comfort one another.
d) Agree with one another.
e) Live in peace.
f) Treasure the God of Love and Peace being with you.
g) Greet one another.
(This QT shows me The Best Way To Live As A Believer)
‘The Lord – The Source Of Blessing.’
Genesis 12:1-3.
a) Genesis 12:1. The Lord told Abram to go:-
1- From his country.
2- From his relatives.
3- From his father’s house.
4- To the land that the Lord would show him.
b) Genesis 12:2. The Lord would:-
1- Make Abram a great Nation.
2- Bless him.
3- Make his name great.
4- Make him a Blessing to other people.
c) Genesis 12:3. Those people who Blessed Abraham would be Blessed by the Lord.
d) Genesis 12:3. Those people who dishonoured Abraham and treated him with contempt would be cursed by the Lord.
e) All the peoples on the Earth would be Blessed through (not by) Abram.
(Through this Second one I find The Lord – The Source Of Blessing)
The Lord said that He would Bless Abram. This was the clear Promise of God. The first and foremost Source of Blessing is the Lord. God may have given us the ability and wherewithal to share His Blessing with other people but was always need to remember that we are not the Source, the Lord is.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Four Words Of Wisdom For Us!
‘Four Words Of Wisdom For Us.
Proverbs 16:20-21.
a) Give heed to the Word of God we will discover good.
b) Trust in the Lord and be Blessed.
c) Be wise in heart and therefore become a discerning person.
d) Being sweet of speech increases persuasiveness.
(This QT gives Four Words Of Wisdom For Me)
‘God’s Choice For His People.’
a) Deuteronomy 16:7; 15:20. For the Passover Celebration.
b) Deuteronomy 12:11 & 21. For Worship.
c) Deuteronomy 14:23. For tithe giving as Worship.
d) Deuteronomy 16:7. For Holy Fellowship.
e) Deuteronomy 17:15. Of Leadership.
f) Romans 9:11. For His Own Purposes.
g) Deuteronomy 31:11. Where to hear the Word of God being taught.
(Through this Second one I understand The Importance Of God’s Choice For His People)
If we give heed to the Word of God we will discover good. The problem is that it is a big “if”. Some Believers have become so discouraged or spiritually dry that they no longer have any real desire to read, or listen to, God’s Word. There are others who are deceived into thinking that the Word of God only has a secondary and unimportant part in their lives. All True Believers need to give heed to God’s Word.
Abraham’s Encounter With The Lord!
‘Abraham’s Encounter With The Lord.’
Genesis 17:1.
a) The Lord appeared to Abram.
b) The Lord revealed Himself as the Lord Almighty – El Shaddai.
c) Abraham was to:-
1- Obey the Lord.
2- Walk before the Lord.
3- Be blameless.
4- Do what was right to do.
(This QT teaches me the Holy simplicity of Abraham’s Encounter With The Lord and how I should respond to Him in my encounters with Him too)
‘We Are The Lord’s People.’
Psalm 100:3.
a) We are to know that the Lord is God.
b) It is God Who made us.
c) We are His – we belong to Him.
d) We are the sheep of His Pasture.
(This Second one makes me Thank God that because of God’s Grace I Am The Lord’s Person)
Obey the Lord! This is such a very simple statement yet so many Church goers in the Western World find it so difficult to apply to their lives. It should be our first response after our encounter with God, that we want to Obey The Lord. There are many Blessings and benefits for the True Believer but our first calling is to obey the Lord.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
A Loving Letter!
‘A Loving Letter.’
2 Corinthians 13:10.
a) Apostle Paul wrote this letter when he was away from Corinth to enable the Church to resolve their problems before he visited again.
b) When he was to come to Corinth again he did not want to be severe and sharp.
c) He was given Authority by the Lord to build up and edify the Church and not pull it down.
(Through this QT: A Loving Letter, I realise that Christian Ministry is a very special calling from God – it is never for pulling down the Church but always for building up the Church)
‘Fear Can Stop Good People From Doing God’s Will.’
1 Kings 18:7-16.
a) 1 Kings 18:7. Obadiah revered Prophet Elijah.
b) 1 Kings 18:8. Elijah told Obadiah what to do.
c) 1 Kings 18:9-11. Obadiah feared for his life.
d) 1 Kings 18:12. Although Obadiah revered the Lord, he feared for his life more.
e) 1 Kings 18:13. Obadiah’s former brave compassion. We cannot live on a past experience.
f) 1 Kings 18:14. Obadiah feared for his life.
g) 1 Kings 18:15. In the Lord’s Name Elijah gave his promise.
h) 1 Kings 18:16. Ahab and Elijah were really to meet.
(Through this Second one I observe that Fear Can Stop Good People From Doing God’s Will)
Obadiah feared for his life. All True Believers who are serving the Lord may face situations where, at times, they fear for their lives. Just like Obadiah they have to face people who they do not want to face. These people may potentially cause the True Believer serving the Lord harm. If, however, we are sincerely serving the Lord only His Will will be done.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Living In The Right Way!
‘Living In The Right Way.’
Proverbs 16:19; James 4:6.
a) It is better to be of a lowly spirit with the poor.
b) We should not divide the spoil with the proud.
c) God gives us Grace to stand against wrong desires.
d) God opposes the proud people.
e) God favours humble people.
(This QT strongly urges me to be Living In The Right Way)
‘The Lord Can Prove His Power.’
Exodus 12:12.
The night of the Passover this is what happened to the Egyptians who were not protected by the Blood of the Lamb at that time.
a) All the firstborn were struck dead.
b) Both of humanity and of the animal world.
c) The Lord executed judgements on the gods of Egypt.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Can Prove His Power)
God guides us clearly through and from His Word. Both the Old and New Testaments have been written for our reading and application by Faith. To omit Bible Reading from our normal life as True Believers is tragic. This can mean we become nominal or “strange” in our daily walk.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Do It Right!
‘Do It Right.’
a) Philippians 2:5; Proverbs 23:7. Think right.
b) Romans 10:17. Listen right.
c) Hebrews 12:1-2. See right.
d) Psalm 19:14; Colossians 3:16; 1 Peter 4:11. Talk right.
(This QT encourages me to Do It Right)
‘If We Really Trust In And Love God.’
a) Deuteronomy 6:5. We will love Him with all of our:-
1- Heart.
2- Soul.
3- Might.
b) Exodus 20:3; Deuteronomy 4:39. We will have no other gods before Him.
c) Deuteronomy 10:12. We will:-
1- Fear Him.
2- Walk in all His Ways.
3- Love Him.
4- Serve Him with all of our heart and soul.
d) Isaiah 45:22. We will turn to Him and be Saved.
(Through this Second one I know what my response should be If I Really Trust In And Love God)
To really trust in and love God is a part of the calling of every True Believer. There is a lot of irrelevant small talk, gossip and chatter amongst Church people that sometimes hinders the Work of the Lord and can cause people to get hurt and leave the Church. Our calling is much higher and more significant than this. We are called to really trust in and love God.
Generous Gladness!
‘Generous Gladness.’
2 Corinthians 13:9.
a) We are glad when we are weak.
b) We are glad when you are strong.
c) Your restoration is what we pray for.
(Through this QT I want to have Generous Gladness)
‘Practical Everyday Faith.’
a) Romans 10:17. Comes by hearing the Word of God.
b) Hebrews 11:1. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
c) Hebrews 11:6. Without Faith it is impossible to please God.
d) 1 John 5:4. The Victory that overcomes the World is our Faith.
(This Second one makes me very thankful for Practical Everyday Faith: Lord, increase my Faith)
We all as True Believers need practical everyday Faith. Without Faith we live in a quagmire of daily life that just causes us to harden our hearts, get into false comforts or fall into depression. Faith comes from God and not from us and Faith is a wonderful Gift that all True Believers have.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
We Always Need To Watch Our Way!
‘We Always Need To Watch Our Way.’
Proverbs 16:17-18.
a) The Highway of the upright people turns aside from evil.
b) If we watch our steps, we preserve our life.
c) Pride goes before destruction.
d) Arrogance goes before failure.
(This QT reminds me that I Always Need To Watch My Way)
‘Are We Struggling In A Relationship That Is Difficult?’
a) Ephesians 4:31. The things to put away from us:-
1- Bitterness.
2- Wrath.
3- Anger.
4- Clamour.
5- Evil speaking.
6- Malice.
b) Ephesians 4:32. We are to be:-
1- Kind to one another.
2- Tender hearted.
3- Forgiving one another as God in Christ has forgiven us.
c) 1 John 3:15. We are not to habitually hate our Believing Brother or Sister.
d) Hebrews 10:30. Vengeance belongs to the Lord. He will Judge His Own People.
(This Second one helps me if my answer to this question is positive: Am I Struggling In A Relationship That Is Difficult?)
We are to be kind to one another. This was a part of Apostle Paul’s counsel to the Ephesian Church. These Ephesian Believers were first generation Believers and had many traits of their worldly culture with them. Ephesians were very competitive and also bound by evil spiritual powers. Being kind to one another was not normal for them. It was something that they needed to learn.
Sowers And Distributers!
‘Sowers And Distributers.’
2 Corinthians 9:6-11.
a) 2 Corinthians 9:6. The person who sows sparingly will reap sparingly and the person who sows bountifully will reap also bountifully.
b) 2 Corinthians 9:7. Each one must give as they have decided in their heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
c) 2 Corinthians 9:8. God is able to make all Grace abound towards us so that we have all sufficiency in everything.
d) 2 Corinthians 9:9. Three facts about God:-
1- He has distributed freely.
2- He has given to the poor.
3- His Righteousness endures forever.
e) 2 Corinthians 9:10. He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your Righteousness.
f) 2 Corinthians 9:11. The Church can be enriched in every way to be generous in every way which will cause pure Spiritual Leaders to give Thanksgiving to God.
(Through this QT I understand about Sowers And Distributers)
‘God Is Sovereign.’
a) Revelation 21:6. He is above all things and before all things.
b) Colossians 1:16. He Created all things and holds all things together.
c) Romans 11:33. God knows all things:-
1- Past.
2- Present.
3- Future.
d) Jeremiah 32:17 & 27. God can do all things and accomplish all things.
e) Psalm 103:19. God is in control over all things and rules over all.
(Through this Second one I can boldly proclaim God Is Sovereign)
God is above all things and before all things. The Bible tells us that in the Beginning God. God was already there at the beginning. God came first and in our lives He should still come first. God is above all things. Everything is in His Hands. Sometimes in our pain or anger we question God, even King David did this in the Psalms. Most of the answers however are already written in His Word. God does not need to be explained when He has already expressed. The things we do not know or understand we are to leave with Him. God does not need an interpreter.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
How To Stand For The Truth!
‘How To Stand For The Truth.’
2 Corinthians 13:6-8.
a) 2 Corinthians 13:6. Test ourselves.
b) 2 Corinthians 13:6. Recognise our spiritual authority.
c) 2 Corinthians 13:7. Do not do evil.
d) 2 Corinthians 13:7. Do not try to create an appearance of “being good”.
e) 2 Corinthians 13:7. Do the correct and right things.
f) 2 Corinthians 13:8. We do not oppose the Truth.
(Through this QT I find How To Stand For The Truth and I realise that we cannot passively stand for the Truth)
‘What Joy To Be The Lord’s Sheep.’
John 10:27-29.
a) John 10:27. The Lord’s sheep know His Presence, they hear His Voice.
b) John 10:27. The Lord knows His sheep.
c) John 10:27. They have the privilege of following Him.
d) John 10:28. The Lord gives them Eternal Life.
e) John 10:28. They shall never be destroyed.
f) John 10:28. No one can pluck them from His Hands.
g) John 10:29. They have been given to Him by the Heavenly Father.
h) John 10:29. No one can pluck them from the Heavenly Father’s Hands.
(This Second one causes me to exclaim What Joy To Be The Lord’s Sheep)
If we are going to stand for the Truth and not just believe the Truth we need to do the correct and right things. I meet people today, some of them trained in good Seminaries, who think that to be clever in a cunning way is the right thing to do because that is what other people do. This is nonsense...! We need to stand for the Truth by doing the correct and right things as well as believing.
Make Good Choices!
‘Make Good Choices.’
a) Proverbs 16:16. It is better to get Wisdom than Gold.
b) Proverbs 16:16. It is better to get Understanding than Silver.
c) Proverbs 3:14. The gaining of Wisdom is better than the gaining of silver.
d) Proverbs 3:14. The profit of Wisdom is better than fine gold.
e) Proverbs 8:19. Wisdom’s fruit is better than gold or silver.
(Through this QT I want to Make Good Choices)
‘Hear And Believe The Words Of Jesus.’
John 5:24.
a) This is emphasised by Jesus.
b) We need to hear the Words of Jesus.
c) We need to Believe the Heavenly Father Who sent Him.
d) Then we will have Eternal Life.
e) We will not come into Judgment.
f) We will then have crossed over from death to life.
(Through this Second one I know that I must Hear And Believe The Words Of Jesus continually)
This is hard for the capitalist world to Believe but it is better to get understanding than silver. The relentless pressure and bondage of the business world has eaten into many people’s health and families. Without God the business world is a killer. This is why the ministry of the Gospel into the business world is imperative. Churches should not be thinking about the business world solely as a financial support, they should be actively involved in reaching into the business world and capitalist system purely for the Glory of God with the Love of God in order that some may be Saved.
Friday, April 22, 2011
We Need To Press On!
‘We Need To Press On.’
Philippians 3:13-14.
a) We are still in God’s Process.
b) We need to forget what lays behind.
c) We need to reach forward to what lies ahead.
d) We keep pressing on towards the goal to obtain the prize of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus.
(This QT reminds me that I Need To Press On)
‘We Run To Win.’
1 Corinthians 9:24-27.
a) 1 Corinthians 9:24. We need to run to win the race.
b) 1 Corinthians 9:25. We need to train well for our crown that will last forever.
c) 1 Corinthians 9:26. We run straight for the finish line.
d) 1 Corinthians 9:26. We try to make every punch count.
e) 1 Corinthians 9:27. We:-
1- Treat our bodies hard.
2- Make our bodies our slave.
3- Proclaim the Good News to others.
f) 1 Corinthians 9:27. We live so as to not be disqualified.
(Through this Second one I make my decision: I Run To Win)
We are of God in Christ Jesus. It is only because we are in Christ Jesus and because of all that He has done for us that we can say we are of God. Just by adherence to the religion of Christianity does not make us of God. To be of God we need to be in Jesus Christ.
Examine Ourselves!
‘Examine Ourselves.’
2 Corinthians 13:5.
a) Examine ourselves.
b) Are we in the Faith?
c) Test ourselves.
d) Do we know that Jesus Christ is in us?
e) Do we pass this test?
(This QT causes me to Examine Myself)
‘Give All The Glory To Jesus.’
Galatians 1:3-5.
a) Galatians 1:3. He gives us Grace and Peace.
b) Galatians 1:4. He gave Himself:-
1- For our sins.
2- To deliver us from this present evil world system.
3- For us according to the Will of God the Father.
c) Galatians 1:5. We should give Him the Glory forever and ever.
(Through this Second one I am determined to Give All The Glory To Jesus)
Examining ourselves in the Light of God’s Word is a very wholesome and correct practise. One way we can do this is by listening attentively to God’s Word in Church. If we fall asleep during the sermon in Church habitually we not only offend the Preacher or Teacher, we offend God. We also fail to examine ourselves. Further, we examine ourselves through our careful personal reading of the Bible. People who pray need to be very careful how they pray. We should never pray without the Word of God, we should never turn lights out before we pray long prayers. If we emphasise prayer and neglect the Word of God, we open ourselves to a multitude of sins, even presumptuous sins, through our prayers.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Pray For Our National Leaders!
‘Pray For Our National Leaders.’
Proverbs 16:12-15.
a) Proverbs 16:12. It is abominable for them to commit wickedness.
b) Proverbs 16:12. Their leadership is established in Righteousness.
c) Proverbs 16:13. They should Rejoice when their subjects speak righteously and love those subjects.
d) Proverbs 16:14. Their anger is a messenger of death.
e) Proverbs 16:14. Wise people do their best to pacify National leaders and not agitate them.
f) Proverbs 16:15. When the National Leader has a bright face then life is ministered by them.
g) Proverbs 16:15. Their favour is like clouds that bring the latter rain.
(This QT encourages me to Pray For My National Leader in whatever country I am in, as well as in my home Nation. Few True Believers and Churches have deemed this as important but Indonesian Churches set us a very good example)
‘The Wonderful Word Of The Lord.’
Psalm 19:7-11.
a) Psalm 19:7. It is Perfect – converting the soul.
b) Psalm 19:7. It is Sure – making wise the simple.
c) Psalm 19:8. It is Right – rejoicing the heart.
d) Psalm 19:8. It is Pure – enlightening the eyes.
e) Psalm 19:9. The fear of the Lord is clean – enduring forever.
f) Psalm 19:9. It is True and Righteous altogether.
g) Psalm 19:10. It is more to be desired than Gold.
h) Psalm 19:10. It is sweeter than honey.
i) Psalm 19:11. Warns God’s Servants.
j) Psalm 19:11. The Lord rewards those people who obey it.
(Through this Second one I am Blessed as I consider The Wonderful Word Of The Lord)
The Word of the Lord is Pure, enlightening our lives. The way that Sanctification takes place in our lives is by the Blood of Jesus, through the Word of God and by the Holy Spirit. The actuality of all three ways is through the application of God’s Word to our lives.
Herod’s Scheme Thwarted!
‘Herod’s Scheme Thwarted.’
Matthew 2:1-12.
a) Matthew 2:1. During Herod’s kingship Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah.
b) Matthew 2:1. A band of scholarly and wise men arrived in Jerusalem from the East.
c) Matthew 2:2. These wise men asked where they could find and worship the New Born King of the Jews. They had seen His Sign in the stars and followed the specific star to Jerusalem. They came on a pilgrimage to Worship Him. They knew enough to know that God was at work.
d) Matthew 2:3. King Herod became very agitated when he heard about these wise men and the entire city became restless.
e) Matthew 2:4-6. Herod gathered his own wise men to discover where the Messiah was to be born and he got it established as Bethlehem.
f) Matthew 2:7. Using cunning, Herod interviewed the wise men from the East to get more information for him.
g) Matthew 2:8. Herod told these men to go to Bethlehem, find the baby Messiah, then go back and report to him again.
h) Matthew 2:9-10. The wise men from the East went off and arrived at the right place in Bethlehem at the right time!
i) Matthew 2:11. They entered the house met Mary and Jesus and then worshipped Him along with bringing their gifts.
j) Matthew 2:12. God gave these wise men a dream not to return to Herod so they went back to their country by another route.
(Through this QT: Herod Thwarted, I see God’s Intervention that His Plan would be fulfilled)
‘Things That Come To Pass.’
a) Matthew 24:6; Mark 13:29; Luke 21:31. The Signs of the times.
b) Mark 11:23. The things that we truly have Faith for.
c) Luke 18:35. Times of healing.
(Through this Second one I Thank God for and anticipate the Things That Come To Pass)
God sometimes intervenes in the affairs of humanity to fulfil His Plans. This especially happens when we are moving in the wrong direction or making a wrong decision. We should not resist God’s intervention and think that we are right. Rather we need to be responsive to God’s intervention and follow His leading in our lives.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Ministering In The Power Of God!
‘Ministering In The Power Of God.’
2 Corinthians 13:3-4.
a) Every Bible Preacher or Teacher should know that Christ speaks through them.
b) Christ should be powerful and not weak amongst the people that hear God’s Message.
c) Christ was Crucified in weakness yet now He Lives by the Power of God.
d) Every Bible Preacher or Teacher is just a weak human being.
e) As Bible Preachers or Teachers we should be alive with Christ and having God’s Power.
(Through this QT I want to be Ministering In The Power Of The Holy Spirit)
‘Our Temporary Groaning.’
Romans 8:19-23.
a) Romans 8:19. For all Creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who His Children really are.
b) Romans 8:20. Against its will, all Creation was subjected to God's curse.
c) Romans 8:20-21. With eager Hope creation looks forward to the day when it will join God's Children in Glorious Freedom from death and decay.
d) Romans 8:22. For we know that all Creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
e) Romans 8:23. We Believers also groan, even though we have the Holy Spirit within us as a foretaste of future glory, for we long for our bodies to be released from sin and suffering. We, too, wait with eager hope for the day when God will give us our full rights as His adopted Children, including the new bodies He has Promised us.
(This Second one really helps me to understand My Temporary Groaning)
We know that all Creation is still in ‘groaning mode’ life is not always easy and as True Believers we are called to be Faithful to the Lord. Yes, I am frequently in ‘groaning mode’ but I look forward to the future day when I will groan no more and I will be in the immediate Presence of the Lord.
Keeping Business Godly!
‘Keeping Business Godly.’
Proverbs 16:11.
a) A just balance is the Lord’s.
b) Just scales are the Lord’s.
c) All the weights in the bag are His doing.
(Through this QT I am reminded that True Believers should be Keeping Business Godly)
‘It Will Take But A Moment.’
1 Corinthians 15:52.
a) In a moment.
b) In the twinkling of an eye.
c) At the last trumpet which will be sounded.
d) The dead people will be raised to life forever.
e) We shall be changed.
(This Second one reminds me that It Will Take Just A Moment)
There are thirty one chapters in the Book of Proverbs. I have heard several people say and also read more than one writer suggesting that we all read a chapter of proverbs every day. If we do this, we will finish the Book within a month (approximately). Proverbs is so practical, I agree that reading the Book regularly can help us with our daily lives and decision making.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A Promise And A Reality!
‘A Promise And A Reality.’
Jude 1:14.
a) This promise and reality was first recorded at the time of Enoch, the seventh generation from Adam and it is still relevant today.
b) Jude calls this a Prophecy we might term it a Biblical Prophecy.
c) The people of that day had to:-
1- Look.
2- See.
3- Listen.
d) We need to do the same.
e) The Lord is coming with myriads of Holy Ones.
f) I remember the birth of the Lord Jesus. There were myriads of Holy Ones or Angels announcing and celebrating.
g) I think of the many Divine Visitations of the Lord, manifested by the Holy Spirit, into this World from the time of Christ’s Resurrection until now. There have been many testimonies of Angelic protection.
h) I look forward to the Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, surely then He will also be accompanied by myriads of Holy Ones.
(This QT shows me A Promise And A Reality)
Genesis 5:24: Hebrews 11:5.
a) Enoch walked with God.
b) Then he was not there anymore.
c) God took him.
d) Enoch lived by Faith.
e) Enoch pleased God.
(Through this Second one I find that there is simply much to learn from the life of Enoch)
The things that the Bible tells us about Enoch are very simple and clear. These things are very good examples for all True Believers. Enoch walked with God. Are we walking with God or are we following our own pernicious ways? Enoch lived by Faith. Enoch pleased God. Are we doing our utmost to please God or do we just behave as fringe Christians?
Cleaning Up The Church!
‘Cleaning Up The Church.’
2 Corinthians 13:1-2.
Apostle Paul was a father of the Corinthian Church. His Apostolic Ministry gave him the authority to deal with the Church problems. We need more Church fathers today.
a) He was on his way to visit the Corinthian Church for the third time.
b) He wanted the discipline of the Church to be fair and just.
c) Apostle Paul had already warned those people in the Church who were sinning on his previous visit that they needed to stop.
d) He repeats the warning in this letter.
e) This third visit he would not spare them.
(Through this QT I know that a part of the Ministry of Church fathers is Cleaning Up The Church so that the Church can be pure and Glorify God)
‘Paul Saw Jesus.’
a) 1 Corinthians 15:8. Of the original Apostles of the New Testament age, Apostle Paul was the last one to see Jesus.
b) 1 Corinthians 9:1. He saw Jesus with his own eyes.
c) Acts 9:3-5. He saw Jesus in amazing circumstances.
d) Acts 9:17. He not only saw Jesus but Jesus caused intervention in his own life also.
e) Acts 18:9. Another time Paul saw Jesus and he was encouraged to speak with boldness in a difficult environment.
f) Acts 22:18. Paul saw Jesus as His Guide.
(This Second one really amazes me: Paul Saw Jesus)
Apostle Paul saw Jesus with his own eyes. This was an amazing experience that brought Salvation and a totally changed life for him. Today there are all kinds of books being written about hearing and seeing Jesus. Amazing experiences if they were true. These “manifestations” can be tested however by the Word of God. A good knowledge of, and a respect for, the Word of God will teach any True Believer that we shall see Jesus in Eternity and whilst we are on this Earth God speaks to us through His Word.
Monday, April 18, 2011
For A National Leader To Reign Well!
‘For A National Leader To Reign Well.’
Proverbs 16:10 & 29:14.
a) The National Leader needs to speak with Divine Wisdom.
b) The National Leader must never judge unfairly.
c) The National Leader must judge the poor fairly.
d) If the National Leader does these things his reign will endure.
(This QT teaches the things to be done For A National Leader To Reign Well)
‘Behold, Look Here.’
1 Corinthians 15:51.
a) Here is a Mystery.
b) Not all of us will die.
c) We will all be changed.
(This Second one awakens me to Behold, Look Here!)
The Bible is very clear in its teachings about God’s Principles for National Leaders. These Principles are not only for “Christian” Leaders but they are for all Leaders. God wants National Leaders to be clean – free from corruption and bribery. God wants National Leaders to become God fearing Leaders, whoever they are!
Paul’s Wonderful Prayer For The Ephesian Church!
‘Paul’s Wonderful Prayer For The Ephesian Church.’
Ephesians 3:17-21.
a) Ephesians 3:17. He prayed that Christ would live in their hearts because of their Belief in Him.
b) Ephesians 3:17. He prayed that they would be rooted in Love with a strong foundation.
c) Ephesians 3:18. He prayed that in the togetherness of God’s people they would understand Christ’s Love, that it is:-
1- Wide.
2- Long.
3- High.
4- Deep.
d) Ephesians 3:19. He prayed that through experiencing this Love they would be filled with all the Fullness of God.
e) Ephesians 3:20-21. He prayed that they would bring and give Glory to God Who by His Mighty Power working in us can do much more than we ask or even imagine.
(This QT really comforts me with one of my favourite Bible Prayers: Paul’s Wonderful Prayer For The Ephesian Church)
‘Our Source Of Life From God.’
Romans 8:11.
a) If the Spirit of the One Who raised Jesus from the dead is living in us.
b) So the One Who raised Christ from the dead will also give Life to our bodies, even though our bodies are destined to die.
c) God will do this by the Power of His Spirit which lives in us.
(Through this Second one I find My Source Of Life From God)
How do we pray for our local Church or our area Church (the local Churches in our locality)? Do we pray constructive, helpful and meaningful prayers for these Churches? The Church needs Prayer. Revival is God’s initiative and not ours. We should not Pray for Revival in the Churches, rather we should pray that the Churches will be ready to receive Revival as God sees fit. We should never pray critical or damning prayers over God’s Church, that is sacrilege.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Paul’s Fears For The Corinthian Church!
‘Paul’s Fears For The Corinthian Church.’
2 Corinthians 12:20-21.
a) He was afraid that he would arrive in Corinth and not find the Church in good condition.
b) He was afraid that he would arrive in Corinth and that the Corinthian Believers would not be pleased with him.
c) He was afraid of arriving in Corinth and finding in the Church:-
1- Quarrelling.
2- Jealousy.
3- Anger.
4- Rivalry.
5- Slander.
6- Gossip.
7- Arrogance.
8- Disorder.
d) He was afraid of arriving in Corinth and being humiliated in the presence of the Church.
e) He was afraid of arriving in Corinth and finding in the Church unrepentant “Christians” who had not resolved in their lives or repented of their:-
1- Impurity.
2- Fornication.
3- Shameful things.
(This QT is still so very relevant concerning the Church today: Paul’s Fears For The Corinthian Church)
‘Being Amazed At Jesus.’
2 Thessalonians 1:10.
a) There will be a Day when the Lord Jesus comes to receive Glory because of His Holy People.
b) All the people who have Believed in Jesus will be amazed on that day.
c) If we Believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ then we will be included on that day.
(Through this Second one I am enamoured by the thought of Being Amazed At Jesus)
The Lord Jesus is certainly going to come back again and this Chapter in Second Thessalonians encourages us to be ready for His Return. We need to read and understand the Teachings of the Word of God about the return of Jesus Christ and then we will be ready for that event.
God Is In Control!
‘God Is In Control.’
a) Proverbs 16:9. We can make our plans but the Lord determines our steps.
b) Genesis 45:5. Do not be upset, God is in the whole situation.
c) Genesis 45:7-8. God has sent us here – not somebody else.
d) Genesis 50:20. You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.
e) Proverbs 19:21. We may make many plans but the Lord’s purpose will prevail.
f) Proverbs 20:24. The LORD directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?
g) Jeremiah 10:23. I know, LORD, that our lives are not our own. We are not able to plan our own course.
h) Acts 2:23. But God knew what would happen, and his prearranged plan was carried out when Jesus was betrayed.
(This QT convinces me that God Is In Control)
‘What The True Servants Of The Lord Do Not Do.’
a) 1 Corinthians 2:6 & 13. They do not speak with the wisdom of this World system.
b) 1 Corinthians 2:1; 2 Corinthians 1:12. They do not use lofty words and impressive Wisdom.
c) James 3:15. They do not have jealousy or selfishness.
(This Second one teaches me What The True Servants Of The Lord Do Not Do)
We may make many plans but the Lord’s Purpose will prevail. Sometimes we pray that the Lord will help us make plans, especially for very important things like our family’s future and our ministry. We go ahead with those plans and then they do not work out. It is at times like that when we need to pray more so that the Lord’s Purposes will prevail in our lives.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
In The Beginning!
‘In The Beginning.’
John 1:1-3.
a) John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word.
b) John 1:1. The Word was with God.
c) John 1:1. The Word was God.
d) John 1:2. The Word was in the beginning with God.
e) John 1:3. All things came into being through the Word.
f) John 1:3. Apart from the Word not one thing came into being that has come into being.
(This QT clearly show me about what happened In The Beginning)
‘If We Are Called Of God.’
1 Corinthians 1:24.
a) Whoever we may be Jew or Gentile.
b) Christ is the Power of God.
c) Christ is the Wisdom of God.
(This Second one makes me realise that If We Are Called of God we need to be humble in our walk with Him and Trust Him totally)
All things came into being through the Word of God. This Truth is also brought out in the Old Testament as well as the New. Our God is an active Creator, He manifests Himself in the Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Not Defending Ourselves But Edifying Other People!
‘Not Defending Ourselves But Edifying Other People.’
2 Corinthians 12:18-19.
a) The three Ministers:- Paul, Titus and the anonymous third never did anything wrong in Corinth.
b) These three brothers:-
1- Lived by the same Holy Spirit.
2- Never took advantage of the Church.
3- Walked in the same steps.
c) These men were not defending themselves but they were speaking in the sight of God.
d) They were speaking together as those who were united with Christ.
e) They loved the Corinthian Church.
f) They were doing all things for the edification of the Church.
(This QT teaches me that my way should be Not Defending Myself But Edifying Other People)
‘The Presence Of Wisdom In Our Lives.’
Proverbs 8:30.
a) Can be with us from the early days of our lives.
b) Is something we can delight in.
c) Causes us to Rejoice.
(Through this Second one I thank God for, and long for more of, The Presence Of Wisdom In My Life)
The Holy Spirit is a Spirit of Unity and a uniting Spirit. There are some Believers who are hell bent on causing division and strife in Churches and Christian organisations. This is never God’s way. Whereas the Church is Holy and belongs to God, the Church should also be a place where people in bondage can come in and find freedom and a place where sinners are gifted with repentance. If there is disunity in the Church these things never happen.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Financial Contentment!
‘Financial Contentment.’
a) Proverbs 16:8. The better way is a little with Righteousness.
b) Proverbs 16:8. The worse way is great income with injustice.
c) Proverbs 30:9. If we have too much we might deny the Lord.
d) Proverbs 30:9. If we have nothing we might steal and profane the Name of our God.
(This QT reminds me of the Blessing of Financial Contentment)
‘Enduring And Godly Wisdom.’
Proverbs 8:22-23.
a) The Lord made Wisdom at the beginning of His Creation.
b) The Lord made Wisdom before His Works of long ago.
c) Wisdom was formed:-
1- Before ancient times.
2- From the beginning.
3- Before the Earth Began.
(Through this Second one I treasure Enduring And Godly Wisdom)
I understand that Financial Contentment is a very important part of the life of a True Believer. The “prosperity gospel” has never been a part of the Biblical Principle or idea. The New Testament is full of Teaching about Contentment and that must include Financial Contentment.
God's Secret Plan Revealed!
‘God’s Secret Plan Revealed.’
Ephesians 3:3-10.
a) Ephesians 3:3. God Himself revealed His Secret Plan to Apostle Paul.
b) Ephesians 3:4. This Plan can now be understood by all True Believers.
c) Ephesians 3:5. It was revealed to the Servants of the Lord in Apostle Paul’s generation.
d) Ephesians 3:6. This is the secret plan:
1- The Gentiles have an equal share with the Jews in all the riches inherited by God's children.
2- Both groups have believed the Good News.
3- Both are part of the same body and enjoy together the promise of blessings through Christ Jesus.
e) Ephesians 3:7. Paul became a Servant of this Good News by God's gracious gift, which He gave to him through the operation of His Power.
f) Ephesians 3:8-9. God gave to Paul the special privilege of sharing this news with the Gentiles.
g) Ephesians 3:10. God's Purpose was to show His Wisdom in all its rich variety to all the rulers and authorities in the Heavenly realms. They will see this when Jews and Gentiles are joined together in His Church.
(This QT shows to me God’s Secret Plan Revealed)
‘Understanding Is Important.’
a) Proverbs 8:1. Understanding raises her voice, it is important to have Understanding.
b) Exodus 31:3; 1 Chronicles 22:12; Proverbs 2:6. Comes from God.
c) Deuteronomy 1:13. Is necessary for leaders.
d) 1 Kings 3:9. We can pray for it.
e) Job 12:12. It can be gained through many years of life.
f) Job 28:28. By it we forsake evil.
g) Psalm 119:104. Comes through the Word of God.
h) Proverbs 2:2. We should concentrate on it.
i) Proverbs 3:13. It can make us happy.
j) Proverbs 10:13. It will give us wise words to say to other people.
k) Proverbs 17:17. It keeps us even tempered.
l) Proverbs 19:8. If we cherish it we will prosper.
m) Mark 4:25. More will come to us if we are open to the Teaching of Jesus Christ.
n) Hebrews 6:1. We should become mature in it.
(This Second one reminds me that Understanding Is Important)
Understanding comes through the Word of God and is given to us by God. We need to have it so that we can serve God well. Some people are void of understanding and others think that all we have to do is “listen to God”, but the Truth is that Understanding comes through the Word of God and it is given to us by God.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
We Are Not To Take Advantage Of Other People!
‘We Are Not To Take Advantage Of Other People.’
a) 2 Corinthians 12:16-17. Apostle Paul, Titus and their ministry teams never took advantage of the Corinthian Church.
b) Leviticus 19:33. Of foreigners who live in our land.
c) Leviticus 25:14. Of our neighbour in a business deal.
d) Deuteronomy 24:14. Of poor and destitute labourers.
e) Isaiah 10:2. Of orphans.
f) Jeremiah 9:4. Of our family members.
g) 2 Corinthians 7:2. Of anyone.
h) 1 Corinthians 4:6. Of our fellow True Believer.
(Through this QT I know that I Am Not To Take Advantage Of Other People)
‘The Conversion And Changed Life Of Apostle Paul.’
Galatians 1:11-16.
a) Galatians 1:11-12. He now was Preaching the Gospel, the Word of God as revealed to Him by Jesus Christ.
b) Galatians 1:13-14. His former life as a devout Jewish leader, persecuting the Churches.
c) Galatians 1:15. His experience of the Grace and Calling of God.
d) Galatians 1:16. His demonstration of Jesus Christ which helped him to Preach the Gospel.
(This QT reminds me of The Conversion And Changed Life Of Apostle Paul)
We should not take advantage of orphans. There are many orphans in this World and the least we can do is pray for them. Even the recent Japanese tsunami disaster created many orphans, as did the Indonesian one in recent history. Wars create orphans, diseases like AIDS create orphans. It is good that the Churches and Believing families can help the orphans. The best environment for orphans to grow up in is their own environment or as close to it as possible.
The Lord’s Ways With Humanity!
‘The Lord’s Ways With Humanity.’
Proverbs 16:4-7.
a) Proverbs 16:4. The Lord has made everything for His Purpose, even the sinner for the day of evil.
b) Proverbs 16:5. The Lord detests people with pride in their heart. These people will not go unpunished.
c) Proverbs 16:6. By the Fear of the Lord people are turned away from evil. Their evil doing is taken away by:-
1- Mercy.
2- Grace.
3- Truth.
d) Proverbs 16:7. When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
(Through this QT I see some of The Lord’s Ways With Humanity)
‘The Secret Revealed.’
1 Corinthians 15:51-52.
a) This secret is revealed by Apostle Paul in the Word of God.
b) Not all of us will die.
c) All of us will be changed.
d) This will happen:-
1- In a moment.
2- In the blink of an eye.
3- At the sound of the last horn.
e) At the sound of that last horn the dead will be raised to life forever.
f) At that time we will be changed.
(Through this Second one: The Secret Revealed, I anticipate the future with Hope)
Not all of us will die, Apostle Paul taught this to the Thessalonians and there have been so many teachings taught and books written on the subject of ‘The Last Days.’ Many of these authors have vastly differing opinions. I believe and I teach that the main factor should be that we are ready to go to be with the Lord and we should be continually living in that readiness.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Correct Concentration!
‘Correct Concentration.’
2 Corinthians 4:18.
a) We should not concentrate on what is seen
b) We concentrate on what is not seen.
c) What is seen is temporary.
d) What is not seen is eternal.
(This QT shows to me Correct Concentration)
‘A Lesson In Faith And Blessing.’
John 20:25-29.
a) John 20:25. Other Disciples told Thomas that they had seen the Lord.
b) John 20:25. Thomas could not believe them. He would only believe if he could physically touch Him.
c) John 20:26. A week passed and the Disciples and Thomas were gathered together again in the locked room.
d) John 20:26. Jesus came into that locked room and greeted the Disciples with Shalom.
e) John 20:27. Jesus knew about Thomas’s problem. He invited Thomas to touch Him.
f) John 20:27. Jesus told Thomas to stop doubting and to Believe.
g) John 20:28. Thomas answered to Jesus: “My Lord and My God”.
h) John 20:29. Jesus spoke of two categories of Disciple here. Firstly, those, like Thomas, who Believe because they saw Him. Secondly, the more Blessed are those who do not see Him but Believe and Trust in Him.
(Through this Second one I have A Lesson In Faith And Blessing)
We need to understand the Biblical concept of Faith and Blessing rather than the Christian popular concept as taught by some deviant churches and ministries. Faith and Blessing are primarily spiritual and not material. The material Blessing may follow the spiritual but as True Believers we should not focus on the material but the spiritual.
A Spiritual Father’s Heart For The Church!
‘A Spiritual Father’s Heart For The Church.’
2 Corinthians 12:14-15.
a) Apostle Paul visited again the Corinthian Church which he was responsible for. He did not just love them and leave them.
b) He did not want to burden the Church.
c) He did not want to bother them to help him.
d) He wanted to have relationship with them and not their money.
e) Parents are to lay up in store for their children not children for their parents.
f) Apostle Paul was glad to spend everything he had for them.
g) Apostle Paul was willing to give himself for the Corinthian Church.
h) He challenged the Corinthian Church about their love.
(Through this QT I find A Spiritual Father’s Heart For The Church)
‘The Sufferings We Are Going Through Now.’
Romans 8:18.
a) We need to consider and think about these sufferings.
b) They may be painful now but in Eternal Light they are just passing experience.
c) They are nothing compared with the Glory that is going to be revealed in us.
d) This Glory will be revealed at the end of our lives on this Earth.
(This Second one teaches me another way of looking at The Sufferings I Am Going Through Now)
Good Spiritual Leaders, Pastors and Missionaries want to have a relationship with the Churches with whom they are associated. This relationship is not based on financial backing but upon a caring ministry for the Church or Churches. Discerning Churches are far more ready to support people who are not basing relationships on trying to get something.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
We Need The Lord!
‘We Need The Lord.
Proverbs 16:1-3.
a) Proverbs 16:1. We are responsible to make good plans and to prepare our hearts but how our tongue speaks is from the Lord. We need the Lord to guard our hearts and mouths.
b) Proverbs 16:2. All our ways are pure in our own eyes but the Lord weighs our spirit. We need the Lord to guide us in His Ways.
c) Proverbs 16:3. We are to entrust and commit to the Lord all that we do then our plans will be established and achieve success.
(This QT reminds me that I Need The Lord)
‘A Definition Of Faith.’
Hebrews 11:1.
a) Faith is for Now, not a memory or an imagination of the future.
b) Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. Hope is strong but Faith is stronger.
c) Faith is being convinced about the things that we do not see.
(This Second one is a great source of strength and comfort for me: A Definition Of Faith)
The Lord weighs our spirit. This surely should make us check our ways. Our ways need to be pure in His Eyes and not just in our own. We really need the Lord to guide us in His Ways because sometimes our ways are out of His Will.
What Do We Do With The Words Of Jesus?
‘What Do We Do With The Words Of Jesus?’
Matthew 7:24-27.
a) Matthew 7:24. Do we hear them and act on them? If we do we will be sensible people.
b) Matthew 7:25. If we hear and act on the Words of Jesus we will have a strong foundation in our Faith lives.
c) Matthew 7:26. Jesus says that we are foolish if we hear His Words but do not act on them.
d) Matthew 7:27. If we hear the Words of Jesus but do not act on them we are heading for collapse.
(Through this QT I must ask myself: What Do I Do With The Words Of Jesus?)
‘Exercising Faith.’
a) Hebrews 11:3. By Faith we Believe in the Creative Power of God’s Words.
b) Psalm 9:10. By Faith we Believe that the Lord never abandons someone who is searching for Him.
c) Psalm 33:18; 1 Timothy 1:5. By Faith we rely on God’s unfailing Love.
d) Psalm 34:22. By Faith we Believe that we will be fully pardoned as we Trust in the Lord.
e) Luke 7:50 By Faith we can be saved and go on in Peace.
f) Luke 8:48. By Faith we can be made well.
g) Acts 26:18. Through Faith in Christ we are given a place amongst God’s People.
h) Romans 4:5; 5:1. Because of Faith we are declared Righteous.
i) 2 Corinthians 1:24. We can be filled with Godly Joy as we stand firm in our Faith.
(This Second one calls me to be Exercising Faith)
Do we hear and act on the Words of Jesus Christ? This is a major question for all Church goers. Here is a most important point and fact. If we are to be True Believers and have a strong foundation in our Faith life, then we really need to expose ourselves to the Words of Jesus Christ and act on them.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Apostle Paul Was Clear And Clean!
‘Apostle Paul Was Clear And Clean.’
2 Corinthians 12:11-13.
a) 2 Corinthians 12:11; 10:1. Apostle Paul wrote about himself to the Corinthian Believers because they had been listening to lies spoken against him by false ‘apostles’ who were after their money.
b) 2 Corinthians 12:11. The Corinthian Believers had not spoken up for Apostle Paul when he was being spoken against by the false ‘apostles’.
c) 2 Corinthians 12:12. Apostle Paul had led the Corinthian Church into the Ministry of the Holy Spirit as we see in 1 Corinthians Chapters 12-14.
d) 2 Corinthians 12:13. Apostle Paul never made himself a financial burden to the Corinthian Church.
(Through this QT I want to follow a very good example in ministry: Apostle Paul Was Clear And Clean)
‘Spiritual Sensitivity Follows Genuine Repentance.’
Malachi 3:18.
a) Then, after turning back to the Lord.
b) We can consider and discern.
c) Who is Righteous.
d) Who is wicked.
e) Who is the True Servant of God.
f) Who claims to be His servant but is not.
(Through this Second one I fully understand that Spiritual Sensitivity Follows Genuine Repentance)
The Corinthian Believers were young and new Believers and Apostle Paul was as a spiritual father to them. These Corinthian Believers did not however behave in Biblically good ways and caused many heartaches for Apostle Paul even though he loved them so much and kept on affirming his love for them in his letters. Christianity does not change cultures – that is not the purpose of the Gospel. The purpose of the Gospel is to save men and women from sin and give them New Life in Christ. All culture is fallen and will never be saved. People can be Redeemed, cultures not.
Attitudes Not Communicated!
‘Attitudes Not Communicated.’
Proverbs 15:32-33.
a) Rejecting criticism causes us to harm ourselves.
b) By listening to correction we grow in understanding.
c) The Fear of the Lord teaches us to be wise.
d) Humility precedes honour.
(Through this QT I learn how much my life may be affected through Attitudes Not Communicated)
‘Consider Then Pray.’
Jeremiah 6:16.
a) This is a Message from Jehovah God.
b) Consider, stand in the ways.
c) See.
d) Ask (in Prayer) for the good old ways.
e) Walk in the good old ways.
f) Then you will find rest for your souls.
g) This was the Word of the Lord but God’s People of those days would not listen to Him.
(This Second one causes me to Consider Then Pray)
Many times we blame other people when things “go wrong” in our lives. Sometimes our problems can be directly related to other people in cases like abuse and gossip but mainly our own attitudes affect our lives. Our own negative attitudes can give us many difficulties.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Burdened People Can Come To Jesus!
‘Burdened People Can Come To Jesus.’
Matthew 11:28-30.
(Simple yet profound remedy for burdens)
a) Matthew 11:28. Come to Jesus.
b) Matthew 11:28. All people who are weary and burdened.
c) Matthew 11:28. He gives rest to these people.
d) Matthew 11:29. Take His yoke upon us.
e) Matthew 11:29. Learn from Him.
f) Matthew 11:29. He is Gentle.
g) Matthew 11:29. He is humble in heart.
h) Matthew 11:29. We will find rest for our souls.
i) Matthew 11:30. His yoke is easy.
j) Matthew 11:30. His burden is light.
(This QT reminds me that Burdened People Can Come To Jesus)
‘Then We Will Not Be Put To Shame.’
Psalm 119:4-6.
a) Psalm 119:4. God has commanded us His Precepts and these we should fully obey.
b) Psalm 119:5. We should pray sincerely that our ways be established in obeying God’s Precepts.
c) Psalm 119:6. When we respect all God’s Commands and Precepts we will not be put to shame.
(This Second one teaches me the Way to follow the Lord and if I follow this way Then I Will Not Be Put To Shame)
The yoke that the Lord has for us is easy. In fact it is perfect, because it means being yoked together with Him.
We need, by Faith, to take His yoke upon us. It means that we trust Him fully for our lives and for our future. It means that we are committed to His Will for us.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Apostle Paul's Spiritual Strength!
‘Apostle Paul’s Spiritual Strength.’
2 Corinthians 12:10.
a) He took pleasure in:-
1- Weaknesses.
2- Injuries.
3- Necessities.
4- Persecutions.
5- Distresses.
b) All for Christ’s sake.
c) When he was weak.
d) Then he was strong.
(Through this QT I find the source of Apostle Paul’s Spiritual Strength and pray for the persecuted True Believers in this World)
‘The Time Will Come.’
a) Galatians 6:9. For reaping if we do not faint.
b) Ecclesiastes 3:1-2. At the correct and right time.
c) Isaiah 40:10. When the Lord God will come:-
1- As a Mighty One.
2- With a strong hand.
3- His Arm shall rule for Him.
4- His Reward is with Him.
5- His work is before Him.
(This Second one reminds me that The Time Will Come)
Apostle Paul understood persecutions because he suffered them. Jesus Christ talked about persecution and told His Disciples to expect it. Today we pray for the persecuted Church worldwide. No one enjoys persecutions, if we respond wrongly in them we can become so bitter. Let us continue to pray for the persecuted Church.
Positive Realities!
‘Positive Realities.’
Proverbs 15:30-31.
a) A cheerful look which brings Joy to the heart.
b) Good news that makes for good health.
c) If we listen to constructive criticism, we will be at home among the wise people.
(Through this QT I can see the good changes that Positive Realities can bring)
‘In Christ We Are Free.’
a) Romans 8:1. For those of us who are in Christ Jesus there is now no condemnation.
b) Romans 3:24. We are Justified freely by God’s Grace through the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
c) Isaiah 53:6. The Lord has laid on Jesus Christ the iniquity of us all.
(This Second one is a cause of great rejoicing: In Christ I Am Free)
When Jesus Christ brings changes to our lives those changes are good, visible and for His Glory. It is important for the reader to have assurance of Salvation. Believe in and Receive Jesus Christ as personal Saviour for only in Him is our Redemption possible.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Are We Grateful To Jesus?
‘Are We Grateful To Jesus?’
Luke 17:17-18.
a) Jesus Christ clearly understood the situation. He is Omniscient and He still clearly understands today.
b) Ten lepers were cleansed and healed by Jesus but only one came back.
c) None of the Jewish lepers came back to Jesus to give Glory to God.
d) The only one who came back was a Gentile. He was a stranger and outsider.
(This QT both reminds me and challenges me: Am I Grateful To Jesus?)
‘Remembering The Reality Of God Today.’
a) Romans 8:28. To all of us who love God all things are working together for our good. Even though we do not understand all things.
b) Romans 8:28. God calls us according to His Purpose.
c) Proverbs 3:5. We are to trust God with all of our heart and not lean on our own understanding
d) Proverbs 3:6. In all our ways we should acknowledge Him and He will direct our hearts.
(Through this Second one I want to be Remembering The Reality Of God Today)
None of the Jewish lepers came back to Jesus to give Glory to God and to say “thank you”. Sometimes we take God for granted. We receive many Blessings and Benefits from Him and take both Him and them for granted. We are not deserving of God’s Grace, Blessings and Benefits, that is what Grace is all about. Let us be more grateful to God and give Glory to Him through our dedicated lives.
That The Power Of Christ May Dwell Upon Us!
‘That The Power Of Christ May Dwell Upon Us.’
2 Corinthians 12:7-9.
a) 2 Corinthians 12:7. God gave Apostle Paul a thorn in the flesh that he would not become proud of his spiritual revelations and his spirituality. We do not know what exactly the thorn in the flesh was other than it was a messenger of Satan which buffeted his flesh.
b) 2 Corinthians 12:8. Apostle Paul sought the Lord three times for it to depart from him. (In the language of the New Testament days that was spoken in Corinth “three” here means “many”)
c) 2 Corinthians 12:9. The Lord said to Apostle Paul that His Grace was sufficient for him and that His Power was perfected in weakness.
d) 2 Corinthians 12:9. Apostle Paul’s response is a very good lesson for all of us. “Most gladly therefore will I rather boast in my weaknesses, that the power of the Christ may dwell upon me.” He was not looking for physical healing, rather he was looking to Glorify Christ.
(This QT shows me correct desire: That The Power Of Christ May Dwell Upon Me)
‘Say Thank You.’
a) 1 Thessalonians 5:18. In everything give thanks, for this is the Will of God in Christ Jesus for us.
b) Matthew 11:25. Jesus gave thanks to the Father.
c) John 11:41. Jesus thanked the Father that He had heard His Prayer.
(This Second one reminds me that to Say Thank You should be a very natural and joyful part of our lives)
When Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthian Church he wrote many things that are still very relevant for the Church all across this World today. We live in days where great emphasis is being placed on prophecies and miracle healing in many places. Whereas God definitely speaks through the Holy Spirit today and certainly God heals today, to emphasise on these things eventually creates chaos and cults.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
There Are All Kinds Of People!
‘There Are All Kinds Of People.’
Proverbs 15:24-29.
a) Proverbs 15:24. There are wise people whose path leads upward to life. These people will avoid Sheol.
b) Proverbs 15:25. There are proud people and the Lord will tear down their houses.
c) Proverbs 15:25. There are widows and the Lord will establish and maintain their boundaries.
d) Proverbs 15:26, 28 & 29. There are wicked people and their thoughts are an abomination to the Lord. Their mouths pour out evil things. The Lord is far from them.
e) Proverbs 15:26. There are pure people whose words are pleasing to the Lord.
f) Proverbs 15:27. There are those people, mostly business people, who are greedy for unjust gain and they make trouble for their household.
g) Proverbs 15:27. There are people who hate bribes, they will live.
h) Proverbs 15:28 & 29. There are righteous people whose mind ponders how to answer. The Lord hears their prayers.
(This QT reminds me that There Are All Kinds Of People and that the Lord calls all people to repentance)
‘Our Responsibility As Jesus’ Disciples To Forgive Other Believers.’
Luke 17:3-4.
a) We need to take heed to ourselves first, before interfering with other people.
b) If our fellow True Believer sins we should rebuke them for it rather than gossip about them behind their backs.
c) If our fellow True Believer repents we should forgive them.
d) If that True Believer sins against us seven times in a day and then says that they repent, we should forgive them.
(In this Second one I realise My Responsibility As Jesus’ Disciple To Forgive Other Believers)
There are wicked people and sometimes it is very difficult for us to accept them. We wish that they would disappear, go away or die. God sees them differently however, He desires them to come to a place of repentance and find new life in Jesus Christ. Through the Gospel of Jesus Christ even wicked people can be made a New Creation.
The Lord Is Gracious!
‘The Lord Is Gracious.’
a) Psalm 145:17 & 8. In all His Works.
b) Psalm 111:4. And Compassionate.
c) Psalm 116:5. And Righteous.
d) 1 Peter 2:3. We can taste (experience) it.
(This QT has me to proclaim The Lord Is Gracious, would you proclaim it with me?)
‘It is Good To Know.’
Romans 8:28.
a) All things work together for good.
b) This is for those people who love God.
c) These people are called according to His Purpose.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is Good To Know and experience Romans 8:28)
Proclamation of God’s Word mutually, whether in Church, or in natural family, is a good thing to do. This kind of proclamation positively affects our spirits, our emotions and our unity as True Believers.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Honest And Humble Reality!
‘Honest And Humble Reality.’
2 Corinthians 12:6.
a) Apostle Paul had plenty to boast about.
b) He would be telling the Truth in his boasting.
c) He would not be making a fool of himself in boasting.
d) He sensibly refrained from boasting.
e) He did not want other people to have some elated or elevated opinion of him.
f) His witness and testimony was his life and his message – not his experiences.
(Through this QT I am so Blessed by Apostle Paul’s Honest And Humble Reality)
‘God’s Message To Sinners.’
Isaiah 55:8-9.
How often I have heard this Scripture taken out of context! If we examine the context we find that God is speaking to people in sin and out of fellowship with Him. He was not speaking to His Obedient People. Frequently I have heard this Scripture being abused by preachers to manipulate good people.
a) God’s thoughts are not the same as those people who are in their sin.
b) God’s ways are not the same as those people who are in their sin.
c) This is what the Lord God says.
d) As the Heavens are higher than the Earth.
e) God’s Ways are higher – much higher – than the ways of sinners.
f) God’s Thoughts are higher – much higher – than the thoughts of sinners.
(This Second one clearly reminds me of God’s Message To Sinners)
Apostle Paul very sensibly did not want to make a fool of himself in boasting, even though he had so much that he could have boasted about. His witness and testimony was his life and his message – NOT his experiences. I tremble when I hear Bible teachers and preachers who major on talking about their experiences because that is the pathway to pride.
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The Christian Life!
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