Sunday, July 16, 2017

Was This A Deliberate Plan?

'Was This A Deliberate Plan?'
Luke 2:6.
a)  It was while they were in Nazareth.
b)  With all of its discomforts.
c)  The time came,
d)  For Mary to give birth. 
(This QT prompts me to ask the question: Was This A Deliberate Plan? Not just a 'prophetic' convenience that 'just happened'?)
PRAYER: For all those families, in family or Church, with a pregnancy, to give birth in the Will of God in every part of the circumstance and event.
'The Voice From The Cloud.'
Matthew 17:5. 
a)  It was very unusual - it was a bright cloud. 
b)  It appeared while Peter was speaking. 
c)  This cloud overshadowed Jesus, Peter, James and John who were together alone on a high mountain.
d)  A Voice (Father God's Voice) spoke from the cloud:
1-This is My Beloved Son.
2-With Whom I am well pleased.
3-Listen to Him.
(God spoke in A Voice From A Cloud)
PRAYER: That we will not "miss" God speaking to us, in whichever way that He may choose.
The place of very temporary lodging for Joseph and Mary (then eventually Jesus also) was a place of discomfort, a very ordinary facility made for feeding the animals that normally were kept there. Some of us may rarely have to temporarily stay in an uncomfortable place that is not our "home". If we do, we should not complain, rather ask God what His Plan is in us being there!

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...