Friday, September 18, 2015

Ungrateful And Rebellious!

'Ungrateful And Rebellious.'
Jeremiah 2:20. 
a)  Isaiah 10:27; Nahum 1:13. It was a long time before that the Lord broke the yoke that was on His People. 
b)  The Lord tore off their chains. 
c)  But these people insisted that they would not serve the Lord. 
d)  On every high hill. 
e)  2 Kings 17:10. On every green tree. 
f)  Isaiah 57:5. They lay down like a prostitute.
(This QT teaches me not to be Ungrateful And Rebellious)
'If You Can Believe.'
Mark 9:23. 
a)  Jesus spoke to the father of the boy who had awful fits. 
b)  Jesus encouraged this father to have Faith. 
c)  Jesus said that everything is possible.
d)  For a person who Believes. 
(This Second one challenges my Faith: If You Can Believe)
On every high hill the people looked for, or built, places for idols. The hills of a region are always spiritually significant. If the hills belong to God's people or people who follow a morally pure way of life, then the villages, towns and cities in the valleys can be influenced by the life on the hills. If the hills are given to idolatry then life in the valleys can be difficult in many ways. Intercession, of course, can change this. 

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...