Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Correct Concentration!

‘Correct Concentration.’
2 Corinthians 4:18.
a) We should not concentrate on what is seen
b) We concentrate on what is not seen.
c) What is seen is temporary.
d) What is not seen is eternal.
(This QT shows to me Correct Concentration)
‘A Lesson In Faith And Blessing.’
John 20:25-29.
a) John 20:25. Other Disciples told Thomas that they had seen the Lord.
b) John 20:25. Thomas could not believe them. He would only believe if he could physically touch Him.
c) John 20:26. A week passed and the Disciples and Thomas were gathered together again in the locked room.
d) John 20:26. Jesus came into that locked room and greeted the Disciples with Shalom.
e) John 20:27. Jesus knew about Thomas’s problem. He invited Thomas to touch Him.
f) John 20:27. Jesus told Thomas to stop doubting and to Believe.
g) John 20:28. Thomas answered to Jesus: “My Lord and My God”.
h) John 20:29. Jesus spoke of two categories of Disciple here. Firstly, those, like Thomas, who Believe because they saw Him. Secondly, the more Blessed are those who do not see Him but Believe and Trust in Him.
(Through this Second one I have A Lesson In Faith And Blessing)
We need to understand the Biblical concept of Faith and Blessing rather than the Christian popular concept as taught by some deviant churches and ministries. Faith and Blessing are primarily spiritual and not material. The material Blessing may follow the spiritual but as True Believers we should not focus on the material but the spiritual.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...