Saturday, March 12, 2011

Be A Truthful Witness!

‘Be A Truthful Witness.’
a) Proverbs 19:28. A corrupt witness mocks at Justice.
b) Exodus 23:1. A false witness cooperates with evil people by telling lies to protect them.
c) Leviticus 19:12. Do not use the Lord’s Name to swear a falsehood.
d) Deuteronomy 5:20. Do not testify falsely against your neighbour.
e) Proverbs 14:5. A truthful witness does not lie; a false witness breathes lies.
f) Proverbs 24:28. Do not testify spitefully against innocent neighbours and do not lie about them.
g) Proverbs 25:18. Telling lies about others is as harmful as:-
1- Hitting them with an ax.
2- Wounding them with a sword.
3- Shooting them with a sharp arrow.
h) Zechariah 8:17. Stop the habit of swearing to things that are false. The Lord hates it.
(This QT reminds me to Be A Truthful Witness)
‘When God’s People Live In Righteousness.’
Isaiah 32:16-18.
a) Isaiah 32:16. They live in Justice and Righteousness.
b) Isaiah 32:17. They live in:-
1- Peace.
2- Quietness.
3- Confidence.
c) Isaiah 32:18. Their homes are:-
1- Peaceful.
2- Secure.
3- Undisturbed.
(This Second one shows me what happens When God’s People Live In Righteousness)
The longing of most people on the Earth today is that they live in Justice and Righteousness. It is only a few troublemakers and unreasonable zealots that make things difficult for everyone. Personally I do not like these troublemakers and unreasonable zealots and I pray for Governments to have Wisdom what to do with troublemakers and unreasonable zealots and how to do it.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...