Monday, November 2, 2020

Let God Deal With Our Enemies!

'Let God Deal With Our Enemies.'

Psalm 35:5. 

a)  Let them be like chaff before the wind,

b)  With the Angel of the Lord

c)  Driving them away. 

(This QT reminds us: Let God Deal With Our Enemies!)

PRAY: Trusting God to protect our lives.


'Focus On The Prayer And Not The Oil.'

James 5:14-15. 

a)  Is anyone among you sick?

b)  Let them call for the Elders of the Church to pray over them

c)  And anoint them with oil in the Name of the Lord.

d)  And the prayer offered in Faith will make the sick person well;

e)  The Lord will raise them up.

f)  If they have sinned,

g)  They will be forgiven.

(This Second one calls me to focus on the Prayer and not the oil.) 

PRAY: For Biblical Elders to offer Biblical Prayers for the sick people in our Churches. 



The Prayer offered in Faith is indeed a powerful Prayer. It is this kind of Prayer that brings God's Healing Power into the Body of Christ. The Elders of the Church should always be ready to pray this kind of Prayer for the sick people of the Church. This may sometimes entail hospital or home visitation but this is no problem, Jesus Christ our Lord did the same thing, He went to the people where they were! We need to go to the people where they are. This is one of the reasons that Missionaries fly to different parts of the World. 

The Christian Life!

'The Christian Life.' a)  Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of  God. b)  Deuteronomy  7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c)  Deuteronomy...