The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Honesty Is The Correct Way!
'Honesty Is The Correct Way.'
Genesis 12:20.
a) Pharaoh commanded his men concerning Abram after the Truth had been revealed.
b) They sent Abram away.
c) With his wife.
d) And with all that he had.
(This QT reminds me that Honesty Is The Correct Way)
'A Pathway To Healing Grace.'
1 Peter 2:24.
a) He (Jesus Christ) Himself bore our sins
b) In His Body on the Cross.
c) That we, having died to sins,
d) Might live for Righteousness -
e) By Whose wounds you have been healed.
(This Second one teaches me A Pathway To Healing Grace)
Honesty is always the best policy! There are some people who tell lies by habit and there are others who tell lies to avoid conflict. There may be all kinds of reasons why people tell lies. God is the Truth and He does not like us to tell lies to other people. If it has been a habit in our lives since childhood, that habit can be broken. Telling a lie does not finally resolve anything.
Saturday, April 29, 2017
Elizabeth's Words Of Blessing!
'Elizabeth's Words Of Blessing.'
Luke 1:42.
a) In a loud voice.
b) Elizabeth exclaimed:
c) "Blessed are you (Mary) among women,
d) And Blessed is the Child you will bear."
(This QT shows to me Elizabeth's Words Of Blessing)
'All The Sins And Wrong Doings Sent Away.'
Leviticus 16:21.
a) Aaron is to lay both hands on the head of the live goat.
b) He is to confess over it all the wickedness and rebellion of the Israelites.
c) All of their sins.
d) He is to put them on the goat's head.
e) He shall send the goat away into the wilderness.
f) In the care of a man appointed for the task.
(Through this Second one I can see Old Testament style full and free forgiveness: All The Sins And Wrong Doings Sent Away)
We can read here of Elizabeth's Words of Blessing. These Words made me think again today of the importance of the Words that we speak to or about other people. I am sure that God wants me to speak more Words of Blessing than I do! Words of Blessing can both heal and edify. Of course, Words of Blessing bring Blessing with them.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Jesus Opened Their Understanding!
'Jesus Opened Their Understanding.'
Luke 24:45.
a) Jesus opened their understanding.
b) Jesus opened their minds.
c) That they might comprehend (understand) the Scriptures.
(This QT teaches me that Jesus Opened Their Understanding)
'Jesus Came To Serve.'
Matthew 20:28.
a) The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.
b) And to give His Life.
c) A ransom for many people.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Came To Serve)
Jesus came to serve! There is no way that we can parallel ourselves with, or compare ourselves with, Jesus Christ here. The sole motive in Jesus coming as Savior of this World, as the Redeemer, was to serve, He Saved by and through Serving and giving His Life as the final Sacrifice for our sins. Our response should be Worshipping and Serving the Lord Jesus.
Thursday, April 27, 2017
Honesty Is The Best Policy!
'Honesty Is The Best Policy.'
Genesis 12:19.
a) The king said:
b) "Why did you say: 'She is my sister'?"
c) "So that I took her for my wife."
d) "Now then!"
e) "Here is your wife."
f) "Take her."
g) "Be gone!"
(This QT teaches me that Honesty Is The Best Policy)
'The Humanity And Function Of The High Priest.'
Hebrews 5:1.
a) Every High Priest,
b) Is a man chosen to represent other people
c) In their dealings with God.
d) He presents their gifts to God
e) And offers sacrifices for their sins.
(This Second one reminds me of The Humanity And Function Of The High Priest)
The king was an honest and compassionate king. He wanted to do what was correct. This was the reason that he gave Sarah back to Abram. At this time Abram had been living in fear rather than living in Faith, that is why he made the awful decision about his wife in the first place. God intervened because He is a Compassionate God and because He knew His future Plans for Abraham and Sarah.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
An Amazing Happening!
'An Amazing Happening.'
Luke 1:41.
a) And it happened.
b) When Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary.
c) That the baby.
d) Leaped in her womb.
e) And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit.
(This QT reveals An Amazing Happening)
PRAYER: To be filled with the Holy Spirit.
'In The Presence Of God For Us'
Hebrews 9:24.
a) For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands.
b) (A mere copy of the True One)
c) But He entered into Heaven itself.
d) Now to appear in the Presence of God
e) On our behalf.
(This Second one teaches me that Jesus Christ is now In The Presence Of God For Us)
PRAYER: For confidence in our prayers, because Jesus is now in the Presence of God for us, we pray to the Father in Jesus' Name.
At the time of this encounter between these two pregnant chosen women the baby (John) in Elizabeth's womb leaped. That must have been an amazing happening for Elizabeth, then she was filled with the Holy Spirit. God is not stereotyped in the Way that He does things, the environments in which we may initially have been filled with the Holy Spirit may be very different. This is one of the reasons that we should not compare ourselves with other Believers, we should simply seek God and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Jesus Christ Expounded The Scriptures!
'Jesus Christ Expounded The Scriptures.'
Luke 24:27.
a) Beginning with Moses.
b) And all the Prophets.
c) Jesus expounded to them.
d) In all the Scriptures.
e) The things concerning Himself.
(This QT reminds me that if Jesus Christ Expounded The Scriptures it is important for Servants of the Lord to do the same today)
PRAYER: That local Church Pastors and Ministers will remember that Jesus Christ Expounded The Scriptures and that they should do the same.
'Jesus Christ Is Able To Save.'
Hebrews 7:25.
a) Jesus Christ is able.
b) Once and forever.
c) To Save those people
d) Who come to God through Him.
e) Since He always lives
f) To make Intercession for them.
(Through this Second one I have confidence that Jesus Christ Is Able To Save)
PRAYER: Thank God that Jesus Christ Is Able To Save all people who come to Him. Pray for those whom you love who do not yet know Him.
Jesus expounded all the Old Testament Prophets, from the Scriptures, the things that they wrote concerning Himself. He had a specific goal, method and subject when He taught the Scriptures. His goal was to make the Word of God as simple as possible for His listeners. His method was simple exposition of the Scriptures, also using simple illustrations to help the people understand them. His subject was "Things Concerning Himself".
Monday, April 24, 2017
What Have You Done?
'What Have You Done?'
a) Genesis 12:18. Pharaoh asked Abram sharply.
b) Genesis 20:9. Abimelech asked Abraham. What crime have I committed?
c) Genesis 29:25. Jacob raged at Laban after Laban tricked him.
d) Numbers 23:11. King Balak demanded of Balaam.
e) 2 Samuel 3:24. Joab questioned the king.
(This QT reveals to me a justifiable question: What Have You Done?)
PRAYER POINT: That what we do shall be for God's Glory.
'A Simple Answer.'
Romans 8:34.
a) The question: Who then will condemn us?
b) The simple answer: No one.
c) The reason for the simple answer:-
1-For Christ Jesus died for us.
2-For Christ Jesus was raised to life for us.
3-For Christ Jesus is sitting in the place of Honour at God's Right Hand.
4-For Christ Jesus is pleading for us.
(This Second one gives A Simple Answer)
PRAYER POINT: That we will have A simple answer for those people who ask us about our Faith in Christ.
Joab boldly questioned the king - "What have you done?" There are times that we remain silent when we do not need to remain silent. I do not think that we should "make trouble" for the sake of it, but I do believe that, if we are in a position where we have a right to ask questions if necessary, then we should ask them. We should not neglect unfairness or unrighteousness.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
They Were Amazing Times!
'They Were Amazing Times.'
Luke 1:39-40
a) At once.
b) Mary went.
c) From there to a town in the hill country of Judaea.
d) She went to the house of Zechariah.
e) To see Elizabeth.
(This QT reminds me that They Were Amazing Times)
PRAYER: That God will give us Wisdom what to do when we face Amazing Times.
'God's True Heroes.'
Revelation 7:14.
a) John spoke to the Revelation Angel.
b) He said to the Angel: "Sir, you know who these ones are.
c) "These are the ones who came out of the times of much trouble.
d) "They have washed their clothes and made them white
e) "In the Blood of the Lamb."
(This Second one shows me God's True Heroes)
PRAYER: For God to show us His True Heroes today, and what to Pray for them.
Mary had heard the news about Elizabeth's pregnancy and she wanted to go and see her because she had received her own amazing news. Mary wanted to be with someone who could identify with her in her own situation, someone who would understand somewhat. It does help us sometimes, simply to talk with someone who understands our situation when we need to.
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Jesus Christ Teaches Us How To Overcome!
Jesus Christ Teaches Us How To Overcome.'
Matthew 4:4.
a) Jesus spoke the Word of God.
b) Jesus said that man should not live by food alone.
c) Jesus said that man should live by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God.
(In this QT Jesus Christ Teaches Me How To Overcome)
PRAYER POINT: Ask the Lord to help you to Overcome the temptation to center your thoughts on food alone!
'A Victorious Praise Song.'
Revelation 5:9.
a) They sang a new song. (A Song from and in Heaven)
b) You are Worthy to:-
1-Take the scroll.
2-Break its seals.
3-Open the scroll.
c) For You were slaughtered.
d) We have been Redeemed to God by Your Blood.
e) Out of every:-
(Through this Second one I find A Victorious Praise Song)
PRAISE POINT: Sing to the Lord a Victorious Praise Song!
Jesus said that man should not live by bread alone. Those people who "live to eat and eat to live" actually lead a very miserable life. They, mostly, are not financially poor, or even physically hungry, they just simply live to eat. Their conversation and life centers around food. Jesus clearly said that this was not the way to live.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Radical Protection!
'Radical Protection.'
Genesis 12:17.
a) The Lord inflicted terrible diseases on Pharaoh.
b) He also inflicted Pharaoh's household.
c) Because of Sarai, Abram's wife.
(This QT reveals to me Radical Protection given by the Lord)
PRAYER POINT: Thank God for His Radical Protection.
'Living In The Light.'
1 John 1:7.
a) If we are living in the Light,
b) As God is in the Light,
c) Then we have Fellowship with each other.
d) And the Blood of Jesus, His Son,
e) Cleanses us from all sin.
(Through this Second one I want to be Living In The Light)
PRAYER POINT: Pray for God to enable you to be Living In His Light.
I hear many testimonies of God's Radical Protection. Many of these testimonies are Glorifying God for His Help and Intervention in different situations. I think that I would like to record these in a book, but I want to record accurate accounts of what I have both seen and experienced. God's Radical Protection is real.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Mary's Simple Faith And Response!
'Mary's Simple Faith And Response.'
Luke 1:38.
a) Mary responded:
b) "I am the Lord's Servant.
c) "May everything that you have said about me come true."
d) And then the Angel left her.
(This QT helps me to learn from Mary's Simple Faith And Response)
PRAYER POINT: For simple Faith.
'The Righteous For The Unrighteous.'
1 Peter 3:18.
a) Christ suffered for our sins.
b) Once, for all time.
c) The Righteous for the unrighteous.
c) He never sinned
d) But He died for sinners
e) To bring us safely home to God.
f) Christ suffered physical death.
g) Christ was raised to life in the Spirit.
(This Second one reveals to me and for me: The Righteous For The Unrighteous)
PRAYER POINT: Give thanks to God for the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Christ and all that He means to and for us.
Mary's response to the Angel really teaches us about our responses to God. Most of us do not have any encounters with Angels, but He speaks to us in a variety of ways. The most common way that God speaks to us is from His Word. This happens when the Holy Spirit makes the Word of God alive to us. The Living Word of God sustains and guides us.
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
Christ's Powerful Words!
'Christ's Powerful Words.'
John 15:3.
a) You are already clean.
b) Because of the Word.
c) Which I have spoken (Jesus Said).
d) To you.
(This QT reminds me of Christ's Powerful Words)
'We Are Transformed Because Of Jesus Christ.'
1 Peter 2:24.
a) Christ Himself.
b) Bore our sins
c) In His Body,
d) On the tree.
e) That we might die to sin
f) And live for Righteousness.
g) By His stripes.
h) You were healed.
(This Second one teaches me that We Are Transformed Because Of Jesus Christ)
We need to be reminded of Christ's Powerful Words. These Words of Christ are life-changing Words, they are Truth that make us 'free'! As we receive these Words of Christ by Faith, and then let them work in us, the end result will always be the same: We are made clean by them.
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
A "Blessing" by Deception!
‘A “Blessing” By Deception.’
Genesis 12:16.
- Pharaoh treated Abraham well for Sarah’s sake.
- Abraham had:-
3-Male donkeys.
4-Male and female servants.
5-Female donkeys.
(This QT reveals A “Blessing” By Deception)
‘Happy And Blessed People.’
Psalm 144:12-15.
- Psalm 144:12. Having healthy sons and beautiful daughters.
- Psalm 144:13. Having barns full.
- Psalm 144:13. Having fields full.
- Psalm 144:14. Having owen well-laden.
- Psalm 144:14. Having a peaceful environment.
- Psalm 144:15. Being happy, living in the Blessing of the Lord.
- Psalm 144:15. Being Blessed because God is their Lord.
(This Second one teaches me more about Happy And Blessed People)
Values differ from generation to generation. This is one of the reasons that older people need to be patient with the younger generation. Older people should not just rely on their experiences of life but they need to be Bible focused, especially in their counsel for the younger ones.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Luke 1:37.
a) For nothing
b) Will be impossible
c) With God.
d) For the Word of God will never fail.
(To this QT all that I can say is ... Amen!)
'Another Aspect Of Christ's Suffering.'
Hebrews 13:12.
a) So Jesus suffered
b) Outside the gate.
c) In order to Sanctify the people.
d) By means of His Own Blood.
(This Second one reveals Another Aspect Of Christ's Suffering)
Amen occurs more than one hundred times in the Old Testament. The idea is of something being Faithful, Reliable, or Believable. Israel said "Amen" to join in the Praises of God. An accurate expansion can read: "so be it". Isaiah calls God: "the God of Amen". When Jesus used the word: "Amen" it meant that He was aware of His Authority.
Sunday, April 16, 2017
3 John 9-10.
a) Liked to put himself first in the Church.
b) Did not acknowledge Church authority figures.
c) Prated against Biblical Leadership with malicious words.
d) Refused to welcome friends to the Church.
e) Prevented other Church members from welcoming friends.
f) Putting friendly people out of the Church.
(Through this QT I pray that there will be no-one like Diotrephes in our Churches)
PRAYER POINT: Pray for Church Leaders to know how to help and correct people like Diotrephes.
'Meaningful Sacrificial Words Of Christ.'
Hebrews 10:5.
a) When Christ came into the World He said:
b) "Sacrifices and offerings You have not desired;
c) "But a Body
d) "You have prepared for Me."
(This Second one reveals to me Meaningful Sacrificial Words Of Christ)
PRAYER POINT: Pray for Holy Motivation to ponder upon the Meaningful Sacrificial Words Of Christ
Diotrephes was really not a nice person to have around Church. He prevented other Church members from welcoming friends. He was a 'strong' person in the Church, he was against the authority figures in the Church and wanted to put himself first. It would have been frustrating and embarrassing to have someone like Diotrephes in the Church - and yet there are still some folk like him around. It is good to Pray for the Church to be free from such people. It is also good to Pray for the Church Leaders to have Wisdom when dealing with people like Diotrephes.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
He Did Not Care About His Wife!
'He Did Not Care About His Wife.'
Genesis 12:15.
a) When the officials of Pharaoh saw Abram's wife.
b) They sang her praises to Pharaoh.
c) She was taken into Pharaoh's Palace.
(This QT reveals to me that He Did Not Care About His Wife)
PRAYER POINT: That husbands in the Church, whatever their ministry or responsibility is, will care about their wives.
'Once For All Time.'
Hebrews 9:26.
a) Now.
b) Once for all time.
c) Christ has appeared.
d) At the end of the age.
e) To remove sin.
f) By His Own death.
g) As a Sacrifice.
(This Second one assures me that Christ died Once For All Time)
PRAYER POINT: A Thanksgiving Prayer for the Sacrificial Death of Jesus Christ that was given at the Cross to remove our sin.
This reminds me that the Death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, paying the penalty for my sin, was a 'once for all time' payment! There is nothing more to pay. I know that I am forgiven, I know that I am changed. I know that I have a new nature because I am in Christ. I am "born again" (to use a Bible phrase). As I walk with the Lord in my daily life I believe that, by His Word and His Holy Spirit, He is changing me in a positive way. The change that I desire is to become more 'Christlike' in my daily life, to be a testimony for God's Glory.
Friday, April 14, 2017
Astounding News!
'Astounding News.'
Luke 1:36.
a) The Angel's Message to Mary.
b) "What's more..."
c) "Your relative Elizabeth.
d) "Has become pregnant in her old age!
e) "People used to say that she was barren,
f) "But she has conceived a son.
g) "And is now in her sixth month.
(Through this QT I thank God for the Faith-Building and Astounding News given by God throughout His Word)
PRAYER POINT: That the Churches will give Faith Building and Astounding News to the people!
'Freedom For Everyone.'
1 Timothy 2:6.
a) Jesus Christ gave His Life.
b) To purchase Freedom for everyone.
c) This is the Message that God gave to the World.
d) At the right time.
(This Second one reminds me of the Good News that there is Freedom For Everyone)
PRAYER POINT: Give thanks to God that the Gospel Message brings Freedom For Everyone who Believes it.
People used to say that Elizabeth was barren! Just like in Elizabeth's day there were those people who refused to believe any positive news until they saw any manifestation it, the same attitude and situation often arises today. There are so many 'doubters' and much negative speech. This is, however, the Truth: The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Astounding News, it means that there is Freedom For Everyone who Believes it.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Condemning Evidence!
'Condemning Evidence.'
1 John 4:20.
a) If someone says:
b) "I love God."
c) And hates his brother.
d) He is a liar;
e) For he who does not love his brother whom he has seen,
f) How can he love God Whom he has not seen?
(This QT shows me Condemning Evidence)
'Walk In Love.'
Ephesians 5:2.
a) Walk in Love.
b) As Christ also has loved us.
c) Christ has given Himself for us.
d) An Offering,
e) And a Sacrifice to God.
f) For a sweet-smelling aroma.
(This Second one reminds me to Walk In Love)
There are many other difficulties that we may face if we do not follow the Biblical injunction to love our Brother in Christ. One of these difficulties is: How can we love God if we do not love our Fellow Believer Brother? The Scripture itself issues us this challenge: How can we love God if we do not love our Brother in (or Sister) in Christ? The root of bitterness can cause many hindrances and disruptions for the local Church.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Very Beautiful!
'Very Beautiful.'
a) Genesis 12:14. Sarai was very beautiful.
b) Genesis 24:16; 2 Samuel 11:2; 1 Kings 1:4. The woman was very beautiful.
c) Ezekiel 16:13. You became very beautiful.
(This QT reminds me that God made (and makes) some women Very Beautiful)
'Get Rid Of The Old Yeast.'
1 Corinthians 5:7.
a) Get rid of the old yeast by removing the wicked person from the Church. (Membership - not attendance)
b) Then you will be like a fresh batch of dough.
c) Made without yeast.
d) Which is what you really are.
e) For Christ,
f) Our Passover Lamb,
g) Has been sacrificed for us.
(This Second one reminds the Church to Get Rid Of The Old Yeast)
Very often, before a stagnant Church can grow, there needs to be more than Prayer, there needs to be action. The stale needs to be removed and the fresh needs to be established. When we study the history of revivals, before revival came to the Churches, there needed to be action as well as Prayer. So often, revival comes to the Church that is prayerfully prepared. Not publicly prepared, but prayerfully prepared.
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
A Most Amazing Miracle!
'A Most Amazing Miracle.'
Luke 1:34-35.
a) Mary asked the Angel how she could be pregnant.
b) She was a virgin.
c) The Angel replied that the Holy One would come upon her.
d) The Power of the Most High would overshadow her.
e) The Baby that was to be born would be called Holy.
f) The Son of God.
(This QT reveals A Most Amazing Miracle)
'Three Clear Facts About The Lord Jesus.'
John 10:15.
a) The Father knows Him.
b) He knows the Father.
c) He lays down His Life for the sheep.
(This Second one teaches me Three Clear Facts About The Lord Jesus)
This is the only case in the entire World where this would happen: the Baby that was to be born would be called Holy. Every other baby that was previously born, or that would be born from then until now, would not be called Holy. This is the Virgin Birth of Christ. He is the only One Who is born Holy and called 'Holy', He is the only one Who, from conception to death never knew sin. He is the Sacrificial Saviour that we need, to pay the price for the punishment of our sins, He is the Lord Jesus Christ!
Monday, April 10, 2017
A Sign Of Life!
'A Sign Of Life.
1 John 3:14.
a) We know that we have passed out of death into Life,
b) Because we love the brethren.
c) The person who does not love,
d) Abides in death.
(This QT reveals to me A Sign Of Life)
'John's Acknowledgement.'
John 1:29.
a) The next day John the Baptist saw Jesus coming to him.
b) John said: "See,
c) The Lamb of God
d) Who takes away the sin of the World.
(This Second one is John's Acknowledgement)
Our Christian Love is a sign of our New Life in Christ. Apostle John was known for his writings about Christian Love. His Teachings in his Epistles in the Bible are very clear. One of his desires that comes across quite clearly in his letters is that there should be Love in the Body of Christ.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
Great Spiritual Leader But Terrible Husband!
'Great Spiritual Leader But Terrible Husband.'
Genesis 12:11-13.
a) Genesis 12:11. When Abram was about to enter Egypt.
b) Genesis 12:11. He said to his wife Sarai:
c) Genesis 12:11. "Indeed, I know that you are a women of beautiful countenance."
d) Genesis 12:12. "Therefore, it will happen, when the Egyptians see you, they will say: 'This is his wife';"
e) Genesis 12:12. "And they will kill me, but let you live."
f) Genesis 12:13. "Please say you are my sister, that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you."
(This QT reveals to me a Great Spiritual Leader But Terrible Husband)
'The Father's Reward For Jesus Christ His Son.'
Isaiah 53:12.
a) I will divide Him a portion with the great people.
b) He will divide the spoils with the strong.
c) Because He poured out His Life unto death.
d) And was numbered with the transgressors.
e) He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors.
(This Second one reveals The Father's Reward For Jesus Christ His Son)
When making decisions about their life, future and ministry, Spiritual Leaders should consider their wives carefully. Just because a person is a Spiritual Leader, it does not mean that his wife has to "tag along" in silence behind him and then reveal all of her hurts and frustrations when they get home. A truly Godly Spiritual Leader will consider his wife's situation in all of the decisions that he makes that will affect his family. Even if his wife is weak, sick, or has a long-term illness, all this is considered in the decisions that he makes.
Saturday, April 8, 2017
King Forever!
'King Forever!'
a) Luke 1:33. Jesus has a never-ending Kingdom.
b) Daniel 2:44. A Kingdom set up that shall never be destroyed.
c) Daniel 7:18. The saints (God's People) receive this Kingdom.
d) Revelation 11:15. The Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and Christ.
(This QT reminds me that Jesus Christ is King Forever)
'Christ's Suffering For Us.'
Isaiah 53:7.
a) He was oppressed.
b) He was afflicted.
c) He did not open His Mouth.
d) Like a lamb that is led to the slaughter.
e) As a sheep before its shearers is silent.
f) So He did not open His Mouth.
(Through this Second one I am reminded of Christ's Suffering For Me)
Jesus Christ is King forever. No Nation on this planet is perfect! We all need the Grace of God. We can look at, or read, the news. We can admire and respect 'great' Nations, Nations that have been established for many centuries, and yet, we cannot find the perfect Nation with a perfect leadership. Only the Kingdom of God is perfect, and this Kingdom has a perfect King, He is King of kings and Lord of lords - Jesus Christ.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...