The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Peace And Tribulation!
'Peace And Tribulation.'
John 16:33.
a) Jesus spoke these Words to His Disciples that they might have Peace. (John 14:27) (Colossians 3:15)
b) In the World system they would have tribulation. (John 15:18-21)
c) But they were to be of good cheer. (John 14:1 & 27)
d) Because Christ had and has overcome the World system. (1 John 5:4-5)
(Through this QT I understand more about Peace And Tribulation)
'Doing The Father's Will.'
John 5:19.
a) Jesus was speaking to the Jews who wanted to kill Him.
b) Most assuredly.
c) I say to you.
d) The Son (Jesus Christ) can do nothing of Himself.
e) He can only do what He sees the Father doing. (John 5:30)
f) Whatever the Father does.
g) The Son does in like manner.
(Through this Second one I am urged to be Doing The Father's Will)
Christ had and has overcome the World System! This is a very wonderful statement of His. It means that if we are in Christ that we, too, can overcome the World System. What is the World System? It is the lust of the flesh; the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. This is evidently true, there is so much lust and pride ruling and ruining the World today.
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
See What I Did!
'See What I Did!'
Jeremiah 7:12.
a) The Lord did this.
b) At His Place.
c) Where He had set His Name.
d) In Shiloh.
e) See what He did.
f) Because of the wickedness.
g) Of His People.
(This QT makes me pay attention to the Lord Who said: See What I Did)
'Do Not Shirk Work.'
John 5:17.
a) Jesus was speaking.
b) My Father has been Working.
c) Until now.
d) And I have been working also.
(This Second one reminds me: Do Not Shirk Work)
See what the Lord did. Our God is a Living God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all alive and active. God will surely tangibly Bless those people who obey and please Him, it is His Promise to do so. We are sometimes tempted to forget this fact that God is a Living God. The Lord still "does" things today and it is recorded that both the Father and the Son work.
Monday, August 29, 2016
The Foundation Of Peace!
'The Foundation Of Peace.'
John 20:21.
a) This was a repeated and important message from Jesus Christ.
b) Peace be with His Disciples.
c) As the Father has sent Jesus Christ.
d) So Jesus Christ is sending His Disciples. (Until today)
(This QT reveals the necessity for The Foundation Of Peace)
'It Is Possible.'
Philippians 4:13.
a) I can do everything.
b) Through Christ.
c) Who gives me strength.
(This Second one reminds me that It Is Possible)
There is certainly a necessity for the foundation of Peace if we are to accomplish what we need to do well. Jesus spoke much about our need for Peace and the fact that He was, and still is, our major source of Peace. If we are serving the Lord with a peaceful heart we can more easily accomplish His Will.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Peace At All Times!
'Peace At All Times.'
2 Thessalonians 3:16.
a) Now.
b) May the Lord of Peace Himself.
c) Give you Peace at all times.
d) Give you Peace in every way.
e) The Lord be with all of you.
(Through this QT I want to live in Peace At All Times)
'Rest For Our Souls.'
Matthew 11:29.
a) Take My yoke upon you.
b) Learn from Me.
c) I am gentle.
d) I am humble in heart.
e) You will find rest for your souls.
(This Second one reveals how we can find Rest For Our Souls)
The Lord be with all of you! This is a beautiful way to end a Message from the Lord. I sincerely desire this for everyone who may read this QT. Whatever Nation or Political System you live in, whatever your status, or family situation, The Lord be with all of you.
Saturday, August 27, 2016
I See My House!
'I See My House!'
Jeremiah 7:11.
a) Has this House.
b) Which is called by My Name.
c) Become a den of thieves in your eyes?
d) Behold, I, even I.
e) Have seen it says the Lord.
(This QT reminds me of my Living God: I See My House)
Our Motive For Ministry.'
John 21:17.
a) Three times in his restoration process.
b) Jesus asked Peter.
c) "Do You love Me?"
d) Peter was grieved by this.
e) Peter replied to the Lord that He (the Lord) knew that Peter loved Him.
f) Peter proclaimed that the Lord knew all things.
g) Peter proclaimed that the Lord knew of his love for Him.
h) Jesus told Peter to feed His Sheep.
(This Second one reveals what should be Our Motive For Ministry)
The Lord sees everything that goes on in His House. I am sure that many of the things that He sees please Him. There are, sometimes, things that He sees that do not please Him. We can read about these things right through the Bible. God highly prizes His Name, His House and His People. He is a Jealous God, let us not displease Him by our behaviour or activity in His House.
Friday, August 26, 2016
They Saw The Lord!
'They Saw The Lord.'
John 20:20.
a) Jesus spoke to His Disciples.
b) Jesus showed them the wounds in His Hands and Side.
c) They were filled with Joy.
d) When they saw the Lord Jesus.
(This QT reminds me that They Saw The Lord)
'God's Judgments Are Real.'
Revelation 2:23.
a) This is a part of the Lord's Judgment of the Thyatira Church.
b) Their children will be struck dead.
c) The Judgment shall be known to all the Churches.
d) The Lord searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person.
e) The Lord will give to each person whatever they deserve.
(Through this Second one I know that God's Judgments Are Real)
We should remember that the Lord was seen after His Resurrection. He did not vanish away but He revealed Himself to His Disciples and encouraged His Disciples before He Ascended back into Heaven. This Ascension is very important, it means that the Lord's Work for us on this Earth has been completed, it was not 'interrupted' by the Cross, the Cross has been, and is, a very important and central part of what He has done for us.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
Co-operation With The Government!
'Co-operation With The Government.'
Luke 2:1-3.
a) Luke 2:1. The Roman Emperor Augustus.
b) Luke 2:1. Called for a census to be taken throughout the Roman Empire.
c) Luke 2:2. Quirinius was the Governor of Syria.
d) Luke 2:3. All the people returned to their ancestral towns.
e) Luke 2:3. To register for this census.
(This QT teaches me that Co-operation With The Government is a normal thing)
'Abuse Of God's Grace.'
Jeremiah 7:10.
a) God's People came into God's Temple.
b) God's People stood before Him.
c) This was the House called by God's Name.
d) God's People proclaimed that they were 'safe' and 'delivered'.
e) But they went on doing all of their abominations.
(This Second one reveals Abuse Of God's Grace)
The people were called to register for a census. This was a normal practice in Bible Days, just as it is today. Many Nations regularly take a national census as a part of the Government function. It is good to co-operate with the Government of the Nation where we may dwell, even though we may not like them, or agree with them. The Bible teaches us that Government is necessary and God can bring them down and raise them up. This is why the Bible encourages us to Pray for our Government or Pray for the Government of the Nation that we abide in.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Awful But True!
'Awful But True.'
Jeremiah 7:9-10.
a) God's People were:-
3-Committing adultery.
4-Swearing falsely.
5-Worshipping idols.
b) God's People came to stand before God in the House that was called by His Name.
c) God's People said that they were delivered.
f) They falsely believed that they were delivered so that they could commit abominations.
(This QT reveals something that was Awful But True)
'Jesus Knew Already.'
John 2:25.
a) No one.
b) Needed to tell Jesus.
c) What mankind is really like.
(This Second one reminds me that Jesus Knew Already)
God's People, in the days of Jeremiah, were swearing falsely. This kind of behaviour and oath was and is clearly forbidden in God's Word. The lives of God's People, in the times of Jeremiah, were far away from fellowship and relationship with God. When this happened they had no Testimony and no desire to Glorify God, even though they were His People. Let us reject anything like this amongst God's People today and let us live to Glorify Him.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Peace That Overcomes Fear!
'Peace That Overcomes Fear.'
John 20:19.
a) This occurred in the evening time.
b) It was the first day of the week.
c) The doors were shut where the Disciples were assembled.
d) The Disciples were afraid of the Jews.
e) Jesus came and stood in the midst.
f) Jesus said to them:
g) Peace be with you.
(This QT reveals Peace That Overcomes Fear)
'No One Has Been There Yet.'
John 3:13.
a) No one has ascended into Heaven.
b) Only He Who came down from Heaven.
c) That is: The Son Of Man.
d) Who is in Heaven.
(This Second one teaches me that No One Has Been There Yet)
There are several times that the Lord Jesus appeared after His Resurrection and before His Ascension. Here was a private meeting of His Disciples, they were afraid of the Jews so they shut the door at their assembly point. Jesus came, even though the door was shut, and stood in their midst. He came to take away their fear and to give them Peace.
Monday, August 22, 2016
John As A Youth!
'John As A Youth.'
Luke 1:80.
a) John grew.
b) John became strong in spirit.
c) John spent time in the wilderness.
d) John's first public appearance was to Israel.
(This QT teaches me about John As A Youth)
'The Promise Of His Presence.'
Matthew 18:20.
a) Where two or three people.
b) Are gathered.
c) In the Name of the Lord.
d) He is there among them.
(This Second one gives me great assurance: The Promise Of His Presence)
We can learn from many aspects from the Word of God. Those of us who have our own growing family can learn from Jesus as a youth. It is very difficult in these days to find a "pattern" young person in the Bible to relate to, both history and culture make it so. This is why we need to understand more about the growing up process of Jesus Christ, we can learn much that can help us.
Sunday, August 21, 2016
False Security!
'False Security.'
Jeremiah 7:8.
a) Here you are.
b) Trusting in deceptive words.
c) To no avail.
d) Do not be fooled into thinking that you will never suffer.
(This QT makes me wary of False Security)
'Confidence That Motivates Teaching.'
Matthew 28:20.
a) Teach these new disciples.
b) To obey all the Commands that Jesus has given to us.
c) Be sure of this.
d) He will be with us.
e) Even to the end of the Age.
(This Second one reveals Confidence That Motivates Teaching)
Be wary of false security. We need to continually read and study the Word of God. To make it a daily "habit". There are so many reasons that we should do this. I am not going to make a list here. This QT is not sufficient for our daily reading of the Word of God but it can certainly be a part of it. We can come closer to the Lord as we study His Word, and I pray that this QT will be a part of what helps us to do that.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
The Peace Of Christ!
'The Peace Of Christ.'
John 14:27.
a) Peace is what Jesus left with His Disciples.
b) The same Peace He gives to us.
c) This is His Own Peace.
d) This Peace is not like the "peace" of the World System.
e) We should not let our hearts be troubled.
f) There is no need for our hearts to be afraid.
(This QT reveals to me The Peace Of Christ)
'The Lord And The Heavens.'
Hebrews 1:11-12.
a) The Heavens will perish.
b) But the Lord remains.
c) The Heavens will grow old like a garment.
d) Like a mantle the Lord will fold them up.
e) The Heavens will be changed.
f) The Lord is the same.
g) His Years shall not fail.
h) His Years never end.
(This Second one Teaches me about The Lord And The Heavens)
We should not let our hearts be troubled. This means that, when we face the temptation to let our hearts be troubled, we can overcome because we are the Disciples of the Lord, we belong to Him. He is in control and in each and every situation He wants to give us His Peace.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Glory To God In The Highest!
'Glory To God In The Highest.'
Luke 2:14.
a) Glory to God in the Highest.
b) And on Earth, Peace.
c) Among those people.
d) With whom God is pleased.
(This QT makes me exclaim and sing: Glory To God In The Highest)
'God Finds And Rectifies Faults.'
Hebrews 8:8.
a) God find fault with His Old Testament People when He says:
b) 'Behold, the days are coming', declares the Lord.
c) When I will establish a New Covenant.
d) With the House of Israel.
e) And with the House of Judah.
(This Second one encourages me: God Finds And Rectifies Faults)
This morning, as I am writing this QT, in my heart there is a song that I recently learned in the Church. Old words, but a new tune. The refrain in simply: "Glory to God in the highest!" The words are Biblical and the tune is anointed, the result is a lovely Praise Song that gives Glory to God.
Thursday, August 18, 2016
The Lord's Temple Is Here!
'The Lord's Temple Is Here.'
Jeremiah 7:4-7.
a) Jeremiah 7:4. Don't be fooled by the people who promise you safety simply because the Lord's Temple is here.
b) Jeremiah 7:4. They chant: "The Lord's Temple is here." and "This is the Temple of the Lord."
c) Jeremiah 7:4. They presumptuously think that God will not destroy the City because His Temple is there.
d) Jeremiah 7:5. The Lord will only be merciful if:-
1-You stop your evil thoughts.
2-You stop your evil deeds.
3-You start treating each other with Justice.
e) Jeremiah 7:6. Only if you stop:-
1-Exploiting foreigners.
2-Exploiting orphans.
3-Exploiting widows.
5-Harming yourselves by worshipping idols.
f) Jeremiah 7:7. Then I will let you stay in this land that I gave to your ancestors to keep forever.
(Through this QT, The Lord's Temple Is Here, I reject all presumptuous thoughts about the Lord's Temple and Church)
'Eager To Do Right.'
Revelation 3:19.
a) As many people as the Lord loves.
b) He rebukes and chastens.
c) Be zealous and repent, change your hearts and lives.
(This Second one convinces me that I must be Eager To Do Right)
Stop exploiting foreigners. The "stranger" is someone that the Lord wants us to be helping and caring for. There would be no wars or terrorism if we all had learned this lesson many years ago. For years in the Western World the people who come to a new country looking for a new future have been unfairly treated by their new "host" Nations. Many of these "strangers" have come out, or run away from, terrible environments. They look for a new and happy future in a "New Land", but they find discrimination and awfully unfair treatment. Some of them deeply regret taking the journey to find their "promised land" because they find this land is hateful, discriminating and oppressive. This message must ring loud in the "Western World": STOP EXPLOITING BROTHER AND SISTER FOREIGNERS AND THEIR CHILDREN!
Going, Believing And Healing!
'Going, Believing And Healing.'
Matthew 8:13.
a) Jesus said to the Centurion.
b) Go your way.
c) As you have Believed.
d) So let it be done for you.
e) The servant was healed.
f) That same hour.
(This QT teaches me about Going, Believing And Healing)
'I Am Has Sent Me.'
Exodus 3:14.
a) God said to Moses.
b) I Am that I Am.
c) This is what you shall say to the Children of Israel.
d) I Am has sent me to you.
(This Second one reveals God's Call: I Am Has Sent Me)
The servant was healed. There are many similar sentences written in the Bible. God (The Father; Jesus Christ; The Holy Spirit) were so often recorded as being a source of healing. There are too many classifications and examples of healing for anything to be written here. Sufficient for today I write: God Still Heals People!
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
The Lord Has Come!
'The Lord Has Come.'
Luke 1:79.
a) To shine on those living in darkness.
b) To shine on those living in the shadow of death.
c) To guide our feet into the path of Peace.
(This QT gives me much assurance: The Lord Has Come)
'Before Abraham Was.'
John 8:58.
a) Very truly I tell you.
b) Before Abraham was born.
c) I Am.
(This Second one helps me to understand the Historical Jesus - Before Abraham Was)
Before Abraham was born Jesus was already alive. He is the Eternal Son of God. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He never changes. Jesus Christ was not some kind of historical figure showing us what God is really like, that is a completely wrong, and yet common misconception. Jesus Christ is eternally God - God the Son. He came to this Earth in the confines of a human body, but that was and is not His Eternal Appearance.
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
I Will Let You Live In This Place!
'I Will Let You Live In This Place!'
Jeremiah 7:3.
a) This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel says:
b) Reform your ways.
c) Reform your actions.
d) I will let you live in this place.
(This QT gives a Promise: I Will Let You Live In This Place)
'Those Whom God Has Called.'
1 Corinthians 1:24.
a) This Calling is for everyone whom God has called.
b) The Call to Salvation.
c) The Call to Christ - the Power of God.
d) The Call to Christ - the Wisdom of God.
(This Second one gives understanding to Those Whom God Has Called)
Here is a lovely and wonderful Promise of God: I Will Let You Live In This Place. The Lord knows very well the place where we would like to live, or like to stay in. He is calling His People to reformation of their ways and actions. If His People respond positively to this call, the Promise of the Lord is that He will allow them to live in a place where they want to live.
Monday, August 15, 2016
Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth!
'Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth.'
a) Matthew 8:12. Is in the eternal experience of lost people - Hell.
b) Matthew 13:42; 13:50. Is in the eternal fiery furnace.
c) Matthew 22:13. Comes as a result of punishment given by the king.
d) Matthew 24:51. Is the result of punishment from God for hypocrites.
e) Matthew 25:30. Is the result of punishment given to worthless servants.
f) Luke 13:28. Is for people who are cast out of the Kingdom of God.
(This QT helps me to understand more about the terribleness of Eternal punishment - Weeping And Gnashing Of Teeth)
Proverbs 8:23-31.
a) Proverbs 8:23. Was set up before the beginning of the Earth.
b) Proverbs 8:24. Was brought forth before there were ever springs of water.
c) Proverbs 8:25. Was in existence before mountains and hills were shaped.
d) Proverbs 8:26. Was there before Earth or dust were created.
e) Proverbs 8:27. Was there before the heavens or the deeps of the seas.
f) Proverbs 8:28. Was there before God made the skies or the fountains of the deep.
g) Proverbs 8:29. Was there when God assigned to the sea its limit.
h) Proverbs 8:30-31. Was (and is) something that causes God delight.
(This Second one gives me the desire for more Wisdom)
Weeping and gnashing of teeth is for people who have been cast out of the Kingdom of God. There are two important facts here. First fact: Weeping and gnashing of teeth is physically something that may take place as punishment. Second fact: It will be the experience for those people cast out of the Kingdom of God. I realise my need today of two things: the Fear of the Lord and Wisdom from the Lord.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
Those People Who Follow Godly Paths!
'Those People Who Follow Godly Paths.'
Isaiah 57:2.
a) The people.
b) Who follow.
c) Godly paths.
d) Will rest in Peace.
e) When they die.
(This QT teaches me about Those People Who Follow Godly Paths)
'The Fame Of A Small Village.'
Micah 5:2.
a) Bethlehem Ephrathah.
b) Was only a small village.
c) Among all the people of Judah.
d) Yet a Ruler of Israel.
e) Will come out from there.
f) One Whose origins are from the distant past.
(This Second one reveals The Fame Of A Small Village)
When they die, the people who have followed Godly Paths and led Godly lives will rest in Peace. Of course we miss and mourn for people that we love when they die but we have this written and confirmed Promise of the Word of God. Because they have followed Godly Paths and led Godly lives, they will rest in Peace.
Saturday, August 13, 2016
The Place Where All Will Hear!
'The Place Where All Will Hear.'
Jeremiah 7:1-2.
a) The Word came from the Lord to Jeremiah.
b) Stand in the Gates of the Lord's House.
c) Proclaim there this Word.
d) And say:-
e) Hear the Word of the Lord.
f) All you men of Judah.
g) Who enter by these Gates.
h) To Worship the Lord.
(The Lord gave to Jeremiah The Place Where All Will Hear)
'Our Wonderful Saviour.'
Isaiah 9:6.
a) Is a Child born to us.
b) Is a Son given to us.
c) The Government will rest on His Shoulders.
d) His Name will be called:-
1-Wonderful Counsellor.
2-Mighty God.
3-Eternal Father.
4-Prince of Peace.
(This Second one reveals Our Wonderful Saviour)
'Hear the Word of the Lord' should be an expression that we boldly speak forth in our Churches. When it is time to hear the Word of the Lord, then our attention should be fully focused on it. The Word is incredibly important for every True Believer to hear and to read. Not just to read, but to hear as well. When the Church ceases to prioritize the Word of the Lord, that Church is already on dangerous ground.
Friday, August 12, 2016
Heaven Is For Many People!
'Heaven Is For Many People.'
Matthew 8:11.
a) The Words of the Lord Jesus:
b) Many will come from the East and the West.
c) They will recline at table.
d) With:-
e) In the Kingdom of Heaven.
(This QT teaches me that Heaven Is For Many People)
'Faith Equal To Ours.'
2 Peter 1:1.
a) Peter is writing as one who served with Jesus Christ.
b) It means that he was a Disciple of Jesus Christ.
c) Peter called himself a "slave and Apostle" of Jesus Christ.
d) Peter did not see his Faith as being superior to that of other people.
e) This position came to Peter through the Righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
(This Second one reveals Faith Equal To Ours)
There are so many Scriptures that refer to faithful Abraham, indeed Abraham is regarded as the Father of Faith. When we read about his life on the Earth (in the Bible), we can see that it really was, and still is, a good name for him: the "Father of Faith". We are encouraged to read about his life and then our own Faith will be strengthened as we read.
Thursday, August 11, 2016
Responding Well To A Wonderful Covenant!
'Responding Well To A Wonderful Covenant.'
Malachi 2:5.
a) This was the Word of the Lord.
b) The Lord's Covenant with him.
c) Was one of Life and Peace.
d) The Lord gave them to him.
e) It was a Covenant of Fear - he Feared Me.
f) He gave Honour to My Name.
(This QT reveals to me Responding Well To A Wonderful Covenant)
'Do Nothing From Partiality.'
1 Timothy 5:21.
a) In the Presence of:-
2-Christ Jesus.
3-Elect Angels.
b) Maintain these Principles without bias.
c) Doing nothing with a 'spirit of partiality'.
(This Second one encourages me to tell my True Believer friends: Do Nothing From Partiality)
Our Covenant with the Lord should be a Covenant of Fear. We need to live in and with the Fear of the Lord. When we live in and with the Fear of the Lord it means that we are responding in a good way to Him. We will surely desire to give Honour to His Name.
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Rejected Silver!
'Rejected Silver.'
Jeremiah 6:30.
a) They are called:
b) Rejected Silver.
c) Because.
d) The Lord.
e) Has rejected them.
(This QT teaches me that other people can see Rejected Silver)
'No Inheritance.'
Ephesians 5:5.
a) These people.
b) Are Seen by God as Idolators:-
i) Immoral.
ii) Impure.
iii) Greedy.
c) They have no inheritance.
d) In the Kingdom of Christ and of God.
(Through this Second one I find those people with No Inheritance)
When the Lord rejects someone we have the right to call them "Rejected". In every other case where we may think that someone is rejected we should be very careful about using that word. A rejected person has a very painful life and usually has bitterness toward the person, or people, who rejected them. Sometimes when a person goes through a rejection experience they imagine people are rejecting them who are actually not rejecting them at all.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
He Had Faith In The Lord!
'He Had Faith In The Lord!'
Matthew 8:6-10.
a) Matthew 8:6. The Centurion (military leader) came to Jesus.
b) Matthew 8:6. He spoke about a sick servant lying sick at home.
c) Matthew 8:6. The servant was in terrible distress.
d) Matthew 8:7. Jesus told the Centurion that He would come and heal his servant.
e) Matthew 8:8. The Centurion answered Jesus that he was not worthy to have Him come under his roof.
f) Matthew 8:8. The Centurion asked Jesus to say the Word.
g) Matthew 8:8. Then, because of that Word, the servant would be healed.
h) Matthew 8:9. The Centurion understood about the Authority of Jesus.
i) Matthew 8:10. Jesus commended the Centurion's Faith.
(This QT shows me that He Had Faith In The Lord)
'Grace To Live Properly.'
2 Thessalonians 1:12.
a) The Name of the Lord Jesus will be honoured.
b) Because of the way you live.
c) You will be honoured along with the Lord Jesus.
d) This will all be possible because of the Grace of the Lord Jesus.
(This Second one Teaches me about Grace To Live Properly)
Humility and Biblical Faith go hand in hand. Someone who truly has Faith will be humble and they will be fruitful with the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. A person who has Biblical Faith does not humiliate others or belittle them. A person who has Biblical Faith will not cause embarrassment to others. Some of the "teachings" that I have heard about "Faith" leave the hearers (including me) confused and humiliated.
Monday, August 8, 2016
God's Care For His Flock!
'God's Care For His Flock.'
Ezekiel 34:25.
a) I will make with them a Covenant of Peace.
b) I will banish wild beasts from the land.
c) So that they may dwell securely in the wilderness.
d) So that they may sleep in the woods.
(This QT reveals to me God's Care For His Flock)
'Worth Waiting For.'
Titus 2:13.
a) Waiting for our Blessed Hope.
b) The appearing of the Glory.
c) Of our Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ.
(This Second one teaches me what and Who is Worth Waiting For)
We need to be reminded of God's care for His flock. There are so many times when our lives are filled with busy thoughts and works. This can also be the real situation of the Servants of the Lord sometimes - just too busy. When the Servant of the Lord gets caught in the 'too busy' trap, the beautiful and meaningful thoughts about the Lord flee from their minds. Every genuine Servant of the Lord will face this situation and I am sure that God wants to give His Help and Victory.
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Useless Refining!
'Useless Refining!
Jeremiah 6:29.
a) The bellows blow fiercely.
b) To burn away the lead with fire.
c) But the refining goes on in vain.
d) The wicked are not purged out.
(This QT reveals to me Useless Refining)
'The Builder Of Everything.'
Hebrews 3:4.
a) God is the Builder of everything.
b) Every house is built by someone. (God gives the skill to design and build it)
c) Mark 12:10; Luke 20:17. Jesus is the stone that the builders rejected.
d) Ezekiel 27:4. God gave the builders skill to build beautifully.
e) 2 Kings 12:11. Builders built the House of the Lord.
f) Matthew 21:42. Jesus was the Stone that the builders rejected.
g) Ezra 3:10. The builders made the foundation of the Temple.
(This Second one reminds me that God is The Builder Of Everything)
The only refining amongst us is refining that is done by God Himself. Man-made refining amongst God's People does not work. The way that God most effectively refines us is when we submit to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. When God Himself refines us then the wicked people and their ways perish.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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