The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Hear And Know!
'Hear And Know.'
Jeremiah 6:18.
a) God loves all peoples.
b) God wants all peoples to hear.
c) God wants all peoples to know.
d) God wants all peoples to observe.
e) God wants all peoples to take note of.
f) His People's situation.
(This QT strongly reminds me that God wants me to Hear and Know of His People's situation)
'A Godly Understanding.'
1 John 5:20.
a) We know that the Son of God has come.
b) He has given us an understanding.
c) So that we may know.
d) Him that is True.
e) Now we live in fellowship with the True God.
f) Because we are in His Son - Jesus Christ.
g) He is the True God.
h) He is Eternal Life.
(This Second one gives me A Godly Understanding)
God's People should be a Message to all other people. Not just a spoken Message, but also a living Message. The reason that God's People are to be a Message to others is so that they may be able to receive the Gospel and be Saved just as God's People are.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
Christ's Wonderful Privilege!
'Christ's Wonderful Privilege.'
John 6:46.
a) Christ says that no one has seen the Father.
b) Only the One Who is from God.
c) (Christ Himself).
d) He has seen the Father.
(This QT reveals Christ's Wonderful Privilege)
'God Says This To His Son - Jesus Christ.'
Hebrews 1:8-9.
a) God said this to and about His Son. (Meaning that He has already said it!)
b) Your Throne, Oh God.
c) Is forever and ever.
d) A Sceptre of Righteousness and Justice.
e) Is the Sceptre of Your Kingdom.
f) You have loved Righteousness.
g) You have hated iniquity.
h) That is why God.
i) Your (Father) God.
j) Anointed You.
k) Rather than your companions.
l) With the Oil of Joy.
(In this Second one God Says This To His Son - Jesus Christ)
The Scriptures are True, without Fault, and Correct. The Scriptures, called the Holy Bible, record God's Word to, for and about us. The Scripture is relevant for all of us, whoever we are. As we Read and Pray through this Holy Bible God can speak to our lives through it. I simply love the Scripture, my experience is this: the more I have read it, the more I love it.
Tuesday, June 28, 2016
a) Matthew 7:9. Sons may ask their fathers for it.
b) Proverbs 12:9. Some unwise people honour themselves but lack bread.
c) Mark 8:14. Sometimes we do not have enough.
d) Leviticus 21:22; Numbers 28:2. The Bread of God is most Holy.
e) Genesis 27:17; Acts 20:12. May be prepared as part of a meal.
f) Exodus 29:23. Is offered to the Lord.
g) Matthew 6:11. We may Pray to God for provision of it.
h) 1 Samuel 16:20. Was sometimes given as a present.
i) John 21:9. Was eaten with fish as a meal.
j) Isaiah 55:10. Originates from the Earth.
k) John 6:48 & 58. Jesus Christ is The Bread of Life.
l) Luke 22:19. Is a part of the Holy Communion Worship.
m) Acts 2:46. Was food for fellowship.
n) Exodus 24:17. Is sometimes comforting.
o) Leviticus 26:5. Is a part of the Lord's Blessing for us.
(This QT Reminds me that Bread is significant and Necessary food)
'The Mystery Of Godliness.'
1 Timothy 3:16.
a) Without question.
b) The Mystery of Godliness is great.
c) He was Revealed as a human.
d) He was Declared Righteous by the Spirit.
e) He was seen by the Angels.
f) He was Preached Throughout the Nations.
g) He was Believed in around the World.
h) He was taken up in Glory.
(This Second one Teaches me The Mystery Of Godliness)
The Bread of God is most Holy. We can read about the Bread of God in both the Old and New Testaments. It was always regarded as Holy. This is rightly so because it had and has a special and Holy meaning. When people glibly take the Communion Bread as a snack after the Worship service I really do not like it. It is supposed to be Bread of Fellowship, taken in remembrance of the Body of Christ.
Monday, June 27, 2016
They Rejected God's Watchmen!
'They Rejected God's Watchmen.'
Jeremiah 6:17.
a) God set watchmen over His People.
b) Saying ...
c) Pay attention to the sound of the shofar trumpet.
d) But His People said:
e) We will not pay attention.
(This QT teaches me that They Rejected God's Watchmen)
'To And From The Israelites.'
Romans 9:5.
a) To them belong the patriarchs.
b) From the Israelites Race.
c) According to the flesh.
d) Is the Christ.
e) Who is God over all.
f) Blessed forever.
g) Amen.
(This Second one, To And From The Israelites, reveals that the Christ comes from the Israelite Race)
God's People were very strongly opinionated at times. Instead of taking time to come to God and listen to Him and His Word they would simply not pay attention to Him, whether by shofar trumpet or by His Word. This also meant that they were rejecting the watchmen that God had set over them and for them. Part of the chaos that is affecting British Government and future is surely because Britain has been too strongly opinionated and they have not taken time to come to God.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
When We Do Not Believe In Father God!
'When We Do Not Believe In Father God.'
John 5:37-38.
a) The Father Himself,
b) Who sent Christ,
c) Has testified about Christ.
d) You have never heard His Voice.
e) You have never seen His Form.
f) You do not have His Word dwelling in you.
g) Because,
h) You do not Believe Him Whom He sent.
(This QT teaches me the result When We Do Not Believe In Father God)
'In The Beginning.'
John 1:1.
a) In the Beginning was the Word.
b) And the Word was with God,
c) And the Word was God.
(This Second one affirms to me In The Beginning was the Word - the Lord Jesus Christ)
We should not make vague excuses because we do not know God or have any kind of commitment to Him or relationship with Him. God is simply offended by our vague excuses. Some people put God into a low priority place in their lives and then blame Him when something "goes wrong", that is simply abusing God. God needs to have the highest priority in our lives.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
It Is Going To Happen!
'It Is Going To Happen'
Matthew 7:7-8.
a) Keep on asking.
b) In Prayer.
c) You will receive what you ask for.
c) Keep on seeking God.
d) In Prayer.
e) You will find.
f) Keep on knocking.
g) On Heaven's Door with Prayer.
h) The Door will be opened to you.
i) For everyone who asks.
j) Receives.
k) Everyone who seeks.
l) Finds.
m) To everyone who knocks.
n) The Door will be opened.
(This QT assures me that It Is Going To Happen)
'Amazing God.'
Isaiah 9:6.
a) For to us.
b) A Child has been born.
c) And come.
d) A Son is given to us.
e) The government shall rest upon His Shoulders.
f) His Name shall be called:
3-Mighty God.
4-Everlasting Father.
5-Prince of Peace.
(By this Second one I find Amazing God)
One of the Promises of God, that He gives us in His Word, to the people who really Pray is: You Will Find. This Promise is given to those people who keep on asking in Prayer. I really enjoy reading the testimonies of people who have "prayed through" something and then God has given them just the right answer to their Prayer. We all can be encouraged by the testimonies of answered Prayer.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Ask For The Old, Godly Way!
'Ask For The Good Way.'
Jeremiah 6:16.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) Stop at the crossroads.
c) Look around.
d) Ask where the good way is.
e) And walk in it.
f) Travel its path.
g) You will find rest for your souls.
h) But you reply.
i) No.
j) That is not the road that we want.
(This QT reminds me to Ask For The Good Way)
'The Lord Wears This Name.'
Revelation 19:16.
a) On His Robe.
b) At His Thigh.
c) Was written this Title:
d) King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
(This Second one teaches me that The Lord Wears This Name)
There are many times in the New Testament that we are told and counseled to walk and live in certain ways. These ways will enable us to live the True Believer's life well. Here we are told to "walk in the good way". If we find that way for our life and our family's life then we will find rest for our souls.
Thursday, June 23, 2016
The Only God!
'The Only God.'
1 Timothy 1:17.
a) He is the King of the Ages.
b) He is immortal.
c) He is invisible.
d) He is the only God.
e) He is worthy of Honour.
f) He is worthy of Glory.
g) For ever and ever.
(This QT reveals to me The Only God)
'The Origins Of Man And Christ.'
1 Corinthians 15:47.
a) Adam.
b) The first man.
c) Was made.
d) From the dust of the Earth.
e) Whilst Christ.
f) The second man.
g) Came from Heaven.
(This Second one teaches me about The Origins Of Man And Christ)
The Only God is Worthy of Honour. There are times that, as human beings that are so easily impressionable. We can easily give Praise and adoration to other human beings for what they have done. What the Only God has done is far greater and He is Worthy of all of our Praises and Adoration.
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Dogs And Pigs!
'Dogs And Pigs.'
Matthew 7:6.
a) Do not give dogs what is Holy.
b) Do not throw your pearls before swine.
c) The dogs and pigs may trample them under their feet.
d) Then turn.
e) And attack us, tearing us to pieces.
(This QT causes me to want to avoid Dogs And Pigs)
'The Lord Knows All Of His Ministers.'
Matthew 3:3.
a) John Baptist.
b) Was the one spoken of.
c) By the Prophet Isaiah.
d) John was the one who was crying out in the wilderness.
e) His Message was that the people had to prepare the way for the Lord.
f) They were to make straight paths for Him.
(This Second one assures me that The Lord Knows All Of His Ministers)
Most dogs and pigs are unpredictable creatures. It is not good to try to be friends with them, especially if they do not belong to us. If we, or our children, are attacked by dogs or pigs, they can do much physical and emotional damage. If we own dogs or pigs, we need, under normal circumstances, much land for them to roam on.
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
They Had Gone Too Far!
'They Had Gone Too Far!'
Jeremiah 6:15.
a) Were they ashamed when they acted so abhorrently?
b) They were not ashamed at all.
c) They can no longer feel humiliation.
d) Therefore.
e) They will fall among the fallen.
f) When I punish them.
g) They will collapse says the Lord.
(This QT teaches me what happens when They Had Gone Too Far)
'God's Messengers Clear The Way.'
Malachi 3:1.
a) God will send His Messenger.
b) He will clear the Way before Him.
c) Then the Lord that we seek.
d) Will suddenly.
e) Come to His Temple.
f) He is the Messenger of the Covenant that we desire.
g) See.
h) He is coming.
i) Says the Lord of Hosts.
(This Second one reveals that God's Messengers clear the way)
When God punishes the people that act badly, and He Will, they will fall among the fallen. There are certain things that the Lord desires of us as we walk with Him, if we refuse those things then we should seriously question if we are really following the Lord. We need to Trust the Lord for the most important parts of our lives and not 'take things into our own hands'. As the hymn writer wrote: "Trust and Obey".
Monday, June 20, 2016
What Is God Like?
'What Is God Like?'
Colossians 1:15.
a) The Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Is the Image of the Invisible God.
c) The Lord Jesus Christ.
d) Is the Firstborn.
e) Of all Creation.
(This QT answers my Question: What Is God Like?)
'One Of The Ways Of God's Word.'
Zechariah 4:8.
a) The Word of the Lord.
b) Came.
c) To me.
d) Saying.
(This Second one reveals One Of The Ways Of God's Word)
All Creation is Created by God. He is the sole Creator. God has given to human beings the ability to make things and to do things, also to destroy things and to undo them. If we want to know what God is like, and to see how He revealed and reveals Himself to humanity, all we need to do is to open and read our Bible because we find God there.
Saturday, June 18, 2016
Do We Have A Log In Our Eye?
'Do We Have A Log In Our Eye?'
Matthew 7:3-5.
a) Matthew 7:3. Why do we look at the speck in our brother's eye?
b) Matthew 7:3. But we do not consider the log in our own eye.
c) Matthew 7:4. How can you say to your brother: "Let me take the speck out of your eye."
d) Matthew 7:4. Look, there is a log in your eye.
e) Matthew 7:5. Hypocrite! First take the log out of your own eye.
f) Matthew 7:5. Then you will see clearly.
g) Matthew 7:5. To take the speck out of your brother's eye.
(This QT Makes me question: Do I Have A Log In My Eye?)
'Bitter Made Sweet.'
Exodus 15:23-25.
a) Exodus 15:23. When Moses and the Israelis came to Marah they could not drink the water there.
b) Exodus 15:23. Marah water was bitter: Marah means bitter.
c) Exodus 15:24. The people grumbled against Moses: "What can we drink?"
d) Exodus 15:25. Moses cried to the Lord.
e) Exodus 15:25. The Lord showed him a log.
f) Exodus 15:25. Moses threw the log into the water and the water became sweet.
(This Second one reveals a miracle: Bitter Made Sweet)
Really, we need to consider ourselves well. We need to deal with any logs that we may have in our eyes. Eyes always tell a story! When we look at a person eye to eye and we look into their eyes we can often see the condition of their soul. Both positive and negative emotions can be read in our eyes.
They Have No Shame At All!
'They Have No Shame At All.'
Jeremiah 6:15.
a) Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct?
b) No!
c) They have no shame at all.
d) They do not even know how to blush.
e) So.
f) They will fall among the fallen.
g) They will be brought down.
h) At the time when the Lord punishes them.
(This QT reveals that They Have No Shame At All)
'When The Lord Comes To Live Amongst Us.'
Zechariah 2:10.
a) There will be singing.
b) There will be rejoicing.
c) There will be shouting.
d) The Lord declares that:
e) He is coming.
f) He will dwell in the midst of His People.
(This Second one reveals the scene When The Lord Comes To Live Amongst Us)
When any people do not know how to blush when they have sinned and are guilty, or when they do not have any shame at all, they are in a dangerous place spiritually. These people are at the point of falling amongst the fallen and being brought down. We need to go in a completely different direction we need to ask God to give us the Gift of Repentance, then our relationship and walk with Him can be restored.
Friday, June 17, 2016
Get Rid Of Our Log!
'Get Rid Of Our Log.'
Matthew 7:3-5.
a) Matthew 7:3. Why do we look at the speck in our brother's eye?
b) Matthew 7:3. But we do not notice.
c) Matthew 7:3. The log that is in our own eye.
d) Matthew 7:4. How can we say to our brother?
e) Matthew 7:4. "Let me take the speck out of your eye!"
f) Matthew 7:4. When, all the time there is a log in our own eye.
g) Matthew 7:5. Hypocrites must first take the log out of their own eye.
h) Matthew 7:5. Then they will see clearly.
i) Matthew 7:5. To take the speck out of their brother's eye.
(This QT strongly tells me to Get Rid Of My Log)
'In The Wilderness And Desert.'
Isaiah 40:3.
a) There is a Voice calling.
b) In the wilderness, "prepare the Way for the Lord".
c) "Make straight in the desert."
d) "A Highway for our God."
(This Second one reveals to me a Voice In The Wilderness and Desert)
Sometimes we are too interested in the specks in the eyes of our Brothers and Sisters. It seems, from this Teaching of Jesus, that very many of us have specks in our own eyes which negatively affect the way we look at other people. Jesus Christ says that this is hypocrisy and that we should not do it. We need to deal with our own lives first, then we can see our brothers and sisters in the way that God wants us to see them. There are far too many hurts being given and received because we fail to deal with our own lives.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
Our Standard In Judging Other People!
'Our Standard In Judging Other People.'
Matthew 7:2.
a) God will Judge us.
b) In the same way that we Judge other people.
c) The standard that we use in Judging.
d) Is the standard.
e) By which we shall be Judged.
(This QT helps me to examine My Standard In Judging Other People)
'Discipling And Baptising.'
Matthew 28:19.
a) Go and make Disciples of All Nations.
b) Go and Teach All Nations.
c) Baptising these Nations.
d) In the Name of the:-
3-Holy Spirit.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Discipling And Baptising)
This is something it is easy for us to learn and remember. When we Judge other people we are also setting a standard. This standard is the standard by which we shall be Judged by the Lord (and probably by other people too). Jesus Christ, in His Teachings, encourages us not to Judge other people.
Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Lying Healers!
'Lying Healers.'
Jeremiah 6:14.
a) They have healed.
b) The hurt of My People slightly.
c) Saying: "Peace, Peace."
d) When there is no Peace.
(This QT exposes Lying Healers)
'The One Who Is True.'
1 John 5:20.
a) We know that the Son of Man has come.
b) He has given us understanding.
c) Now we can know the One Who is True.
d) We belong to the One Who is True.
e) We also belong to His Son, Jesus Christ.
f) This is the True God.
g) He is Eternal Life.
(This Second one reveals to me The One Who Is True)
Lying 'healers' need to be exposed. They are people who tell other people that they are 'healed' when they are not. There is, in the Scripture, more than one way in which God healed people, therefore we should not 'limit' Him to what we plan, imagine or want. God has so many ways of healing people. So we can Pray for people's healing without dictating to God the Way that He should do it.
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
When The Lord Speaks From The Fire!
'When The Lord Speaks From The Fire.'
Deuteronomy 4:12.
a) The Lord spoke to you.
b) Out of the midst of the fire.
c) You heard the sound of the Words.
d) But saw no form.
e) You only heard a Voice.
(This QT teaches me what happens When The Lord Speaks From The Fire)
'Honouring Jesus.'
John 5:23.
a) The Father wants all people to Honour the Son.
b) To Honour Him just as they Honour the Father.
c) The person who does not Honour the Son.
d) Does not Honour the Father Who sent Him.
(This Second one reminds me of the importance of Honouring Jesus)
They only heard a Voice, and yet they knew that it was the Voice of the Lord. There are special and specific times when the Lord may speak to us in special ways. We do not and we should not regard this as the 'norm' for our spiritual life. The normal way in which God will speak to us is from His Word.
Monday, June 13, 2016
Simple And Clear!
'Simple And Clear.'
Matthew 7:1.
a) Do not judge others.
b) And you.
c) Will not be judged.
(Today's QT is very Simple And Clear)
'Overfamiliarity With God.'
Luke 10:22.
a) All things have been handed over to Christ.
b) By the Father.
c) No one knows Who the Son is.
d) Except the Father.
e) No one truly knows the Father.
f) Except the Son.
g) And to anyone whom the Son chooses to reveal Him.
(This Second one makes me want to avoid Overfamiliarity With God)
I really want to Honour and Respect God for Who He is! I do not want to belittle Him with overfamiliarity. If we have this problem of treating God in an overfamiliar way it can really affect our spiritual life unfavourably. God is my Heavenly Father and I want to honour Him as Such. Jesus Christ is my Saviour, Lord and the Way to my Heavenly Father. The Holy Spirit is my Comforter and I highly value Him. I want to Honour and Respect God!
Sunday, June 12, 2016
Greedy Ministers!
'Greedy Ministers.'
Jeremiah 6:13.
a) From the least to the greatest of these particular ministers.
b) Everyone is greedy.
c) For unjust gain.
d) Prophets and priests alike.
e) Everyone deals falsely.
(This QT encourages me to avoid Greedy Ministers)
'The Birth Of The Son Of God.'
Luke 1:35.
a) The Angel spoke to Mary.
b) The Holy Spirit will come upon you.
c) The Power of the Most High will overshadow you.
d) So the Baby to be born.
e) Will be Holy.
f) He will be called the Son of God.
(This Second helps me to recall to mind The Birth Of The Son of God)
Greedy Ministers deal falsely and need to be exposed. Truth and open dealings and nature need very much to be in our lives if we are real Ministers of the Lord. In real Christianity the Minister is a Minister of the Lord first, then this person may possibly become a Minister of the Church.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Christ's House!
'Christ's House.'
Hebrews 3:6.
a) Christ is a Son over His Own House.
b) Whose house we are.
c) If we hold fast the confidence.
d) And the rejoicing of the Hope.
e) Firm to the end.
(This QT gives me great pleasure to ponder upon Christ's House)
'The Big Rock Foundation.'
Matthew 16:18.
a) Peter was a rock - a little rock.
b) But upon the big Rock - Christ Himself.
c) He will build His Church.
d) The Gates of Hades will not overpower it.
(This Second one makes me give thanks to God for The Big Rock Foundation)
We are called to keep our Hope in Christ firm to the end. We can only do this by His Grace. The fact that we have Hope in Christ has nothing to do with ourselves. It has to do with Him and His Grace. This Hope is silent but strong. It is a guiding anchor for our life and faith. Let us, by His Grace, keep our confidence in Christ.
Friday, June 10, 2016
Do Not Worry About Tomorrow!
'Do Not Worry About Tomorrow.'
Matthew 6:34.
a) Tomorrow will care for itself.
b) Tomorrow will worry about itself.
c) Each day has enough trouble of its own.
d) Do not worry about what to wear tomorrow.
(This QT instructs me: Do Not Worry About Tomorrow)
'Come Now, Pray And Think.'
James 4:13-14.
a) Come now, you people who say:
b) Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city.
c) And:-
i-Spend a year there.
ii-Engage in business.
iii-Make a profit.
d) Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow.
e) You are just a vapour that appears for a little while.
f) Then vanishes away.
(Through this Second One I am exhorted to Come Now, Pray And Think)
We are clearly told in the Bible not to worry about tomorrow. Jesus Christ teaches us that we can Pray about tomorrow and Trust God about tomorrow. Surely, it is a real Promise for every True Believer. If we are leaving God out of our plans it is better to stop and then ask God to teach us His Way for us.
God's Powerful Fist!
'God's Powerful Fist!
Jeremiah 6:12.
a) Their homes, fields and wives will be turned over to their enemies.
b) The Lord will raise His Powerful Fist against the people of the land.
c) This is what the Lord says.
(This QT reveals to me God's Powerful Fist)
'The Pathway To Glorification.'
Romans 8:30.
a) Predestined.
b) Called.
c) Justified.
d) Glorified.
(Through this Second one I discover The Pathway To Glorification)
Every True Believer (real Christian) is on the Pathway to Glorification. It is a part of our Eternal Hope. We can have total and complete trust that God has a plan for our lives that we will never fully understand whilst we are on this Earth. Our responsibility is to follow and obey the Lord, as we do that, we will have more and more assurance that we are fulfilling His Plan for us.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Can I Seek God's Face?
'Can I Seek God's Face?'
Exodus 33:20.
a) God says.
b) You cannot see My Face.
c) For no one.
d) Can see Me and live.
(This QT answers my question: Can I Seek God's Face?)
'God Speaks About His Son.'
Matthew 3:17.
a) There came a Voice from Heaven.
b) It was God's Voice.
c) This is My Beloved Son.
d) I take delight in Him.
e) I am well-pleased with Him.
(In this Second one God Speaks About His Son)
It is a question that needs to be asked: Can I Seek God's Face? I hear this phrase mentioned with regard to Prayer sometimes. "We should seek God's Face!" The problem is that we cannot see God's Face. It is enough to say that we can seek God in Prayer.
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Seek First!
'Seek First.'
Matthew 6:33.
a) Seek first the Kingdom of God.
b) And His Righteousness.
c) Then all things you need.
d) Will be added to you.
(This QT urges me to Seek First the Kingdom of God)
'To The Only God Our Saviour.'
Jude 1:25.
a) To the only God.
b) Our Saviour.
c) Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
d) Be:-
e) Before all time.
f) Now.
g) And forever. Amen.
(This Second one reveals to me what belongs To The Only God Our Saviour)
There are so many positive encouragements for us in the Word of God. Here we are urged to seek first God's Kingdom and His Righteousness. This is an important priority for every True Believer. When we do this, the Word of God gives us a Promise to go along with it. The Promise is that all the things that we need will be added to us.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Full Of The Wrath Of The Lord!
'Full Of The Wrath Of The Lord!'
Jeremiah 6:11.
a) Jeremiah was full of the Wrath of the Lord.
b) He was weary of holding it in.
c) Pour it out upon the children in the street.
d) Pour it out upon the gatherings of young men.
e) These shall be taken:-
4-Very elderly.
(Through this QT I understand more about The Wrath Of The Lord)
'Hidden In Christ.'
Colossians 2:3.
a) In Christ are hidden.
b) All the Treasures.
c) Of Wisdom.
d) And of Knowledge.
(Through this Second one I thank God for what is Hidden In Christ)
When the Lord manifests His Righteous Anger then fearsome things happen amongst the people. It seems that, in our days, these things are manifest in disasters both man-made and also those directly created by the Lord. At such times the disaster caused often reaches into people's homes. It is only through turning to the Lord that this disaster can be stopped.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

‘Pharisees Always Question And Doubt.’ John 1:24-25. a) Now those who were sent were from the Pharisees. b) And they asked Him saying: c)...
'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a) And God was doing b) Extraordinary miracles c) By the hands of Paul, d) So that even han...