The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Jesus Did Not Trust Them!
'Jesus Did Not Trust Them.'
a) John 2:24. Because He knew all people.
b) John 6:15. Jesus slipped away from them.
c) Matthew 10:16. We do not have to trust all people.
d) John 6:64. Jesus knew who trusted Him.
e) 1 Samuel 16:7. The Lord sees people in a different way.
f) 1 Chronicles 29:17. The Lord examines our hearts and rejoices when He finds integrity there.
g) Hebrews 4:13. Nothing in all Creation is hidden from God.
(Through this QT I learn that Jesus Did Not Trust Them)
'Our Wonderful Shepherd.'
John 10:15.
a) He is known by the Father.
b) He knew and knows the Father.
c) He sacrifices His Life for the sheep.
(This Second one reminds me of My Wonderful Shepherd)
The Lord examines our hearts. This is not necessarily a negative or judgmental thing. The Word of God tells us that He Rejoices when He finds integrity in our hearts. I can see that in many Churches there are many people who live daily with integrity in their hearts. This makes the Church a pleasant place to be in. We should be able to have friends in our Church. There are some Churches and people that cannot be trusted because good and pure people have been "used" in some way, usually to try to get money from them. If that happens, it becomes difficult for people to trust other people in Church. This situation is never God's Will.
Monday, May 30, 2016
A Little Faith Problem!
'A Little Faith Problem.'
Matthew 6:28-30.
a) Matthew 6:28. Why worry about your clothing?
b) Matthew 6:28. Look at the lilies of the field.
c) Matthew 6:28. How they grow!
d) Matthew 6:28. They do not work.
e) Matthew 6:28. They do not make their clothing.
f) Matthew 6:29. Yet Solomon in all his glory.
g) Matthew 6:29. Was not arrayed.
h) Matthew 6:29. Like one of these lilies.
i) Matthew 6:30. If God so clothes the grass of the field.
j) Matthew 6:30. Which today is alive.
k) Matthew 6:30. And tomorrow is thrown into the oven.
l) Matthew 6:30. Will He not much more clothe you.
m) Matthew 6:30. Why do you have so little Faith?
(This QT reveals A Little Faith Problem)
'The Key Holder.'
Revelation 1:18.
a) Jesus Christ is the Living One.
b) He died.
c) Now He is alive forever more.
d) He has the keys.
e) Of Death and Hades.
(This Second one teaches me Who The Key Holder is)
To be arrayed with nice, handsome or beautiful clothes is the desire of many people. Most people like putting on nice clothes sometimes. It is often the case, that in Church, people like to wear nice clothes, indeed, sometimes people 'overdress' in Church, and draw attention to themselves. Personally, I think it is good to wear nice, culturally acceptable and practical clothes wherever I am, then my clothes will not draw attention to myself but be practical.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Instruction Or Desolation!
'Instruction Or Desolation.'
Jeremiah 6:8.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) Be instructed.
c) O Jerusalem.
d) Lest My Soul depart from you.
e) Lest I make you desolate.
f) A land not inhabited.
(This QT reveals a choice for Jerusalem: Instruction Or Desolation)
'The Alpha And The Omega.'
Revelation 1:8.
a) I am the Alpha and Omega.
b) The Beginning and the End.
c) Says the Lord.
d) Who is and Who was and Who is to come.
e) The Almighty.
(This Second has me in awe of The Alpha And The Omega)
If Jerusalem refused to be instructed, the Lord said that they would become desolate. Here is a lesson for modern day Christianity. Many once Blessed and Spiritually 'fresh' lands have become desolate, the reason is that they refused to be instructed, which means they became proud. Church-going decreases and lethargy amongst Believers grows stronger. We are living in days of 'spiritual desolation' and we need to turn to the Lord.
Saturday, May 28, 2016
It's Not All Up To Me!
'It's Not All Up To Me!'
Deuteronomy 18:18.
a) I will raise up a prophet like you (Moses).
b) From among their fellow Israelites.
c) I will put My Words in his mouth.
d) He will tell the people.
e) Everything that I command him.
(This QT should take the pressure off those people who lead in the Body of Christ: "It's Not All Up To Me)
'The Power Of Desire.'
Isaiah 57:10.
a) You grew weary in your search.
b) But you never gave up.
c) Desire gave you renewed strength.
d) And you did not grow weary.
(This Second One reveals to me The Power Of Desire)
When we have any ministry in the Body of Christ, we always carry with that a sense of responsibility towards Christ and towards His People that we serve. We are to faithfully carry out the tasks that He gives to us with a willing and positive mind. He never over-burdens us. He is always with us, helping us to complete the tasks. We also need to recognise the people that He puts alongside us to help us and not reject them or try to "stand alone".
Friday, May 27, 2016
Do Not Worry!
'Do Not Worry!
Matthew 6:27.
a) Can all your worries.
b) Add a single moment.
c) To your life?
(This QT reminds me: Do Not Worry)
'Consider Your Soul.'
Matthew 16:26.
a) What do I benefit?
b) If I gain.
c) The whole World.
d) But lose.
e) My own soul?
(This Second one urges me to Consider My Soul)
It is good for us to consider our soul. We are the only ones, apart from the Lord, who can do that. We can allow many difficulties to come into our lives in different ways if we neglect our own souls. As True Believers, we can come to God in our Prayer and ask Him to help us to consider our soul.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Fresh Wickedness!
'Fresh Wickedness.'
Jeremiah 6:7.
a) As a fountain springs up.
b) And pours out its fresh waters.
c) So Jerusalem.
d) Continually pours out her fresh wickedness.
e) Violence and destruction.
f) Are heard inside her walls.
g) Victim are everywhere.
h) Wounded and dying.
(This QT shows me the result of Fresh Wickedness)
'When Fault Produced Blessing.'
Hebrews 8:8.
a) God finds fault with His People.
b) When He says.
c) The days are coming.
d) Says the Lord.
e) When I will draw up a New Covenant.
f) With the people of Israel.
g) And with the people of Judah.
(This Second one reveals When Fault Produced Blessing)
Violence and destruction are not simply 'signs of the modern age', they have been around for a very long time. Even in Old Testament Jerusalem there were violence and destruction sometimes, and it was allowed by God! When we see violence and destruction in our cities today we know that it is surely time to be praying for our cities.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
The Source Of The Ruler!
'The Source Of The Ruler!'
Micah 5:2.
a) Out of Bethlehem Ephrathah.
b) Only a small village from the people of Judah.
c) A Ruler of Israel will come.
d) One Whose origins are from the distant past.
(This QT reveals to me The Source Of The Ruler - King Jesus)
'The Eternal KIng.'
Hebrews 1:8.
a) The Father says to the Son.
b) Your Throne Oh God.
c) Endures forever and ever.
d) You rule with a Scepter of Justice.
(This Second one again tells me of The Eternal King - King Jesus)
Because our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is Eternal, we cannot know His Beginnings and Ending. We can only know Him for Who He is. The Lord Jesus Christ is God the Son! He is the Way to the Father, when we bring our Prayers and Petitions to Our Father, we do so in the Name of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only Way to the Father.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Look At The Birds!
'Look At The Birds.'
Matthew 6:26.
a) Look at the birds in the sky.
b) They do not:-
3-Gather into barns.
c) And yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.
d) Are you not more valuable.
e) Than they are.
(This QT calls me to Look At The Birds)
'The Angelic Message To Mary.'
Luke 1:35.
a) The Angel spoke to Mary.
b) The Holy Spirit will come upon you.
c) The Power of the Most High will overshadow you.
d) So the Child to be born.
e) Will be called Holy.
f) His Name will be the Son of God.
(This Second one reminds me about The Angelic Message To Mary)
The local farmers, at harvest time, need to gather their harvested crops into barns. If they do not, the probability is that, for various reasons, they would lose a lot of money. That crop needs to be stored, sold and consumed. In that season, Jesus looked at the prevailing situation and used it to teach His Disciples important lessons about themselves.
Monday, May 23, 2016
When God Was Against Jerusalem!
'When God Was Against Jerusalem.'
Jeremiah 6:6.
a) The Lord said:
b) Cut down Jerusalem's trees.
c) Cast up a siege mound against Jerusalem.
d) Jerusalem is a City that must be punished.
e) There is nothing but oppression within Jerusalem.
(This QT reveals to me the time When God Was Against Jerusalem)
'The First And Second Man.'
1 Corinthians 15:47.
a) The first man.
b) Is of Earth.
c) He is Earthy.
d) The Second Man.
e) Is from Heaven.
(This Second one teaches me the difference between The First And Second Man)
There was nothing but oppression inside Jerusalem at the time when Jeremiah was prophesying. God saw that there was only one way to deal with that problem. The way was the punishment of Jerusalem at that time. God's Love is never unjust! Even though He may Love a Nation or a specific place, it does not mean that God will not punish their sin. God never ignores sin.
Sunday, May 22, 2016
Thank God For Samuel!
'Thank God For Samuel.'
1 Samuel 7:6.
a) The Israelis gathered at Mizpah.
b) They drew water from the well.
c) They poured the water out before the Lord.
d) They fasted on that day.
e) They confessed that they had sinned against the Lord.
f) Samuel judged the People of Israel at Mizpah.
(This QT causes me to proclaim: Thank God For Samuel)
'Our High Priest - Jesus.'
Hebrews 4:15.
a) We do not have.
b) A High Priest who is unable.
c) To sympathize.
d) With our weaknesses.
e) Our High Priest.
f) In every respect.
g) Has been tempted.
h) Just like we are tempted.
i) Yet without sin.
(This Second one makes me grateful for My High Priest - Jesus)
The Israelis confessed that they had sinned against the Lord. Their safety was in their humility. We read in Bible History that, when the People of the Lord (the Israelis) sinned against the Lord, but did not confess and repent, they suffered the most painful and difficult of times. When they confessed and repented they found the Mercy of God and His Forgiveness.
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Do Not Worry!
'Do Not Worry.'
Matthew 6:25.
a) Jesus tells us.
b) Not to worry about everyday life.
c) Worrying that includes:-
1-What we eat.
2-What we drink.
3-Our body condition.
4-What we wear.
d) Jesus said that there is more to life than food.
e) Jesus said that there is more to the body than clothing.
(This QT causes me to take note: Do Not Worry)
'Certainly Clear.'
Hebrews 2:16.
a) The Lord's concern.
b) Is not for angels.
c) The Lord is concerned.
d) For Abraham's Descendants.
(This Second one Teaches me something that is Certainly Clear)
We should not worry about what we drink. All we have to do is to remember that our body is the House for the Holy Spirit, then we will look after it well. There are some people who are obsessive about their body, that is idolatry, it does not have any positive result. We should simply remember that, whatever we do, we do for the Glory of God.
Friday, May 20, 2016
Strategy For Victory!
'Strategy For Victory.'
Jeremiah 6:5.
a) Arise. (Watch and Pray)
b) Let us attack by night. (Night time Prayer can bring Victory)
c) Destroy her palaces. (Spiritual Warfare Prayer)
(This QT simply shows a Strategy For Victory)
'Christ Made An Offering For Our Sin.'
Isaiah 53:10.
a) The Lord was pleased to crush Him.
b) The Lord put Him to grief.
c) He rendered Himself as a guilt offering.
d) His Soul was made an offering for sin.
e) He shall see His Seed.
f) He shall prolong His Days.
g) The good pleasure of the Lord.
h) Shall prosper in His Hand.
(This Second one makes me very grateful: Christ Made An Offering For My Sin)
Christ has been made an offering to God for my sin. I do not have to suffer the punishment for my sin if I believe that Christ has paid that price and given Himself as a Sacrifice for me. Every True Believer can agree to the sentence that I have just written immediately above. This is the powerful work of the Cross - dealing with the punishment for my sin.
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
1 Corinthians 11:1.
a) Apostle Paul said to the Corinthian Church.
b) They were to imitate him.
c) In the same way that he imitated Christ.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to participate in Imitation)
'A Servant Of The Church.'
Colossians 1:25.
a) Apostle Paul had become a Servant of the Church.
b) This was according to God's Administration.
c) This was given to Paul for the Church.
d) This was to make God's Message fully known.
(This Second one teaches me the importance of A Servant Of The Church)
Apostle Paul had become a Servant of the Church. He did not just call himself a "Servant of the Lord" but "Servant of the Church". This is a very practical and proper name for him because we can read so much about his Service for the Lord's Church. May the Lord raise up more Servants of the Church.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
God And Money!
'God And Money.'
Matthew 6:24.
a) No one can serve two masters.
b) You will hate the one and love the other.
c) You will be devoted to one and despise the other.
d) You cannot serve both God and money. (Luke 6:13; 1 Timothy 6:10)
(This QT reminds me about the Lord's Teaching on God And Money)
'God's Mighty Weapons.'
2 Corinthians 10:4-5.
a) We use God's Mighty weapons, not worldly weapons.
b) To knock down the strongholds of human reasoning.
c) And to destroy false arguments.
(Through this Second one I am encouraged to use God's Mighty Weapons)
The Lord's Teachings are always very clear. There can be no grounds for confusion about His Teaching. The problems come when we add our teachings to the Lord's Teaching. If we teach other people our teachings, instead of the Lord's, then we create confusion. Let us always follow the Lord's Teachings about all things.
Leadership That Trusts The Lord!
'Leadership That Trusts The Lord.'
Acts 14:23.
a) The Elders in every city were appointed by the Apostles, appointed and not voted in.
b) The Elders did this with Prayer and Fasting.
c) These Elders were then committed to the Lord.
d) These Elders already had strong Faith and Belief in the Lord.
(This QT reveals to me Leadership That Trusts The Lord)
'Christ's Sorrow Before His Death.'
Mark 14:34.
a) Christ's Soul was very sorrowful.
b) Even unto death.
c) He told His Disciples to stay in a certain place.
d) He told the Disciples to Watch.
e) "Watch" means keep awake.
(Through this Second one I know about Christ's Sorrow Before His Death)
Every Biblical Church needs Leadership That Trusts The Lord! If the Church Leadership does not trust the Lord how can the Church function in the way that God intends it to function? Leaders of the Church need to be responsible people as well as people of Faith. There should never be a 'political system' in the Biblical Church, Apostles still have a function today, that the Church should welcome and adopt.
Monday, May 16, 2016
a) Jeremiah 6:4; 46:3. For war.
b) Jeremiah 46:19. Baggage for exile.
c) Jeremiah 51:28. The Nations for war.
d) Jeremiah 51:39. Them a feast.
e) Ezekiel 4:15. Your bread.
f) Amos 4:12. To meet your God.
g) Matthew 3:3. The Way of the Lord.
h) Philemon 1:22. A guest room for the Servants of the Lord.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of the word Prepare in God's Kingdom)
'A Merciful And Faithful High Priest.'
Hebrews 2:17.
a) Jesus Christ was made like His brothers in every respect.
b) So that He may become a Merciful and Faithful High Priest.
c) In the Service of God.
d) To make propitiation.
e) For the sins of the people.
(This Second one reveals Jesus Christ - A Merciful And Faithful High Priest)
Prepare to meet your God. This was the Message given to the Old Testament People of God, the same God as our God today! We need to be prepared to meet Him. I sense that there are many of God's People who have been so caught up in themselves that they have forgotten this exhortation. They are not prepared yet to meet with God. I realise that I need to be living in a way that makes me ready to meet Him at any time.
Sunday, May 15, 2016
The Eye!
'The Eye.'
Matthew 6:22-23.
a) The eye is the lamp of the body.
b) So, if your eye is healthy.
c) Your whole body.
d) Will be full of light.
e) But, if your eye is bad.
f) Your whole body.
g) Will be full of darkness.
h) If, then, the light in us is darkness.
i) How great is that darkness.
(This QT reminds me to consider my Eyes; The Eye)
'Jesus Increased.'
Luke 2:52.
a) Jesus increased.
b) In Wisdom.
c) And in stature.
d) And in favour.
e) With God and man.
(Through this Second one I understand that Jesus Increased)
If our eyes (or our eye) is bad, it can affect the remaining health of our body. Eye condition and eye-sight are important. Some people suffer needless headaches because of the poor condition of their eyes. These people do not care for their eyes well. Yes, eyes can affect physical health in several ways, even sometimes giving us eye or head pain.
Saturday, May 14, 2016
A Gift Of Faith!
'A Gift Of Faith!'
Esther 4:16.
a) Go.
b) Gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan.
c) Fast for me.
d) Neither eat nor drink for three days.
e) Night and day.
f) My maids and I will fast likewise.
g) And so I will go to the king.
h) (Which is against the law)
i) If I perish, I perish.
(This QT teaches me about A Gift Of Faith)
'Not Just A Spirit.'
Luke 24:39.
a) Behold My Hands and My Feet.
b) It is I Myself.
c) Handle Me and see.
d) A spirit does not have flesh and bones.
e) You see that I have flesh and bones.
(This Second one reveals that the Risen Christ Is Not Just A Spirit)
The Jews in Shushan had a very special and intense call to fast. This was not a 'general' fast, it was a call to fast for the lives of God's People in the times of Esther. It was a fast that covered both eating and drinking - which was exceptional. We need to remember that there are several kinds of Biblical fast. We should not fast with an exceptional fast unless we are called to do so.
Friday, May 13, 2016
a) Jeremiah 6:3. Are sometimes used by God in His Plans.
b) Jeremiah 10:21. Because they are senseless and do not enquire of the Lord, they do not prosper.
c) Jeremiah 12:10. Many shepherds ruin the Lord's Vineyard.
d) Jeremiah 22:22. The wind drives the shepherds away.
e) Jeremiah 23:1. Woe to the shepherds who destroy and scatter the Lord's sheep.
f) Jeremiah 33:12. Will be restored.
g) Jeremiah 50:6. Sometimes lead the Lord's People astray.
h) Ezekiel 34:2. Should take care of the Lord's Flock.
i) Ezekiel 34:7 & 9. Should hear the Word of the Lord.
j) Ezekiel 34:8. Cannot be selfish.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of the Lord's Shepherds)
'Simply One Way.'
1 Timothy 2:5.
a) There is one God.
b) There is one Mediator between God and mankind.
c) The Man Christ Jesus.
(This Second one helps me focus well. There is Simply One Way)
Woe to the Shepherds who destroy and scatter the Lord's Sheep. The focus here is on the Lord's Sheep. All True Believers are the Lord's Sheep. The Lord really has a Plan for every flock of His Sheep and every individual sheep. The Shepherd should be helping the Sheep find the Lord's Plan for them, He is the Good Shepherd.
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Wherever ... There ...!
'Wherever ...There...!'
Matthew 6:19-21.
a) Matthew 6:19. Do not store up treasures here on Earth.
b) Matthew 6:19. Moths eat them.
c) Matthew 6:19. Rust destroys them.
d) Matthew 6:19. Thieves break in and steal.
e) Matthew 6:20. Store your treasures in Heaven.
f) Matthew 6:20. In Heaven moths and rust cannot destroy.
g) Matthew 6:20. Thieves do not break in and steal.
h) Matthew 6:21. Wherever your treasure is, there the desire of your heart will be also.
(This QT makes me take note of these Words of Jesus: Wherever ... There...)
'Listen To This.'
Acts 2:22.
a) People of Israel.
b) Listen.
c) God publicly endorsed Jesus the Nazarene.
d) A man approved of God among you.
e) By:-
3-Signs through Him.
f) As the People of Israel well knew.
(Through this Second one I Listen To This)
Jesus told His Disciples to store their Treasures in Heaven. There are many similar phrases used today for the Disciple or True Believer. I have read the stories of some of the ruined cities of the Middle East where people tried to store all their riches. For some of those cities, before they were ruined, God told them to use their riches for His Kingdom and His People - but they refused and they became desolate. Lord, please help us to learn not to horde.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
When Loved Ones Are Ill!
'When Loved Ones Are Ill.'
Psalm 35:13.
a) We can dress down (wear sackcloth) if we so desire.
b) We can afflict ourselves with fasting.
c) We can Pray with our head down.
(This QT teaches me how to respond When Loved Ones Are Ill)
'Why Have You Forsaken Me?'
Mark 15:34.
a) At the ninth hour of the day.
b) Jesus cried out with a loud voice.
c) Eloi, Eloi, Lama Sabachthani?
d) It means:-
1-My God, My God.
2-Why have You;
3-Forsaken Me?
(Through this Second one I can see the terrible experience of Jesus at the Cross: Why Have You Forsaken Me?
This Question was really the rejection experience that Jesus Christ went through for us at the Cross. It was not just the physical torture, which was extremely severe. It was also the emotional experience. Jesus felt as if He was totally cut off from His Heavenly Father there at the Cross. All the sufferings that He went through, He went through for us.
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
God Will Destroy!
'God Will Destroy.'
a) Jeremiah 6:2. The lovely and delicately bred Daughter of Zion.
b) Genesis 6:13. All flesh.
c) Leviticus 23:30. The Sabbath day breaker.
d) Leviticus 26:30. Idolatrous places.
e) Jeremiah 46:8. Cities and their inhabitants.
f) Ezekiel 6:3; 30:13. Israel's high places. (Idolatry)
g) Ezekiel 34:16. The fat and the strong.
h) Amos 9:8. The sinful kingdom.
i) Zephaniah 2:5. Canaan.
(This QT is not popular, but it is true: I Will Destroy)
'Strength To Face The Cross.'
Luke 22:43.
a) There appeared an Angel to Jesus.
b) The Angel came from Heaven.
c) The Angel gave Strength to Jesus.
(Through this Second one I see that Jesus was given Strength To Face The Cross)
Israel, God's Old Testament Chosen People, had slipped away from any relationship with Him. The Bible tells us that they copied the ways of the Nations. They made high places, places of idolatry. This was surely very displeasing to God and they were punished by Him for doing it. We can see that, in both the Old and New Testaments, God desires His People to walk in His Ways.
Monday, May 9, 2016
When You Fast - Jesus' Instructions!
'When You Fast - Jesus' Instructions.'
Matthew 6:16-18.
a) Matthew 6:16. When you fast.
b) Matthew 6:16. Do not look sombre, as the hypocrite's do.
c) Matthew 6:16. They disfigure their faces.
d) Matthew 6:16. To show other people that they are fasting.
e) Matthew 6:16. Truly. (Jesus says)
f) Matthew 6:16. They have received their (hypocrite's) reward in full.
g) Matthew 6:17. When you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face.
h) Matthew 6:18. Then it will not be obvious to other people that you are fasting.
i) Matthew 6:18. Only your Father, Who is unseen will know.
j) Matthew 6:18. Then your Father, Who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
(This QT concerns: When You Fast - Jesus' Instructions)
'After The Desert.'
Matthew 4:11.
a) Then the Devil left Jesus alone.
b) Angels came.
c) They attended to Jesus and ministered to Him.
(This Second one reveals God's Compassion: After The Desert)
Sometimes Jesus emphasized His Teachings by using the word "Truly". When we see that, we should also take note. What He has just said and what the Gospel Writer puts forth is to be pondered and thought about. It is something that we need to consider. Not one of the Words of Christ, written in the New Testament is waste. His Words are the Words of God.
Sunday, May 8, 2016
a) Exodus 6:23. His daughter married Aaron.
b) Numbers 2:4. His son became Leader of the Tribe of Judah.
c) 1 Chronicles 15:11. Served as a Priest under King David.
(This QT reveals a Man of God: Amminadab)
'As Jesus Grew Up.'
Luke 2:52.
a) He grew in Wisdom.
b) He grew in Stature.
c) He grew in Favour with God.
d) He grew in Favour with all the people.
(This Second one teaches me what happened As Jesus Grew Up)
The Bible clearly teaches us about the growing up of Jesus Christ our Lord. As we read of how He grew up, this can also stimulate us in Prayer for our children and the children of our extended family, also Church family. This is important, children that are prayed for. We Pray for their Wisdom, their Stature, their Favour with God, and their Favour with all the people.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Run For Your Lives!
'Run For Your Lives.'
Jeremiah 6:1.
a) Run for your lives.
b) People of Benjamin.
c) Get out of Jerusalem.
d) Sound the alarm in Tekoa.
e) Send up a signal at Beth Hakkerem.
f) A powerful army.
g) Is coming.
h) From the North.
i) Coming with disaster.
j) Coming with destruction.
(This QT has me Praying for the Nations: Run For Your Lives)
'It Was Restored.'
Luke 6:10.
a) Jesus looked at all the people who were watching Him in the Temple grounds.
b) He looked at them one by one.
c) He said to the man with a withered hand.
d) That he was to stretch out his hand.
e) So the man held out his hand.
f) Then his hand was restored.
(This Second one reveals a wonderful miracle: It Was Restored)
Spiritually, the place where the Church today is to send out a signal and sound an alarm is in the Prayer meeting. When we look at the situation in several Nations, we surely realise that only God can change things. Churches that Pray may sometimes change the destiny of Nations.
Friday, May 6, 2016
This Is What God Wants!
'This Is What God Wants.'
Isaiah 58:6-7.
a) Free those people who are wrongly imprisoned.
b) Lighten the burden of those people who work for you.
c) Let the oppressed go free.
d) Remove the chains that bind people.
e) Share your food with the hungry.
f) Give shelter to the homeless.
g) Give clothes to those people who need them.
h) Do not hide from relatives that need your help.
(This QT is very clear: This Is What God Wants)
'He Did Not Sin.'
Hebrews 4:15.
a) Jesus, our High Priest.
b) Understands our weaknesses.
c) He faced all of the same testings that we face.
d) Yet He did not sin.
(This Second one reminds me that He Did Not Sin)
Share your food with the hungry people. This is one of the most effective ways of sharing the Love and Truth of God with unchurched people, especially the poor people. I believe that God has given enough food for the World to live and survive. The difficulty comes when someone becomes greedy. Greed is sin and it robs those people who need the Provision and Grace of God.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
a) Genesis 46:9; Exodus 6:14. Was a son of Reuben.
b) Numbers 26:6. Was the Head of the family of the Hezronites.
c) 1 Chronicles 2:18. Was the father of Caleb.
d) Matthew 1:3. Was an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
(This QT: Hezron, reminds me that every individual is Loved by God)
'Are You Being Tested?'
Hebrews 2:18.
a) Jesus Christ has suffered.
b) Jesus Christ was tempted.
c) Jesus Christ is able.
d) To help those people.
e) Who are being tested.
(This Second one causes me to respond to the question: Am I Being Tested?)
Are you being tested? This is a question, that, if I asked a group of True Believers, I would definitely receive some answers in the affirmative. 'Yes' they would say, 'I am or we are, being tested.' One thing that I am really sure about is that no one enjoys being tested. One thing that I am very sure about is that te Lord knows when we are being tested, and He is ready to help us.
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The Christian Life!
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