The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Disciples To Be Servants!
'Disciples To Be Servants.'
Mark 10:42-45.
a) Mark 10:42. Jesus called His Disciples to Himself to speak to them privately.
b) Mark 10:42. The Disciples knew that Leaders and Rulers over the Gentiles:-
1-"Lord" it over them.
2-Exercise authority over them.
3-Acted like tyrants over them.
c) Mark 10:43. The Disciples of Christ were not to be like those Leaders and Rulers.
d) Mark 10:43. If the Disciples wanted to become great they needed to become servants.
e) Mark 10:44. Whoever of the Disciples wanted to be first, they should be the servant of all.
f) Mark 10:45. The Son of Man:-
1-Did not come to be served.
2-Came to serve.
3-Came to give His Life a ransom for many people.
(This QT shows me the Heart of Jesus Christ: Disciples To Be Servants)
'An Environment Of Conflict.'
Daniel 11:33.
a) There are people who have Understanding and Insight.
b) They will instruct many people.
c) They will impart understanding to many people.
d) Yet, for many days they shall fall:-
1-By the sword.
2-By fire.
3-By captivity.
4-By Plundering.
(This Second one encourages me to pray for those people serving in An Environment Of Conflict)
There are some Leaders in Churches and Christian Organisations who lead only by exercising their authority. They are isolated emotionally and also many times physically from the people that they lead. This is really dysfunctional Leadership. In this type of organisation it is difficult to grow spiritually because, so often, those people involved have inner pain and frustration.
The Christian Life!
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