The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
The Messenger Coming With Good News!
'The Messengers Coming With Good News.'
Isaiah 52:7.
a) This is a beautiful sight.
b) They have beautiful feet.
c) They bring Good News.
d) They bring news of Peace.
e) They bring Good News of Good.
f) They publish Salvation.
g) They tell God's People that He reigns.
(This QT gives me a desire to be A Messenger Coming With Good News)
'The Hidden Man Of The Heart.'
1 Peter 3:4.
a) Our real beauty comes from inside us.
b) It is the hidden man of the heart.
c) It is incorruptible.
d) It is the beauty of:-
1-A Gentle spirit.
2-A Quite spirit.
3-A spirit that does not fade away.
e) In the Sight of God this is of great price.
(The Hidden Man Of The Heart)
The messenger coming with Good News is a beautiful sight. This kind of messenger is very precious and special to God, for they bring Good News. Good News is about Salvation from the Lord, forgiveness of sins, Eternal Life, experiencing the Love of God day by day. This Good News is also about life with and in the Holy Spirit, it is also about wholeness.
Give Thanks To God!
'Give Thanks To God.'
Psalm 136:1-2.
a) Give thanks to the Lord for He is Good.
b) Give thanks to the Lord for His Mercy endures forever.
c) Give thanks to the God of gods for His Loving kindness lasts forever.
(Through this QT I want to Give Thanks To God)
'The Power Of God's Words.'
Psalm 104:7.
a) The waters left at God's strong Words.
b) The waters left at God's rebuke.
c) At the sound of God's thunder.
d) The waters hastened away.
(This Second one reminds me of The Power Of God's Words)
It is good to meditate on the Words of God, it is something that I would encourage all True Believers to do. For meditation I suggest starting in the Book of Psalms. When we meditate on the Words of God in a Biblical way, we can be so Blessed by the Truths made real to us by the Holy Spirit. After the Meditation time it is good to ponder upon the Scriptures we have meditated throughout the day.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Diotrephes - The Church Troublemaker!
'Diotrephes - The Church Troublemaker.'
3 John 1:9-10.
a) He will not have anything to do with Church Leaders.
b) He loves to be the first in everything.
c) He is saying evil things about the Church Leaders to other people.
d) He craves for more troublemaking.
e) He refuses to welcome other True Believers.
f) He keeps other people in the Church from welcoming other True Believers. He is a manipulator.
g) He throws newcomers out of the Church.
(This QT gives me insight into Church Troubles: Diotrephes - The Church Troublemaker)
'Sometimes God Is Angry With His People.'
Psalm 80:16.
a) God's Vine has been cut down.
b) Fire has burned it up.
c) God has been angry with His People.
d) God's People are dying.
(This Second one reminds me that Sometimes God Is Angry With His People)
Diotrephes refused to welcome other True Believers into the Church. He was a manipulator wanting to manipulate the Church into what he wanted it to be. He was so manipulative and insecure that strong control came from him into the life and worship of the Church. Every Church is different but if any Church is like the one here the problem does not only need prayer, it needs prayerful action.
Knowing God!
'Knowing God.'
Isaiah 52:6.
a) The Day will come.
b) When My People will really know My Name.
c) They will know what kind of God He is.
d) They will know that I told them ahead of time.
e) They would return to their land.
f) Then My People will know that I was I Am
(This QT gives me more understanding about Knowing God)
'When The Lord's Anger Blazed Out.'
Psalm 18:15.
a) The bottom of the sea could be seen.
b) The foundations of the Earth were uncovered.
c) It happened when the Lord's Anger burst out.
d) It came like a blast of breath from the Lord's Nose.
(This Second one teaches me what it is like When The Lord's Anger Blazed Out)
God's People were going to return to their Land. This is a Promise of the Old Testament that has been fulfilled regarding the Jewish People and Israel. In a more general sense God's People from whatever background, are called by Him to come and live in His Kingdom. We are all called to that as True Believers. The Kingdom of God is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Spirit.
Until Wednesday December 3rd!
There will be inconsistency in the sending of this QT until Wednesday December 3rd.
God Has Prepared!
'God Has Prepared.'
1 Corinthians 2:9-10.
a) This is the meaning of Isaiah 64:4.
b) It is written:-
1-No eye has seen.
2-No ear has heard.
3-No mind has known.
4-No imagination has imagined.
c) What wonderful things that God has ready for those people who Love Him.
d) We know about these things because God has sent the Holy Spirit to tell and to show us.
e) The Holy Spirit understands all things.
f) The Holy Spirit understands even the deep things of God.
(This QT amazes me: God Has Prepared)
'God's Powerful Command.'
Psalm 76:6.
a) God is revealed here as the God of Jacob.
b) When God gives the Command.
c) Both horse and chariot:-
1-Are rebuked.
2-Lie still.
(This Second one reveals to me God's Powerful Command)
What wonderful things God has ready for those people who love Him. I am sure that most people who read these QT notes are people who love God. He has wonderful things prepared for you. As yet, we do not see or understand these things. In these days the Revelation of God comes to us, through His Word, by His Spirit and from other people.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Support Such People!
'Support Such People!'
3 John 1:7-8.
a) They went out on behalf of the Name of Christ.
b) They did not receive any help from those people who were not Believers.
c) We should support people like them.
d) We should welcome people like them.
e) We should be fellow workers with them for the Truth.
(This QT encourages me to Support Such People in any way that I can)
'Living In The Light.'
1 John 1:7.
a) As we walk in the Light.
b) Just as God is in the Light.
c) We can have Fellowship with one another.
d) The Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all sin.
(This Second one calls me to be Living in The Light)
There are some people who are sincerely and humbly serving as Missionaries for the Lord in one way or another. Some of these sincerely and godly Missionaries are not supported by their "home Church" because of the financial situation of the Church. Some of them went out by Faith, trusting God and have proved both God and their Ministry. Let us do three things for Missionaries as appropriate, Love them, Serve them and Support them.
They Were Taken Away!
'They Were Taken Away.'
Isaiah 52:3-5.
a) Isaiah 52:3. When God's People were taken into slavery no one paid anything for them.
b) Isaiah 52:3. There were also to be Redeemed without payment of money.
c) Isaiah 52:4. The Lord God and King of His People spoke about them.
d) Isaiah 52:4. The Lord God spoke about the History of His People in Egypt.
e) Isaiah 52:4. The Lord God spoke about Assyria oppressing and crushing His People without cause.
f) Isaiah 52:5. A further experience of God's People.
g) Isaiah 52:5. This was the Announcement of the Lord God:-
1-Look what has happened to God's People.
2-They have been taken away again.
3-No one paid anything for them.
4-Those people who rule over God's People brag about it.
5-All day long, without stopping, people speak evil things against the Name of the Lord.
(This QT reminds me that sometimes God allows tragedies to happen: They Were Taken Away)
'A Word For The Younger.'
1 Peter 5:5.
a) It is up to us individually what we do with this Scripture in responding to it.
b) The younger people in Church should follow the leading of the Leaders-Elders.
c) The younger people in Church should submit themselves to the Leaders-Elders.
d) The reality is that all of us should be subject to one another.
e) We all should be clothed with humility.
f) God resists and opposes proud people.
g) God gives Grace to humble people.
(This Second one reveals to me A Word For The Younger)
The Lord God spoke about the History of His People in Egypt. One of the foremost ways in which God taught His People was through reminding them of their experiences during their history. We can read about this many times in His Word. I do not think that God's Methods change. He still wants both Bible History and our personal history to teach us today.
A Wonderful God!
'A Wonderful God.'
Romans 8:31-32.
a) God is for us.
b) God is on our side.
c) God did not spare His Own Son for us.
d) God gave His Own Son up for us all.
e) God freely gives us all things.
(This QT reminds me that I have A Wonderful God)
'Good Advice For The Church.'
1 Peter 3:8.
a) Live together in Peace.
b) Be all of one mind.
c) Have compassion on each other.
d) Be understanding.
e) Love one another as members of the same family.
f) Be:-
g) Do not be proud.
(This Second one teaches me Good Advice For The Church)
Peter, in his epistles, gives much good advice. Here we have good advice for the Church. We should remember when Peter was first given his name by Jesus Christ. Jesus knew Peter personally, he was one of His Disciples. Jesus also knew the character of Peter very well. We know the Bible History of how Peter's life was totally changed by both Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. It surely helps the Church to read Peter's Good Advice.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
A Loving Send Off!
'A Loving Send Off.'
3 John 1:6.
a) The Church told its members about the distant Church that John was writing to.
b) Help the Messengers of the distant Church.
c) Send them on their way.
d) In a manner that honours God.
(This QT teaches me about A Loving Send Off)
'Things To Make Sure About In The Church.'
1 Thessalonians 5:15.
a) Make sure that no one pays back one wrong act with another or evil for evil.
b) Always try to be kind to each other.
c) Always try to be kind to everyone else.
(This Second one reveals Things To Make Sure About In The Church)
Sometimes, because of lack of exposure or experience, the Church does not know about Greetings or Send Offs. Or, they may try to greet but neglect sending off. If someone leaves the Church, and if it is possible, that person or family should be given a loving Send Off. The reason for leaving is not so very important, what is important is that the Church sends them off well, with a good heart.
Arise, God's People!
'Arise, God's People.'
Isaiah 52:1-2.
a) God's People need to wake up.
b) God's People are to dress themselves with strength as if they were dressing themselves with clothes.
c) God's People need to put on their clothes of Glory.
d) God's People were to get up and shake off their dust.
e) God's People were to take their place on their throne.
f) God's People were to remove the chains from their necks.
(This QT causes me to echo: Arise, God's People)
'Signs Of A Healthy Church.
1 Thessalonians 5:13.
a) They have a lot of Respect for their Leaders.
b) They Love them because of what their Leaders do.
c) They live in Peace with each other.
(This Second one for me is very basic: Signs Of A Healthy Church)
God's People needed, in the times of Isaiah to get up and shake off their dust. We are to do the same. If we retain our dust it means that we are still dirty. If we retain our dust it means that we can pollute other people. If we retain our dust it means that someone has to clean up our mess after us. If we retain our dust no-one wants to have Fellowship with us. Yes, we need to get up and shake off our dust.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
God's Masterpiece!
'God's Masterpiece.'
Ephesians 2:10.
a) Everyone of us is a Created Masterpiece of God, but that is not the foremost meaning.
b) The Church is God's Masterpiece.
c) Created to belong to Christ Jesus.
d) So that we can perform good actions.
e) These good actions have been prepared by God long ago.
f) This is supposed to be our way of life as a Church.
(Through this QT I understand more about God's Masterpiece)
'A Rich Treasure.'
Colossians 3:16.
a) Let Christ's Word dwell in us like A Rich Treasure.
b) Teach and Correct each other wisely.
c) Sing:-
3-Spiritual Songs.
4-With thanks in our heart to God.
(Through this Second one I give thanks to God for A Rich Treasure)
As True Believers we should not have to search for some kind of good actions to do. Good actions are already prepared for us to do by God. What we really need to do is to be sensitive to God so that He can lead us and help us. We are Created to Glorify God as individuals and as Churches. God has prepared everything we simply need to submit to His Will.
Showing Faithfulness!
'Showing Faithfulness.'
3 John 1:5.
a) We demonstrate Faithfulness.
b) By whatever we do for our True Believer Brothers and Sisters.
c) Especially when they are strangers.
(Through this QT I understand more about Showing Faithfulness)
'If We Have A Complaint Against Another True Believer.'
Colossians 3:13.
a) We are to accept one another.
b) Ephesians 4:32. We are to forgive one another if we have a complaint against another True Believer.
c) Remember that the Lord has forgiven us.
d) So we should forgive one another.
(This Second one covers the situation If We Have A Complaint Against Another True Believer)
If we have a complaint against another True Believer. Too often the Church neglects the Biblical injunctions in such situations and because of that neglect many difficulties ensue. Because the Church consists of imperfect people, every Church has this in common, there are bound to be some misunderstandings or hurting incidents. If we have any kind of Spiritual Maturity we should be able to deal with our complaints in a Biblical way.
Monday, November 24, 2014
God Takes Away The Cup!
'God Takes Away The Cup.'
Isaiah 51:21-23.
a) Isaiah 51:21. The Lord was speaking.
b) Isaiah 51:21. The people of Jerusalem were suffering much.
c) Isaiah 51:21. They were not drunk but they were stumbling as if they were.
d) Isaiah 51:22. The Lord and King speaks.
e) Isaiah 51:22. The Lord is the God of His People who stands up for them.
f) Isaiah 51:22. The Lord has taken away from them the cup of His Burning anger and they will never have to drink from it or stagger again.
g) Isaiah 51:23. God will give that cup to the oppressors of His People.
h) Isaiah 51:23. These oppressors:-
1-Made God's People lie down on the street.
2-Walked all over God's People.
3-Trampled on God's People as if they were dirt.
(Through this QT I Thank God that God Takes Away The Cup)
'Because Of What Christ Has Done.'
Ephesians 4:32.
a) Be kind to one another.
b) Be tender hearted to one another.
c) Forgive each other.
d) Just as God has forgiven us through Christ.
(This Second one Blesses me Because Of What Christ Has Done)
When the Lord Jesus comes into our life then we really have New Life. A problem for many of us is that we do not know how to live this New Life or we are remaining stuck in old habits. The New Life that we receive in Christ is stronger than old habits. We need to live out that New Life that Christ has invested in us then we can live free from old habits.
God Made Us Alive!
'God Made Us Alive.'
Colossians 2:13-14.
a) We were once dead because of our sins.
b) We had a corrupt nature.
c) God gave us New Life together with Christ.
d) God has forgiven us all our sins.
e) Christ has erased all the charges written against us in God's Law.
f) Christ took all of the charges against us to the Cross.
(Through this QT I give thanks to God: God Made Me Alive)
'We Should Live Like This.'
Ephesians 4:2.
a) We should be humble and gentle in every way.
b) We should be patient with each other.
c) We should lovingly accept each other.
(This Second one challenges me: I Should Live Like This)
Christ has erased all the charges written against us in God's Law. There is absolutely no charge because of the Cross where the Blood of Christ was shed as the Sacrifice for our sins. The charges against us have not been 'put on record', they have been wiped out completely. This is why True Believers can say that in Christ they really have New Life.
Sunday, November 23, 2014
The Truth!
'The Truth.'
3 John 1:3-4.
a) Gaius was Faithful to the Truth.
b) Gaius continued to live by the Truth.
c) Gaius remained in Fellowship with other people in the Church, in the Truth.
(This QT reminds me that it is a Blessing to live in The Truth)
'Meaningful Help.'
Galatians 6:2.
a) Carry each other's loads.
b) Bear each other's burdens.
c) If we do this.
d) We will give the Law of Christ its full meaning.
(This Second one reveals to me Meaningful Health)
To give meaningful help is really another fruit of the Holy Spirit. If we live in the Truth then we will surely carry the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in our life. It also means that when we live in the Truth we live in Freedom. Jesus said that we will know the Truth and the Truth will make us free. Finally, when we walk and live in the Truth we are able to have good and open fellowship with other True Believers.
The Suffering Of Jerusalem!
'The Suffering Of Jerusalem.'
Isaiah 51:19-20.
a) Nothing but trouble comes to them.
b) They have been wiped out and destroyed.
c) They have suffered famine and war.
d) No one feels sorrow for them.
e) No one comforts them.
f) Their children have fainted and lie helpless at every street corner.
g) The people of Jerusalem are like antelopes caught in a net.
h) They have felt the full force of the Lord's burning anger.
i) The Lord had to warn the people of Jerusalem strongly.
(Through this QT I understand much more about The Suffering Of Jerusalem)
'No Division Or Taking Sides.'
1 Corinthians 12:25.
a) The Body will not be divided.
b) There will be no division of the Body.
c) God wants the different parts to take care of each other.
(This Second one reminds me: No Division Or Taking Sides)
To have no one to comfort us when we need comfort is a very lonely and difficult experience. One of the great sufferings of Jerusalem at the time of this QT was that there was no one to comfort them. This problem is not only personal, it can be National, Provincial or Local too. A part of the Ministry of the Church should be the Ministry of Comfort.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Never Put To Shame!
'Never Put To Shame.'
Joel 2:25-27.
a) Joel 2:25. God sent an army of destroying locusts on His People.
b) Joel 2:25. These locusts included:-
c) Joel 2:26. God's People will:-
1-Have plenty to eat.
2-Be satisfied completely.
3-Praise the Name of the Lord their God Who has dealt wondrous dealt with His People.
4-Never be put to shame again.
d) Joel 2:27. God's People will know:-
1-That He is with them.
2-That He is the Lord.
3-That there is no other God.
4-That they will never be put to shame again.
(This QT Blesses me very much: Never Put To Shame)
a) 1 Corinthians 7:5. Between husband and wife.
b) 1 Corinthians 11:25. The agreement made through the Blood of Christ.
c) 2 Corinthians 3:6 & 8. The agreement that comes from the Holy Spirit.
d) 2 Corinthians 3:10. The new agreement is so wonderful.
e) Galatians 2:2. Agreement together with Church Leaders.
f) 1 Timothy 6:3. Teaching that is in agreement with godliness.
g) Hebrews 7:22; 8:13; 9:15. Jesus guarantees us a better agreement with God.
(This Second one Teaches me more about Agreement)
God never wants to destroy His People. Much of what we read of God's Dealings with His People is about His Blessing them. In Joel, because of the unrepentant behaviour of His People, God sent locusts to attack and strip them. It is only when His People turn back to Him that God turns everything around and then His Blessing comes upon them.
In Truth And Love!
'In Truth And Love.'
2 John 1:3.
a) This is a Blessing written to the Church by Father John.
b) It is from God the Father.
c) It is from the Lord Jesus Christ Who is the Son of the Father.
d) The Blessing consists of:-
4-Loving Favour.
5-Loving Kindness.
e) This Blessing is given in Truth and Love.
(This QT reminds me of the Good Foundation of being In Truth And Love)
'Greet One Another.'
Romans 16:16.
a) Greet each other.
b) 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:26. With a kiss of Holy Love.
c) All the True Believer Churches sent their Greetings.
(This Second one reminds me to Greet Others in the Church)
The Blessing of the Lord is not something that can be earned - it is all because of God's Grace. We read of many different Blessings in the Word of God. Surely the Lord desires to Bless His People. His original desire was to fill this Earth that He created with His Blessing. It was, and still is, unresolved and unconfessed sin that prevents and holds back this Blessing.
Friday, November 21, 2014
No One Could Do It!
'No One Could Do It.'
Isaiah 51:18.
a) Among all the sons that were born in Jerusalem.
b) There was no one able to lead them.
c) There was no one to take Jerusalem by the hand.
d) Yet Jerusalem brought up many children.
(This QT gives me a surprise: No One Could Do It)
'Apostle Paul's Farewell To The Corinthians.'
2 Corinthians 13:11.
a) Apostle Paul referred to them as his Believing Brothers and Sisters.
b) He encouraged them to live in Peace.
c) He encouraged them to be in agreement.
d) He encouraged them to do that which made them complete.
e) He then Promised them that the God of Love and Peace would be with them.
Sometimes, as I read and ponder over the Scriptures, I get a surprise. I may read something that stands out that I hadn't seen before. I may read something that is so very relevant to my current situation. As here, I may read something amazing, no one was able to lead Jerusalem. What a reflection on the people's spirituality and willingness to serve. This QT reminds me that always, there should be someone to do it.
The Scene At The Cross!
'The Scene At The Cross.'
Isaiah 53:2-7.
a) Isaiah 53:2. There was nothing beautiful or comely about the Cross scene.
b) Isaiah 53:3. Jesus was hated and despised as He hang on the Cross.
c) Isaiah 53:4. To the Cross Jesus carried our:-
d) Isaiah 53:5. Jesus was:-
1-Hurt for our wrongdoing.
2-Crushed for our sins.
3-Punished so that we would have Peace.
4-Beaten and bruised so that we would be healed.
e) Isaiah 53:6. All of us are like sheep that have gone astray in the wrong way.
f) Isaiah 53:6. Each of us have turned aside to our own way.
g) Isaiah 53:6. The Lord has laid on Jesus the sin of us all.
h) Isaiah 53:7. Jesus offered Himself to this death on the Cross at His Own Will.
i) Isaiah 53:7. Jesus did not open His Mouth during all of this scene.
j) Isaiah 53:7. Jesus was taken like a sheep to be slaughtered.
k) Isaiah 53:7. Jesus continued in silence - He did not open His Mouth.
(This QT vividly teaches me about The Scene At The Cross)
'When We Come Together For Fellowship - From Nearby Or From Far.'
Romans 15:32.
a) We come Believing that God wants us to come.
b) We come with Joy.
c) We come to be refreshed together.
d) We come to be rested together.
(Through this Second one I understand the Purpose of When We Come Together For Fellowship - From Nearby Or From Far)
When I ponder upon the Cross and consider all that Jesus suffered for us, I am truly astounded at what He suffered that we might have New and Eternal Life. In these days of conflict in different parts of the World, we are often called to remember those people who gave up their lives in war. We should always remember what Jesus suffered in order for us to go free.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
A Spiritual Father's Prayer!
'A Spiritual Father's Prayer.'
3 John 1:2.
a) It is a Prayer of friendship as well as fatherhood.
b) It is a Prayer for the Church people to be doing well in every way.
c) He Prayed for their bodies to be strong and healthy.
d) He Prayed for their souls to prosper.
(This QT reveals A Spiritual Father's Prayer)
'Bringing Glory To God.'
Romans 15:7.
a) Receive each other.
b) Accept each other.
c) In the same way as Christ has received and accepted us.
d) This will Honour God.
e) This will bring Glory to God.
(Through this Second one I desire to be Bringing Glory To God)
A Spiritual Father's Prayer for his 'spiritual children' is one of the most powerful and caring Prayers that can be prayed. The Spiritual Father's prayer always holds on to what is True and Good. This Prayer will help his 'spiritual children' to grow in Grace and in God. This Prayer should give his 'spiritual children' the desire to stay close to God and not mess up their lives. A Spiritual Father's Prayer is very important.
In The Lord's Hand!
'The Lord's Hand.'
a) Isaiah 51:17. In it is the Cup of His Anger.
b) Isaiah 59:1. Is not shortened that it cannot save.
c) Isaiah 66:14. Is a Hand of Blessing for His Servants.
d) Jeremiah 25:17. There is a cup that can be taken from His Hand to fulfil His Purpose.
e) Exodus 16:3. May cause people to die.
f) Numbers 11:23. Is never shortened.
g) Joshua 4:24. Is Powerful.
h) Psalm 75:8. Holds a cup that all sinful people must drink from.
i) Isaiah 23:11. Reaches across the sea and upsets the Nations.
(Through this QT I understand more about The Lord's Hand)
'Giving Joy To Our Spiritual Leaders.'
Philippians 2:2.
a) By thinking the same thoughts together as a Church.
b) By having the same love among ourselves as a Church.
c) By being united in actions as a Church.
(This Second one causes me to desire to be Giving Joy To My Spiritual Leaders)
The Lord is always consistent. I know a few people who have that fruit of being consistent. The fact that the Lord is consistent means that we can Trust Him. His Hand is never shortened, this is a very lovely fact and Promise of God. God is totally consistent. When we wander away from His Word we become very inconsistent. Let us aim to be consistent True Believers!
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Basic And Good!
'Basic And Good.'
Ephesians 5:33.
a) Every man.
b) Must love his wife. (Not someone else's wife)
c) As he loves himself.
d) Every wife.
e) Must respect her husband. (Not someone else's husband)
(This QT is Words of God that are Basic And Good)
'Living With A Good Attitude.'
Romans 12:16.
a) Live in Peace with each other.
b) Have the same respect for one another.
c) Do not act with pride.
d) Do not think with pride.
e) Be happy to be with poor people.
f) Do not be wise in our own eyes.
(Through this Second one I desire to be Living With A Good Attitude)
The Believing wife is encouraged respect her husband and not someone else's husband. This can be one of the problems that overflows from Church or Ministry into the family. If the Believing wife thinks that the Church Minister or Leader, or the Ministry Leader is "more spiritual" than her husband, even though her husband is a Church attender, this can lead to horrible family problems. Frankly, it is usually the wife's fault. The Believing Wife is strongly encouraged to respect her husband and not someone else's husband.
God's Love In Father John!
'God's Love In Father John.'
3 John 1:1.
a) Father John is writing to Gaius, who is Beloved and Much Loved.
b) Father John loved Gaius because of the Truth.
c) Father John loved Gaius in the Truth.
(This QT reveals to me God's Love In Father John)
'God Helps Us To Have United Thinking.'
Romans 15:5.
a) God is the God Who:-
1-Helps us not to give up.
2-Gives us strength.
3-Is the God of Endurance.
4-Is the God of Encouragement.
b) He helps us to be like-minded towards one another.
c) He helps us to think how to please each other.
d) This is a part of following the Way of Christ Jesus.
(Through this Second one I know that God Helps Us To Have United Thinking)
God helps us to have united thinking. This is really how God wants us to be in Family and in Church. Things of life go much more smoothly when we have united thinking. We can be encouraged and comforted when we read that God actually helps us to have this kind of thinking along with others in our Family or Church.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
You Are My People!
'You Are My People.'
Isaiah 51:16.
a) God is speaking to His People.
b) God tells His People what to say.
c) God will keep His People safe in the palm of His Hand.
d) God spread out the Heavens.
e) God laid the Foundations of the Earth.
f) God says to Jerusalem that its people belong to Him.
(This QT gives me assurance: You Are My People)
'Working And Trying.'
Romans 14:19.
a) Work for the things that make Peace.
b) Try to live at Peace.
c) Help each other.
d) To become stronger Christians.
e) To have a strong Faith.
(Through this Second one I am reminded to keep on Working And Trying)
God laid the Foundations of the Earth. The Bible tells us that God is alive today and that He never sleeps, He never grows tired and weary. He knows the Heavens, the Earth and the Depths of the Earth. It is all made and laid by Him. Nothing that ever happens in the natural realm is Created by man. All the natural situations are made by God and sometimes He uses them to draw us to Himself.
A Significant Allegory!
'A Significant Allegory.'
Ephesians 5:31-32.
a) Apostle Paul explains that a man leaves his father and mother when he gets married.
b) He will be joined to his wife as one body.
c) The two become one.
d) Marriage is a significant allegory.
e) Marriage is a mystery.
f) Marriage helps us to understand Christ and the Church.
(This QT reveals to me A Significant Allegory)
'We Belong To Each Other.'
Romans 12:5.
a) There are many of us who belong to Christ.
b) We are one Body.
c) We are Christ's Body.
d) We are all different.
e) Individually we belong to each other.
f) Individually we depend on each other.
(This Second one clearly shows me that We Belong To Each Other)
Marriage is a mystery. Sometimes I hear people who do not have a happy marriage use this phrase sarcastically. Apostle Paul's explanation, however, is quite simple. All of us can understand, especially those of us who are married. It seems that God has ordained marriage as being important because marriage is to help us understand Christ and the Church. Under normal circumstances every True Believer's marriage should do this.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...

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'The Place Where Our Offerings Should Go.' Leviticus 3:7. a) If he offers a lamb b) For his offering, c) Then he shall offer i...
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