The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
They Leave The Church For Wrong Reasons!
'They Leave The Church For Wrong Reasons.'
1 John 2:19.
a) We should remember again that Apostle John was a father of the Churches.
b) He wrote with a father's heart.
c) The people who went out of the Church for the incorrect reason(s) did not really belong to the Church.
d) If they belonged to the Church, they would have stayed.
e) They left and it revealed that none of them belonged to the Church.
(Through this QT I understand that They Leave The Church For Wrong Reasons)
'A Wonderful Privilege.'
2 Thessalonians 2:14.
a) Romans 11:29. God has Called us through the Good News of the Gospel.
b) So that we can share.
c) Romans 8:30. In the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
(This Second one teaches me about A Wonderful Privilege)
If they belonged to the Church they would have stayed. Mostly, people who leave the Church are leaving as a form of protest. However they may have been hurt or offended, or whatever misunderstanding there may have been, it would be good if they are, or were, part of the Church, to remain so and deal with any issues in an adult and Biblical way. There is no such thing outside of Heaven as a perfect Church.
Those Who Have Escaped!
'Those Who Have Escaped.'
Isaiah 45:20.
a) These were God's People.
b) They were to assemble themselves and come to God.
c) They were fugitives from the Nations.
d) The people who carry their idols around have no knowledge.
e) They pray to a god who cannot save.
(Through this QT I realise that I am to live like Those Who Have Escaped and come to God)
'A Life Worthy Of God.'
1 Thessalonians 2:12.
a) Apostle Paul saw this need of the Thessalonian Church so he:-
1-Encouraged them.
2-Comforted them.
3-Urged them.
b) To live lives worthy of God.
c) God had called them into His Own Kingdom and Glory.
(Through this Second one I desire to live A Life Worthy Of God)
There are some people who pray to a God Who cannot save - how pitiful they are because they will live in fear rather than Faith. If we are True Believers, we will be Praying to our God Who is able to Save. Religion and Prayer go together. We cannot truly have a religion if we do not pray. Also, if we do not pray, we have no meaningful religion. If we have a religion, we will pray and if we are True Believers we will Pray to the Living God.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Prevailing Prayer!
'Prevailing Prayer.'
Daniel 6:10.
a) Is not shaken by the circumstances.
b) Comes from a pattern of Faith.
c) Daniel would go home to Pray three times a day.
d) He Prayed at his window which opened towards Jerusalem.
e) When Daniel Prayed he also got down on his knees.
f) Daniel also Praised and gave Thanks to God.
(This QT shows me the commitment involved in Prevailing Prayer)
'Called Into Fellowship.'
1 Corinthians 1:9.
a) God is Faithful.
b) God has called us.
c) Into fellowship with His Son.
d) Jesus Christ our Lord.
(This Second one makes me so thankful that I am Called Into Fellowship with God's Son)
Prayer is devotional! It is also many other things but it is devotional and we should not forget that. When Daniel Prayed, he got down on his knees. This was a normal Prayer posture for him - it reveals the devotion in his heart. Whatever books we read on Prayer, or teachings we may hear on the subject, we should not forget that Prayer is devotional.
The Last Hour!
'The Last Hour.'
1 John 2:18.
a) Father John is again writing this particularly to his spiritual children.
b) He tells them that they were in the last hour. (Because that is how he desired that they should live)
c) They had already heard that antichrist is coming.
d) 1 John 4:3; 2 John 1:7. In fact many antichrists already had come.
e) That is one of the ways that they could tell that it was the last hour.
(This QT reminds me to live as if I am living in The Last Hour)
'The Process Of Glorification.'
Romans 8:30.
a) There are those whom the Lord has Predestined.
b) They are also Called.
c) Those whom He Called He also Justified.
d) Those whom He Justified He also Glorified.
(Through this Second one I find The Process Of Glorification)
There are certain beliefs that modern day Believers sometimes get into which are what I can call here "fringe beliefs". These "fringe beliefs" are not heresy and they are not cultic, but they are erroneous as far as the full Revelation of Biblical Truth is concerned. One of these beliefs is to do with antichrist. John's Epistle here clearly teaches us the Truth.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
The Lord Speaks The Truth!
'The Lord Speaks The Truth.'
Isaiah 45:18-19.
a) This is what the Lord says.
b) He is God Who Created the heavens.
c) He is God, Who the Earth:-
d) God did not create the Earth to be empty.
e) God formed the Earth to be inhabited.
f) God says that He is the Lord and there is no other.
g) God does not speak in secret.
h) God does not speak from somewhere in a land of darkness. (Both physical and behavioural)
i) God has not said to Jacob's descendants that they are to seek Him in vain.
j) The Lord speaks the Truth and declares what is correct.
(This QT reveals clearly to me that The Lord Speaks The Truth)
'In Everything And All Things.'
Romans 8:28.
a) We know that.
b) In everything and in all things.
c) God works for the good of those people who love Him.
d) These people are called according to God's Purpose.
(Through this Second one I am clearly reminded that God works In Everything And All Things)
We need to hear much more than we do the clear Message from the Lord: This Is What The Lord Says. We need to hear it in our personal life in all its different aspects. We need to hear it in our True Believer families (if we belong to one). We also need to hear it as a Church. When the Preacher, Bible Teacher or Pastor says that they are saying what the Lord says, then we need to take heed closely to that Word.
God Does Hear!
'God Does Hear.'
Psalm 55:17.
a) Every:-
b) The Biblical day commences in the evening and not in the morning.
c) David:-
1-Cried out in distress.
2-Uttered his complaint.
d) He did this with confidence because He knew that the Lord will hear his voice.
(This QT reminds me that God Does Hear)
'A Holy Calling.'
1 Peter 1:15.
a) He Who has called us is Holy.
b) So we should be Holy.
c) 1 Thessalonians 4:7. In all that we do.
(This Second one motivates me to follow A Holy Calling. Isaiah 35:8)
We read that right from the beginnings of God's Creation that the day commenced in the evening and not in the morning. One of the thoughts I had about this was that the rest and refreshment of the night's relaxation and sleep should prepare us well for the day. Too often folks think and behave the other way and crash exhausted into their bed as a kind of escape and not as a preparation for the next day.
Monday, July 28, 2014
No Affection For The World System!
'No Affection For The World System.'
1 John 2:15-17.
a) 1 John 2:15. We should not love the World system or anything in it.
b) 1 John 2:15. The Love of the Father is not in those people who love the World system.
c) 1 John 2:16. Everything in the World system does not come from the Father.
d) 1 John 2:16. The World system is defined as:-
1-Lust of the flesh.
2-Lust of the eyes.
3-Pride of life.
e) 1 John 2:17. The World system and its desires are passing away.
f) 1 John 2:17. Whoever does the Will of God lives forever.
(Through this QT I want No Affection For The World System)
'The Reign Of Grace.'
Romans 5:21.
a) Romans 5:12. Sin reigned in death.
b) So Grace might reign through Righteousness.
c) To bring Eternal Life.
d) Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(This Second one reminds me about The Reign Of Grace)
The lust of the flesh is clearly stated to be a part of the World system. When Church members are trapped or bedevilled by the lust of the flesh, if it is not repented of and dealt with, either by ministry or accountability group, it may cause both shame and havoc in the Church. Let us be clear and responsible in helping our True Believer fellows to be victorious over the lust of the flesh.
Israel's Salvation!
'Israel's Salvation.'
Isaiah 45:17.
a) Israel will be Saved by the Lord.
b) With everlasting Salvation.
c) To all Eternity.
d) Israel shall not be:-
1-Put to shame.
(This QT reminds me of God's Promise for Israel's Salvation)
'The Character Of The Lord.'
Psalm 86:15.
a) But you Lord are:-
1-Psalm 51:1; 103:8; 111:4. A Compassionate God.
2-Psalm 111:4; 116:5; 145:8. A Gracious God.
3-A Merciful God.
b) Psalm 103:8; 145:8; Numbers 14:18. The Lord is slow to anger.
c) Psalm 103:8. The Lord is abounding in Steadfast Love and Faithfulness.
(Through this Second one I find The Character Of The Lord)
When God determines something, whether it is temporary or permanent., then He does it. He says here that Israel shall never be put to shame. The phrase can have several meanings or one of several meanings. The important factor is the Promise of God, when God determines something it shall be done, whether temporarily or permanently.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Nothing Is By Coincidence!
'Nothing Is By Coincidence.'
Acts 10:9.
a) The messengers of Cornelius were on their way to find Peter.
b) They were on their journey.
c) They approached the City.
d) Peter, who knew nothing of their coming.
e) At that time.
f) Went up on the roof to Pray.
(This QT strongly reminds me that Nothing Is By Coincidence)
'The Lord Revealed His Character To Moses.'
Exodus 34:6.
a) He is Compassionate.
b) He is Gracious.
c) He is slow to anger.
d) He is abounding in Love.
e) He is abounding in Faithfulness.
(Through this Second one I see how The Lord Revealed His Character To Moses)
Through this QT I am convinced that nothing is by coincidence. The Scripture tells us of the parallel of their timing. it was at that time - at the same time. The messengers of Cornelius were arriving and also Peter went up on the roof to Pray. Sometimes I am amazed how God works things out both for His Glory and our good.
A Good Reason For Pure Joy!
'A Good Reason For Pure Joy.'
1 John 2:14.
a) Apostle John had great and pure Joy.
b) Because some of the young people in the Church were walking and living in the Truth.
c) This is what the Heavenly Father commanded.
(This QT tells me A Good Reason For Pure Joy)
'The God Of All Grace.'
1 Peter 5:10.
a) 1 Peter 1:6. After we have suffered for a while.
b) The God of all Grace will make us perfect and complete.
c) 2 Timothy 2:10. He has called us to His Eternal Glory in Christ.
d) He will keep us in the correct way.
e) He will make us:-
1-Psalm 18:32. Strong.
(This Second one calls me to Pray for more of The God Of All Grace in my life)
The God of all Grace is one of the Names of God revealed in the Scriptures. The Works that He does in our lives for His Glory and because of His Love for us are amazing. He is the One Who can make us perfect and complete, that is something that is totally impossible for us to do for ourselves. He also can keep us in the correct way.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
They Shall Be Ashamed!
'They Shall Be Ashamed.'
Isaiah 45:16.
a) They shall be ashamed.
b) They shall be disgraced.
c) The makers of idols.
d) They shall go out in confusion.
(This QT reveals to me that They Shall Be Ashamed)
'The Lord Is Faithful And Just.'
1 John 1:9.
a) If we confess our sins.
b) The Lord is Faithful and Just to forgive us our sins.
c) Also to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Is Faithful and Just.
There are people who at the end of their lives or at the end of the World will be ashamed. The reason for their shame will be the idolatry that they did not repent of. We all have Hope now because, whatever our sin is, if we confess our sins to the Lord and repent of them, the Lord is Faithful and Just to forgive and cleanse us.
God Prepares Us For Encounters!
'God Prepares Us For Encounters.'
Acts 3:1-2.
a) Peter and John were going to the Temple at the time of afternoon Prayer.
b) There was a man who was lame from birth.
c) At the time of Prayer he was carried to Beautiful Gate at the Temple to beg.
d) He was put there every day.
e) To beg from those people who were going into the temple to Pray.
(Through this QT I see that God Prepares Me For Encounters)
'The Lord Is Faithful.'
2 Thessalonians 3:3.
a) He will strengthen us.
b) He will protect us.
c) From the evil one.
(This Second one reminds me that The Lord Is Faithful)
When the people went into the temple to pray many of them had penitent reasons and issues that they wanted to pray about, others were simply very sincere people who were going for Prayer as they came towards the end of the working day. This lame beggar had no idea that God was preparing him for an encounter. Sometimes, even though we do not know it, God is preparing us for an encounter.
Friday, July 25, 2014
Because we love the Truth!
'Because We Love The Truth.'
2 John 1:3.
a) God the Father and Jesus Christ His Son.
b) Will give us:-
c) Because we love the Truth.
(This QT Promises me much Because I Love The Truth)
'Victory Over Temptation.'
(In original Greek "tempted" and "tested" are the same.)
! Corinthians 10:13.
a) We are tempted in the same way that all other human beings are.
b) God is Faithful.
c) God will not let us be tempted any more than we can take.
d) When we are tempted.
e) God will give us a way out.
f) So that we can endure it.
(Through this Second one I know that I can have Victory Over Temptation)
God delights in giving His People Peace. We can read this many times in both the Old and New Testaments. This Peace is not like the negotiated Peace between Nations making war. This Peace can protect our emotional heart and thinking mind. This Peace is a verbal greeting of Blessing. This Peace can be in a certain place where we go to have time with God.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Times When God Keeps Hidden!
'Times When God Keeps Hidden.'
Isaiah 45:15.
a) It is true that God sometimes hides Himself.
b) He is the:-
1-God of Israel.
c) Isaiah 25:9. We need to remember that:-
1-He is our God.
2-If we trust in Him.
3-He will save us.
(This QT teaches me what to do at the Times When God Keeps Hidden)
'Manifested Faithfulness Of God.'
1 Corinthians 1:9.
a) God is Faithful.
b) God has called us.
c) Called into Fellowship with His Son.
d) Jesus Christ our Lord.
(This Second one reminds me about the Manifested Faithfulness Of God)
Our God is also our Deliverer. Many of those people who read this can tell of times when they have experienced God as their Deliverer in different kinds of situations. I Praise God that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be our Saviour and I also thank God that He sent His Son to be our Deliverer too!
A Commitment To Love The Lord Jesus!
'A Commitment To Love The Lord Jesus.'
Matthew 10:37.
a) If we love our parents more than we love Jesus.
b) We are not worthy of Jesus.
c) If we love our sons and daughters more than we love Jesus.
d) We are not worthy of Jesus.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of A Commitment To Love The Lord Jesus)
'The Lord Our God Is God.'
Deuteronomy 7:9.
a) We should know that the Lord our God is God.
b) He is a Faithful God.
c) He keeps His Covenant of Love to a thousand generations.
d) For those people who love Him and keep His Commandments.
(I am So Blessed because The Lord My God Is God)
We sometimes need reminding that it is important to have a commitment to love the Lord Jesus. It is quite easy to make the mistake of taking our Christian Life for granted. When we make that mistake we become dry and our Prayer, Worship and Bible Reading takes a lesser place in our lives. Let us keep our commitment to love the Lord Jesus.
Fellowship In The Truth!
'Fellowship In The Truth!'
2 John 1:1-2.
a) The Lady and her children is a Church. (This was a disguised letter)
b) Apostle John loved them in the Truth.
c) All the True Believers who knew the Truth loved them.
d) John loved them because of the Truth that lived in him.
e) This Truth is Eternal. (Jesus Christ is the Truth)
(Through this QT I desire Fellowship In The Truth)
'Deep Commitment To A Relationship.'
Ruth 1:14-16.
a) Ruth 1:14. Ruth held on to Naomi tightly.
b) Ruth 1:15. Naomi told Ruth to go back just as her sister-in-law had done.
c) Ruth 1:16. Ruth asked Naomi not to urge her to turn back or to leave.
d) Ruth 1:16. Ruth's total commitment:-
1-Where you will go I will go.
2-Where you live and stay I will live and stay.
3-Your people will be my people.
4-Your God will be my God.
(This Second one is a picture of Deep Commitment To A Relationship)
Real Truth is Eternal because Jesus Christ is Eternal and He is the Truth. In His Own Words Jesus said that He is the Truth. If we are in Christ then we are in the Truth. Truth is part of a secure foundation for our lives. If we are living a lie, or in lies, we have no security at all.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
A Promise Of True Victory!
'A Promise Of True Victory.'
Isaiah 45:14.
a) It was a Promise of:-
b) They were all to belong to the Lord's People.
c) They were to be chained.
d) They would bow down before the Lord's People.
e) They would confess that God is with His People.
f) Psalm 18:31. They would confess that there is no other God.
(This QT reveals to me A Promise Of True Victory)
'Do We Kiss Or Cling?
Ruth 1:10-14.
a) Ruth 1:10. Naomi's daughters-in-law were determined to go with their mother-in-law back to her country. They wanted to look after her.
b) Ruth 1:11-12. Naomi refused and told them to go to their homes because she was unable to give them new husbands. She loved them and wanted them to have a new life.
c) Ruth 1:13. Naomi believed that the Lord's Hand was against her and she did not want these daughters-in-law to be caught up in it. Ruth tried to persuade them both to leave.
d) Ruth 1:14. They all wept together.
e) Ruth 1:14. Orpah kissed her mother-in-law goodbye but Ruth clung to her and stayed.
(Through this Second one I am challenged: Do I Kiss Or Cling?)
Those people captured in the Lord's Victory were all to belong to the Lord's People. They would come to the realisation that the Lord was with His People. Whenever the Lord gives a Victory of some sort there is always some kind of real evidence of it. In this case a heathen people who were previously enemies of God and His People declared that God was with His People and that there was no other God.
Prayer For Immediate Needs!
'Prayer For Immediate Needs.'
Matthew 6:11.
a) We can Pray to God.
b) For today's needs.
c) On a daily basis.
d) Psalm 132:15. We can Pray with the Promises of God.
(This QT encourages me to Pray For Immediate Needs)
'A Wonderful Mother-In-Law.'
Ruth 1:8.
a) Naomi spoke to both of her daughters-in-law.
b) She Blessed them to go back to their own mothers' homes.
c) She Prayed for the Lord to deal kindly with them.
d) These daughters-in-law had been kind to their own deceased husbands and their mother-in-law.
(This Second one reveals to me A Wonderful Mother-In-Law)
I know that the Bible encourages me to Pray for my immediate needs and also to live in a way that Glorifies God. If we have a True Believers' family then Prayer and good relationships should be a normal part of the family life. The American people said years ago that the family that Prays together stays together.
A Fitting Closure!
'A Fitting Closure.'
1 John 5:21.
a) This is the final verse of Father Apostle John's First Epistle.
b) 1 John 2:1. He writes to them as the Family of God.
c) They were to guard and keep themselves.
d) 1 Corinthians 10:14. From idols and false gods.
(This QT reveals to me A Fitting Closure to 1 John)
'Because The Lord Came To The Aid Of His People.'
Ruth 1:6.
a) The news reached Naomi in Moab.
b) The Lord had come to the aid of His People.
c) The Lord provided food for His People.
d) Then Naomi and her daughters-in-law prepared to return home.
((Through this Second one I see what happens Because The Lord Came To The Aid Of His People)
God really likes to bring things to a fitting closure when it is time for them to close. If things are not brought to a fitting closure many problems may arise because of it. If things are brought to a fitting closure there is much Hope for the next step. If the closure is not done well then there can be immense struggle and emotional hurt.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Cyrus - Used By God!
'Cyrus - Used By God.'
Isaiah 45:13.
a) Cyrus was a heathen King that God raised up in His Righteousness.
b) God made all the ways of Cyrus straight.
c) Cyrus was to rebuild the City of God.
d) Cyrus was to set the Lord's exiled people free.
e) Cyrus would do this completely without reward or fee.
f) This was the Word of the Lord.
(This QT amazes me, a heathen King - Cyrus - Used By God)
'It Could Be Any Family Today'
Ruth 1:1-5.
a) Ruth 1:1. During the reign of the Judges there was a famine in Judah.
b) Ruth 1:1. So Elimelek, who came from Bethlehem in Judah, together with his wife and two sons went to live in Moab.
c) Ruth 1:2. His wife's name was Naomi and his sons' names were Mahlon and Kilion.
d) Ruth 1:2. They were a family of Ephrathites from Bethlehem and they went to Moab and lived there.
e) Ruth 1:3. Elimelek died and so Naomi was left with her two sons.
f) Ruth 1:4. These sons married Moabite women, their names were Orpah and Ruth.
g) Ruth 1:4. They all lived together there for ten years.
h) Ruth 1:5. Mahlon and Kilion died so Naomi was left without her husband and two sons.
(When I read this Second one I realise that It Could Be Any Family Today)
Yes! A heathen King named Cyrus was used by the Lord. This is very clearly put in the Scriptures. I do not believe that this was, or is, an isolated case. Even today we can see in the different Nations of the World how the Lord can use heathen and ungodly rulers to fulfil His Purposes. This should stimulate our Prayers for the Nations.
To Be Like Job!
'To Be Like Job.'
Job 1:1.
a) Job was blameless.
b) Job was upright.
c) Job was a man of his word.
d) Job feared God.
e) Job shunned evil.
(Through this QT I want To Be Like Job)
'We Need Leaders.'
Judges 17:6.
a) In those days.
b) There was no king in Israel.
c) People did whatever they felt like doing.
(This Second one convinces me that We Need Leaders)
Job shunned evil. This is a very powerful and good testimony about the life of Job. The Book of Job is the oldest Book in the Bible. It is very common in these days for society to compromise with evil unless that evil is outrageous. Job was no compromiser, he shunned evil and gives us a good example because we, also, should shun evil.
Monday, July 21, 2014
The True God!
'The True God.'
1 John 5:20.
a) We know that the Son of God has come.
b) He has given us understanding.
c) Now we can find and know the True God.
d) Now we are in the True God.
e) Because we are in His Son Jesus Christ.
f) He is the True God and He is Eternal Life.
(Through this QT I am so grateful that I know The True God)
a) Judges 1:27. The Canaanites were determined to live in the land.
b) Judges 1:35. The Amorites were determined to hold out in Mount Heres.
c) Ruth 1:18. Ruth was determined to go with Naomi.
d) 2 Chronicles 20:3. Jehoshaphat was determined to beg for help from the Lord.
e) 2 Chronicles 20:21. Jehoshaphat was determined that there should be a choir leading the march.
f) Ezra 7:10. Ezra had determined to study and obey the Laws of the Lord.
g) Isaiah 14:26. The Lord has a Plan determined for the whole World.
h) Isaiah 14:32. The Lord has determined that the poor people shall find rest in Jerusalem.
i) Leviticus 5:17. Values were determined by Moses.
(This Second one encourages me to be Determined when I need to)
We are in God's Son Jesus Christ. This is a blessed privilege for every True Believer. The Bible also tells us that we are complete in Him Who is the Head of all principalities and powers. Because we are in Jesus Christ we can have confidence in our daily lives and boldness in our Faith and Prayers. I thank God that I am in His Son Jesus Christ.
Creator God!
'Creator God!
Isaiah 45:12.
a) Genesis 1:1. It is God Who made the Earth.
b) It is God Who created Mankind on the Earth.
c) It is God's Own Hands Who stretched out the Heavens.
d) Nehemiah 9:6. It is God Who Commanded the starry hosts.
(Through this QT I am in awe of Creator God)
'Who Can Replace Him?'
Judges 1:1.
a) Joshua 24:29. After the death of Joshua.
b) The Israelites asked the Lord.
c) Judges 20:18. Who of us is to go up first?
d) To fight against the Canaanites.
(Through this Second one I can understand the question frequently asked: Who Can Replace Him?)
It is a healthy spiritual condition to be in awe of Creator God. When we are in awe of Him it helps us to keep our lives in a spiritually healthy condition. When we treat the Creator God glibly it is really not good. When we take Him for granted it is also not good. Let us be in awe of Creator God.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
With Us All!
'With Us All.'
2 Timothy 4:22.
a) The Lord Jesus Christ.
b) Galatians 6:18; Philemon 1:25. Be with your spirit.
c) Colossians 4:18. Grace.
d) Be with you all.
(This QT makes me so glad: With Us All)
'Faithful God.'
Lamentations 3:23.
a) Exodus 34:6. The Lord's Compassions.
b) Are new every morning.
c) Great is His Faithfulness.
(Through this Second one I give thanks to Faithful God)
What a lovely and also strong confidence we can find when, as a Church, we know that the Lord is with us all. In such an environment of Love and Confidence surely the Lord can freely work His Will amongst us. Let us endeavour to please Him and Glorify Him with our lives and words.
Friday, July 18, 2014
We Know!
'We Know.'
1 John 5:19.
a) That we are Children of God.
b) That the whole World System.
c) Is under the control of the Evil One.
(Through this QT I Know)
'The Lord Is With These Bible Teachers.'
Matthew 28:20.
a) They are to Teach the people everything that they have been taught by the Lord.
b) They are to observe all things that have been commanded by the Lord.
c) They can have assurance that the Lord is with them - even until the end of the World.
(This Second one teaches me that The Lord Is With These Bible Teachers)
In the last couple of generations of the Church there have been many Bible Teachers. Some of them who, with an Anointing of the Holy Spirit and a good knowledge of the Word of God, teach the Saints the Truths of God's Word. This is really good and what is needed in this generation. Sadly there are others who mess up Churches with 'teaching' that excites people that is not really Biblical and they do it for their own gain.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Ask Him!
'Ask Him.'
Isaiah 45:11.
a) This is the Word of the Lord.
b) He is the Holy One of Israel.
c) He is our Maker.
d) We can ask Him of things to come.
e) We can inquire of Him concerning His children.
f) We can ask Him concerning the work of His Hands.
(This QT motivates me to Ask Him)
'A Wonderful Birth.'
Matthew 1:23.
a) A virgin shall conceive.
b) She shall bring forth a Son.
c) His Name shall be called Immanuel.
d) The interpretation of Immanuel means God With Us.
(This Second one shows me A Wonderful Birth.
We are encouraged here to Pray for and about God's Children. These Children have many needs, just like any other children. The difference being that God loves to help and to meet the needs of His Children. It is only God's Children that have confidence in Him. Let us continue to Pray for the needs of God's Children.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Yes, God Is With Us!
'Yes, God Is With Us.'
Psalm 46:11.
a) The Lord, Who rules over all.
b) Is with us.
c) The God of Jacob is like our Fortress.
d) He is our Stronghold
(Thank God for this QT: Yes, God Is With Me)
'We Have The Victory.'
Isaiah 8:10.
a) They may make their battle plans.
b) But they won't succeed.
c) They may give their orders.
d) But they won't be carried out.
e) This is all because God is with us.
(Through this Second one I am confident that I Have The Victory)
When we have the confidence and assurance that God is with us we should thank Him frequently for it and not take His Presence for granted. The attitude of a True Believer who believes that God is with them should be extravagant Thanksgiving because to have God with us is a great privilege.
Monday, July 14, 2014
The Blessing Of Being A Child Of God!
'The Blessing Of Being A Child Of God.'
1 John 5:18.
a) They do not keep on sinning.
b) They are kept safe by the Son of God.
c) They cannot be harmed by the evil one, he cannot touch them.
(This QT reveals to me The Blessing Of Being A Child Of God)
'Our Powerful God Is With Us.'
Psalm 46:7.
a) The Lord Who rules over all is with us.
b) The Lord of Hosts is with us.
c) The God of Jacob is like a fort to us and He is our stronghold.
Our Powerful God is with us. These Words can fill us with assurance and confidence. He is Lord of all Who Rules over all. If we are living like a Child of God should live, then we will have the Assurance of Our Powerful God being with us. We should not limit God or His Personality into human concepts. God is with us. Immanuel!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
It Is Not Our Parents' Fault!
'It Is Not Our Parents' Fault.'
Isaiah 45:10.
a) How terrible it will be.
b) For anyone who says to their father.
c) "Why did you give me life?"
d) How terrible.
e) For anyone who says to their mother.
f) "Why have you brought me into this World?"
(This QT strongly reminds me that It Is Not My Parents' Fault)
1 Samuel 20:13.
a) If there is someone who wants to harm you.
b) But I do not let you know about it.
c) And I do not help you to get away safely.
d) Then may the Lord punish me greatly.
e) May the Lord be with you, just as He has been with my father.
(This Second one stimulates the thoughts of My Responsibility)
As True Believers we receive many teachings about God. One of these teachings is on the popular subject:- "The Love Of God As A Heavenly Father". Both brothers and sisters find help and comfort in these teachings. Briefly, I want to mention here, as the Scripture also does, that our mothers are important figures in our lives, especially when we are growing up. We should not despise the pain that our mother went through to bring us onto this Earth.
A Great Blessing From Apostle Paul!
'A Great Blessing From Apostle Paul.'
2 Thessalonians 3:16-18.
a) 2 Thessalonians 3:16. He Blessed the Thessalonian Church with the Lord's Peace.
b) 2 Thessalonians 3:16. This Blessing was:-
1-The Gift of Peace.
2-At all times.
3-In every way.
c) 2 Thessalonians 3:16. It was the Blessing of the Lord's Presence.
d) 2 Thessalonians 3:17. It was a hand written Blessing Letter from Apostle Paul.
e) 2 Thessalonians 3:18. It was a Blessing of Grace from the Lord Jesus Christ.
(This QT is A Great Blessing From Apostle Paul)
'David Received Victory From The Lord.'
1 Samuel 17:37.
a) David said that the Lord had Saved him from:-
1-The paw of the lion.
2-The paw of the bear.
3-The hand of the Philistine.
b) Saul commissioned David to go.
c) Saul proclaimed that the Lord's Presence would go with him.
(This Second one shows me that David Received Victory From The Lord)
There are many ways in which the Lord may minister the Gift of Peace to us. Peace Blesses us in so many ways. Peace touches our thoughts. Peace touches our bodies. Peace touches our emotions. Peace touches our emotions. Peace touches our environments. Peace touches our relationships with other people. Peace touches our Churches.
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The Christian Life!
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