Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Amazing And Wonderful!

‘Amazing And Wonderful.’
Proverbs 30:18-19.
a)    The Bible says that these things are amazing and wonderful.
b)   These things are difficult to understand.
c)    The amazing and wonderful things are:-
1-   The way of an eagle in the sky.
2-   The way of a snake on a rock.
3-   The way of a ship on the high seas.
4-   The way of a man with a young woman. (Meaning in a special relationship before marriage)
(Through this QT I am able to think and ponder upon Amazing And Wonderful things)
‘Responding To The Lord’s Works.’
Psalm 104:31-34.
a)   Psalm 104:31. The Glory of the Lord lasts forever.
b)   Psalm 104:31. The Lord Rejoices in His Works.
c)    Psalm 104:32. The Lord looks at the Earth and it trembles.
d)   Psalm 104:32. The Lord touches the mountains and they smoke.
e)    Psalm 104:33-34. Our responses to the Lord’s Works:-
1-   Sing to Him all our life.
2-   Sing Praise to our God as long as we live.
3-   Meditate on Him in a way that is pleasing to Him.
4-   Rejoice in the Lord.
(Through this Second one I am challenged to be Responding To The Lord’s Works)
There are sometimes things in life that are difficult to understand. There will be situations and things that we clearly understand, that is very clear. The problem for us is when we do not understand or have difficulty in understanding.  When we face the difficult situations we need to simply bring that to God in our Prayer and Trust Him.

Unusual Miracles!

  'Unusual Miracles' Acts 19:11-12. a)  And God was doing  b)  Extraordinary miracles c)  By the hands of Paul, d)  So that even han...