The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Knowing Who Jesus Is!
‘Knowing Who Jesus Is.’
John 1:1-18.
a) John 1:1. He is God the Word.
b) John 1:2. He is God in the Beginning.
c) John 1:3. He is Creator.
d) John 1:4. His Life is the Light of people.
e) John 1:5. He is Light that overcomes all darkness.
f) John 1:6. He is the Sender of God’s Servants.
g) John 1:7. He is the Light for people to Believe in.
h) John 1:8. He is testified about as the Light.
i) John 1:9. He is the True Light to enlighten all people.
j) John 1:10. He is the Maker of the World.
k) John 1:11. He came to His Own Jewish people and they rejected Him. He was willing to be rejected.
l) John 1:12. He is the One for us to Receive.
m) John 1:12. He gives us the Right to be called God’s Children.
n) John 1:12. He enables us to Believe in His Name.
o) John 1:13. He gives us a new birth that is of God.
p) John 1:14. He is the Word Who became flesh.
q) John 1:14. He is the only begotten from the Father.
r) John 1:14. He is full of Grace and Truth.
s) John 1:15. He has the highest rank.
t) John 1:16. He gives us of His Fullness and Grace.
u) John 1:17. Grace and Truth are realised through Him.
v) John 1:18. He is the One Who explains Father God to us.
(This QT helps me to be Knowing Who Jesus Is)
‘Living Letters.’
2 Corinthians 3:2-3.
a) The Corinthian Church itself was a letter of recommendation for Apostle Paul and his team.
b) The Corinthians themselves were a letter written in the hearts of Apostle Paul and his team.
c) Everyone could read this letter and see the good work of Apostle Paul and his team amongst the Corinthians.
d) Clearly the Corinthians were a letter from Christ showing the result of the ministry of Apostle Paul and his team amongst them.
e) The letter is not written with pen and ink.
f) The letter was written by the Holy Spirit on human hearts.
(Through this Second one I long to see more Living Letters)
Living letters should be far more obvious today than they are. Maybe in the Nations where people are persecuted for their Faith we can see living letters, but in most parts of the World there are no living letters. We find people in many Churches today only looking to God to meet their need or to heal them in some way. There is not much desire anymore to Glorify God and yet that is why we are created.
The Christian Life!
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