The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
It Cannot Touch Us!
‘It Cannot Touch Us.’
Proverbs 26:2.
a) Like a fluttering sparrow.
b) Like a darting swallow.
c) An undeserved curse.
d) Will not land on its intended victim.
(Through this QT I know that It Cannot Touch Us)
‘At The Dedication Service Of The Infant Jesus.’
Luke 2:25-38.
a) Luke 2:25. Simeon was present. Simeon was from Jerusalem, a Righteous and Devout man, the Holy Spirit was upon him and he was looking for the Consolation of Israel.
b) Luke 2:26. It had been revealed to Simeon that he should not see death until he saw the Lord’s Christ.
c) Luke 2:27. When Simeon came into the Temple he was in the Holy Spirit. The parents brought the Child Jesus into the Temple to do to according to the Ceremonial Jewish Law for Him.
d) Luke 2:28. Simeon received Jesus into his arms and he Blessed God.
e) Luke 2:29. Simeon, after this prayed that he could depart to Heaven, according to the Word that he had received from the Lord, he could depart in Peace.
f) Luke 2:30. Simeon declared that his eyes had seen God’s Salvation.
g) Luke 2:31. This Salvation had and has been prepared for all people.
h) Luke 2:32. This Child Jesus was to be a Light for Revelation to the Gentiles and the Glory of God’s People Israel.
i) Luke 2:33. Jesus’ parents were marvelling at the things being said about Him.
j) Luke 2:34-35. Then Simeon Blessed the family and Prophesied again over Jesus, even about His death.
k) Luke 2:36. Then this holy old lady Anna came into the Temple.
l) Luke 2:37. Anna spent nearly all her time in the Temple, she was:-
1- Praying.
2- Fasting.
3- Worshipping.
m) Luke 2:38. Anna came up to Mary, Joseph and Jesus together with Simeon just as Simeon was talking with them. Anna spoke about Jesus to everyone who was waiting for the Redemption of Jerusalem.
(Through this Second one I learn about all that happened At The Dedication Service Of The Infant Jesus and I recognise the importance of infant dedication services in the Church)
Simeon Blessed the family and Prophesied over Jesus. We should not take infant dedication services lightly if we are True Believers. It is a most important time for the parents as well as the baby. Prophetic Prayers may be prayed and prophecies spoken over both the parents and their child that may prove to be significant for the present and the future. If the Church is going to have infant dedication services they should not be taken lightly.
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