The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Church Should Care Well For Its Leaders!
‘The Church Should Care Well For Its Leaders.’
1 Timothy 5:17.
a) Firstly, the Leaders of the Church should do their work well.
b) The Church should respect them.
c) Galatians 6:6. The Church should pay them well.
d) 1 Timothy 3:2; 2 Timothy 2:24. This applies especially for those Leaders who work hard at Preaching and Teaching.
(This QT reminds me that The Church Should Care Well For Its Leaders)
‘Bible Teachers Should Teach.’
a) Romans 12:7. Their Teaching Ministry is a Gift from God.
b) Matthew 4:23; 9:35; 7:29. They should follow the clear and positive teaching style of Jesus Christ.
c) 1 Corinthians 4:17. Follow the example of Apostle Paul who also follows Jesus Christ.
d) 1 Timothy 4:11. The Teacher needs to be clear about their Teaching Gift, for the Church it is very important.
e) Matthew 15:9. The Teacher does not teach man made ideas as if they came from God.
f) Matthew 22:16. The Way of God truthfully.
g) Acts 15:35. Sometimes collectively together.
h) Acts 18:11. Sometimes they stay in one place for a long time.
i) John 14:26. With the Holy Spirit Who is a Teacher.
j) 1 Timothy 6:3. In such a way that they promote a godly life in the hearers.
(This Second one is clearly an important part of Church life: Bible Teachers Should Teach)
The Church should respect their Leaders if the Leaders lead in a Biblical way. Church Leadership is a very important Ministry. I have just been reading today in the Scriptures the Teachings of Jesus about Church Leaders. The goal of the Leader must be to serve well, in order to lead well they need to serve well. We read here of the work of the Church Leader. For those Leaders who Preach and Teach most of their work is in their study mixing personal prayer and Bible Study as they “prepare their Messages”. The Church Leader should never neglect their personal prayer and Bible Study.
We Should Not Wander!
‘We Should Not Wander.’
a) Proverbs 27:8. When we stray from our home we become like a bird straying from its nest. We get lost. Wanderers damage themselves and hurt the people that they should be relating to.
b) Job 15:23. We become hungry.
c) Hosea 9:17. We wander because we do not listen to God.
d) Psalm 55:7. Sometimes we wander further and further away.
e) Jeremiah 9:10. Sometimes we wander from the desert looking for something better but we cannot find it.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Not Wander)
‘Depend On The Lord.’
Proverbs 3:5-6.
a) In the Lord, with all our heart and mind:-
1- Lean on.
2- Trust in.
3- Be confident in.
b) We should rely on our own insight and understanding.
c) In all our ways:-
1- Know the Lord.
2- Recognise the Lord.
3- Acknowledge the Lord.
d) Our paths the Lord will:-
1- Direct.
2- Make straight.
3- Make plain.
(Through this QT I will Depend On The Lord)
When we wander away from our home or out of the Will of God we become hungry. God allows this to bring us back into His Will and into our home. There are so many wandering people out there in these days with all kind of negative reasons and excuses for their wanderings. God wants to bring them back into His Plan and even into their home again.
Trust Our Work To The Lord!
‘Trust Our Work To The Lord.’
Proverbs 16:3.
a) We are to trust our work to the Lord.
b) Commit our work wholly to Him.
c) He will cause our thoughts to become agreeable to His Will.
d) So shall our plans be established.
e) So shall our plans succeed.
(This QT urges me to Trust My Work To The Lord)
‘God’s Good Plans.’
Jeremiah 29:11.
a) God knows the plans He has for us.
b) He states this fact.
c) Plans for well being.
d) Not plans for trouble.
e) To give us a future.
f) To give us a hope.
(Through this Second one I am so grateful for God’s Good Plans)
We are urged to trust our work to the Lord. This is an area of Faith that is necessary for all of God’s People. Whether it is a daily job, the responsibility of a house wife, the work of Christian Ministry, the work of Missions, the work of Church or the work of our studies, we need to trust our work to the Lord.
Friday, March 30, 2012
The Mystery Revealed!
‘The Mystery Revealed.’
Colossians 1:26.
a) The Word of God is now revealed.
b) A mystery is Truth that becomes known by revelation.
c) This mystery is now revealed to all True Believers.
d) These things were not clearly known in the Old Testament.
e) The mystery revealed here is firstly the Work of Jesus in His People.
f) The mystery revealed here is secondly the Work of Jesus in His Church.
(This QT shows me The Mystery Revealed)
‘We Will Serve The Lord.’
Joshua 24:15.
a) We should not consider serving the Lord a bad or evil thing to do.
b) We need to make a choice about who and what we serve.
c) Do we serve the gods of the place where we dwell?
d) Do we and our family serve the Lord?
(This Second one calls me to proclaim from my heart that We Will Serve The Lord)
The Work of Jesus in His Church is very very significant and important. So often the Church and its leaders take the Church out of the Hands of Jesus and try to do their own thing to make the Church grow or be “popular” with the people. Some others hold the Church back and do not let the Lord have His Way. The Work of Jesus in His Church is very very significant and important.
Honey And Wisdom Are Similar!
‘Honey And Wisdom Are Similar.’
a) Proverbs 27:7. If we are satiated with sensual pleasures we loathe the honeycomb.
b) Proverbs 27:7. If we are satiated with sensual pleasures we tread underfoot the honeycomb.
c) Proverbs 27:7. To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.
d) Proverbs 24:13. Honey and the honeycomb are good for us to eat.
e) Proverbs 24:14. Wisdom is the same for us:-
1- We should find it.
2- Then we will have a future.
3- Our hope will never fade.
(This QT teaches me that Honey And Wisdom Are Similar)
‘Jesus Guards And Keeps His Disciples.’
John 17:12.
a) Jesus is still with us.
b) Jesus guards and keeps us by the Power of His Name.
c) Those Disciples whom the Father has given to Jesus He keeps watch over them.
d) Not one of them or us will be lost or destroyed.
e) This does not include betrayers.
(This Second one gives me great assurance: Jesus Guards And Keeps His Disciples)
To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet. There are so many hungry souls in the Church today. These people need to be fed the Word of God. If hungry souls do not receive the Word of God they will starve and die. The Word of God needs to be taught with the Anointing of the Holy Spirit and relevant for the hearers.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
They Ate It!
‘They Ate It.’
a) Genesis 3:12. Then blamed his wife for it.
b) Genesis 3:6. Then shared it with her husband even though she knew it was wrong to do so.
c) Genesis 3:13. Then blamed Satan.
d) Genesis 3:17. Listening to his wife rather than listening to God.
e) Genesis 18:8. Served by Abraham.
f) Genesis 25:34. With a wrong attitude.
g) Genesis 26:30. As a Covenant feast.
h) Judges 14:9. Honey.
i) 1 Samuel 14:32. In an improper manner.
j) 2 Samuel 9:13. Being well cared for as a handicapped person.
k) 1 Kings 13:19. Men of God eating together.
l) 1 Kings 19:8. And got physical strength.
m) 1 Kings 19:21. A farewell meal.
n) Nehemiah 9:25; Matthew 14:20; 15:37. Until they were full.
o) Psalm 78:25. The food of Angels.
p) Luke 5:29. Together with Jesus in Levi’s home.
q) Luke 6:1. The grain from the grain fields on the Sabbath.
r) John 6:31 & 49. Manna in the desert.
s) John 12:2. A meal in honour of Jesus.
t) 1 Corinthians 10:3. Spiritual food.
(This QT teaches me that They Ate It)
‘God Knew In Advance.’
Exodus 4:21.
a) The Lord spoke to Moses.
b) When Moses would arrive back in Egypt.
c) Moses would go to Pharaoh.
d) Moses would perform all the miracles that he was empowered to do.
e) God would harden Pharaoh’s heart.
f) Pharaoh would refuse to let the people go.
(This Second one has me in awe of God: God Knew In Advance)
They ate it! This is something that is interestingly and frequently mentioned in the Bible. Not all the natural things that we do are mentioned much in the Bible but eating is. Right through the Scriptures we read about eating. In fact there are several important principles regarding eating that we find in the Bible. Eating is not just “grabbing something to eat”. It was never intended to be like that.
Ministry Is God's Gift!
‘Ministry Is God’s Gift.’
Colossians 1:25.
a) God makes Ministers and gives them to His Church.
b) Ministry is the responsibility of serving God’s Church.
c) Ministers are to Proclaim God’s entire Message to the Church.
(Through this QT I find that Ministry Is God’s Gift and all Ministers need to humbly acknowledge this fact)
‘Everything Beautiful But A Word Of Warning.’
Genesis 2:8-17.
a) Genesis 2:8. Jehovah God planted the Garden of Eden.
b) Genesis 2:8. Jehovah God placed man in the Garden.
c) Genesis 2:9. Jehovah God made beautiful trees in the Garden that were good for food.
d) Genesis 2:9. God put the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the midst of the Garden.
e) Genesis 2:10. God made rivers to flow and water the Garden.
f) Genesis 2:11-12. The River Pishon that extended as far as Havilah, where there was:-
1- Good Gold.
2- Bdellium.
3- Onyx.
g) Genesis 2:13. The River Gihon.
h) Genesis 2:14. The River Hiddekel.
i) Genesis 2:14. The River Euphrates.
j) Genesis 2:15. Jehovah God took the man and put him in the Garden to:-
1- Dress it.
2- Keep it.
3- Tend it.
4- Watch over it.
k) Genesis 2:16-17. Jehovah God gave Command to the man:-
1- He could eat from every tree in the Garden.
2- He was not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
3- The same day that he ate of that Tree he would surely die.
(This Second one shows me Everything Beautiful But A Word Of Warning)
Dress the Garden! Keep the Garden! Tend the Garden! Watch over the Garden! Some True Believers live in houses with gardens. At this time our rented house in Scotland has a garden. The garden is very important, not only for producing vegetables and flowers, but also having a nice lawn for the summer time. If we have a garden, here is the crunch, as True Believers our garden needs to be neat, tidy and well looked after. The Garden condition reflects the condition of the people living inside the house.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Open And Faithful Relationships!
‘Open And Faithful Relationships.’
Proverbs 27:5-6
a) Open rebuke is a good way.
b) Open rebuke is better than love carefully concealed.
c) Faithful are the wounds of and from a real friend.
d) The kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
(This QT shows me the value of Open And Faithful Relationships)
‘They Hid We Do Not Need To.’
Genesis 3:8.
a) Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden.
b) It was the cool time of the day.
c) They hid themselves from the Presence of the Lord God.
d) They hid amongst the trees of the garden.
(Through this Second one I can se that They Hid We Do Not Need To)
There is great value in open and faithful relationships. These kind of relationships do not occur quickly or just happen but they are built out of mutual trust and love. These kind of relationships are not opportunities for fault finding but they are joyful, trusting and mature.
The Humility Of Christ So Benefits Us!
‘The Humility Of Christ So Benefits Us.’
a) Galatians 3:13. Christ was made a curse for us so we are Redeemed from the curse of the Law of God.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:21. God has made Christ to be sin for us. He knew no sin. So that we might be made the Righteousness of God in Christ.
c) Philippians 2:7-8. Christ:-
1- Made Himself of no reputation.
2- Took upon Himself the form of a Servant.
3- Was made in the likeness of men.
4- In His human form humbled Himself in obedience to God.
5- Obeyed God even by going to the death of the Cross.
(Through this QT I am so thankful to God: The Humility Of Christ So Benefits Me)
‘The Message Of The Cross Changes Lives.’
Acts 2:36-41.
a) Acts 2:36. Everyone needs to know that Jesus Who was Crucified is the One that God has made Lord and Christ.
b) Acts 2:37. The people were deeply convicted when they heard this Message and they asked the Apostles what they should do.
c) Acts 2:38. Peter told the people what to do:-
1- Repent.
2- Be Baptised.
3- Have assurance of forgiveness of sins.
4- Receive the Holy Spirit.
d) Acts 2:39. This Promise of the Holy Spirit is for every True Believer.
e) Acts 2:40. Peter, with many words, urged the hearers to respond to this Message.
f) Acts 2:41. Around three thousand people that day Believed the Message and were Baptised.
(Through this Second one I am convinced that The Message Of The Cross Changes Lives)
Sometimes people are offended by the word ‘repent’. This is one of Satan’s ploys to prevent them from receiving Jesus. Many years ago I was taught the phrase: “No repentance – no Salvation” and I still hold to that opinion today. Using “sugar coated” methods to bring people to Christ does not produce people who have a desire to be Disciples of Jesus. Church should Preach the Gospel and let God be free to do what He wants to do after that.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
A Good And Faithful Servant Of The Lord!
‘A Good And Faithful Servant Of The Lord.’
a) Acts 20:28. They:-
1- Keep watch over themselves first.
2- Keep watch over the flock which God has placed in their care.
3- Are shepherds of the Church of God.
4- Care for the Church which God has made His Own through the Blood of His Son.
b) 1 Timothy 3:2. They must:-
1- Be Without fault.
2- Have only one wife.
3- Be Sober.
4- Be self controlled.
5- Be orderly.
6- Welcome strangers in his home.
7- Be able to Teach.
c) Titus 1:9. They must:-
1- Hold firmly to the Message which can be trusted.
2- Hold firmly to the Message which agrees with the Doctrine.
3- Be able to encourage other people with True Teaching.
4- Show the error of those people which are opposed to True Teaching.
d) 1 Peter 5:1-3. They are:-
1- To be shepherds of the flock that God has given to them.
2- To take care of the flock willingly as God desires.
3- Not to be unwilling.
4- Not to work for mere pay but have a willingness to serve.
5- Not to rule over the people that God has given them to care for.
6- To be examples to God’s flock.
(Through this QT I find the New Testament definition of A Good And Faithful Servant Of The Lord)
‘Spiritual Fathers Leave A Heritage.’
Hebrews 13:7.
a) They will be well remembered as Leaders.
b) They spoke God’s Message.
c) We can think about their life and death.
d) We can imitate their Faith.
(Through this Second one I know that Spiritual Fathers Leave A Heritage)
It is so good to get to know and to love the Word of God. Too often we True Believers become spiritually ‘dull’ because we major on experiences and feelings. We should not seek after those things if we do we can easily be led astray. If we know and love the Word of God then we can really grow as Believers in the Lord.
The True Heart Of An Apostle!
‘The True Heart Of An Apostle.’
Colossians 1:24.
a) He is willing to suffer physically in order that the Church be Blessed.
b) He is willing to participate in the sufferings of Christ and all that they mean.
c) He is willing to suffer for the sake of Christ’s Body – the Church.
(Through this QT I discover The True Heart Of An Apostle)
‘Everything Under His Control.’
Philippians 3:21.
a) God will change these humble bodies we have.
b) They are now in a humble state but will be Glorious in future.
c) God will do this by using the Power which enables Him to bring everything under His Control.
(This Second one reminds me that God is in control now and in the future He brings Everything Under His Control)
Everything under God’s Control! God is in control now and forever more will be. At present we all have bodies of decay. Even True Believers are subject to physical pain and death now. There are many lovely Believers I know who are suffering in body or mind and are not going to be healed through Prayer. Some are healed through Prayer in Jesus’ Name but most are not. Of one thing I am so sure, that all these Believers, in their Eternal future will have a Glorious Body, which is everlasting Divine Health.
Wow Jealousy!
‘Wow Jealousy.’
Proverbs 27:4.
a) Anger is cruel.
b) Wrath is like a flood.
c) But jealousy is even more dangerous.
(This QT causes me to exclaim: Wow Jealousy)
‘God Gives Life To Us.’
Romans 8:11.
a) The Spirit of God.
b) The same Spirit of God Who raised Jesus from the dead.
c) Lives in us.
d) Just as God raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
e) God will give Life to our mortal bodies.
f) By the same Spirit living in us.
(This Second one makes me Grateful to God and makes me Rejoice in Him: God Gives Life To Me)
God gives Life to us. This is a very wonderful and true statement about God. For True Believers, this Scripture is, or should be, a daily reality that we appreciate so much. The Holy Spirit is not just “gifts” He is Life giving Spirit. The New Life that we have now in Christ is Resurrection Life.
Monday, March 26, 2012
If We Really Want To Live!
‘If We Really Want To Live.’
John 11:25.
a) Receive these Words of Jesus Christ.
b) Jesus Christ is the Resurrection.
c) Jesus Christ is the Life.
d) If we Believe in Jesus Christ.
e) Even if we die we will live.
(This QT reminds me what to do If I Really Want To Live)
‘Being Spiritually Dead Is Not Necessarily Fate.’
Ephesians 2:1.
a) Apostle Paul is writing about the Ephesian Believers’ former state.
b) They were dead.
c) In their trespasses.
d) In their sins.
e) But they became True Believers and were Saved.
(Through this Second one I understand that Being Spiritually Dead Is Not Necessarily Fate: through Faith in Christ the situation can be changed)
Even if we die, we will Live. This is the Testimony of every True Believer who has Believed in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Resurrection and the Life. It is the most wonderful Joy and Privilege to belong to Him.
We Should Continue In Our Faith!
‘We Should Continue In Our Faith.’
Colossians 1:23.
a) We are to continue in our Faith.
b) We are to be established and firm.
c) We are not to be removed from our Gospel Hope.
d) This Gospel is the Good News for all people.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Continue In My Faith)
‘Cleansing Is Important.’
Leviticus 14:1-7.
Most people who read this QT page do not or have not suffered from the terrible disease of leprosy. We see here how cleansing from leprosy was so important in Bible days. Leprosy is a type of sin. To be cleansed from sin is something very important for all of us today.
a) Leviticus 14:1. This is the Word of the Lord.
b) Leviticus 14:2. The leper needs to come to the priest, a humble step. To be free from our sin we need to be humble.
c) Leviticus 14:3. The priest had to examine the leper outside the camp. People in wilful sin cannot be a part of the Church.
d) Leviticus 14:3-4. There had to be new life to replace the old.
e) Leviticus 14:5. There needed to be a death in order for there to be new life. The death of Jesus Christ enables us to be cleansed and have new life.
f) Leviticus 14:6. The blood makes the leper clean. The Blood of Jesus makes us clean.
g) Leviticus 14:7. There was a perfect work of cleansing and new life began. When we are made clean of our sins we can live a new life in Christ.
(This Second one reveals to me that Cleansing Is Important)
Cleansing is important. The Message of the Gospel and the Teachings of the Bible are very clear and easy to understand. There is simply no compromise. God never invites us to compromise – He calls us to Himself so that we can receive His Grace and a New Life in Jesus Christ. The greatest Joy comes to us when we know that our sins are forgiven.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
A Heavy Load!
‘A Heavy Load.’
Proverbs 27:3.
a) A stone is heavy.
b) Sand weighs a lot.
c) Annoyance caused by a stubborn fool is heavier than both.
(This QT makes me want to avoid A Heavy Load)
‘A Joyful Season Approaches.’
Isaiah 54:1-5.
a) Isaiah 54:1. The childless woman can sing for Joy because of how the Lord is going to Bless her.
b) Isaiah 54:2. It is a time for enlarging the tent.
c) Isaiah 54:3. It is a time for resettling and occupying.
d) Isaiah 54:4. There is no more:-
1- Fear.
2- Shame.
3- Disgrace.
e) Isaiah 54:5. It is a time for the God of the whole Earth to manifest Himself.
(Through this Second one I know and sense that A Joyful Season Approaches)
A joyful season approaches. There are many times in the Scriptures that we read of the promises of better times and good times that God gave and gives to His People. We need to be Biblical, Practical and Positive as we live out our Faith as True Believers. Let us look always to the Lord and to His Word.
Real Supporters Of God’s Real Work!
‘Real Supporters Of God’s Real Work.’
Ezra 1:6.
a) The Real Work in this case was the rebuilding of the House of the Lord.
b) The supporters were neighbours and friends. People who knew the testimony.
c) They gave:-
1- Silver.
2- Gold.
3- Goods.
4- Animals.
5- Valuables.
d) They gave voluntary offerings.
(This QT teaches me about Real Supporters Of God’s Real Work, it was a work of Restoration)
‘So That We Can Give Sound Answers.’
Proverbs 22:20-21.
a) Through the written Word of God we can receive Counsel and Knowledge.
b) We need to know the True and Reliable words of the Word of God.
c) So that we can give sound answers to other people.
(Through this Second one I realise that God has given me His Word So That I Can Give Sound Answers)
The rebuilding of the House of the Lord is not limited to the “need” for a new Church physical building. There may sometimes be that need but that is not the main issue of our days. The main issue of our days is that the House of the Lord will again Glorify Him as it did in the days of the early New Testament Church. There needs to be emphasis on what God wants from us rather than what we want from God. The Church needs to reach out into the community effectively as well as into the World. Most Churches today have so much untapped potential that is never released.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Reconciled To God Through Christ!
‘Reconciled To God Through Christ.’
Colossians 1:19-22.
a) Colossians 1:19. God in all His Fullness was pleased to live in Christ.
b) Colossians 1:20. Through Christ God reconciled everything to Himself.
c) Colossians 1:20. God made Peace with everything in Heaven and on Earth by means of Christ’s Blood on the Cross.
d) Colossians 1:21. We are included in this. We were:-
1- Once far away from God.
2- Enemies of God.
3- Separated from God by our evil thoughts.
4- Separated from God by our evil actions.
e) Colossians 1:22. Now we are Reconciled to God through the death of Christ in His physical Body.
f) Colossians 1:22. Because of this Reconciliation God has brought us into His Own Presence.
g) Colossians 1:22. We are Holy and Blameless as we will stand before God without a single fault because of what Christ has done for us.
(In this QT I rejoice because I am Reconciled To God Through Christ)
‘The Lord Can Do This.’
Haggai 2:6.
a) The Lord of Heaven’s Armies will do what He says.
b) In just a little time.
c) He will:-
1- Again shake the Heavens.
2- Shake the Earth.
3- Shake the oceans.
4- Shake the dry land.
(This Second one leaves me in no doubt that The Lord Can Do This)
We were separated from God by our evil actions. There can be no doubt about the fact that evil actions separate us from God. There are no differing degrees of evil actions, all evil actions are the same, they are evil.
We Should Not Praise Ourselves!
‘We Should Not Praise Ourselves.’
Proverbs 27:2.
a) Let another person praise us.
b) Our own mouths should not praise ourselves.
c) A stranger or someone else may praise us.
d) Our own lips should not give ourselves self praise.
(This QT guides me to know that I Should Not Praise Myself)
‘Our Repentance Is A Part Of God’s Big Plan!
Acts 3:19-21.
a) Acts 3:19. The normal process in coming to God:-
1- Repentance.
2- Turning to God.
3- Knowing that our sins are blotted out.
b) Acts 3:19. Then seasons of refreshing come from the Presence of the Lord.
c) Acts 3:20. Then we can know and experience Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Saviour, this is God’s appointment for us.
d) Acts 3:21. Jesus Christ will remain in Heaven until the time for the final Restoration of all things.
e) Acts 3:21. This is God’s Promise through the ages, even through the Prophets of the Old Testament.
(This Second one helps me to realise that my Salvation is for God’s Glory and not my own: My Repentance Is A Part Of God’s Big Plan)
I am sometimes embarrassed by praise from other people. When people respond to me in such a way I ask them to Praise the Lord and to give Glory to Him. Servants of the Lord should never minister in such a way as to attract attention or praise for themselves as they serve. Frankly, it is sin. All we do and say should be for the Glory of God, not for the glory of man and not for the glory of the local church.
Friday, March 23, 2012
A Biblically Functioning Church!
‘A Biblically Functioning Church.’
Acts 2:42.
a) Is devoted to the Teaching of God’s Word.
b) Is devoted to Fellowship.
c) Breaks bread together. (Eats together and partakes of Holy Communion)
d) Is devoted to Prayer.
(Through this QT I find the New Testament pattern for A Biblically Functioning Church)
‘Ministry Gifts From Christ To His Church.’
Ephesians 4:11.
a) Apostles.
b) Prophets.
c) Evangelists.
d) Pastors.
e) Teachers.
(Through this Second one I can see that there are Ministry Gifts From Christ To His Church)
A Biblically functioning Church is devoted to Prayer. Prayer is the Breath of this Church. The Church Leaders are people of Prayer. They will not be so busy so that they do not have time for personal Prayer. A Church cannot grow in Prayer if the leaders do not lead in their Prayer lives. This kind of Prayer is effective but not demonstrative.
We Should Not Love The World System!
‘We Should Not Love The World System.’
1 John 2:15-17.
a) 1 John 2:15. We should not love the World system or the things of the World system.
a) 1 John 2:15. If any person loves the World system then the Love of the Father God is not in them.
b) 1 John 2:16. The World system is not from Father God, it comes from itself and is:-
1- The desires of the flesh.
2- The desires of the eyes.
3- The pride of possessions.
4- The cravings of sinful people.
5- The pride of our achievements.
c) 1 John 2:17. The World system is passing away along with its desires.
d) 1 John 2:17. The person who does the Will of God abides forever.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Not Love The World System)
‘The Deceiver And Accuser Are Now Overcome.’
Revelation 12:9-11.
a) Revelation 12:9. The great dragon who is named the Devil and Satan is thrown down.
b) Revelation 12:9. He is the deceiver of the whole World and is thrown down to the Earth with all of his angels. (There is no place for him in Heaven)
c) Revelation 12:10. A loud voice in Heaven spoke:-
1- Now Salvation has come.
2- Now Victory has come.
3- Now Power has come.
4- Now the Kingdom of our God has come.
5- Now the Authority of Christ has come.
d) Revelation 12:10. The accuser of the brothers (God’s People) has been thrown down. The accuser accused them day and night before our God.
e) Revelation 12:11. The accuser is conquered by:-
1- The Blood of the Lamb.
2- The Word of God’s People’s Testimony.
3- God’s People not loving their own lives, even unto death.
(This Second one greatly encourages me: The Deceiver And Accuser Are Now Overcome)
Power has come to the Church and to the individual Believer when they realise that the deceiver of the whole World is defeated and thrown out of Heaven. True Believers should not be deceived. We can and should be endued with Power from on High and be living and speaking witnesses for Jesus Christ.
The Lord Jesus Christ!
‘The Lord Jesus Christ.’
Colossians 1:18.
a) Is the Head of the Body – the Church.
b) Is the Beginning.
c) Is the Firstborn from the dead.
d) Is the One Who holds first place in everything.
(This QT causes me to ponder upon my Saviour: The Lord Jesus Christ)
‘Our Responsibility For Our Sin.’
2 Samuel 1:16.
a) David spoke with authority from the Lord to the murderous Amalekite messenger.
b) This messenger’s blood was upon his own head.
c) His own mouth convicted him.
d) When he said that he killed the Lord’s Anointed.
e) He had taken the law and revenge into his own bloody hands.
(This Second one reminds me of My Responsibility For My Sin: my sin’s consequences can only be removed through and by what Christ has done on the Cross for me. I cannot make excuses for my sin)
It is good for me to gratefully ponder upon my Saviour. Sometimes we are too busy in our daily activities and then we neglect our personal need of time with the Lord. Not just in specific times, but all the time, we need to gratefully ponder upon our Saviour. This is especially so in QT times and in times of spiritual retreat and personal prayer.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Genuine Faith From Generation To Generation!
‘Genuine Faith From Generation To Generation.’
2 Timothy 1:5.
a) Timothy had genuine Faith.
b) He shared the same genuine Faith that his grandmother Lois had.
c) He shared the same genuine Faith that his mother Eunice had.
d) This Faith continued strongly in Timothy’s life.
(This QT teaches me about the possibility of Genuine Faith From Generation To Generation)
‘Are These The Last Days?’
Acts 2:17-18.
a) Joel 2:28-29. Peter’s Message was taken from the Prophecy of Joel about the “Last Days”.
b) God said that He would pour out His Spirit on all people.
c) Sons and daughters would prophesy.
d) Young men will see visions.
e) Old men will dream dreams.
f) In those days God would pour out His Spirit on His Servants both male and female.
g) They would prophesy.
(This Second one poses me a question: Are These The Last Days? Have the Last Days already been? Or are the Last Days still to come?)
Timothy shared the same genuine Faith that his mother and grandmother had. It seems to me that their Faith was very pure and simple. Real Faith in God! This is how generational Faith is supposed to be. There is nothing manipulative or controlling about generational Faith. There is nothing perverse or bigoted about it. Generational Faith is something that is supposed to be pure and bright in God’s Sight.
We Should Not Be Presumptuous About Time!
‘We Should Not Be Presumptuous About Time.’
a) Proverbs 27:1. We should not boast of tomorrow because we do not know what is going to happen.
b) Isaiah 56:12; Luke 12:19. Planning and doing frivolous things.
c) Amos 6:3. Pushing away all thoughts about coming problems.
d) Acts 24:25. That we will have another chance to respond to God.
e) James 4:13-14. Making long term plans without consulting God.
(This QT strongly reminds me that I Should Not Be Presumptuous About Time)
‘Evil Spirits Are Obvious.’
1 Samuel 16:15-16.
a) King Saul’s servants knew very well when their master was being troubled by an evil spirit.
b) This evil spirit would torment him.
c) This evil spirit was allowed by God.
d) This evil spirit made trouble for him.
e) These servants knew how to make King Saul well again and send the evil spirit away.
(Through this Second one I know that Evil Spirits Are Obvious and casting them out is not always only a matter of command prayer)
We should not boast of tomorrow because we do not know what is going to happen. This is why we simply need to Trust God for tomorrow. He should give us our plans for tomorrow and not we make our own without seeking Him. Only God knows tomorrow – we do not.
Who Was Jesus Christ In The Flesh?
‘Who Was Jesus Christ In The Flesh?’
Matthew 1:1.
a) He was and is the Messiah.
b) He was the Son of David.
c) He was the Son of Abraham.
d) Romans 15:8. Christ became a Servant of the Jews on behalf of God’s Truth so that the Promises given to Abraham and David might be confirmed.
(This QT answers a question that I am sometimes asked: Who Was Jesus Christ In The Flesh? Yes, He was born as an Israeli person, a Jew)
‘Father God Has The Last Word.’
Acts 3:13.
a) The God of:-
1- Abraham.
2- Isaac.
3- Jacob.
4- Our fathers. (Meaning the Jewish fathers)
b) Did Glorify His Child Jesus.
c) He was delivered up to be crucified by His Own Jewish people.
d) He was denied in the presence of Pilate by His Own Jewish people.
e) Pilate had already given permission to release Him.
(Through this Second one I know that Father God Has The Last Word)
Jesus Christ in the flesh was the Son of David. This is clearly prophesied of in the Old Testament. Christ was born humanly in the ancestral lineage of David. There may be an additional factor also that made the people exclaim this in the days of Jesus’ Earthly Ministry. David was the one in the Old Testament who clearly had a ministry to get rid of evil spirits, this is a known and well recorded fact. Jesus Christ brought in the same ministry to the New Testament that continues until today.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
No Judgment Or Condemnation Please!
‘No Judgment Or Condemnation Please.’
Colossians 1:16-17.
a) No one in the Church should condemn us for:-
1- What we eat.
2- What we drink.
3- Not celebrating Holy Days.
4- Not celebrating lunar holidays.
5- Not celebrating Sabbaths.
b) These rules are only shadows of the Reality that is yet to come.
c) Christ Himself is that Reality.
(This QT calls me to say to the Church: No Judgment Or Condemnation Please)
‘The Cursed Serpent.’
a) Genesis 3:15. Its head struck.
b) Genesis 3:14. Crawling on its belly, grovelling in the dust.
c) Genesis 49:17. A venomous unfriendly creature.
d) Isaiah 65:25. Eating dust.
e) Psalm 58:4. Refuses to listen.
(This Second one makes The Cursed Serpent very clear to me)
No one in Church has any right to condemn us for non conformist actions. So many people have left Churches all over the World because of being bullied by legalists with non-Biblical concepts. Church should be a place of Grace and Love where the worshippers are so happy and Blessed to belong. I consider it a privilege to attend Church when I can and not just attend because of a blind religious duty. Acts 2:42 tells us the basic New Testament pattern for Church life and it is glorious.
We Should Keep Our Speech Pure!
‘We Should Keep Our Speech Pure.’
Proverbs 26:28.
a) A tongue that is lying or false.
b) Has a bad effect:-
1- Hatred of victims. (It has the negative power to make people victims)
2- Hatred of people with clean hearts.
3- Hates the people it hurts. (Lying tongues hurt other people)
c) A flattering mouth.
d) Causes:-
1- Ruin.
2- Failure.
3- Overthrow.
(This QT reminds me that I Should Keep My Speech Pure)
‘When God Says It We Should Believe It.’
Joshua 3:13.
a) These were the words of Joshua, he was God’s Anointed and Appointed Leader for His People at that time. He was not a visiting speaker or a self or politically appointed leader.
b) The Priests were to carry the Ark of the Lord as God commanded.
c) As soon as their feet touched the River Jordan the waters would cut off and cease flowing.
(This Second one gives me confidence in God: When God Says It I Should Believe It)
Lying tongues hate the people that they hurt. So many people, even Church people, participate in lying. This is really something that brings shame to the Name of Christ. If a person is telling lies about another person it simply proves that they hurt that person.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
What A Choice!
‘What A Choice.’
Deuteronomy 30:15.
a) This was something to be listened to.
b) Choose between life and death.
c) Choose between prosperity and disaster.
d) 1 Kings 18:21. We should not waver.
e) We should not hobble along between two opinions.
f) If the Lord is God then follow Him.
g) If there is another god follow Him.
h) Matthew 6:24. We cannot serve both God and money.
(This QT draws me to proclaim: What A Choice)
‘Christ Has Always Sustained God’s People.’
1 Corinthians 10:1-4.
a) 1 Corinthians 10:1. We should not forget about the Children of Israel in the desert.
b) 1 Corinthians 10:1. They were guided by the cloud that moved ahead of them.
c) 1 Corinthians 10:1. They walked through the sea on dry ground.
d) 1 Corinthians 10:2. In the cloud and in the sea they were all baptised as followers of Moses.
e) 1 Corinthians 10:3. They all ate the same spiritual food.
f) 1 Corinthians 10:4. They all drank the same spiritual water. They drank from the spiritual Rock that travelled with them. That Rock was Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I know that Christ Has Always Sustained God’s People)
If there is another god – then follow him. What a challenge! When we face and know the reality of the Living God we understand that there can be no other God like Him. He is so Great and Wonderful and His Ways are past finding out. We can only be safe and Saved as we follow the Living God.
Jesus Christ Is The Victor!
‘Jesus Christ Is The Victor.’
Colossians 2:15.
a) He has disarmed principalities.
b) He has disarmed powers.
c) He has made a public spectacle of them.
d) He has triumphed over them in the Cross.
(This QT causes me to Praise the Lord: Jesus Christ Is The Victor)
‘Choose To Serve The Lord.’
Joshua 24:14-15.
a) Now is the time to:-
1- Fear the Lord.
2- Serve Him in sincerity.
3- Serve Him in Truth.
4- Put away our idols.
5- Serve the Lord.
b) If we are double minded we need to choose.
c) Do we serve the Lord of idols?
d) We, together with our family, should serve the Lord.
(Through this Second one I Choose To Serve The Lord)
The Lord Jesus Christ has disarmed all principalities at the Cross. Our responsibility as True Believers is to live in the Victory that Christ has given to us and to put on our Spiritual armour as mentioned in Ephesians. We have the Blessed responsibility of helping other people to live in and enjoy Victory in Jesus Christ.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Children And Parents!
‘Children And Parents.’
Ephesians 6:1-4.
a) Ephesians 6:1. Children are to obey their parents as Believers in the Lord.
b) Ephesians 6:1; Colossians 3:20. Children are to obey their parents because it is the correct thing to do.
c) Ephesians 6:2. The Scripture says that children are to honour their father and mother.
d) Ephesians 6:2. This is the first of God’s Commandments that has a Promise attached to it.
e) Ephesians 6:3; Deuteronomy 5:16. The Promise is that things will go well with the children and they will live a long life on the Earth.
f) Ephesians 6:4. Fathers are not to make their children angry.
g) Ephesians 6:4. Fathers are to train their children and teach them the ways of the Lord as they raise them.
(Through this QT I find God’s Word and Way for Children and Parents)
‘The Responsibility Of Church Mothers.’
Titus 2:4-5.
a) They are to train younger women to love their husband and children.
b) They are to train younger women to behave wisely.
c) They are to train younger women to control themselves.
d) They are to train younger women to be discreet.
e) They are to train younger women to be chaste.
f) They are to train younger women to take good care of their homes.
g) They are to train younger women to be kind.
h) They are to train younger women to follow the leading of their husband.
i) If the younger women of the Church behave like this no one will be able to speak evil things against God’s Word.
(Through this Second one The Responsibility Of Church Mothers is very clear)
Church mothers are supposed to train the younger women of the Church to control themselves. This is the Teaching of the Word of God. I find however, that some of the Church mothers do not know how to control themselves. If the Church mothers are like that how can the younger women of the Church be trained well. Church mothers need also to be discreet and not given to gossip and jealousy.
Be Careful What We Do!
‘Be Careful What We Do.’
Proverbs 26:27.
a) If we dig a pit to trap other people.
b) Maybe we ourselves will fall into it.
c) If we roll a stone to attack other people.
d) Maybe it will roll back and return to us.
(This QT reminds me to Be Careful What I Do)
‘Worship Only The Living God.’
Acts 14:15.
a) Apostle Paul and his team wanted the people to stop worshipping them. They were simply the Lord’s Servants.
b) Paul wanted the people to know that he and his team were identical people with identical passions.
c) Paul and his team were simply bringing Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
d) Paul called them to turn from worthless idols and Worship the Living God.
e) The Living God made:-
1- The Heavens.
2- The Earth.
3- The Sea.
4- All that is in them.
(This Second one is a clear word to overcome a common temptation: Worship Only The Living God)
Maybe it will roll back and return to us. The Bible exhorts us never to take revenge. Revenge only belongs to God, when we get revenge into our hearts we are stealing what belongs to God from Him. Let us no get into revenge and if we find ourselves in it let us repent and get out of it.
Telling Lies Because Of Fear!
‘Telling Lies Because Of Fear.’
Genesis 12:13.
a) Abraham asked his wife to say that she was his sister. He did this to protect himself but he exposed his wife to the danger of abuse.
b) Abraham was only concerned about himself – “me”.
c) Abraham was not in Faith here. He told his sister that he could stay alive if she did this.
(This QT clearly and strongly reminds me that I should never be Telling Lies Because Of Fear)
‘Living And Serving As A New Creation.’
2 Corinthians 5:17-21.
a) 2 Corinthians 5:17. If we are in Christ:-
1- We are a New Creation.
2- The old has passed away.
3- All things become fresh and new.
b) 2 Corinthians 5:18. If we are in Christ:-
1- All things are of God.
2- God has reconciled us to Himself through Christ.
3- God has given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation.
c) 2 Corinthians 5:19. God was in Christ:-
1- Reconciling mankind to Himself.
2- Not counting our sins against us.
3- Entrusting to His Servants the Ministry of Reconciliation.
d) 2 Corinthians 5:20. We are now ambassadors on behalf of Christ:-
1- God is making His Appeal through us.
2- We beseech and appeal to other people on behalf of Christ.
3- That they be reconciled to God.
e) 2 Corinthians 5:21. God made the sinless Christ:-
1-A sin offering on our behalf.
2-So that we can be in union with God through Christ.
3-So that we can fully share in God’s Righteousness.
(Through this Second one I want to be Living And Serving As A New Creation)
We are now ambassadors on behalf of Christ. This statement should not make us bloated up or proud. The main focus of the ambassador is his endeavour to live a flawless life as the representative of his Nation. Most ambassadors that I have met are such people. I am always inspired by ambassadors’ lives. As ambassadors for Christ it is not the noise we make or the eloquence of our preaching, rather it is the flawless life that is important, in private and in public.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
God’s Grace Giving Plan For Us!
‘God’s Grace Giving Plan For Us.’
Colossians 2:13-14.
a) We were dead because of our sins.
b) We were dead because our sinful nature was not yet cut away.
c) God made us alive in Christ.
d) God forgave all of our sins through Christ.
e) Christ cancelled the record of the charges against us.
f) Christ took that record away by nailing it to the Cross.
(Through this QT I can find God’s Grace Giving Plan For Me)
God’s Prophetic Promise To King David.’
2 Samuel 7:13.
a) Solomon was to build a House for the Lord’s Name.
b) Jesus Christ is now the Head of God’s House and Family in these days.
c) Solomon was to build a Temple for Worship.
d) Christ has now made us Temples of the Holy Spirit. (We can worship freely)
e) God was to secure Solomon’s Royal Throne forever.
f) Now Jesus Christ’s Throne is eternally secured. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
(Through this Second one I am so Blessed by God’s Prophetic Promise To King David)
We were dead because our sinful nature was not yet cut away. Truthfully, the Message of the Cross is not a joyful or trivial Message, it is something much more awesome than that. The Message of the Cross is a life challenging and life changing Message. We needed to know that we were spiritually dead in our sins and that the only way that sinful nature could be cut away is by the Cross of Jesus Christ. Thank God for the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Hatred Cannot Be Hidden In Church!
‘Hatred Cannot Be Hidden In Church.’
Proverbs 26:26.
a) These people have hatred.
b) They hide it by trickery and guile.
c) This wickedness will be revealed.
d) In the whole assembly of God’s People.
(This QT is a stark reminder that Hatred Cannot Be Hidden In Church)
‘God Will Accomplish His Purpose.’
Isaiah 46:9-10.
a) Remember the things that the Lord has done in the past.
b) God is God and there is no other.
c) God is God and there is no one like Him.
d) God declares the end from the beginning.
e) Only God can tell the future before it happens.
f) God’s Purposes and Plans will be established.
g) God will accomplish all His Good Pleasure.
(Through this Second one I know that God Will Accomplish His Purpose)
The whole assembly of God’s People is a very public place. Modern society has pressed the Church in many Nations to become a place of “people watching” rather than God worshipping. I personally believe that this is not God’s best way and plan for the Church. I believe that Bible Study, Fellowship, Holy Communion and Prayer are still God’s best way and plan. The caring Ministry of the Church should not be hindered by “people watching”.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Ezra – A Committed Servant Of The Lord!
‘Ezra – A Committed Servant Of The Lord.’
Ezra 7:10.
a) He worked hard to Know the Teachings of the Lord.
b) He worked hard to Obey the Teachings of the Lord.
c) He Taught the Lord’s Rules.
d) He Taught the Lord’s Commands to the Israelites.
(Through this QT I am so encouraged by the life of Ezra – A Committed Servant Of The Lord)
‘Spiritual Leaders Who Dominate.’
Matthew 23:4.
a) They make strict rules.
b) They try to force people to Obey them.
c) They are not willing to help those people who struggle.
d) Because of the weight of their rules.
(This Second one exposes to me Spiritual Leaders Who Dominate)
Spiritual leaders who dominate other people are not spiritual leaders at all. These people have twisted and abused the Ministry that God has given to them and are usually unswervingly unapproachable about their opinions or decisions. True Believers should not sit under spiritual leaders who dominate other people.
Holiness Is Maintained In Our Lives!
‘Holiness Is Maintained In Our Lives.’
Leviticus 8:11.
a) By the Holy Spirit. (The Oil)
b) At the Altar. (True Worship)
c) Through our desire to be Holy. (Seven times)
d) Through actively Serving the Lord. (The tools)
e) Through a life of Prayer. (The large bowl)
(This QT teaches me some ways in which Holiness Is Maintained In My Life)
‘As The Sun Was Going Down.’
a) Genesis 15:12. A deep sleep fell on Abraham and God showed him important things to come. (A time of revelation)
b) Joshua 10:27. Joshua gave instruction to entomb the heathen kings that had been slain. (A time for common sense action)
c) 2 Samuel 2:24-28. It was a time for conflict to cease.
d) 1 Kings 22:36. It was a time to go home.
e) Ezekiel 12:7. It was a time for the Lord’s Work to be completed and then to move on.
(Through this Second one I find some significant things that happened As The Sun Was Going Down)
To maintain holiness in our lives is an important issue. This is very basic life as a True Believer. We may be very enthusiastic about the Lord’s Service in some way but if we do not maintain holiness in our lives all that enthusiasm is just empty fleshly energy. Let us make a priority of maintaining holiness in our lives.
Friday, March 16, 2012
We Need To Pray For The New Generation!
‘We Need To Pray For The New Generation.’
Judges 2:10.
a) The old generation is dying away.
b) A new generation is rising up.
c) The new generation does not know the Lord.
d) The new generation does not know of the Lord’s Works.
(This QT reminds me that I Need To Pray For The New Generation)
‘Three Messengers Of The Word Of The Lord.’
Jeremiah 18:18.
a) We should not ignore the Message from the Man of God.
b) The Priest has the Law.
c) The Wise leaders have Counsel.
d) The Prophet has the Word.
e) Our safety is in accepting and recognising all of the Lord’s Servants who Teach His Word.
(This Second one teaches me about Three Messengers Of The Word Of The Lord)
Three Messengers of the Word of the Lord! We always need to give room to and to give heed to True Messengers of the Word of the Lord. We live in days when there are many false prophets and sensationalist preachers and ministries. Of course we are not to give heed to these people – they just want our money. There are also in these days True Messengers of the Word of the Lord who minister Truth in humility with good fruit in their lives. It is good for us to trust and hearken to such people.
A Glorious Baptism!
‘A Glorious Baptism.’
Colossians 2:12.
a) We were buried with Christ when we were Baptised.
b) With Christ we were raised to New Life.
c) We trust the Mighty Power of God.
d) God raised Christ from the dead.
(Through this QT I find A Glorious Baptism)
‘The Sin Offering.’
Exodus 29:10-14.
a) Exodus 29:10. The sin offering was to be a bull.
b) Exodus 29:10. This bull was to be brought in front of God’s tent of meeting.
c) Exodus 29:10. Aaron and his sons were to press their hands on the head of the bull. They were symbolically transferring their sins to the bull.
d) Exodus 29:11. They were to kill the bull before the Lord at the door of God’s tent of meeting. The animal gave its best to atone for the sins of the people.
e) Exodus 29:12. Moses was to take the blood of the bull and put it on the horns of the altar with his finger.
f) Exodus 29:12. Moses was to pour out all the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
g) Exodus 29:13. Moses was to take all the fat that covers the innards, the cover of the liver, the two kidneys the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar.
h) Exodus 29:14. There was a sin offering which was to be burnt with fire outside the camp. It was:-
1- The flesh of the bull.
2- The skin of the bull.
3- The dung of the bull.
(Through this Second one I understand much about The Sin Offering)
Our lives should be on the Altar for God if we know that our sins have already been dealt with at the Cross. Apostle Paul reminds us that, as True Believers, we are to give our lives to the Lord as living sacrifices. Let us respond joyfully and obediently to the Lord.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Write It Down!
‘Write It Down.’
a) Deuteronomy 6:9. The Commands of the Lord on the doorposts of our houses.
b) Exodus 34:1. The Ten Commandments in stone.
c) Exodus 34:27. The Word of the Covenant that God has made with us.
d) Numbers 17:12. Our name on our walking stick.
e) Joshua 18:4. A description of our Inheritance from the Lord.
f) Judges 8:14. All the names of the officials and elders of the town. (Pray for them)
g) Ecclesiastes 12:10. Write words of Truth correctly.
h) Isaiah 44:5. On our hand that we belong to the Lord.
i) Revelation 1:11; 2:1. Write in a book what we see and tell the Churches.
(This QT encourages me to Write It Down)
‘Go Ahead And Possess It.’
a) Deuteronomy 11:10; 9:6 & 23. The land.
b) Deuteronomy 19:2. The city God gives to us.
c) Deuteronomy 25:19. Our Inheritance from God.
d) Obadiah 1:17. Our possessions.
(This Second one urges me to Go Ahead And Possess It)
The Ten Commandments were to be engraved on stone and not just written on paper. This teaches us how God sees it as very important they we obey Him because He really knows best for our lives. Obedience to God is not limited to hearing a voice, it is also very much reading and obeying the Word of God.
We Are Known By Our Talk!
‘We Are Known By Our Talk.’
Proverbs 26:20-25.
a) Proverbs 26:20. Where there is no whisperer contention dies down. We should not be whisperers.
b) Proverbs 26:21. A contentious person kindles strife. We should not be contentious or quarrelsome.
c) Proverbs 26:22. A whisperer of rumours can deeply affect in a negative way the hearts of their hearers.
d) Proverbs 26:23. Smooth words may hide a wicked heart. Eventually the wicked heart will be exposed.
e) Proverbs 26:24. The person who hates other people may disguise it by their talk but eventually it will be exposed.
f) Proverbs 26:25. There are people who have many evils in their hearts. These people may attempt to speak graciously but eventually their hearts will be exposed.
(This QT reminds me that I Am Known By My Talk)
‘We Are To Consider Jesus.’
a) Hebrews 3:1. As Holy brothers and sisters who are partakers of a Heavenly Calling.
b) Acts 1:15. Holy brothers and sisters need to have Fellowship together and mutually consider Jesus in that Fellowship.
c) Hebrews 2:11. Because we are Sanctified by Christ He is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters.
d) Hebrews 3:12. As Brothers and Sisters in Christ we need to guard and take good care of our hearts and lives.
e) Hebrews 10:19. As Believing Brothers and Sisters we have confidence to enter the Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus.
f) Hebrews 13:22. Believing Brothers and Sisters need to receive the Word of God well.
g) Philippians 3:14. We are to press on in our Heavenly Calling.
h) John 17:3. Jesus is our Apostle, sent by the Heavenly Father because He Loves us.
i) Hebrews 2:17; 4:14; 7:26. Jesus is our Merciful and Faithful High Priest.
j) 2 Corinthians 9:13. We need to confess the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
(Through this Second one I know that I Am To Confess Jesus)
As believing Brothers and Sisters we have confidence to come to God. The reason that we have become believing Brothers and Sisters is because we have experienced the Grace of God as we heard the Message of Salvation. Through and by the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ we can receive the Gift of forgiveness of sins and Eternal Life. Thank God that we have confidence to come to Him.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Knowing Who Jesus Is!
‘Knowing Who Jesus Is.’
John 1:1-18.
a) John 1:1. He is God the Word.
b) John 1:2. He is God in the Beginning.
c) John 1:3. He is Creator.
d) John 1:4. His Life is the Light of people.
e) John 1:5. He is Light that overcomes all darkness.
f) John 1:6. He is the Sender of God’s Servants.
g) John 1:7. He is the Light for people to Believe in.
h) John 1:8. He is testified about as the Light.
i) John 1:9. He is the True Light to enlighten all people.
j) John 1:10. He is the Maker of the World.
k) John 1:11. He came to His Own Jewish people and they rejected Him. He was willing to be rejected.
l) John 1:12. He is the One for us to Receive.
m) John 1:12. He gives us the Right to be called God’s Children.
n) John 1:12. He enables us to Believe in His Name.
o) John 1:13. He gives us a new birth that is of God.
p) John 1:14. He is the Word Who became flesh.
q) John 1:14. He is the only begotten from the Father.
r) John 1:14. He is full of Grace and Truth.
s) John 1:15. He has the highest rank.
t) John 1:16. He gives us of His Fullness and Grace.
u) John 1:17. Grace and Truth are realised through Him.
v) John 1:18. He is the One Who explains Father God to us.
(This QT helps me to be Knowing Who Jesus Is)
‘Living Letters.’
2 Corinthians 3:2-3.
a) The Corinthian Church itself was a letter of recommendation for Apostle Paul and his team.
b) The Corinthians themselves were a letter written in the hearts of Apostle Paul and his team.
c) Everyone could read this letter and see the good work of Apostle Paul and his team amongst the Corinthians.
d) Clearly the Corinthians were a letter from Christ showing the result of the ministry of Apostle Paul and his team amongst them.
e) The letter is not written with pen and ink.
f) The letter was written by the Holy Spirit on human hearts.
(Through this Second one I long to see more Living Letters)
Living letters should be far more obvious today than they are. Maybe in the Nations where people are persecuted for their Faith we can see living letters, but in most parts of the World there are no living letters. We find people in many Churches today only looking to God to meet their need or to heal them in some way. There is not much desire anymore to Glorify God and yet that is why we are created.
Servants Of The Gospel!
‘Servants Of The Gospel.’
Colossians 1:25-29.
a) Colossians 1:25. Are:-
1- Made by God.
2- Given stewardship of the Gospel by God.
3- A fulfilment of the Word of God and fulfil His Word by their Message.
b) Colossians 1:26. Serve to other people the revealed Mystery of the Gospel.
c) Colossians 1:27. Preach what God is pleased to make known.
d) Colossians 1:27. Bring people to the understanding of Christ in us – the Hope of Glory.
e) Colossians 1:28. With the goal of presenting every person perfect in Christ they:-
1- Proclaim Christ.
2- Admonish every person.
3- Teach every person in all Wisdom.
f) Colossians 1:29. Labour and serve according to The Lord’s Working which works in them.
(This QT reveals to me the purpose of the Servants Of The Gospel)
‘Biblical Growth For The True Believer.’
Ephesians 4:13.
a) Attain the Unity of the Faith.
b) Attain the Knowledge of the Son of God.
c) Attain Biblical Maturity.
d) Attain greater Christ-likeness.
(Through this Second I find clearly Biblical Growth For The True Believer)
Biblical growth for the True Believer is emphasised right through the New Testament. Too often the emphasis in these days is on Church growth. If we emphasis Church growth we are grieving the heart of God because it means that we are more concerned about numbers of people than we are about the people themselves. We need to get back to the concept of Biblical growth for the True Believer and leave the Church growth part up to God.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Christ’s Amazing Work In The True Believer!
‘Christ’s Amazing Work In The True Believer.’
Colossians 2:9-11.
a) Colossians 2:9. In Christ dwells all the Fullness of the Godhead bodily.
b) Colossians 2:10. In Christ we are made full and complete.
c) Colossians 2:10. Christ is the Head of all principality and power.
d) Colossians 2:11. When we come to Christ we are circumcised but not with a physical procedure.
e) Colossians 2:11. Christ performed a spiritual circumcision.
f) Colossians 2:11. This is the cutting away of our sinful nature.
(Through this QT I find Christ’s Amazing Work In The True Believer and I thank God for it)
‘A Goal Of Apostolic Prayer And Ministry.’
Galatians 4:19.
a) Caring for new Believers – the little children.
b) Praying for new Believers – travailing Prayer.
c) Target for new Believers – till Christ be formed in them.
(Through this Second I can clearly see what should be A Goal Of Apostolic Prayer And Ministry)
When we really come to Christ we are circumcised but not with a physical procedure. Christ cuts away our sinful nature. We are made new in Christ. This is an amazing fact and God’s Work in us. We still struggle with sin sometimes but it is no longer our nature to sin. We are made new in Christ and only the work of the Holy Spirit can achieve this as we respond by Faith to the Gospel of Christ. No gimmicks can save us – only the Gospel of Christ.
Do Not Tell Lies To Our Friends!
‘Do Not Tell Lies To Our Friends.’
Proverbs 26:18-19.
a) We are told in the Scriptures not to tell lies to anyone.
b) Just as damaging as a madman shooting a deadly weapon.
c) Is someone who tells lies to a friend.
d) Then says that they were only joking.
(This QT reminds me: Do Not Tell Lies To My Friends)
‘Living As People Of The Light.’
Romans 13:11-14.
a) Romans 13:11. This is an urgent Message.
b) Romans 13:11. It is about Time and our Salvation. We:-
1- Should know how late it is.
2- Should know that time is running out.
3- Should know that our Salvation is nearer than when we first Believed.
c) Romans 13:12. The night is almost gone and the Day of Salvation will soon be here.
d) Romans 13:12. We should remove our dark deeds like dirty clothes.
e) Romans 13:12. We should put on the shining armour of correct living.
f) Romans 13:13. Because, as True Believers, we all belong to the day we should:-
1- Live decent lives for all people to see.
2- Not participate in the darkness of wild parties.
3- Not participate in drunkenness.
4- Not participate in sexual promiscuity.
5- Not participate in immoral living.
6- Not participate in quarrelling.
7- Not participate in jealousy.
g) Romans 13:14. We are to clothe ourselves with the Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ.
h) Romans 13:14. We do not let ourselves to think about ways to indulge our evil desires.
(Through this Second one I know that I should be Living As A Person Of The Light)
We are not to participate in quarrelling. If we quarrel, in God’s sight, it is as serious as sexual sin. The Bible tells us not to go to bed angry, we need to resolve and deal with our conflicts and hearts quickly. If quarrelling is kept in our hearts it may develop into all kinds of other problems within and without.
Monday, March 12, 2012
Truly Wise Men!
‘Truly Wise Men.’
1 Chronicles 12:32.
a) Understand the times.
b) Know what to do.
c) Submit to Biblical Spiritual Leadership.
(This QT reveals to me Truly Wise Men)
‘When The Lord Has Mercy On The City.’
Psalm 102:13-16.
a) Psalm 102:13. He arises and has Mercy on the City.
b) Psalm 102:13. He has pity on the City.
c) Psalm 102:13. He Promises to help the City.
d) Psalm 102:14. The City is very much loved by God’s People.
e) Psalm 102:15. Other Nations and National Leaders will see the Lord’s Work and tremble before Him.
f) Psalm 102:16. The Lord will rebuild the City.
g) Psalm 102:16. The Lord will appear in His Glory.
(Through this Second one I can find out what happens When The Lord Has Mercy On The City, it encourages me to Pray for Cities)
Truly wise people submit to Biblical Spiritual Leadership. Please note the qualification here – Biblical. In these days one of the things that people are offended and hurt by is Spiritual Leadership that is not Biblical. If we are truly wise we will be in the Church that has Biblical Spiritual Leadership.
Beware Do Not Be Spoiled!
‘Beware Do Not Be Spoiled.’
Colossians 2:8.
a) By Philosophy.
b) By vain deceit.
c) By traditions of men.
d) By the rudiments of the World system.
e) By those people who do not follow Christ.
(This QT is a good call to all True Believers: Beware Do Not Be Spoiled)
‘The Merciful And Caring People.’
Matthew 5:7.
a) Will be Blessed.
b) Are Compassionate.
c) Are Caring People.
d) Will obtain Mercy.
e) Will be shown Mercy.
f) Will receive Compassion.
g) Will find themselves cared for.
(This Second one shows me God’s Heart for The Merciful And Caring People)
We should not be spoiled by the rudiments of the World system. The World system, as defined in the Scripture, is lust and pride. The World system is really the road to the pit for many people. This is why the Scripture clearly teaches True Believers that we should not love the World system. The World system ruins and spoils many people, even until today.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
We Need To Mind Our Own Business!
‘We Need To Mind Our Own Business.’
Proverbs 26:17.
a) We grab a mad dog by the ears.
b) When we butt into a quarrel.
c) That is none of our own business.
(Through this QT I know that I Need To Mind My Own Business, especially when other people are quarrelling)
‘The Heart Enquiring Of Jesus.’
John 3:2.
a) Is usually desperate. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night. It was impossible for him to come publicly in the daytime but he really wanted to come to Jesus.
b) Nicodemus honoured Jesus in his own understanding. He knew that Jesus was a Teacher that came from God.
c) Nicodemus knew that nobody could do the miracles that Jesus did unless God was with them.
(This QT reveals to me the pure motive and desire of Nicodemus: The Heart Enquiring Of Jesus)
I know that I need to mind my own business, especially when other people are quarrelling. If I have some senior position in family, job or Church over the people who are quarrelling then I have some authority to ask them to stop quarrelling. This is simply for their good, the family’s good, the social atmosphere of the workplace or the Spiritual Life of the Church. It is done because we have the position of authority. Regarding all other quarrels, we should leave those people who are quarrelling well alone.
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The Christian Life!
'The Christian Life.' a) Deuteronomy 7:11. Keep the Word of God. b) Deuteronomy 7:12. Listen to the Word of God. c) Deuteronomy...
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