The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Passing On The Truth To Other People!
‘Passing On The Truth To Other People.’
2 Timothy 2:2.
a) There was no secrecy here. Apostle Paul reminded Timothy of the things that he had shared with him publicly.
b) Timothy was to entrust these messages to Faithful True Believers.
c) These Faithful True Believers could also pass the messages to other people.
(This QT reminds me of the importance of Passing On The Truth To Other People)
‘Ready To Spread The Gospel.’
a) Matthew 28:18. Jesus has the Authority to commission and send people to preach the Gospel.
b) Matthew 28:19. Disciples are to go and make Disciples of all Nations.
c) Matthew 28:19-20. New Believers are to be Baptised and Taught the Word of God.
d) Matthew 28:20. Jesus promised and promises to be with those people who go out to make Disciples of all Nations.
e) Mark 16:15. True Believers are to go into all the World and Preach the Gospel.
f) Luke 24:47-48. The Witnesses of Jesus Christ were to go and Proclaim repentance and forgiveness of sins to all Nations.
g) John 20:21. Jesus sent the Disciples out in Peace.
h) John 20:23. The Disciples had authority to bring Forgiveness of sins to people.
i) John 20:22; Acts 1:8. To do this work of being a Disciple maker and Messenger of the Gospel the Disciples needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
(This Second one challenges me to be Ready To Spread The Gospel)
Jesus sent the Disciples out in Peace. He told them that He was giving them His Peace. This was, and still is, a very wonderful Promise from the Lord, the Promise of Peace. This World is full of people who complain of having no Peace, they need the Christ of the Gospels, then they can have Peace with God, Peace from God and Peace between themselves.
The Christian Life!
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