The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
a) Galatians 2:1; Acts 13:4 & 14; 14:1. Was a fellow Minister with Apostle Paul.
b) Acts 4:36. His name means “Son of Encouragement”.
c) Acts 9:27. He introduced Paul to the original Apostles.
d) Acts 11:24. He was a:-
1- Good man.
2- Full of the Holy Spirit.
3- Strong in Faith.
e) Acts 11:30. Was a trusted messenger.
f) Acts 13:1. Was also a prophet and Church teacher.
g) Galatians 2:13. Was temporarily led away into Peter’s hypocritical cultic belief.
(Through this QT I thank God for Barnabas – the son of Encouragement)
‘Faithful God.’
Luke 1:53-54.
a) He fills the hungry with good things.
b) The unrepentant rich people he sends away empty.
c) He helps His Servants.
d) He remembers and gives His Mercy.
(This Second one causes me to give Thanks to Faithful God)
We see a very beautiful pattern in the early New Testament Church of ministry teams. Whether it is in the local Church, or on the Mission field, when there is a good ministry team working together we can find the most effective ministry. If the churches learned more about effective ministry teams they would surely grow very well.
The Christian Life!
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