The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
The Wrong Kind Of People To Be Around!
‘The Wrong Kind Of People To Be Around.’
Proverbs 16:27-30.
a) Proverbs 16:27. A worthless person that devises mischief, their speech is so fiery.
b) Proverbs 16:28. A dishonest person that stirs up strife.
c) Proverbs 16:28. A whisperer that separates close friends.
d) Proverbs 16:29. A person of violence that entices their neighbour and leads them in a way that is not good.
e) Proverbs 16:30. A person who winks their eye and plans dishonest things.
f) Proverbs 16:30. A person who purses their lips and then brings evil to pass.
(This QT shows me The Wrong Kind Of People To Be Around)
‘Defeating Our Enemy Biblically.’
Ephesians 6:10-18.
a) Ephesians 6:10. We need to be strong in the Lord and in His Strength.
b) Ephesians 6:11. We need to put on the whole armour of God so that we can stand against the schemes of the devil.
c) Ephesians 6:12. There is a battle to be won.
d) Ephesians 6:13. Take up the armour God gives to us and stand.
e) Ephesians 6:14. Stand in Truth and Righteousness.
f) Ephesians 6:15. Stand in Biblical evangelism – spreading the Gospel.
g) Ephesians 6:16. Stand in Faith.
h) Ephesians 6:17. Stand in the Word of God and with it filling our mind.
i) Ephesians 6:18. Stand in Prayer.
(Through this QT I know that I can be Defeating My Enemy Biblically)
We need to take up the armour God gives to us and stand. In Christ we are fully equipped to have victory over our enemy the Devil. As we avail ourselves of the Fullness of Salvation and all of its benefits we can stand. There in no need to be “fighting” minded, rather we should be fully equipped, then we can stand.
The Christian Life!
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