The Word of the Lord is Precious, Living and Amazing! I enjoy the Truths of God's Word speaking to my heart day by day. You are welcome to join me in this QT blog page. Let's keep enjoying God's Word which is sincere, true and precious.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What Jesus Christ Has Come To Do!
‘What Jesus Christ Has Come To Do.’
a) Galatians 1:3-4. He has come:-
1- Together with God the Father to give us Grace and Peace.
2- To give His Life for our sins.
3- Rescue us from the evil World system in which we live.
b) Malachi 3:2-3. Be a Refiner of people’s lives.
c) Matthew 1:21. Save His People from their sins.
d) Matthew 3:11. Baptise people with the Holy Spirit.
e) Matthew 3:11-12. Baptise people with the fire of Judgment.
f) Matthew 4:23; Luke 4:43; 8:1. Announce the Good News of the Kingdom of God and heal people.
g) Matthew 5:17. Accomplish the purpose of the Law of Moses and of the Writings of the Prophets.
h) Matthew 9:13; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:32. Call those people who know that they are sinners.
i) Mark 10:45. Serve other people and give His Life as a Ransom for many people.
j) Luke 2:32. Be a Light that reveals God to the Nations.
k) Luke 22:35. Send people out to Preach the Good News.
l) John 4:34. Do the Will of God.
m) John 10:10. Give rich and satisfying life.
n) John 12:47. Save the World.
o) Romans 14:9. Be Lord of both the living people and the dead people.
p) Romans 15:9. To cause the Gentiles to give Glory to God.
q) Hebrews 2:18. Help us when we are being tested.
r) 1 John 3:8. Destroy the works of the Devil.
(Through this QT I understand again What Jesus Christ Has Come To Do)
‘A Commissioning Emphasis.’
John 20:21.
a) Jesus repeated this Message to His Disciples. He wanted to be sure that they understood and obeyed.
b) Peace was to be with them.
c) In the same way that the Father sent Jesus Christ His Son.
d) So now Jesus was sending His Disciples.
(This Second one stirs my heart: A Commissioning Emphasis)
Jesus Christ has come to cause the Gentiles to give Glory to God. God is Glorified by all that the Lord Jesus does in our lives as we respond to Him. There is no virtue in just simply going to Church if our lives are not open and responsive to God. We need to attend Church fellowship in the same manner as the Early Church people in the Book of Acts. These early True Believers had commitment to the Lord first and therefore fully benefited from their “in Church” lives
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