‘They Will Not Go Unpunished.’
a) Proverbs 19:5 & 9. The false witness.
b) Exodus 20:7; Deuteronomy 5:11. The people who misuse the Name of the Lord our God.
c) Exodus 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Nahum 1:3. Unforgiven guilty people.
d) 1 Kings 2:8-9. Those people who curse the Servant of the Lord.
e) Proverbs 6:29. The adulterous man.
f) Proverbs 11:21. Unrepentant wicked people.
g) Proverbs 16:5. People who are proud of heart.
h) Proverbs 17:5. The person who is glad at calamity.
i) Proverbs 28:20. The person who is eager to get rich.
j) Jeremiah 25:29. Sinful Jerusalem.
k) Ezekiel 17:15 & 18. Treaty breaking people.
(Through this QT I have a sombre realisation: They Will Not Go Unpunished)
‘Knowing The Lord.’
a) Philippians 3:8. Is more important than everything else.
b) Philippians 3:10. Knowing Him and:-
1- The Power of His Resurrection.
2- The fellowship of His Sufferings.
3- Becoming like Him in His Death.
c) John 17:3. Is Eternal Life.
d) Jeremiah 9:23-24. Our only boast should be that we know Him.
e) Psalm 85:6-7. Knowing Him as our:-
1- Life.
2- Love.
3- Saviour.
(This Second one teaches me the necessity of Knowing The Lord)
Knowing the fellowship of the Lord’s Sufferings is a part of knowing Him. We should never try to avoid or complain about the fellowship of the Lord’s Sufferings. Through this fellowship we can come to know Him more dearly.