‘At Times Of Prayer For A Special Need.’
Daniel 10:3.
Daniel had a revelation about a coming conflict or war. He sought the Lord then in a very special way. Remember his position was as a Spiritual Leader in his times. He was not a sensationalist but a sincere man of God.
a) For three weeks.
b) He ate no delicacies or “choice” food.
c) No meat entered his mouth.
d) No wine entered his mouth.
e) He used no lotions at all.
(Through this QT I am challenged: At Times Of Prayer For A Special Need)
‘When We Fast With Mercy.’
Isaiah 58:8.
a) Then shall our light break forth as the dawn.
b) Then will our healing quickly appear.
c) Then our righteousness will go before us as a testimony because it is the Lord’s Righteousness.
d) Then the Glory of the Lord will be our rear guard.
(This Second one teaches me what will happen if and When I Fast With Mercy)
During his special need fast Daniel ate no delicacies or “choice” food. God has given to us many good things to eat. In some of the countries where we live delicacies and “choice” food have become the normal diet. During my recent season of sickness and recovery I have come to appreciate the good food that God gives me to eat very much.