‘Be Free From Anxiety.’
Matthew 6:25-34.
a) Matthew 6:25 & 28-29. Anxiety about what we eat or wear.
b) Matthew 6:26. Consider how our Heavenly Father looks after the birds and we are of more value than them.
c) Matthew 6:27. We cannot change our own life span.
d) Matthew 6:30. We need increased Faith.
e) Matthew 6:31-32. Our Heavenly Father knows our needs.
f) Matthew 6:33. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.
g) Matthew 6:34. We should not be anxious about tomorrow.
(Through this QT I am encouraged to Be Free From Anxiety)
‘We Need To Know God’s Heart For Fasting.’
Isaiah 58:3-7.
a) Isaiah 58:3-4. God hates fasting that is carried out by unjust and corrupt people.
b) Isaiah 58:5. God hates a religious show about fasting.
c) Isaiah 58:6-7. The fasting that God wants us to participate in is fasting founded in Mercy.
(This Second one tells me that I Need To Know God’s Heart for fasting)
We need increased Faith. The way to increase our Faith is clearly taught in the Bible. God’s Word says that Faith comes. How amazing and wonderful – we can all have more Faith. The way that Faith comes is through the Word of God, if we expose ourselves to God’s Word, our Faith will grow.